God of Destruction

Chapter 4153: Section opens up the avenue

Chapter 4161: Opening the Road

dry! No matter how great this opportunity is, Xing Tian will give it a go. Maybe he will fail, but failure is not a big deal. At best, he will destroy the real body of the **** and demon, and let himself respect the new beginning, even the king of the end. The clone can be restarted. What else can you take into consideration? Time is important, but chance is more important. If you give up your current chance for a little time, this is putting the cart before the horse. Not only will you lose your chance, but also If you leave an indelible mark in your heart, you will become the demon on your own path of practice and will bring more trouble to your future practice!

When he made a decision, Xing Tian did not hesitate, but with a thought, he shouted in a deep voice: "The acupuncture point opens, the world merges, the rules evolve, let me swallow it!" As Xing Tian's shout fell, Xing Tian opened his own deity. The "acupoints" on the body of the sea of ​​qi, are the "acupoints" that are stored as the source of the real body of the chaos **** and demon! Take this sea of ​​qi as the root to swallow the terrible regular injury on himself.

Crazy! It has to be said that Xing Tian’s choice is too crazy. It is really a place of death and resurrection. With the sea of ​​qi as the source, it swallows the regular wounds on the whole body. If it succeeds, it means that the true body of Xing Tian, ​​the **** and demon, can be perfect. Combining the breath of the Supreme Chaos World can get rid of the world's rejection of itself, and also allows one to indirectly perceive the power of the rules of the Supreme Chaos World, allowing one to go further on the Dao insight, and let yourself go further on the World Dao!

As the power of the rules of the Supreme Chaos World, even if it is only a trace, it also contains the essence of the World Dao. It is of great help to Xingtian’s World Dao practice. This is not only reflected in his own chaotic clone, but also One of my own deity, and the clone of the King of End have huge benefits, and the World Avenue will not have so many restrictions. The clone of chaos is the avenue of chaos, condensing the world of chaos, and one's own deity can also use the "acupoint" to evolve the world, and the clone of the king of the end can also do it, after all, the clone of the king of the end of Xingtian also gained the huge world benefit.

When Xingtian opened the sea of ​​qi and evolved the world with "acupoints" orifices, although this caused a huge impact on Xingtian himself, the impact did not spread outside of Xingtian's body, let alone a trace of anomalies, and all abnormalities were caused by Xingtian. The chaos **** and demon body was covered up, and no strange aura radiated from Xingtian's chaos **** and demon body!

Of course, this is not only because of the power of the chaotic **** and demon of Xingtian, but also because of the terrible injury on the body of the deity. It is the force of the rules condensed by this injury that suppresses all differences. Like, Fang didn't let Xing Tian's crazy actions cause great troubles and bring huge crisis to his own life.

At the moment when the "acupoint" orifice opened and the world condensed and formed, Xing Tian couldn't help but sighed, his eyes opened with a hint of joy, and he muttered to himself: "Sure enough, everything is as I thought before. In that way, the real body of the Chaos God and Demon is enough to conceal all the abnormalities brought about by the opening of the "acupoint" orifice. The rules condensed by the Taoist injury are not only eroding my body and soul, but also suppressing all the power in my body. , All the visions, this is also a great fortune in misfortune. With the power of the rules of this wound, as long as I don’t fully convert the power of the rules into the nutrients of my own "acupoint" world, my own breath. It will not leak out, will not be estimated by others, and will not be targeted by others."

There are advantages and disadvantages in everything. It is difficult to distinguish between advantages and disadvantages. Just like Xing Tian’s current situation, although he has been severely injured, most of his strength has been cut off by Dao injuries, but because of Dao injuries, he has also suffered. The protection of the power of the rules of the supreme chaotic world, so that you do not have to worry about your safety in a short time, and will not be targeted by the enemy.

