God of Destruction

Chapter 4154: Windfall

Chapter 4162: Unexpected Harvest

Although Xing Tian has always been cautious, but things cannot be controlled by others. This kind of avenue’s source and treasure is condensed, but Xing Tian can do whatever he wants. No matter how careful Xing Tian is, he will be based on his own will and blood. Absorbing the power of the supreme chaotic world rules from the wounds and condensing the original treasure, this is a crazy road, a dangerous road.

Not long after, a loud bang appeared in Xing Tian's body. During a collision, Xing Tian finally failed to protect his original treasure, which was condensed with blood and will, and was crushed by his own terrible injury. , Xing Tian paid a huge price to condense the ultimate treasure, and the essence and blood and will are directly turned into the nourishment of the wounds.

"Damn, how could you fail? After paying such a big price, I didn't even rush through a hundred levels. I was destroyed by the power of the rules of the Supreme Chaos World and turned into a nutrient for the wounds. My own injuries were not weakened. , On the contrary, heavier!” At the time of failure, Xing Tian's expression became gloomy. Although he was prepared for a long time, Xing Tian still couldn't bear it when he really faced failure and the destruction of his own blood and will. The anger in my heart still couldn't help but get angry.

If it is the heyday, Xing Tian may not care too much. After all, Xing Tian has enough origin as capital, but now it is different. Xing Tian is affected by Dao injury, and his origin is severely damaged. Such losses are very stressful for Xing Tian. After all, this would weaken one's own strength, and even increase the power of injury, and increase Xing Tian's own burden.

After his anger, Xing Tian quickly took a breath and calmed his mood. After all, his actions have failed. You should know that no matter how angry the tiger is, it will not help. Instead of wasting his precious time, it is better to summarize the experience of failure. To prepare for the next continuation of the sacrifice, after all, failure is not nothing, failure will also have experience!

Yes, Xing Tian did not recover himself in the first time, but summed up the experience of failure with his spirit. Time waits for no one. After the failure, the time he can perceive is limited. If he cannot summarize it in this limited time The experience of failure will only waste this experience of condensing the sky and letting yourself lose more!

It is precisely because Xing Tian understands this in his heart. It is precisely because Xing Tian has not lost his reason completely because of failure, and was stunned by anger, so he can quickly gather his heart after anger, and realize the failure to himself at the fastest speed. The little bit of insights left behind allows me to find my own problems from failure.

After a while, Xing Tian's expression became more gloomy and terrifying, and he roared angrily: "Damn, how could this be? The aura of the Dao will disappear so quickly, why is the power of Dao Wound so powerful, in such a short time. It completely swallowed my blood and will power. It seems that my understanding of Dao injury is still very insufficient!"

If it was said that the original treasure of Kaitian Axe was a failure, and this time Xing Tian’s perception of the failure was also a failure. In such a short period of time, Xing Tian did not "find" his clues at all, and did not feel his own defects at all. I didn’t realize where I failed. How could this not irritate Xing Tian, ​​paying such a big price, but not gaining much himself? If Xing Tian could endure such a result, it would be abnormal. , Such a state of mind shouldn't appear on Xing Tian, ​​after all, this failure brought too much pressure on Xing Tian.

What is Dao injury? That is the manifestation of the rules of the Supreme Chaos World. Although only a little manifestation, it is an extremely terrifying existence for people like Xing Tian. Xing Tian deliberately uses a drop of blood and will to swallow the power of Dao wounds and condense it. Tian Axe, this can only be said to be a big joke. Xing Tian overestimated his ability. If the power of Dao injury can be absorbed only once, then the power of rules will be pitifully weak, and the highest chaotic world has already been destroyed. !

"I am so excited. The failure this time is nothing. If it succeeds once, it will be the worst result. I am faced with the wounds formed by the power of the rules of the Supreme Chaos World, not the power of the general world. I can succeed in such a simple way, and there is no need for the Supreme Chaos World! Although I failed this time, I didn’t get much gain, and even made the power of Dao Wound further, but this also showed me New direction!"

