God of Destruction

Chapter 4151: Nodal injury

The fourth thousand one hundred and fifty-nine chapters

In that path of auras constantly appearing, a powerful person is constantly dying, and the whole world is also collapsing. The endless power of world-killing is raging in the world, destroying everything, and the origin of the world is constantly changing. So, although Xing Tian was not affected by the destruction of the world, he clearly felt the changes in the world when he was in the world. This is an opportunity, a great opportunity, and he can experience all of this personally, for any creature. It's a great opportunity!

In the continuous evolution of this world, Xing Tian can feel his own clone of the King of End is transforming. Under the collapse of this world, his own way of ending is evolving and evolving! It is a pity that all this is short-lived. The destruction of the world is not long, especially under the guidance of the origin of the world. The destruction of the world is accelerating. There is not much time for Xingtian to realize the great road, and he has not waited for Xingtian to understand too much. The avenue evolves, the destruction of the world has come to an end, all living beings have been destroyed, and the origin of the world has also come to an end, but just when the world comes to an end, another origin orb appears. This is the origin of destruction. Under the guidance of World Essence, although Xing Tian received the gift of the world and gained a lot, it is not worth mentioning when compared with the World Essence Orb, because this is the destruction of the world. The refinement.

"Child, take it, my time is running out. Hurry up and take it, and then gather the spirit. When I go to death, collect the last essence of this world. That will be my last gift to you. I hope you can fulfill my wish and be able to resurrect your mother!" When these words were finished, the world-destroying source orb flew towards Xing Tian, ​​and then the breath of the world's source collapsed instantly, and the whole world came to an end, endless. The vitality of the person dissipated, the endless karma dissipated, the endless cause and effect dissipated, and what turned out to be a powerful chaotic aura, everything in the entire world returned to the chaos, and in the center of the chaos there was a source of world aura shining The nucleus, this is the original nucleus left after the world collapsed!

In fact, if there is no external guidance, when one of the worlds is completely destroyed, everything will disappear and become chaos. There will be no treasures left. The reason there is the core of the origin is the conscious guidance of the origin of the world. Yes, this is also the last help from World Origin to Xingtian and one of Xingtian's greatest gains!

When the core of the source appeared, Xing Tian felt his desire for chaos clone. Without hesitation, a powerful force acted on the core of the source, quickly retracting it into his chaotic world, as for the destruction in his own hands. The World Origin Orb had already been integrated into the King of End clone that was undergoing transformation.

When Xing Tian received the world’s final grant, a sense of crisis surged into his heart, as if the destruction of this world would bring about a great crisis. At this time, Xing Tian did not hesitate, and his mind moved, and his body was fully activated. Tore open the void, directly rushed through all the shackles and returned to the Supreme Chaos World, which could have made him understand that this was his best choice!

When Xing Tian's figure completely disappeared into the void, when everything returned to chaos, an angry will came, when seeing this world that has long since disappeared, and seeing this world that has returned to chaos, an angry roar It sounded: "Damn, what the **** is going on, why this world is so suddenly shattered, what has happened, so that the plan has such a big flaw, and the world has deviated from its original trajectory!"

It seems that there is a black hand behind all this, and the whole world is under the "fuck" of external forces. It's just that there was an accident in the battlefield world of Xing Tian's arrival, which awakened the black hand behind it. It's a pity that the world is now Already shattered, already returned to the chaos, no matter he has the ability to penetrate the sky, he can't find the problem in the chaos!

The power of chaos can destroy everything. No matter he has the supernatural powers to reach the sky, he cannot explore the world time because the world no longer exists, and the breath of the world has completely dissipated. There is no material for reference at all. He wants to learn from the chaos. It is impossible to find the answer. The power of chaos can swallow everything and destroy everything.

In the absence of any gain, the angry aura soon disappeared, the void returned to calm again, and this world truly disappeared between the heavens and the earth, leaving no trace, as if it had never appeared before.

For Xing Tian to forcibly tear open the void and return to the highest chaotic world, this is not an easy thing for Xing Tian, ​​because all this happened too suddenly, if it were not for his own warning, Xing Tian would not be so crazy at all costs, rushing in. At the time of the passage, the terrifying source of the Supreme Chaos World had a huge impact on Xing Tian, ​​because today's Xing Tian has an aura different from the Supreme Chaos World. If he wants to pass the customs forcibly, he will inevitably be hit by the Supreme Chaos World.

"Damn, I know something will happen, there will be accidents, if it weren't for my innate chaos **** and demon's true body, if it wasn't for the origin of stars as the source, I'm afraid this time I will be directly in the Supreme Chaos World. The power of rules is strangling in the passage!" Xing Tian couldn't help but smile repeatedly when he felt the trauma he had endured.

Although Xing Tian was prepared for it, he could truly bear this terrible impact. It was still a huge blow to Xing Tian. Such a blow also made Xing Tian understand that although his strength has increased, he still faces the Supreme Chaos World. Unbearable, he was still only a weak person, a weak person who could die at any time.

It is a pity that the world is not controlled by Xingtian, and so is the channel. In this channel, Xingtian still has to face a huge impact, and must fight against the strangulation from the highest chaotic world. If there is a slight difference, this time it will be Xingtian. The end of life, even if Xing Tian's combat power has made a qualitative leap, it is still not worth mentioning in the face of the Supreme Chaos World!


