God of Destruction

Chapter 4160: Arthrophagus

Chapter 4168

The more he understands, the more cautious Xing Tian treats these insects! Now he has only gained a little bit, and Xing Tian believes that as he continues to explore, more secrets will be "exposed" in front of him, and he will figure out the problems that he was worried about before. , But there will be more worries and dangers.

Xing Tian also thought about using his "hole" orifice world to forcibly grab a bug, decompose it, and understand everything about it fundamentally, but this idea is too dangerous, but the consequences of disturbing the swarm will be unthinkable. Xing Tian has no confidence to be able to. Avoiding the siege of the insect swarms, he has no confidence to retreat. After all, Xing Tian doesn’t know how terrifying the power of restraint in front of him can be. It is impossible to devour God's power, and there will be no danger if you don't use God's consciousness, but if Insect Forbidden can take the initiative to attack, everything will be extraordinary!

After detecting hundreds of thousands of insects, Xing Tian felt very uncomfortable, because after these hundreds of thousands of insects, he found no new discoveries, nor could he see new anomalies. This made Xing Tian a little anxious and kept repeating. A kind of work is a huge pressure for the body and mind, no matter how rational Xing Tian is, it will be affected. After all, this is not once or twice, nor is it thousands of times, but hundreds of thousands, or even more. This had to put some pressure on Xing Tian.

It is said that there is pressure and motivation, but this is only relatively speaking. At least the situation facing Xingtian is not like this. The huge pressure does not give Xingtian more motivation. On the contrary, the pressure is too great, making Xingtian’s mind It has an impact. After all, Xingtian faces an endless sea of ​​insects, and he doesn't know how many there are! Under such horrible circumstances, it is not easy for Xing Tian to remain calm, not to be afraid of it, and to retreat is already very rare!

Continuing, the bugs Xingtian explored soon reached millions. When the millions of bugs were completely put together, Xingtian made new discoveries. The power of prohibition is increasing, and it can be said that between one hundred thousand and one million. There is an obvious gap. This is a multiple enhancement. It is completely different from the previous collection of hundreds of thousands of insects. Only in the number of millions, Xing Tian still did not see the figure of the insect king. It is obvious that the number of millions is still not one. The limit of the insect king, the number of insects that the insect king can master is beyond imagination!

"Damn bugs, if according to the current rules, the bugs are strengthened by one hundred thousand and one million, which means that the next pass is ten million, which is now ten hundred. If you still can't see the insect king at ten million level, That would be billions of dollars. How much time and energy will it consume? Is it worth wasting time and energy here? Just to enhance your own background, an unknown world of Zerg will have to pay such a huge price Is it worth it?” This is the first time Xing Tian has a question in his heart, and he has a slight hesitation about his previous assumptions. After all, he wastes too much time. If this continues, I am afraid that the energy and time consumed will exceed My imagination is even beyond what I can bear.

A person’s energy and time are limited. To waste one’s time and energy here, in the inability to see hope, will inevitably make Xing Tian’s heart take care of and uneasy. This is also human nature, but it’s just for Xing Tianlai. To say that this kind of normality has tremendous pressure, which will make Xingtian's mind bear more pressure and face greater impact, and this is practice!

Soon, Xing Tian's heart shuddered, and a ray of light appeared in his eyes, and he secretly warned, "Damn, what's wrong with me, at this moment, my mind is starting to shake. What kind of power is causing it? It's my own problem. Is it because I have been hit repeatedly and repeatedly, and my mind is flawed, or is it because of this world, because of these terrible insects in front of me? "

No matter how small the mind is, no matter how small it is, it is a huge hidden danger and a huge danger for practitioners. Although Xing Tian has incomparable confidence in his own will, when the mind is shaken, he still cannot Don't make such a guess, after all, this is related to one's own life and death, related to one's own spiritual future, and there can be no carelessness! Once there is a real problem in my own mind, I don't want to solve it now, but ignore it, and I will inevitably give myself endless dangers in my future practice, and even ruin my own life and completely end my practice!