After calming down, Xing Tian quickly saw the other side from this failure. Dao injury's power was increasing. This shows that Dao injury can devour his own blood and will, which means he is entering the highest chaotic world. At this time, the impact of the rules was not completely malicious, or it should be said that it was a soaring Dao Tribulation, because only Dao Tribulation was able to integrate with one's own breath, and his own injuries were not as terrible and terrifying as imagined.

"Perhaps I was really thinking wrong. If this is the injury caused by the Dao Tribulation, it means that my entry into the Supreme Chaos World is not what I thought before, but directly tore through the void channel, but ascended, only this time. However, there are weird changes in the ascension, which made my ascension fail! No, between failure and success, I did not get the source of the supreme chaos world. Perhaps this is because of my true body of the chaos **** and demon. Caused!"

After calming down, Xing Tian gradually saw more things from his failure. If his guess was true, then his plan would have to be rearranged. Maybe he should be bolder and crazier, and continue to use his blood and will. Come to absorb the power of fusion, master the power of rules, and condense the treasure of your own origin, "Sky Axe"!


Of course, Xing Tian also understands that this is absolutely impossible to succeed once or twice, or even dozens of times. Hundreds of times may not be successful, but failure is not a big deal. If his guess is true, it will hurt the road. Although the enhancement will bring huge pressure to oneself, it is also a tempering and tempering for oneself, which can make one's chaotic **** and demon real body go further, and can make one go further on the road of **** and demon body refining!

However, such a crazy move also poses great pressure and danger to Xing Tian, ​​especially if his guess is wrong, it will delay his recovery, waste more time, and let himself in Facing greater dangers on the path of practice, you may even break your path of practice. After all, the path of injury is no small thing!

If it’s a person, maybe you don’t dare to be so crazy, you don’t dare to risk your own life, and you don’t dare to continue madness in such a dangerous situation, but Xing Tian is different. Although his guess is likely to be wrong, as long as There is a slight possibility that Xing Tian will not give up, nor can he give up. The road to practice is not smooth, and it is impossible that there is no resistance and obstacles. Only if you pay, you will gain. The greater the effort, the greater the gain. You don’t want to give anything. Naturally It is impossible to get the approval of the heaven and the earth, it is impossible to go further and faster on the road of practice, perhaps to recover safely on a regular basis, it is the safest for oneself, there is no danger, but safety also means You can't get any benefits for yourself!

"Hehe! Isn't it just taking another risk? Isn't it just trying again? Even if you fail, it's no big deal. If I don't even have this determination, Xing Tian won't have the achievements I have today. The will is divided, and the blood is fused. With a deep cry, Xing Tian once again condensed a drop of his heart and blood, once again divided his own will, the two merged!

This time, Xing Tian succeeded very quickly. After all, with the previous experience, it was naturally much easier. After stabilizing, Xing Tian once again urged this blood-colored'sky-opening axe' to hit continuously. His own terrible Dao wounds, time and time again, but this time Xing Tian had to be more cautious, delaying every impact as much as possible, so that he could feel more of the highest chaos contained in Dao wounds from the impact. The power of the rules of the world makes yourself more likely to gain insights!

Although Xing Tian acted carefully and was constantly delaying time, Dao injury was not controlled by Xing Tian. For Xing Tian, ​​such behavior did not bring much benefit to Xing Tian, ​​because Xing Tian's current power could not delay more time. , Unable to feel the power of the rules that broke out in the Dao wounds, so even though Xing Tian acted cautiously this time, he still didn’t hold on for too long. Not long after, the condensed'Open Heaven Axe' finally collapsed this time, but this time Xing Tian There was no anger, but a faint smile appeared on his face. Although he still failed, Xing Tian got the result he wanted.

