God of Destruction

Chapter 4159: Arthroplasty

Chapter 4169

Seeing everything through, the idea is good, but the divine eyes are opened, Xing Tian sees the result that he can't believe it. The prohibition is composed of lives. It can be said that the prohibition is composed of countless lives. The entire prohibition is completely terrible. Condensed by the insects, it is no wonder that he feels threatened. Such a restriction is the first time Xing Tian has seen it, and it is also the first time he has come into contact with him.

"Damn, how could this be? Is this the living world evolving on its own, or is this restriction intentionally left behind by the strong man who originally controlled the world? If it is the former, everything is fine. After all, this restriction is caused by life. The composition is the accumulation of insects, they are just instinctive reactions, and if it is the consequence, everything is terrible. If you can't find a solution, you will only have to rush, and this requires you to have absolute power!"

When thinking of this, Xing Tian couldn't help but sighed secretly. He had absolute power. As long as the'Opening Axe' came out, there would be enough power to break the ban, but Xing Tian didn't know if there would be more terrible consequences. Unable to eliminate all these insects, then I will face unknown dangers, and even if there are more and more in this world than just the insects I see in front of me, the consequences will be even more disastrous. .

"What to do!" Looking at the restriction in front of him, Xing Tian frowned. Although there was an urgent crisis in his heart, Xing Tian was still calm, carefully watching everything in front of him, even using his own consciousness point by point. Point to point to test a bug, take a look at the bug's response, to determine whether the terrible degree of this restriction is within the range of one's own tolerance!

"Hey!" Xing Tian took a breath of air soon, and the result was beyond Xing Tian's imagination. When his consciousness touched the body of the worm, and before he could react, the thread of consciousness was swallowed by the worm. Fortunately, this worm did not sense his own existence, nor did he riot because of his temptation. Everything seemed to be passive, as if it was the instinct of the worm itself, instinctively allowing it to swallow all consciousness!

"God devouring! This is a bug that can devour God's consciousness. No wonder I feel threatened. Such a terrifying instinct is indeed prohibitive and indeed unbelievable. If you can't overcome this terrible power of devouring God, then I am afraid. Risking through the barriers will also put oneself in an absolute crisis and face death. After all, he cannot guarantee to completely strangulate all these insects!" When he said this, Xing Tian sighed again, and his mood became even more heavy. extremely.

Facing a group of insects with god-eating power and unknown chaotic creatures, Xing Tian had to be cautious, because every mistake would put him in desperation, not to mention that he didn't know these insects with god-eating instincts in front of him. How many, I don’t know how powerful these insects are, but as chaotic creatures, no matter how small they are, it doesn’t mean that their combat power is weak, and the power formed by so many insects is even more terrifying. Even more terrifying, it can be said that this is a dangerous situation that Xingtian has never encountered before!

"How many bugs are there in this world, how powerful is the power of this insect forbidden? If you can't detect this, if you act rashly, you will destroy yourself, even if I have the'opening axe' in my hand, I can't protect it. Myself, the magical power of Devouring Gods is too terrible. Once the insect ban riots are caused, I will definitely fall into a desperate situation. Maybe I should change my mind to be able to form such a powerful insect ban in dense clusters. Among these insects, it will inevitably be With the existence of the Insect King, as long as you can find it, you may be able to understand this world through the Insect King, and understand how powerful this Insect King is!"

Without too much time, Xing Tian thought of a new solution. Using violence may be the most direct, but also the most stupid. After all, everything in front of you is unknown. You cannot be too careful about the unknown. After all, this It is related to one's own life and death. A slight mistake will result in unimaginable consequences. The chance is also a crisis. The two go side by side.

Since it is a bug, there must be a female insect queen in this insect forbidden, like a bee, there is a queen bee, otherwise it will be impossible to continue offspring, and so is the bug. This theory sounds very simple, but it is not easy to do. Xing Tian still understands this. After all, there are too many bugs here, and they all have the ability to eat gods. They don’t need spiritual knowledge, they only rely on their eyes and want to It is so difficult to find the insect king among the densely packed insects.

In fact, for Xingtian, if the hidden female insect king can be found, it will not only help to understand insect prohibition, but also have great benefits for himself. If he can control it, it is equivalent to controlling the whole Insect swarms have a swarm of insects that can devour gods. When the enemy is unprepared, a sudden attack will inevitably bring death to them!

It is a pity that these insects are resting now, and the difference between them cannot be seen with the naked eye, even if Xingtian opened the eyes of gods and demons, but the insect forbidden formed by such large-scale insects, who can find its existence, Even Xing Tian suspected that this female insect king would not be hidden behind the insect forbidden in this insect swarm. If this is the case, the problem would be even more troublesome!

Of course, Xing Tian still has a crazier thought in his mind. Perhaps the insect ban in front of him is not only one female insect king, but dozens or even hundreds of them, and the ultimate female insect king may be there. The core of the world in front of him is under the strictest care and protection. After all, no king of living creatures will face the enemy directly. The insect king has status and status. If it is as straightforward as I guessed, there are many insect swarms, there are many insect kings, this world may be a sea of ​​insects!

auzw.com "Well! First look for an area, which is the area I have explored with my spiritual sense before, and see if everything is as I expected. In this area, There will be the existence of the Mother Insect King. If there is, it proves that the world in front of you is very dangerous and terrifying. It cannot be cracked by violence. Only relying on wisdom and forcibly will only destroy one's "life"!"

