God of Destruction

Chapter 4158: Fate

Chapter 4, 166, Chance

Fusion, the Avenue of Stars is completely integrated into the body, each of the "acupoints" and stars are perfectly integrated into the body, but it is a pity that the world of Xingtian's "acupoints" is not fully opened, and it has not condensed into a complete body. The Avenue of Stars, otherwise the real body of the **** and devil who is now in punishment will become stronger, more terrifying, and more terrifying.

Power, endless power seems to be in my grasp, as if a single blow can provoke the power of my own "hole" orifice world, turning into the supreme mighty power that shatters the void. As for the origin of all kinds of stars, many law origins are already there. Turned into the source of the flesh, turned into the great avenue of power, power is the foundation of the true body of this **** and demon.

Taking a deep breath, Xing Tian's eyes kept shining brightly! Thinking, Xing Tian is thinking about how he should continue to walk on this road, how he can make his true body of God and Demon completely complete, only when his chaotic God and Demon body is completely complete, can he truly master it. The avenue of strength can go further on the avenue of gods and demons, and can walk more steadily on the avenue of cultivation. The flesh is the root of everything. The avenue of stars evolves not from the origin of the stars, but the stars. The world is the world avenue. When he has a realm battlefield and his insight into the world avenue, Xing Tian can clearly feel that his avenue of stars has evolved and embarked on an unprecedented road, his own chaos **** The demon body also embarked on an unprecedented road of power, which shattered the void.

Smashing the void is easier said than done. In the realm battlefield world, Xing Tian may really be able to crush the void, but now in the highest chaos world, although Xing Tian's strength has been increased by leaps and bounds, he still cannot do it. Unless you use the original treasure in your hand, the Heavenly Open Axe, and the Heavenly Open Axe is your own heritage. If it is not a last resort, Xing Tian will not use it easily. After all, the power of the Heavenly Axe is too powerful and too attractive. , No one can refuse the temptation to "open the axe", but once the original treasure is "exposed", I am afraid that there are countless enemies who want to calculate themselves.

In this great calamity, in the supreme chaotic world, if you want to ensure your own safety, the most important thing is to be cautious, to be reserved, not to "expose" your own background, once exposed. The background is no longer a background, nor is it a threat, and there is no threat to the known hole cards, and the same is true of the original treasure of the'Opening Axe'.

What avenue is used to conceal one's own avenue? Nature is now the main power of the body. The avenue of power smashes the void, even if there is no original treasure in the hand, it still has terrible lethality and still has a strong deterrent. It is enough to make many people not dare to act rashly, and it is enough to make high-level civilizations pay attention. The real avenue of power, once achieved, will definitely have the supreme power to crush the void, and the physical body has the ability to survive that other people do not have!

After grasping the secret of his chaotic **** and demon's real body, Xing Tian's eyes "showed" a trace of joy. The transformation of his body exceeded his expectations. This is a great thing for Xing Tian. With such a background, I have greater confidence in my own safety, and it’s time to take action to explore what happened in the highest chaotic world and understand what earth-shattering changes during the time I left the highest chaotic world that would make the world impossible. The expected change!

With a thought, Xing Tian retracted his body into the body and continued to warm up. Xing Tian waved his hand to release the restriction he had placed before. Looking at this abandoned place in front of him, Xing Tian shook his head slightly, perhaps in this abandoned place. There are still some resources and some treasures in the ground, but Xing Tian has no time to explore now, and can be discarded for so long, even if there are still treasures, there won’t be too many. There is no need to waste time and energy. What he needs to do now is Find the area of ​​the human civilization world, understand the changes in the supreme chaotic world, and get the resources you need urgently from the human civilization.

Stepping out of the abandoned land, Xingtian’s divine mind is turned on, and his mental power quickly sweeps everything around. Maybe it’s crazy and dangerous, but this is the fastest way and the easiest to understand where you are. Regional approach.

In Xingtian’s frantic sweep, the result was not as expected. There was no sign of civilization around him. It seemed that he was surrounded by abandoned land. There was no racial civilization in the place where he stayed. This made Xing Tian I couldn't help but frowned. There is no sign of any ethnic civilization in such a big world, which is too unacceptable!

"Damn, how could this be? I had vaguely felt threatened before, but now there are no signs of the survival of any ethnic civilization. Why is this? Could it be that the void where I am, this world is early Just abandoned?" Xing Tian was muttering to himself, thinking about the problem. Although it seems to be a trivial matter, in fact it is not a trivial matter. If this is really a place of waste, if it is really too far away, it means he The sense of crisis when I first entered the Supreme Chaos World did not come from this world, but from others. Someone noticed the spatial fluctuations they caused!

For the sake of a little spatial fluctuation, it is still in the abandoned land. This shows that the Supreme Chaos world is very unstable, and even makes those race civilizations worried. Even a little spatial fluctuation does not dare to take it lightly. Be careful. Responding cautiously can make it have such a reaction, I am afraid that many forces will be calculated and wiped out.

"Hey!" When thinking of this, Xing Tian couldn't help but gasp. His guess may be true. A terrible disaster has swept some areas of the Supreme Chaos World, perhaps the piece of Supreme Chaos where his sect was located. The land of the world was destroyed by this disaster, and because of the sudden outbreak of the disaster, it even returned out of control.

The more he understands, the more worried and heavier Xing Tian's heart is! In a place that has been abandoned for a long time, there is no reference, no direction, or even a clear goal. How does Xing Tian act and choose a direction to move forward, I am afraid it is easy to fall into a desperate situation. After all, this is In the supreme chaotic world, the ethnic civilization here has many grievances, and even blood and blood. If you encounter the forces of the human race, there is no danger, but once you encounter the enemies of the human civilization, the situation of Xingtian alone is inevitable. It will be life-threatening.


