God of Destruction

Chapter 4155: Three Treasures of Solar Energy

The fourth thousand one hundred and sixty-third chapter

Yes! When seeing such an abnormal change, Xing Tian saw a new direction from a new perspective, an unprecedented direction for the spiritual practice of the gods and demons, the inner circle, and the perfect star world condensed by the "hole" world. Perfect the body of the chaotic **** and demon. If all the holes in the body of the **** and demon are successfully opened and filled, then there is no need to absorb the source of the outside world. The body of the **** and demon is likely to complete the true internal circulation. Thousands of perfect world as the source of internal circulation!

Perhaps this is the avenue of the deity, this is the avenue that suits you best! A perfect inner circle can bring an endless source of origin to oneself, make one's own avenue of power stronger, and make one's own gods and demons stronger!

Unfortunately, it takes time and a long time. The evolution of every "acupoint" world requires time and resources. The source of the outside world is not of much use. On the contrary, resources are more important to itself. At this time, the star core is Xingtian. The most desired supplies are also the most urgently needed supplies, and right now this is the hardest thing Xing Tian can get.

Taking a deep breath, Xing Tian calmed his mood and stopped thinking about it so much. After all, no matter how much he thinks, the problem cannot be solved. Instead of wasting time and energy, it is better to continue his practice and continue one point one by one. Point by point, he will perfect the world of "acupoints" he opened up, and continue to hone his original treasure little by little.

Yes, it is training. Two failures made Xing Tian understand that he wants to truly absorb the rules of one body injury. This is not something that can be done in a short time, and what he needs is to practice little by little. To understand little by little, only in this way can I achieve my wish, and be able to condense the original treasure that I want to open the sky axe! ’

Xing Tian devoted himself to his own training, and dedicated himself to sacrificing his original treasure, the Heavenly Axe. The entire Supreme Chaos World became crazier and more terrifying. At the outermost periphery of the Supreme Chaos World, almost all the forces. They are all shattered, and there are very few creatures that can survive this crazy upheaval, because they don't have time to retreat, and the racial civilization behind them didn't stretch out a helping hand, but sat and watched the destruction of these peripheral forces.

Why is it so? Those high-level racial civilizations are so cold-blooded, so ruthless, they don’t care about the destruction of the periphery, and do not care about the weakening of racial civilization’s luck, even if they are peripheral forces, they are also the support of racial civilization. Their destruction will directly affect racial civilization. The change of luck and their death will make others feel terrified. After all, no one wants to see the cold-blooded and ruthless racial civilization. This time it is the death of the outer human race. Then next time it will be themselves!

No, it’s not that the high-level racial civilization is cold-blooded and ruthless. It’s that things happen too fast and it’s too late for the racial civilization to rescue. When the racial civilization wants to take action, it is restrained again, and terrible things appear in the core area of ​​the Supreme Chaos World Space fluctuations, those ancient chaos gods and demons who have been destroyed one after another have returned!

Why did the ancient chaos gods and demons return so quickly? Because they attacked and killed all the forces outside the highest chaos world. It can be said that as long as the forces entering the realm battlefield world, they have been plundered and killed by them. The territorial battlefield world is a bridge, and cross-space attacks are launched against those forces and they are directly destroyed. The sect where Xingtian is located is destroyed in this way, but the source of the destruction is not the territorial battlefield world where Xingtian is located!

The return of the ancient chaos gods and demons has brought tremendous pressure to the various civilizations of the highest chaos world, and also caused a terrible impact. Their appearance has disrupted the plans of the various civilizations. For many ethnic civilizations, I never thought that these ancient chaotic gods and demons would return so madly, standing directly on the opposite side of the civilizations of the major races, so that the civilizations of the major races did not dare to act rashly. After all, the power of the ancient chaotic gods and demons was very powerful. The domain battlefield world is based, condensing a terrible world directly located in the center of the supreme chaotic world, located in Chaos Overseas!

