God of Destruction

Chapter 4152: Section rules

Chapter 4160 Rules

"Yeah, no one knows whether we can continue to have such luck! Do you know that there have been ancestors who have proposed to cut off the connection with the realm battlefield world, so that the battlefield world surrounding the supreme chaos world will be completely and supreme The chaotic world is separated. These ancestors believe that the source of the shocking changes today is those worlds. Only by cutting off these connections can the peace of the highest chaotic world be restored. Unfortunately, this proposal did not pass, and many ancestors opposed it!"

"Since the territorial battlefield world has undergone an abnormal change, the entire Supreme Chaos world has also changed, which has disrupted the peace of the world. Originally, a problem that everyone thought was not worth mentioning, but such a shocking change occurred this time. It is a good thing that we are not in danger. We must know that many spatial changes have called for killing. Now everyone will search carefully and make sure that there is nothing wrong. Otherwise, there is a problem. None of us can bear this responsibility. Be careful. !"

Although some people are reluctant in their hearts, this matter really cannot be careless, and it should be checked again. After all, this is not a trivial matter. Every spatial fluctuation is in great danger, and it is related to their own survival.

Unfortunately, Xing Tian did not hear these words, but even if Xing Tian arrived, he would not be able to solve his own problems, nor would he pin his life on these people. What's more, this is not the true core of the supreme chaotic world now. It's just the dividing zone between the core area and the outside. If something goes wrong with the core of the Supreme Chaos World, the whole world will not be in this situation, but a war broke out.

Carefully erase all of his own breath, and proceeded cautiously all the way. After a twists and turns, Xing Tian finally found a relatively good place to stay, a relatively desolate and dilapidated land, from the breath of this dilapidated land , Xing Tian can clearly know that this is not a region that was dilapidated in a short time, but a region with endless years, and this region is obviously the resident of a sect, but this sect was destroyed and torn down in endless years Below, this resident no longer had its original aura, but vaguely, Xing Tian could feel the strength of the year from the broken ruins left in this resident, which was definitely stronger than the sect where Xing Tian was before, and this A sect force was shattered and became a member of the long history.

Carefully entered this dilapidated resident. After confirming that there was no danger, Xing Tian placed a ban, and then went into retreat to recuperate his wounds. With such serious injuries on his body, it was very dangerous for Xing Tian, ​​because every One minute, every second, this wound is constantly wiping out Xing Tian’s own origin, wiping out the vitality of Xingtian’s deity’s true body, if it’s not for opening up the world of "acupoints," if not for own qi The blood is powerful, and the true body of Xing Tian, ​​the **** and demon, has already been wiped out. The power of the rules of the supreme chaotic world is incomparable!

I didn't know it, I was shocked when I saw Xing Tian completely immersed himself in his wounds, and soon Xing Tian's brows were tightly closed, and his injuries were even more terrifying and terrifying than imagined. This Dao injury does not exist independently, but has a connection with the Supreme Chaos World. If you want to remove this injury from yourself, it is not an easy task, and it takes more time and Energy, even more expensive.

"Damn it, how could this be? How could the power of the rules of the Supreme Chaos World be so powerful, the power of this rule is clearly to kill me, if it is not given by the origin of the previous world, it is not the road of end and the road of destruction. Origin, I'm afraid that my **** and demon's true body is really impossible to save. Is this the Supreme Chaos World trying to kill me, or is it just an accident?" After too much tempering, Xing Tian had to be cautious. I have to wonder if the crisis I have suffered this time has deeper problems, and whether there is a black hand that is "fucking" everything.

You know, Xing Tian saw the Chaos Gods and Demons who were supposed to die in the boundary battlefield world before. Not only did they not die, but they used death as a cover to hide themselves in the dark, laying numerous traps to count others. , Even these innate chaotic gods and demons have such a method, this Supreme Chaos world does not have the same method, and Xing Tian learned from those innate chaotic gods and demons that the world has no good intentions for the innate chaotic gods and demons, the innate chaotic gods The devil will suffer the strangulation of the world, and he is also a chaos **** and demon, so Xing Tian has to be careful!

"There is this terrible injury in the body, and this injury has a trace of connection with the world. How can I remove this injury? If it can't be removed in a short time, I am afraid that this injury will not only affect me. The gods and demons will also erode onto my soul. This is a strangulation from the power of the rules of the supreme chaotic world!" When thinking of this, Xing Tian shook his head involuntarily. This result is nothing Xing Tian has. What I thought of, what worries Xing Tian most is that if he goes all out to remove the wounds from the gods and demons, it will inevitably cause drastic changes, and then his safety will become a big problem!

Desperate. Under such a situation, Xing Tian could hardly see any vitality, as if he had fallen into a terrible desperate situation, and there was no chance of turning over, as if the whole world was aiming at him, and he was arguing. A little bit of "forced" into the desperate situation, it can be said that when he felt this body injury, Xing Tian could vaguely feel the meaning of rejection from the supreme chaotic world! Yes, the whole world is repelling itself, to purge yourself from this supreme chaotic world!

Will it be the calculation of the origin of the previous realm battlefield world? Is it the result of the gift of the world origin? No, Xing Tian doesn't think so. Although it is possible, it may not be great. Perhaps he did not normally fly from the realm battlefield world to the highest chaos world, but his own combat power has already exceeded the realm battlefield. The limitations of the world, if the world origin is calculating itself, it will not give itself such a precious origin, and it will not give itself that great benefit, and the world origin has no reason to calculate itself, and there is no hatred or conflict of interest with the world origin.

auzw.com"What force caused the suppression of the rules of the Supreme Chaos World and caused this terrible disaster? Could it be said that this really has to do with the path of my own practice, and it really has to do with my own chaotic **** Is it related to his practice?" After thinking about it, Xing Tian finally had this idea. If it is true, I am afraid that it will be difficult for him to walk freely in this supreme chaotic world. If he really has to completely retreat and recover, clear The injury of his own body will inevitably lead to a murderous disaster, because no matter how much he avoids, he will be hit by the power of the Supreme Chaos World's rules!