"It seems that you can only choose one direction to move forward. Otherwise, it's not a problem to stop all the time. For better or worse, you have to try. As long as you are careful, you can still ensure your own safety!" After thinking for a while, Xing Tian still made a choice. With my mind choosing a direction and starting to move forward, perhaps this is a bit risky, but the road of practice has never been smooth sailing. When it is time to take a risk, you must do it decisively. Time waits for no one and cannot tolerate wasting yourself!

Moving forward carefully, Xing Tian’s spirit was fully enlightened and carefully probed his surroundings to prevent being attacked by others. After all, this is the supreme chaotic world with too many mysterious and weird ethnic civilizations. He has supernatural powers that he doesn't know. Under such an environment, no matter how cautious he is, it is right. After all, this is related to his own survival!

Along the way, Xing Tian’s brows became more and more serious. Perhaps he chose the wrong direction. The more Xing Tian went, the more he realized that he saw that the environment he passed was a bit barren, and the vitality of the world was weakening. It was obvious that he was in Moving to a place that was more unbearable than the area where he was before, this made Xing Tian's heart involuntarily cast a shadow.

give up? No, Xing Tian did not do this, and would not do it. You must know that to choose this direction, but according to his own spiritual instructions, Xing Tian still believes in his own telepathy, even if the current situation is a little abnormal, Xing Tian is still willing to believe My own telepathy, believing that there is nothing wrong with my choice, this is the direction I should move forward!

This is the junction of the periphery of the Supreme Chaos World. Under normal circumstances, no creatures will appear. This is an abandoned place. Here even the Chaos Giants will not exist, because there are no resources and no treasures. Even the communication between the periphery and the interior of the Supreme Chaos World will not pass through here. Instead, it will directly cross this area by the method of space transfer. Unfortunately, Xing Tian does not know that he is still moving forward. Who will let Xing Tian treat this Supreme? There is too little understanding of the chaotic world. If the tools and spirits before, Xing Tian can still avoid such an embarrassing situation, but now he can't do it alone.

"It's not normal, it's a wasteland, but the more you move forward, the more a kind of faint joy in your mind, as if there is a treasure that is vital to you in front!" When the mind has such a feeling, Xing Tian couldn't help it. Di sighed lightly, feeling a little helpless about his own feelings. Along the way, Xing Tian didn't get anything, and he didn't see any chance. Under such an environment, Xing Tian was really too optimistic about his telepathy. No matter how good treasures are, they shouldn't appear in such abandoned places. Such abandoned places can never give birth to natural treasures.

Just when Xing Tian didn’t agree with him, suddenly, his eyes were bright, and a green "color" appeared in Xing Tian’s eyes. It was a world with a breath of life, a star with vitality, and beyond that star, there was A faint defensive light, it seems that this star is protected by the prohibition, but the strength of the prohibition is somewhat weak!

"How is this possible? There is still a living star in this barren and abandoned land, and there are restrictions over it. Is it because I am dazzled, or all of this is just an illusion!" Seeing this strange world, Xing Tian didn't believe it for the first time, and felt that this was false. This was his own illusion, and everything in front of him was not real!

However, Xing Tian's mind soon reacted, eagerly guiding him to move on. In that green "color" world, he was his goal, where he had his own opportunities, which made Xing Tian's brows frown. Locked even more tightly, because the faint prohibition seemed to be in no danger, as if he was breaking it with a single blow, but Xing Tian was able to sense a faint crisis, and this crisis originated from the prohibition, which made Xing Tian involuntarily unable to help. Hesitated!

Crisis and opportunity coexist? This is the world that one party has not explored before? At this time, Xing Tian couldn't help but have such thoughts in his heart, and only this explanation can make sense, but there is such a good thing in this world. He just chose a direction at random and found such a great opportunity. It sounds incredible, Xing Tian can't believe that in the endless years, the creatures of the Supreme Chaos World would not have explored this world.

It makes sense for Xing Tian to think so, but Xing Tian doesn’t know that because this is an abandoned place, no creatures are willing to waste time and energy to explore. It is normal that there are some traces from the ancients, but this is rare. Little, Xing Tian can only say that his own luck is too good, and he has got such a great opportunity directly!

Why is there such a big opportunity to add oneself? In fact, the reason is very simple, because Xing Tian himself, because Xing Tian refines his wounds, absorbs a trace of the origin and rules of the supreme chaotic world, although for the supreme chaos world, the power of the origin and rules is not worth mentioning , But no matter how small the origin is, it also has a good luck. Just like this, Xing Tian will be able to make such a big gain when he exits the customs, choosing a direction at will, everything is for luck to help!

Although there is no son of the world in the supreme chaotic world, Xing Tian now absorbs a trace of the world's origin, and there is also a trace of the supreme chaos world's shelter, so such a big opportunity appears in front of him so easily!

There are dangers ahead and great opportunities. Will this danger make Xing Tian shrink back? This is impossible. Xingtian’s avenue of cultivation is boundless. It has always been advancing without retreat. It is just such a little danger. How can it be allowed to retreat? If this dangerous Xingtian retreats, Xingtian’s madness before It's not justified.

Taking a deep breath, Xing Tian's blood pulse surged, his eyes were instantly bright, the eyes of the gods and demons opened, the blood force opened, and he looked directly at the faint defensive prohibition. Xing Tian wanted to know what the prohibition was. Being able to keep it for such a long time, what kind of restriction can still make one feel dangerous after experiencing endless years, can threaten one's own safety, if one can see all this, perhaps it will be a great help to one's own practice!

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