Yes, everything is as I guessed. My Dao injury is really not a normal attack, but a robbery. It's just that the robbery is a bit scary and a bit powerful, but this time because of my own caution, I persisted for a little longer. , The number of collisions has increased a few times, so I have gained more insights than before!

Of course, the price Xing Tian paid this time is also very high. After all, the second split of the will and the concentration of hard work will burden Xing Tian himself. If Xing Tian's will is not firm, Xing Tian will fall directly after this failure. Human heart and blood are limited. Even Xing Tian, ​​the chaotic **** and demon's real body, can't condense too much energy. If it is wasted over and over again, it will only squeeze one's own potential and break oneself. Road of spiritual practice.

"Okay, it's really great. I figured out the source of the Dao injury just once and understood the power of Dao injury. But I can't continue now. If I continue to continue, it will only destroy my foundation. I need to raise it first. Only by recovering from this injury can we continue. Only by restoring our own vitality and origin can we better complete our plan, and enable ourselves to go further on this road and truly condense what we need. The original treasure!"

Speaking of this, Xing Tian’s eyes "showed" endless desire, and there was a more terrifying crazy "color" in that desire. This time he confirmed his guess, so Xing Tian no longer cared about it. , Failure is not terrible. What's terrible is that I don’t have confidence. For Xingtian, confidence is never lacking. As long as he recovers his energy and blood and his origin is restored, no matter how severe the Dao injury is, as long as he has enough time and energy, he is still Can jump out of the cage, can go further!

"Come on, now I need to restore my vitality and blood. I need to restore the origin. The "acupoint" aperture world opens, the avenue of stars appears, the origin is swallowed!" Without hesitation, with a deep drink, Xing Tian opened the "acupoint" in his body. "Aperture world, ignited the power of stars in the "Acupoint" orifice world. The avenue of stars shrouded Xingtian’s true body of the gods and demons, absorbing the origin of stars scattered in the starry sky, and using the origin of stars to restore one’s energy and blood. The huge source of consumption, step by step, is recovering from his injuries!

"Hey! No, my "acupoint" orifice world has changed, which is obviously different from the previous "acupoint" orifice world. What's the matter? Could it be that the previous rules impacted not only my **** and demon body? The impact caused, even the "Acupoint" Aperture World in my God and Demon's real body has changed!" Xing Tian finally found out when the "Acupoint" Aperture World was absorbed by the origin of stars and the consumption of the "Acupoint" Aperture World was restored. My own anomaly, I discovered that the world of "Acupoint" now has a slight change.

"How could this happen, the origin of the stars in the Acupoint Aperture World is condensing, condensing into real stars, the stars that truly own the Origin World, this is too weird and incredible!" Xing Tian originally thought that the Acupoint Aperture World would be restored. Will speed up the absorption of the origin of the stars and speed up the cultivation of the Avenue of Stars, but Xing Tian was wrong. When the origin of the Acupuncture Aperture World is restored, when the body's energy and blood is restored, the Acupuncture Aperture World absorbs the origin of the Avenue of the Stars It is not speeding up, on the contrary it is shrinking.

Yes, it is contraction. The whole "acupoint" orifice world gradually shrinks, no longer absorbing the origin of the stars of the highest chaotic world, or even no longer absorbing the origin of the stars from the outside, but automatically transforming into a number of origin world stars, emitting The light of his own stars, the origin of the stars, such a strange change shocked Xing Tian and excited Xing Tian!

Perhaps this kind of change seems to have a huge impact on my own practice, making myself unable to absorb the origin of the stars from the outside to speed up my practice, but it is clear what Xingtian means for the stars of my own world, perhaps now my own "Acupoints" The stars in the Aperture World are still very weak, but as long as there is enough time to make them grow, they will inevitably bring huge benefits to their physical body, and will inevitably make one's own practice further! Today, Xingtian’s real body of God and Demon is still flawed and insufficient, but when all the worlds of his own "holes" are opened, they are all successfully condensed, and they are all filled with stars. One direction, an unprecedented direction!

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