God of Destruction

Chapter 4161: Festival Avenue Named

Chapter 4169

"The avenue **** pattern, these insects are actually equipped with the avenue **** pattern, which is unbelievable, but fortunately, this avenue **** pattern has a problem and has lost the complete power of the avenue. Otherwise, this time even if I am fully prepared, I am afraid I have to bear some damage. After all, the complete power of the Dao is the embodiment of the will of the Dao!" Feeling the power of the Dao’s **** pattern, Xing Tian sighed involuntarily, and had to admit that these bugs brought him a real surprise. too much!

What is the origin of these bugs, and can they have the **** pattern? If they are the product of this era, and the Dao Divine Marks on their bodies should not be incomplete, can it be said that they are creatures that have survived the previous era? If so, then everything is easy to explain, and such insect swarms appear in This abandoned place is also understandable!

In any case, these bugs now let Xing Tian fully understand the power of its background, and also let Xing Tian understand that such bugs are worth paying a higher price for themselves. Even if it is a broken **** pattern, it is also a great gift, and it is also a **** pattern. The mighty power of heaven and earth, not everyone has this ability, not everyone can resist the impact of the avenue!

Continue, no matter how high the price is, I must continue. I must find the Insect King. As long as I can conquer the Insect King, I am equal to the information of the previous epoch. This is an important role, and this insect prohibition is enough to make your heart move. If you can subdue an insect king, your "acupoint" world will have even more amazing gains. After all, this is the creature named by the Dao and has the origin of the Dao. Blessing.

After thinking about all this, Xing Tian increasingly wanted to catch a female insect king, completely conquer it, and contain it in his own "hole" world, to cultivate more insects, so that he could have a powerful army. , There is a swarm of insects with the name given by the Dao, once a legion is formed, it can completely sweep everything. The name of the Dao is not fake, and the power of the Dao is enough to make many people afraid!

The swarm of insects named by Dadao, the name of Devouring God is not given in vain. Once such insects form a sea of ​​insects, no matter which ethnic civilization they dare to take lightly, they must be treated with caution, even if they can master the insects. Wang, may also be able to understand the power of the rules given by the Dao from his body, and also have the opportunity to explore the essence of the Dao! Although this chance is very low, for any creature and any strong person, it is impossible to refuse this temptation. The essence of the Dao is if someone can refuse, it will be a big joke, so stupid people cannot exist. Yu Shi!

With a "hole" orifice in the world, can it restore the god-eating avenue of the gods and make it complete? If possible, the power of the insects will be stronger and more terrifying. Once the sea of ​​insects comes out, there is no defensive consciousness and The treasure of soul impact will inevitably die without life. The complete avenue **** pattern is not comparable to the incomplete **** pattern. The avenue **** pattern has a slight flaw, and there is a qualitative gap. There is a complete avenue and a broken avenue. The essential gap.

Of course, the premise is that Xingtian can do it. These god-eaters still have this potential. They have not lost their potential due to the changes of the times, and if they want to increase the possibility of success, Xingtian also needs to thoroughly understand the god-eaters, from the insect king. Find the more information you need. Otherwise, no matter how good Xingtian’s "acupoint" world is, it will not be possible to increase the power of the god-eating insects, improve the essence of its avenue, and let it regain its complete and intact avenue **** patterns and master the real The power of the avenue!

The most important thing for Xing Tian now is to find the insect king. Only in this way can he carry on his own conjecture. Otherwise, everything is just his own fantasy. No matter how good the plan is, it cannot be realized. Without the insect king, the so-called insect swarm is just one A joke, don't think about worm-sea tactics. Just relying on plundering some worms from here is impossible to have a complete swarm of worms.

Ten million did not see the insect king, which means that the next level is 100 million, and this takes ten times the time. If there is no surprise before, and the existence of the name given by the Dao, Xing Tian is afraid that it will shrink back, after all, it will be wasted. Several times the time is too much pressure for Xing Tian, ​​and now Xing Tian can do so without any consideration. Xing Tian’s worries are no longer the question of time, but the potential of God Devourer, as long as God Devourer has enough potential. , Xingtian is willing to bear the big price.