If many of these racial civilizations standing at the top of the supreme chaotic world can unite, they can easily strangle these returning ancient chaotic gods and demons. After all, no matter how crazy the ancient chaotic gods and demons have plans and how insidious calculations, they His return did not restore his strength during his strongest period. This is an opportunity! It is a pity that the major races and civilizations cannot work together, because they can't trust each other, because in the endless years, the top races and civilizations have forged blood and blood, even if it is the return of the ancient chaos gods and demons. Let them put down the hatred between each other!

It is precisely because the hatred between the major races and civilizations cannot be let go, so these ancient chaos gods and demons have a chance to survive, even if they crazily destroyed the forces outside the major civilizations and destroyed those sect forces, but These racial civilizations dare not launch a war against the ancient Chaos Gods and Demons. They are afraid to make wedding dresses for others and give the enemy a chance to calculate themselves. It is precisely because of so much consideration that the ancient Chaos Gods and Demons have a foothold!

In just a few days, the Supreme Chaos World is constantly turbulent, and all major races and civilizations are cautious about it, and those crazy ancient Chaos gods and demons are more unscrupulously attacking more forces, even constantly The earth shattered those small racial civilizations, devoured their luck, and restored their own strength!

auzw.com Xing Tian didn’t know the changes in the outside world, and didn’t know the sinister world of the supreme chaotic world today. His thoughts were all placed on his own practice and the sacrifice of the source of the treasure. Above, placed on the polishing of the true body of the gods and demons.

Failure again and again, recovery time and time again, every time the source of huge consumption will make one's "hole" orifice world a step further, and this step is frantically squeezing the potential of "hole" orifice world, it's a pity It is Xingtian’s "acupoint" orifice worlds that cannot be connected together and cannot completely condense a large net that covers itself. After all, Xingtian has not opened all of the "acupoint" orifice worlds. As long as one of the "acupoint" orifices is not opened, Xingtian's There are flaws in the way of practice, and Xing Tian is not limited by the lack of its original source, but the lack of its own resources. The partial Xing Tian cannot solve this problem, even if it has two avatars!

Time is passing fast, and Xing Tian’s awareness of his own Dao hurt is also rapidly increasing. The time that the original treasure of the'Open Heaven Axe' can persist is also getting longer and longer, but in the midst of this failure, Xing Tian still Without seeing the hope of success, I still feel as if there is a huge barrier preventing myself, so that I cannot integrate and absorb the power of the rules from the wounds, and cannot integrate the power of the rules into the'opening axe'!

"Damn, what is the problem? Why is it that after so long, I still can't see hope, and the repeated failures continue to strengthen the power of Taoism, and continue to increase my own pressure. Go on, I'm afraid that the original treasure of the'opening axe' that carries its own avenue has not successfully condensed, and my **** and devil's real body will collapse due to the increase of the dao injury. This is not the result I want!" At that time, Xing Tian had a trace of impatience in his heart. After all, after such a long time, he could not see any hope, which was enough to worry Xing Tian!

"Maybe there is a problem with my design. With my own blood and will, it is impossible to integrate the power of the rules of the Supreme Chaos World, even if this is the power of the rules of the Supreme Chaos World drawn by my own Dao. If so, my previous Sacrifice is just a waste of time, but what power do I still lack? Is it true that I really need the original treasure to be able to cast the sky-opening axe that carries the power of the highest chaotic world?" Xing Tian gently shook his head when he thought of this. , Murmured to himself: "No, you can’t do this. If you use the original treasures, there will be a fusion of the original aura, then it will not reach the level I need, and there will be defects in the opening of the sky axe, perhaps in general There is nothing in the war, but in the final life and death duel, when facing a real powerful enemy, this flaw will inevitably bring death to oneself!"

The Heavenly Axe, the ultimate treasure cast by the deity, is not the ultimate treasure of the King of End clone. The existence of the Heavenly Axe is not only to carry its own avenue, but also to open up the world. It is oneself against the ultimate catastrophe. Strength, there can be no mistakes, even the slightest flaw, Xing Tian can't accept it, this is related to his own life and death!