When his life was secured, the huge boulder in Xing Tian's heart also fell, and his mood was much more relaxed. The "Acupoint" Aperture World has successfully condensed, but he must take the power of the rules in the path of injury and turn it into "Acupoints." It’s not easy to understand the nutrients of the world. It requires more energy and will make you pay a higher price. After all, you will get rewards if you pay. You can’t pay nothing at all. Can complete the absorption and digestion of Dao wounds, Xing Tian is not so arrogant that he thinks he is the son of the world's luck, and the power of heaven and earth will be added, and all the benefits will appear in him.

How to draw in the power of rules in Dao Injury is the biggest problem Xing Tian has to face now. As long as he can do this, his plan will be more than half successful. As long as he can draw in the power of rules, Being able to condense the seeds of the world in the world of "Acupoints", oneself will also survive the life and death in front of him, and the deity's practice will be on the right path, no longer need to be affected by this injury, and be subject to the supreme chaos. Suppression and rejection by the power of world rules.

It is not difficult for Xingtian to condense the "acupoint" orifice world. Xingtian has too much experience with this, but it is not an easy task to absorb the power of the rules in Dao wounds, and the rules The power of's can also be related to the Supreme Chaos World, which makes it even more difficult for Xing Tian to start, and he does not dare to take it lightly!

"Damn, it's still not strong enough. If you have enough power, you can completely separate the power of the rules from the wounds and complete the transformation of the world of the hole, but now this body Under the suppression of Dao Wounds, it is impossible to do this at all. Forcibly, it will only destroy the world of "Acupoints" that I just opened!"

Although the "Acupoint" orifice world was opened, Xing Tian understood that this weak "Acupoint" orifice world could not withstand the impact of Taoist injuries, and could not withstand the impact of the power of rules. If he acted rashly at this time, he would only be harmed. If you lose yourself, you will only cut off your own chance, and plunge your deity into a terrible crisis. Perhaps this is the test, this is your own disaster.

There are many catastrophes on the road of practice, one wave is not settled, one wave after another, and now Xing Tian is in such a situation, if he wants to complete his own transformation, if he wants to resolve the crisis of self-reliance, all these need to be paid and they all need to be faced. That terrible test.

auzw.com"The King of Ending clone has the Spear of Ending Primordial Treasure. Although the Spear of Ending was damaged before, as long as the origin is not lost, when the clone of King of Ending condenses, it is also the Spear of Ending. When the transformation is completed, the Primordial Treasure of the Chaos Doppelganger carrying its own Dao has no clue now. After all, what suits you is the best. The Primordial Doppelganger needs to carry its own Dao. Chaos Doppelgänger knows what it is. The avenue that suits me best can carry my body. What kind of avenue do I practice? Is it the avenue of strength that shatters the void, or the avenue of stars shines on the world?"

Soon, Xing Tian fell into contemplation. You must know that this is not a trivial matter. If you can't find your Dao and don't understand what Dao the deity is practicing, then how can you condense the original treasure of your Dao! For today’s Xing Tian, ​​his previous plans have been completely disrupted, and all the paths of practice have also undergone abnormal changes. This is the case of the deity and the clone. It can be said that now his own practice needs to be re-planned and re-planned. Make a choice.

"Perhaps I shouldn’t be obsessed with the Avenue of Stars and the Avenue of Power. I should walk on my own avenue. The original avenue that can control these two avenues is the best. The one that suits me is the best. The avenue and the avenue of stars are very suitable, but it is not necessarily the case now, you are changing, and the avenue you practice should also change!"

When thinking of this, suddenly, Xing Tian's mind flashed, as if he had a new insight, and gained new gains from the practice of the Great Dao. Is the practice of the Dao really the same? No, no matter what Dao is like, it will change with my own practice. I am the best example, not only the deity, but also my two avatars. Maybe I really cared about Dao before. The choice, the practice of the Dao’s origin.

For a moment, Xing Tian suddenly laughed and said: "Hahaha, I understand, before I was too concerned about the origin of the avenue, how the avenue of power, how the avenue of stars, is this really suitable for me, in fact, my avenue already exists, The prehistoric world had given me enlightenment back then. Pangu opened up the world for what it is, transcendence, and detachment from oneself. What really suits the deity is the path of pioneering. The treasure that carries the best origin of the path is undoubtedly the axe. !"