"Unfortunately, my chaotic clone fell into a deep sleep, digesting the core of the world, otherwise, the chaotic clone can be used to resolve the current crisis, so that the deity can avoid this terrible crisis!" Xing Tian couldn't help but lightly think of this. He sighed, not only did the clone of Chaos fall into a deep sleep, but his clone of King of End also lost its power and needed time to warm up, but now he did not have so much time to consume.

How to do? What can I do to resolve the current crisis? Is it true that I have to take the final path of nirvana, and use the method of nirvana to liberate the real body of the chaotic **** and demon? The way of dying is not trivial. Once you do this, it means that your previous efforts on the real body of the chaos **** and demon will be turned into nothingness, and the accumulated source will disappear, and this price is for Xing Tian. It is too big, which Xingtian cannot bear. After all, once the deity loses the real body of the Chaos God and Demon, it is even more difficult to condense. After all, this is the highest Chaos World, and a little bit of trouble will cause endless disasters!

difficult! difficult! difficult! This is Xing Tian’s first feeling. It is really difficult to break the situation. It is very difficult to do, dangerous, and do nothing. It means that the deity will die. In this case, Xing Tian’s mind cannot help. After all, if you can't find a way to resolve it, you will fall into a desperate situation, and you will fall completely!

"The net, this wound is a giant net, which completely entraps my power and my origin. Perhaps my current situation is just like the destiny **** and devil who died before, subject to the rules of the world!" Suddenly, Xing Tian's mind moved. When he thought of the destiny **** and demon, Xing Tian's heart lit up: "For the destiny **** and devil, perhaps this is the power of destiny, or this is the kind of catastrophe that he must face, the catastrophe of enlightenment. , Perhaps the solution should be to learn from the destiny gods!"

When thinking about this, Xing Tian couldn't help but show a smile on his face. How did the destiny **** and demon break free from the shackles of the world? That is constantly laying out to devour the world's origin by himself, although he does not have this Strength, can’t face the rules of the supreme chaotic world, but you can change your mind. If you can’t swallow it, you can fuse, and you can turn the power of this rule into the nourishment of the chaos clone, and you can use the chaos clone’s source, bit by bit. Absorb this body injury!

This idea sounds very simple and practical, but it is really difficult to do it. It is necessary to use the chaotic clone to absorb the power of the Dao injury rules and turn it into its own nourishment. First of all, Xing Tian must wake up his chaotic clone, but now Xing Tian It can't be done, at least in a short time. After all, the chaotic clone has entered metamorphosis and evolution, and it does not lack nutrients.

Soon, Xing Tian’s idea was shattered. Since the Chaos clone could not be counted on, Xing Tian thought of the King of End clone. If he can rely on the clone of King of End, can he absorb the power of this injury? After all, this injury is also A kind of killing, and the evolution of one's own road of ending requires magical powers and negative powers. This injury is just right!

This idea is good, but Xing Tian sighed and had to give up again, because the King of End clone also had a big problem that is difficult to solve, that is the soul. The previous clone of King of End died and was reborn, which came from his mother. The help of the mother is that the mother uses her own vitality to restart the vitality of the clone, giving the King of the End clone a chance to transform, but this slight transformation is due to external forces. If you rashly induce a new external force, the consequences will be feared. It will be very dangerous!

What is Dao Wound? It is the rule that carries the supreme chaotic world. If the soul of the King of the End clone cannot carry this impact, and a miss, the vitality of the clone of the King of the End will be strangled again and fall into To the desperate situation of death, or even a direct collapse, there is no possibility of restart.

This is not true, that is not true, Xing Tian's face can not help but become dignified, the two avatars can not resolve the crisis, he wants to break free from this danger, wants to escape from this desperate situation, only the deity can rely on , This deity that has been scarred and almost collapsed, is it just that the deity can really do this, can it really be able to withstand such an impact?

"No, everything has a ray of life. I must have overlooked something. Otherwise, it is impossible to fall into such a dilemma. The Road of End has the ability to wipe out the wounds, but the soul of the King of End is not able to withstand the impact. , And the chaotic clone can swallow and absorb this injury source and turn it into its own nourishment, but the chaotic clone falls into a deep sleep of metamorphosis and cannot be awakened. Both of the two clones can use their own source to resolve the crisis, why can't the deity do it, The avenue of strength crushes the void, even the emptiness can be powdered. This injury cannot be indelible, but my body cannot withstand the explosion of the avenue of strength. If you use the avenue of stars, I am afraid that this body injury cannot be wiped out. If the "acupoint" orifice is used to absorb this body injury little by little, and the rules on this injury are transformed into the nutrients of the "acupoint" orifice world, will this be a chance?"

When he thought of this, Xing Tian’s eyes lit up. There was a great opportunity in the crisis. He was hurt by the rules of the Supreme Chaos World and was impacted by the power of the rules. This is indeed a big crisis, but if he can turn this injury into Nourishment will inevitably turn death into life, turn crisis into opportunity, and nourish yourself. Not only can you get rid of the current predicament, you can resolve this injury, but also make your own practice further, and if you really can do it, with The rules of this injury evolve into a "hole" orifice world, incorporating the power of the Supreme Chaos World, can this also relieve the Supreme Chaos World from repelling itself?

Everything is possible. Although this is only Xing Tian's temporary conjecture, Xing Tian feels that this is very promising. If his guess is true and it can work, the crisis can not only be resolved, but he can also go further on the road of practice!

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