Today, all Xingtian’s plans are based on conjecture. Before the insect king is found, everything is imaginary and no longer exists. Only by finding the insect king and subduing the insect king can his plan be implemented smoothly and can be verified. Without the Insect King, all the plans will not be counted, they are just spectacles, without any price.

At this moment, Xing Tian couldn't bear it. He wanted to draw people from his chaotic world and ask them to help him find the existence of the Insect King. However, Xing Tian gave up this idea. Perhaps doing so would speed up his own. Speed, but doing so is also very dangerous. Not everyone has their own combat power and their own firm will. Once they are also affected by the instinct of the god-eater, they are afraid that they will die without life. Xing Tian I don't want to waste the lives of these people. Insects are powerful and important, but his subordinates are also important. Xing Tian can't let them sacrifice their lives in vain!

It is not advisable for Xing Tian to use his loyal hand to exchange for the King of Insects. It is undesirable for Xing Tian to spoil his reputation. Xing Tian would rather bear huge pressure himself than to see such a situation happen. Xing Tian couldn't accept the sacrifice of his loyal subordinates for this little thing.

auzw.com Little things? Yes, in Xing Tian’s heart this is just a small matter, because it is only a matter of time for Xing Tian, ​​but it is life to his loyal subordinates. Xing Tian is not cruel enough to ignore the life of his loyal subordinates, and can do a little bit for himself. Time, lost their "sex" lives for nothing, ruining their luck and reputation! If you sacrifice your loyal subordinates at will, it will make other people feel uneasy and distract them. How can such a stupid thing happen to Xingtian, Xingtian is not so ignorant and stupid!

Ten million and ten million. I don’t know how long it has passed. Xing Tian himself can’t hold on anymore. You must know that for such a long period of time, no one can bear such a boring thing. The body and mind have a great impact. Just when Xing Tian was about to be unable to hold on, he was about to gather his mind and rejuvenate his body. Suddenly a silver light flashed among the insects. Such a discovery immediately made Xing Tian excited, and his body was exhausted. Swept away, eyes quickly fixed on that silver light!

A bug with silver "color" spots appeared in front of Xing Tian's eyes. This unique bug gave Xing Tian the feeling of mysterious and powerful at first glance. The silver light was nothing but the avenue left by the avenue's name. The **** pattern, it is precisely because of the existence of this **** pattern that Xing Tian was able to determine its identity as the insect king, but what surprised Xing Tian most was that although he was the insect king, this insect king did not have a clear king aura. This is what makes Xing Tian so difficult to find.

"It seems that I am not wrong. Only one insect king will exist in 100 million insects. Now that the insect king has been found, I would like to know what changes will happen to the insect swarm when the number of 100 million insects appears! "After finding the Insect King, Xing Tian couldn't help but relax a lot. At this time, he couldn't help but want to know what will happen to the 100 million insect swarms and what kind of magical powers will appear. , With the name given by the Dadao, and what will be one hundred million?

Under Xing Tian’s caution, the number of 100 million was finally reached, and when Xing Tian made up 100 million insects, a mysterious power appeared on all the insects. It was the Dao Blessing, and the power of this blessing came from the insects. King, and at this time, the originally not powerful insect king gave Xing Tian a terrible feeling, as if the power of the entire insect swarm was blessed on it, and the entire insect swarm was one body, and it was the insect that shocked Xing Tian even more. The group exudes a trace of the power of terrible road rules.

Yes, it is the power of the rules of the Great Dao. If it is not the power of the rules that Xingtian had come into contact with the Supreme Chaos World before, if it weren’t for the power of Xingtian’s "Open Heaven Axe", it has a trace of the power of rules, a trace of the origin of the Supreme Chaos World, it is impossible to determine The power of the insect swarm, such a discovery shocked Xing Tian, ​​he could mobilize the power of the Dao rules, even if it was just a passive reaction, it was enough to shock Xing Tian, ​​and it was enough to excite Xing Tian, ​​this insect king did not disappoint himself. .