For the first time, Xing Tianxin grabbed his mind and probed his own soul bit by bit, testing his soul to see if his previous division of will was only damaged, or if there were hidden dangers due to external forces! The soul is intact and the mind is not damaged. The previous shake of mind was not caused by one's own problems, but caused by external reasons, which made Xing Tian breathe a sigh of relief! As long as there is no problem with oneself, this is the greatest good thing, and oneself is the root of everything.

After excluding his own problems, Xingtian has to consider only external reasons, whether it is the environment of the world or the insects. This is the focus of Xingtian's exploration, the environment? Xing Tian carefully used his divine consciousness to avoid the insect swarm, and "sweeped" around carefully to see if there was any place he had overlooked and if there was any abnormality.

No, it didn’t take long for Xing Tian to rule out this reason, and there was only one possibility left, which was the insect swarm, which affected my mind and shook my soul, but why was he not affected by it in the first place? It only appeared after such a long time. Could it be that I have overlooked something in this.

"By the way, it is the number of bugs. The number of millions of bugs is not as simple as what I can see with the naked eye. It is not that there are no new discoveries. It is something I did not expect. The millions of insects have the ability to shake the mind. This is the new power of forbidden, but this power is too easy to hide, and it is easy to not be discovered. If it were not for my mind to be shaken, if it were not for me to be cautious, I would not have noticed the problem at all!" Flash, let Xing Tian finally understand the cause of the problem, and this discovery completely made Xing Tian pay more attention to the insect swarm in front of him. The power of the insects will become more terrifying as the number increases. It was only swallowed before, but now there is a spiritual shock, and It is the most secret shock!


"It's really scary. A ladder is enhanced once, and once changed, a million-level is so terrifying. What kind of sight is that ten million-level? How terrible is a hundred million insect swarms a level higher!" Xing Tian couldn't help but gently shook his head, his eyes became more solemn, because the divine consciousness could not be used, it is also a big problem for Xing Tian to shield the impact of this soul, although he is aware of it now and is prepared, but When I devote myself to the exploration again, can I ignore the spiritual impact of this swarm? Why does this happen only after I have explored myself, but I didn't show anything before. What's the secret of the bug after I saw it?

secret? No, this is not a secret. This is instinct. It is the instinct of the insect itself. When Xingtian observes the millions of insects from an independent perspective, the instinct formed by the insect swarm will explode its hidden power and give Xingtian This is a passive force that is artificially affected. If Xing Tian can ignore the increase in the number of insects and does not want to explore the secrets of the insect swarm, he will naturally not be affected by the number of insects, but what Xing Tian wants to explore now is exactly This problem, this is an unavoidable threat, unless Xing Tian gives up, otherwise he must bear the impact from the insect swarm.

"This is really a weird and terrifying creature. If the chaotic creatures are so terrifying and terrifying, the highest chaotic world will be more dangerous than you think. If you count a million, if you count a few millions more, you can really withstand the impact. After reaching ten thousand counts, my soul can withstand this incremental increase, and I can retreat without being strangled by the power of this swarm!" Worry, there are endless worries in my heart. The reason for this is because of my own strength. Insufficiency, because of the weird swarm.

Xing Tian never overestimated his own strength, nor did he underestimate the strength of his opponents. Although a bug is nothing, millions of bugs, or even millions of bugs, must not be underestimated, and underestimating it will only harm. I, ruining my own "life", the strong will never have such a stupid mentality, and will not make such low-level ridiculous mistakes!