In an instant, Xing Tian figured out everything. The deity is different from the two avatars, and does not need to be aware of the avenue of power and the avenue of stars that he is practicing. For himself, these two avenues are just the power of his own way of protecting, not the essence. The path that is most suitable for oneself is the path of pioneering, and only the path of pioneering is the most suitable for oneself and can be most integrated into one's own system.

The King of Ending masters the Great Way of Ending, and the Great Way of Ending can end all things. The chaotic clone practiced the Great Way of Chaos, which is also the way of the chaotic world. It can merge with all the ways, while his own deity opens the way, opens the world, and rules the world!

The avenue is determined, but it’s not easy to do this. It’s not easy to condense the “opening axe” that bears the origin of the avenue. It not only requires one’s own understanding of opening the avenue, but also an understanding of the avenue. Master the rules!

Time passed bit by bit, and Xing Tian's mind and spirit also entered the perception of the Dao. At this time, Xing Tian was thinking about himself bit by bit, thinking about what to open the Dao, and what is the difference in opening the Dao. What is important!

"Perhaps I think a little bit too much, so that my heart's "sexuality" has been "lost". What happened in the realm battlefield world is not accidental. I am afraid that the origin of the world has already seen my essence. I already know that the most suitable thing for me is to open up the road, so there will be the last series of shocking changes. That is the reminder of the world origin and the teaching of me!"

After reviewing everything he had experienced bit by bit from beginning to end, Xing Tian suddenly had this idea in his heart, and finally understood what the realm of the battlefield world originally gave him the greatest gift, not those. A precious resource, but a reminder of one's own Dao, is the other party deliberately guiding his own Dao practice.

It is still very difficult to understand, but it is still very difficult to do it. The most important thing is that you understand clearly to open up the road, but what is the basis for casting the original treasure of opening up the road, "Opening the axe", learning Pangu's opening road, and cohesive Such an'opening axe'? Soon Xing Tian shook his head and gave up such thoughts. It was Pangu's Tao, not his own, and the'opening axe' that can be divided and combined was not what he wanted, his own way was brave!

"Perhaps the most suitable material for me to cast the original treasure is myself, and the rules of Dao injury may be the most suitable!" For a moment, Xing Tian was born with such a crazy idea, he wanted to use his own power of the rules of Dao injury. In order to cast one’s original treasure, what is Dao injury? That is the power of the rules of the Supreme Chaos World. Although for the entire Supreme Chaos World, the power of rules contained in this injury is not much, but it is enough. Cast your own precious embryo!

"Hahaha, what can be stronger than the power of rules, what can be stronger and sharper than the power of rules, this is the material I need, give me the blood of my heart, based on my will, cast the supreme treasure! "With Xing Tian's deep sigh, the **** and demon body of Xing Tian condensed a drop of heart and blood, and his courageous and fearless will split into it. Under Xing Tian's guidance, the essence and blood merged with the will. As a whole, a supreme embryo emitting a **** "color" light appeared. This is the original supreme treasure of Xingtian deity's "Sky Axe". It's just a crude embryo now, and the power of the rules has not been introduced into Dao wounds. Absorbing the power of the rules of Dao Wounds, his own heavenly opening axe can be considered to be condensed and formed.

Under the guidance of the soul, the rough embryo of the'opening axe' cast by Xing Tian wandered in itself, constantly touching his terrifying Dao wounds, and constantly colliding with the power of the rules in Dao wounds. , Every collision is a test of Xingtian himself, and a test of his own practice. You must know that the collision of the origin is the most terrifying and dangerous. As long as there is a glitch, Xing Tian has made a huge effort. The original treasure'Open Heaven Axe' will be shattered.

Being destroyed by the power of Dao-wounded rules means that my Dao’s forging failed. It means that I have to lose not only a drop of blood, but also a point of will. No matter how strong Xing Tian’s will is, he cannot afford such a big deal. Perhaps Xingtian can hold on to the loss once or twice, but even more will destroy Xingtian's foundation and cut off Xingtian's path of practice!

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