"The will and blood can't carry the power of the rules. There must be something short of it, but what is that?" When Xing Tian was muttering to himself again, suddenly there was a flash of light in his mind. Ning said in a deep voice, "There are three treasures in the sky, the three treasures of the sun, the moon, and the stars. People have the three treasures of spirit and energy. The heart and blood can be used as the essence, and the will as the god. What I lack is Qi, and Qi should represent my own origin. , I did not divide the origin, did not unite the three elements of spirit, qi and god, so no matter how hard I work, no matter how hard I work, it is impossible to carry the power of rules with the fusion of blood and will!"

"Hey! Such a simple question has trapped me for such a long time. It seems that I am still careless, or too self-righteous. I have forgotten even the most basic practice. The three treasures of the spirit, energy and spirit are integrated. This is the real path. Cultivation is able to carry one's own avenues, to condense the complete'opening axe', and to integrate and absorb the power of rules from the dao injury!"

In an instant, Xing Tian fully understood his problem, and completely awoke from the "confusion". The essence of energy, the three treasures, is the foundation of the true condensing of the "opening axe". Only the three are combined to be able to Only by casting the'opening axe' that bears the power of rules can we perfect our own avenue, and then we can walk out of our own Tongtian avenue and open up our own avenue!

"Hahaha! I finally realized that there is no power to stop me this time. What I need now is to adjust myself to achieve perfection, and then start this casting again!" When he thought of this, Xing Tian saw Shining with the light of the road, my mind was extremely excited at this moment. I finally saw hope and the hope of success. As long as the "Open Heaven Axe" condense and succeed, as long as it can integrate the power of rules, I can open the road. Even if it is accomplished.

As long as this time succeeds, what I need next is to polish myself bit by bit with time, absorb the power of my own injury bit by bit, and all the price I paid before will also be reaped, and the previous consumption His blood and will will also be turned into nutrients, nourishing his original treasure, "Open Heaven Axe", so that he can gain something in opening the road!

Time does not wait for others, and there is not much time left for oneself. To waste a minute of time is a huge loss to oneself, and even has a great impact on one's own practice. One minute more time gives one more hope , One more power, and one more power, oneself can have more vitality in this coming catastrophe!

Gathering his mind, Xing Tian devoted himself to practice once again, fully consummating his Three Jewels of Essence, Qi, and Putting himself in the best state. Then Xing Tian directly condensed one-third of his blood without hesitation. Directly divided one-third of the source, divided one-third of the will, the three treasures of the spirit, energy and spirit are all divided into one third. For Xing Tian himself, this is a huge damage, but Xing Tian knows that this is necessary for success. The price to be paid is that only in this way can oneself be able to cast the most powerful'opening axe', one-third of the origin, this is the maximum that Xingtian himself can bear, and one more point will hurt Xingtian. Fundamentally, Xing Tian will fall into weakness, even into death!

The power of the three treasures of the spirit and energy is divided into one-third of the power, and the three are combined to form a complete source. Under the careful guidance of Xing Tian, ​​the source of the three treasures of the spirit and energy is fusing. Fortunately, this spirit The three jewels of the gods all come from Xingtian himself. There was no backlash or hindrance at this time of integration. Everything went smoothly. After all, Xingtian also had a lot of experience before. This time, although there is only one more source, for Xingtian himself There is not much burden.

The powers of the Three Treasures are merging with each other. Although Xing Tian is very impatient, the fusion is not anxious. After all, this is not a trivial matter. This is a major event related to his own life and death. Xing Tian dare not be careless or careless, this time. You can’t tolerate failure. If you fail again, you’ll be dead. After all, this is one-third of your own strength. Once you fail, this one-third of the original strength will be absorbed by Dao Wounds. Overwhelming the true body of the gods and demons will inevitably bring death to themselves!

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