Looking at the insect ban in front of him, Xing Tian quickly calculated that if he wanted to find a way to resolve the crisis, he had only one choice, that is, the great way of strength, to suppress the mind with his own great way of strength, breaking the ten thousand laws with one force. This is not a random talk, but it is true and feasible. The Great Dao of Power suppresses the Ten Thousand Dao. The prerequisite is that your Dao Sensation is strong enough and your own will is firm enough. Otherwise, don’t say it is suppressing the Ten Thousand Dao, you will be Dao swallowed and fell into desperation.

For a moment, Xing Tian sighed softly: "Open the heavenly axe, to be foolproof, only use the open heavenly axe to cooperate, and use the road of power to control the sky-opening axe. There is a superposition of the road of opening and the road of power, which can ensure that your mind is not affected. The external force is shaken, but the price paid is a bit high, but compared to the harvest, this price is also worth paying!"

When crises and opportunities coexist, great opportunities will inevitably have great crises. This is the test. If you want to get the chance, you must endure the test and face the crisis. Only in this way can you get everything you want, and you can really get the chance. The recognition behind, and this requires a price, Xing Tian believes that he has the ability to do all this, and has the ability to face it all.

Taking a deep breath, the avenue of strength blesses itself and protects its soul, and the'opening axe' also emits a faint breath of opening the avenue to protect its soul. When the two are combined, there is an inexplicable breath. The opportunity surged, suppressing Xingtian’s own soul, will, and heart, and blocking all external soul impacts. If you want to shake Xingtian’s mind, you must first break through this defense, and you must face the great road of power. Suppression and the opening of the avenue of "Open Heaven Axe"!

"It is feasible. The powerful avenue and the power of the'opening axe' really block all impacts. As long as you are not affected by this insect prohibition, you can continue to study. Only in this way can you touch it bit by bit. "Only by clearing the nature of insects can we truly understand the power of the insect forbidden, and know the real secrets of the world before us!"

The most fundamental reason why Xing Tian was so persistent was his lack of strength, his lack of a strong background, and his own anxiety! Of course, Xing Tian did not intend to put his safety in the hands of others. Although the Human Race is strong and possesses a peak powerhouse, no matter how strong the Human Race is, it is impossible to take care of all the evil spirits of Tianjiao. He has to make choices. Background, no background, wanting those peak powers to pay for themselves, this is just not feasible.

It is precisely because Xing Tian can clearly understand himself that he will understand and master insect prohibition at all costs. This is his own capital against powerful enemies. In the supreme chaotic world, he is not familiar with and has no friends. The door is destroyed, and everything before is turned into nothingness. If there is no strong means, how to survive in this dangerous world!

Continuing on, one million, two million, and three million. With the passage of time, Xing Tian gradually reached the ten million mark. At this time, Xing Tian's heart froze and he increased his vigilance, because at this time he was still I didn't see the insect king and encountered no danger, but the ten million mark is another level, and I will face a more powerful threat!

With a thought in mind, the Dao of Power and the'Opening Axe' exude more powerful power to prevent danger from coming, and be careful to sail the ship for ten thousand years. At this time, under such circumstances, Xingtian cannot be cautious. After all, this They are all unknown forces, take their own precautions, Xing Tian carefully explored the last hundreds of insects and completed the number of millions.

When 10% of these tens of millions, a terrible shock appeared, it was a **** forbidden, or more accurately, it was the **** pattern of the avenue. Tens of millions of insect swarms spontaneously gave birth to the **** pattern of the avenue, and this was the insect. The real name of these insects has the name of God Devouring God given by Dao. They are'God Devouring Insects'. They are born to swallow divine consciousness, and only above tens of millions of insect swarms will they have the blessing of God Devouring Great Dao. And with the insect swarm blessed by the Great Dao Divine Mark, the power is terrifying to the extreme. If Xing Tian is not prepared before, the mind is easily affected by this Great Divine Mark and will fall into a life and death crisis. You must know that the Dao’s name is not a simple creature. This is a life that is favored by the Dao. Perhaps the god-eaters are no longer favored by the Dao, but their name will not disappear. They still have the Dao God. Pattern!

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