"What a bug, what a god-eater, the number of one hundred million can trigger the power of the rules of the highest chaos world, even if it is just a passive reaction, this is enough to prove their horror, such a horrible race lives in such a harsh environment. Among them, it’s really unbelievable, and no one will believe it. It sounds too ridiculous and ridiculous!" When he said this, a wry smile appeared on Xing Tian’s face, even if he took everything he saw. Tell others, no one will believe it. People who have not seen it will never believe that something like this happens!

"One hundred million is the limit, or can it be superimposed infinitely?" After finding the insect king, Xing Tian was not eager to subdue the insect king, but wanted to continue to explore the secrets of the insect swarm, and wanted to know whether an insect king could control it. How many insects form a powerful army of Zerg races. Only 100 million want to form a sea of ​​invincible insects. This is not enough. After all, the body formation of insects is small. This is a flaw. The number of 100 million sounds very large, but it is practical. The volume formed is not large.

Soon Xing Tian continued to stack again. Unfortunately, Xing Tian was disappointed. One hundred million is the limit of the insect swarm, the limit of the insect king. No matter how the Xing Tian continues, it cannot exceed 100 million. The entire insect swarm can only stack up to 100 million, one The Insect King can only integrate 100 million God-Eating Insects, and cannot form an Insect Sea. The Insect Sea tactics he designed in his heart cannot be realized!

"Damn it, how could this be? The God Devouring Insects can only stack up to 100 million, and they will never be able to exceed such a huge Insect Forbidden. If they are all so, then how many Insect Kings are hidden in this Insect Forbidden!" When he thought of this, Xing Tian couldn't help but shudder. It was terrible. In such a huge insect forbidden, the number of hidden insect kings was astonishing. Thousands, tens of thousands, are small, hundreds of thousands. , Ten thousand counts are not enough, perhaps it is a hundred million yuan as a unit, hundred million yuan of insect king, this is what a terrifying result.

The power gathered by 100 million ordinary god-eating insects is so terrifying. If it is a 100 million insect king, what a terrifying situation would it be? How many years did it take for this piece of insect control to condense, and all this also shows I asked a deeper question. My previous guess was correct. Behind the Insect King, there is a stronger Insect King. Otherwise, the Divine Devouring Insect could not be so peaceful. There is no fighting, which is not suitable for living things. No matter how kind creatures are, they can’t be so peaceful.

To make so many insect kings quiet, so that they do not have any conflict, if there is no more powerful insect king, there is no power to overwhelm the insect king, Xing Tian would not believe it, but now Xing Tian has a new problem, then The higher-level insect kings are there, how do they control this huge insect prohibition, and how do they make all the insect kings obey their orders?

"Horrible, this world is terrible. The result is unbelievable. Who dares to believe that there will be hundreds of millions of insect kings in a small world just by prohibiting them, and they can remain calm and combine with each other. , Forming a more powerful insect ban. If you have not felt threatened before, but directly rush into the insect swarm, you will be killed by these god-eating insects. , Become their food and nutrients!"

Exaggeration? No, this is not an exaggeration. This is the fact, an unchangeable fact, let alone Xingtian, even if it is a stronger existence than Xingtian, facing such a terrifying insect prohibition, no one can face it. Xingtian can't do the counterattack of Insect Forbidden, and others cannot do the same. The power of Insect Forbidden is so chilling and terrifying!

Faced with the scene before him, Xing Tian's mood became heavy again. Before he found the Insect King, Xing Tian was afraid that he would not succeed. But when he found the Insect King, a new problem appeared again. This made Xing Tian extremely distressed. In such a terrifying situation, it is not easy to conquer the insect king even if it is only the weakest insect king. After all, the insect king is not given for nothing, and the power of talent is not for nothing. You need to pay for something. Only by receiving and paying can you gain. Those who have not paid are not worthy of others' trust and sympathy!

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