Living like a year, Xingtian today is not like a year, but every second is as long as a year. Every second is a torture to his soul and a blow to his body. Not long after, Xing Tian’s body is already scarred. Tired, a little bit of the blood of the gods and demons continuously flowed out of the wounds. This is the scars caused by the horrible pressure that Xingtian’s chaotic gods and demons could not bear. If Xingtian was only carrying his own soul, perhaps He will not be able to hold on, but now Xing Tian is not carrying the life of a single person, but the lives of countless people who follow him, or the life of his mother in this life, even if the shock this time is terrible and terrifying, he Still persisting, still will not give up!

"Quickly, I will rush out of the tunnel soon, and the Supreme Chaos World is in front!" When he felt the breath of the Supreme Chaos World, Xing Tian was cheering for himself and saw hope. For Xing Tian, ​​this was a great thing for Xing Tian.

Unfortunately, Xing Tian was a little bit happy too early. When he rushed out of the tunnel and entered the highest chaotic world, the breath of Mo Sheng made Xing Tian startled. What he saw was not his own sect, but a piece of Mo Sheng’s environment, in Xingtian’s induction, did not have the aura of the sect he was originally in. It was obvious that the channel he opened had changed. He did not return to the sect area, but went to a place where he was not. in!

"Damn, what the **** is going on, I have clearly locked the position of the sect, how can the teleportation fail?" Xing Tian was a little unacceptable to all of this in front of him. If he knew his current situation was very bad, if If you can’t return to the sect, you won’t get help from the sect. If you want to recover from this terrible injury, you need to waste too much time, and you don’t have so much time to waste. Time is pressing!

"No, I can't feel the aura of my staying in the highest chaotic world. Could it be that the sect has changed drastically? When I entered the passage, the sect had a problem, so that my lock on the highest chaotic world was out The problem, which caused the dramatic change to occur, and caused my transmission problem?" When searching the Qi machine of the Supreme Chaos World carefully, Xing Tian did not find the imprint left by him, as if he did not have any imprint left in the Supreme Chaos. In the world!

"I hope it's not what I think. If the sect is really shattered, I'm afraid that the entire world of chaos has changed. The catastrophe is about to come, and the battle of races will be fully unfolded. I will lose all help!" Xing Tian Frowning, thinking hard, but all these signs are developing in the worst direction. What I worry about is probably the truth. You must know that the void channel you forcibly tore is only in the highest chaos. Only when the brand of the world disappears will such an abnormal change occur, and his brand is left in the sect, and only the destruction of the sect will have this terrible result!

"Forget it, I don't want to, it's useless to think more. The most important thing at the moment is to recover from this injury and master one's own strength as much as possible. Only in this way can we compete for a ray of life in the coming "turbulent" world! "Although Xing Tian wanted to understand his environment and what place it was, he finally gave up. He was seriously injured and took the risk of doing this dangerous act. Once there is a crisis, he will inevitably let himself go. In a desperate situation, Xing Tian could only give up this ridiculous idea.

Without external assistance and huge resources, Xing Tian wants to recover from this terrible injury, it is not an easy task, and because Xing Tian did not complete the transformation of the innate chaos gods and demons in the Supreme Chaos World, so the Supreme Chaos World It caused a huge impact on him, leaving him with terrible injuries.

The closer he looked at his injuries, the more annoyed Xing Tian's heart was, because his own innate chaotic **** and demon body collapsed under the impact of the rules of the supreme chaotic world, and the wounds contained the aura of great power. It is a Dao injury. To remove this Dao injury, it takes a huge amount of origin to obliterate it.

"The extreme happiness creates sorrow. This sentence really makes sense. Before, I was happy to get a huge benefit from the realm battlefield world, but I didn't expect to receive such a terrible blow in an instant. I wanted to recover from this injury. It takes a long time. If you can't wipe out this injury, it's just a joke to regain your strength." Facing his own serious injury, Xing Tian couldn't help but smile again and again, and was extremely troubled by his injury!

With this body wounded, Xing Tian dare not stay here for too long, because Xing Tian doesn’t know whether the fluctuations formed by the void channel he tore open will alarm the strong in this region. After he has recovered his reason and a little root, Xing Tian left quickly, relying on his own soul, and chose a direction to leave quickly, so as not to be caught by outsiders.

The supreme chaos world is more dangerous than the realm battlefield world, especially in an unknown area, Xing Tian dare not take his own "life" boldly, dare not pin his life and death on the ridiculous unknown, the most destiny It's so in your own hands. Only in this way can you be as safe as possible and survive in this dangerous and supreme chaotic world!

Xing Tian’s choice was not wrong. Not long after he left, a group of people quickly came here. It was obvious that they were alarmed by the spatial changes that occurred in the void when Xing Tian appeared, but when they came to Xing Tian appeared in the highest chaos. In this emptiness of the world, nothing was discovered, everything was wiped out by Xing Tian, ​​there was no change, there was only a little spatial fluctuation, like a sudden spatial change, without any crisis.

"Huh, fortunately, this is just an ordinary space riot, no accidents happened, no danger! Alas, I don’t know when it will end. In this short period of time, the whole world has undergone shock changes. I originally thought It’s just that the periphery has undergone an abnormal change, and now even the void in the core of the Supreme Chaos World has changed!"

"Yes, countless sects have been destroyed in the periphery. Whether it is our human race or other races, they have been inexplicably attacked, and there is no clue as to who the enemy is. No wonder the ancestors will be angry. I don’t know how long this kind of change will last, and how long we can hold on! This time we are lucky and there is no danger, but who knows whether it will be so lucky next time, we must know that many forces have suffered inexplicable Attacks, and many people died in this terrible panic. No one knows if we can continue to be so lucky!” When talking about this, the faces of the human races that suddenly appeared were all overwhelmed. "Lu" showed a trace of worry and fear, and it seemed that the Supreme Chaos World had undergone drastic changes!

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