When thinking of this, Xing Tian no longer hesitated, the eyes of gods and demons were opened, and he carefully explored the small piece of insect forbidden. Every insect Xingtian must be carefully explored, and he dare not be careless. After all, Xingtian has never been careless. I have encountered such bugs, and I don’t know how to distinguish them. If I don’t look carefully, even if the female bug king is right in front of my eyes, I will miss it because of my carelessness. This is the gap of knowledge. The understanding of the Supreme Chaos World is still too little!

special! Without knowing about bugs, Xing Tian can only look for more special bugs, and what kind of performance is called special is that the benevolent sees the benevolent and the wise sees wisdom, and it is difficult to make a clear distinction. Xingtian All you can do is idealism, you can only rely on your own feelings, and only in this way can you gain something!

For various reasons, Xing Tian's search was very slow, and time passed bit by bit, but after waiting for so long, nothing was found. The insects he saw were all the same, nothing special at all, no abnormalities, as if All the insects are the same, there is no difference at all, this result made Xing Tian frowned involuntarily.

The more so, the more it shows the seriousness of the matter, the more it shows the power of the insect king behind the control of insect control, the more it shows the nature of the insects, so many insects are of the same size and appearance. How terrible it is As a result, it is possible to control the insects to such a level. Is this something ordinary power can do? If someone says that, Xing Tian would not believe it!

"The **** change, the **** strange, how could such a weird thing be easy, but the more so, the more likely it is to find the insect king. As long as there is a strange insect, it may be the insect king, and so Can the insect king refining and refining, can he control all of the insect king’s subordinates, can he open the door of the insect forbidden?” For an instant, Xing Tian had such a bold guess in his heart. He thought of a way to solve the predicament. Crazy, but this is the only way Xing Tian thinks of to safely resolve crises, and even Xing Tian suspects that the insect control in front of him may be his chance!

Insect prohibition is an opportunity, is this crazy? No, it’s not crazy at all. For many people, seeing such a huge insect ban and facing such a terrifying insect swarm, the first idea is to destroy it. After all, only destruction can make one’s heart at ease, only destruction can To avoid threats, destruction is also the most effective and universal method.

Control the insect king, come to control the insect swarm, control the insect control, crazy? No, it’s not crazy at all, because this is indeed feasible, even if the insects in front of you have the ability to eat gods, it is not impossible, because Xing Tian is not the same as ordinary people, Xing Tian masters the Dao of Power and the Dao of Stars , Opened up the "acupoint" orifice world. If a "acupoint" orifice world is used to breed insect swarms, it can naturally use the power of the world to refine the insect swarm and the insect king bit by bit.

It’s unacceptable for many people to use the world to refine the insect king, refine the insect swarm, and sacrifice a "hole" orifice world, because they all have only an inner world, and Xing Tian is not a big deal. After all, Xing Tian can Opening all the "holes" of the gods and demon bodies can evolve them into the world. If you can breed these insect swarms from the chaos, it is indeed an extremely powerful assassin for Xingtian, which can make your own heritage more powerful.

Of course, everything has the problem. Xingtian must find the insect king. Only by finding the insect king can Xingtian's plan be realized. If he can't find the insect king, he just collects some ordinary insects, although it will bring him some time. Strong combat power, but the insects will die, and these insects will be consumed in a few times, and all the costs paid before then will be dispersed!

In fact, Xing Tian still has a crazier thought in his mind. If the previous guess is true, there is a female insect king in this world, the mother of all insect kings, maybe he should refine it into a clone. , Based on the world of one's "hole", create a powerful world of zerg, and even with the help of other powers of oneself, the power of all worms can be strengthened little by little, so that oneself has a strong, fierce and unmatched An army that can sweep everything.

If you have such a large army in the realm battlefield world, why should you be so cautious, why bother to care about those enemies, with so much consideration in your heart, you can completely swept them with unmatched power, even if you are an ancient god, In front of such a Zerg army, it is also vulnerable, and it will be swallowed up. Devouring God is the most terrifying magical power! No matter how strong your defenses are, divine consciousness is the biggest weakness. There are tens of millions or even hundreds of millions of bugs. This is unstoppable by any force, even those who stand on top of the world. Those who suffer, also have a headache, after all, Devouring God is too weird.

After a long sigh, Xing Tian calmed his mind a little and allowed himself to have a clear head, Xing Tian continued to look for it. Although he said that the bugs he saw were the same, every time he explored, he would be more familiar with the bugs. After a little understanding, thousands of thousands, Xing Tian also has a little understanding of these insects in front of him, and he can generally have a certain ability to evaluate them. A single insect is not terrible, and he can wipe it out by himself, even Thousands and tens of thousands are nothing, but when counted as hundreds of thousands, the power of the insect swarms is much more terrifying, because Xingtian found something unprecedented on this insect. One insect does not show up. Thousands, Ten thousand will not appear, only when one hundred thousand are opened, that is a prohibition!

Yes, Xing Tian has found a little bit of restraint. When the insect swarm reaches 100,000 hours, even if there is no external force to guide or the insect king to guide, the insect swarm will have the power of restraint and can exert a more powerful God Devourer Li, why was my spiritual sense swallowed up in an instant before? It was not caused by that bug, but by the entire insect ban. My spiritual sense was swallowed by the entire swarm, so it took time to react. No, nothing was gained.

Born with its own prohibition, such supernatural powers are terrifying and weird! There will be such a change in one hundred thousand, how many insects will change, what will it look like when there are millions, tens of millions, billions, or even billions, if the insects can accumulate indefinitely , How terrible it would be? This is what Xing Tian desperately wants to know. Only when this problem is clarified can Xing Tian dare to continue to act, and then dare to fight the insect king’s idea. Perish!

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