God of Destruction

Chapter 4162: Festival trap

Chapter 4170 Trap

Seeing that it is no longer possible to continue, Xing Tian can only give up. After all, it is not the time to use his will. Although he really wants to gain more power and want to know more secrets of God Devouring Insect, since he cannot continue to stack, he reluctantly does it. It's just a waste of your own time. If you have this time, it is better to use the insect king to subdue this insect king and let yourself have more choices! It's just that the insect king is not easy to subdue, and now that the insect king is in the insect ban, Xing Tian has to deal with it carefully!

Cautiously walked before the insect ban and came to the insect king. Although Xing Tian was very careful, his arrival still aroused the insect king’s vigilance. After all, Xing Tian’s appearance brought a threat to the insect king, and the insect king watched vigilantly. Looking at the sudden appearance of Xing Tian, ​​he seemed to be afraid of something. It seemed that this insect king was more spiritual than Xing Tian imagined!

Regarding the emergence of Xingtian, the insect king did not take the initiative to attack, nor did he take the initiative to initiate restraints, as if he was afraid of Xingtian, perhaps the looming power of Xingtian and the power of the'opening axe' made it feel threatened and let it Don't dare to act rashly, after all, whether it is the Great Dao of Power or the Open Sky Axe, there are terrible powers.

Seeing the reaction of the Insect King, Xing Tian's heart suddenly moved. Originally, Xing Tian planned to make a sudden move. With a sudden thunder, he directly pulled the Insect King and the billion god-eaters that he had marked into his "hole In the Aperture World, and then use the power of the "Acupoint" Aperture World to control it bit by bit, but now Xing Tian's thoughts have changed.

"You seem to understand what I'm saying! If that's the case, the next thing is much easier. As a creature with a god-given name, I don't think you want to stay stuck in this restriction all the time, no I hope I will continue like this forever, so I intend to give you a chance to improve your own strength and break free from this trap!"

Yes, Xing Tian feels that this insect prohibition is not just to protect the world behind it. Perhaps these god-eaters have to be trapped here because of their own reasons, and the most likely is their own flaws, so Xing Tian wants to test the virtual reality , Even if there is no result, it is nothing. After all, this is an opportunity and I should not miss it!

The insect king did not immediately answer Xing Tian, ​​as if he was thinking, and fell into silence. For such a situation, Xing Tian is not in a hurry. As a wise creature, he naturally has to consider his own interests. The insect king can understand what he did. If the insect king agreed to himself in an instant, Xing Tian would not dare to accept it. After all, Xing Tian would also be cautious and cautious about the horrible creatures like God Devourer, to prevent himself from being tricked by God Devourer. You must know that organized insect swarms and No organization is two different things!

Looking at the insect king who hadn't answered for a long time, Xing Tian couldn't help but shook his head slightly. He overestimated the wisdom of the insect king. Perhaps in its era, the god-eater was the darling of heaven and earth, and he was gifted by heaven and earth, but when it was The end, today's Divine Devourer is not as smart as imagined, this is the restriction of the Dao rules, and it is also the suppression of Divine Devourer! Otherwise, for such a simple question, it would be impossible for the insect king to be unable to make a decision for such a long time. This is a manifestation of wisdom degradation!

Xing Tian sighed and said: "Don't be embarrassed, I may be able to understand what you are considering. This is an abandoned place. The vitality of the heavens and the earth is not enough to support you and the evolution of the insects around you, and you are in this abandoned place. If you have not been able to get sufficient supply from the source, your own nature will degenerate in the long run, as it is now, and if you are willing to cooperate with me, I can provide you with a world where the insects around you can rest!"

Speaking of this, Xing Tian gently mobilized the breath of the "acupoint" world, allowing the insect king to feel the power of his "acupoint" world. Compared with the world where the insect king is, Xingtian's "acupuncture" world. The aura in is much stronger. Xingtian believes that as long as the God-Eater still has wisdom, it will not refuse unless it cannot break free from the control of the more powerful female insect king behind it. If the insect king is controlled by a stronger female insect king, this is not for Xingtian. Good thing, this means that your plan will fail!

Why Xing Tian is reluctant to use tough methods is because Xing Tian is worried that Chongban will make greater changes due to his own shots, which will cause the entire Chongban to explode, and the current methods can easily resolve such a crisis and let himself Don’t worry that insect control will suddenly get out of control, riots will occur, and you will be plunged into desperation. Always be cautious. Don’t act rashly, let alone put yourself in danger. Don’t look at Xingtian and dare to face the insect king. Conversation is very easy, but in fact Xing Tian has always been cautious, as long as there is something wrong, he will immediately withdraw, and will not let himself fall into despair!

The temptation failed again, and the insect king still did not respond. At this time, Xing Tian couldn't help but frowned, and thought to himself: "Damn, what is going on? Could it be that the God Devourer is due to the changes in the world? They have lost the ability to collude with others, their wisdom has been terribly suppressed, and they can no longer collude with others!"

For the first time, Xing Tian thought about the worst part of the matter. Although it was incredible and unbelievable, the current situation made Xing Tian have to do this. If God Eater’s wisdom is suppressed to such a bad degree, This time I am afraid that my actions will be greatly affected. It is impossible to succeed in solving the problem by persuasion alone!

"What should I do? The Insect King looks very abnormal, as if the light of wisdom has left it. If so, it will be more difficult to collude with it. If you can't even collude, how can you conquer the insect swarm. Is it possible that I really have to take the risk again, contact this insect king with divine consciousness, and communicate with it?" This idea is indeed feasible, but it is extremely dangerous. The instinct of devouring divine insects can swallow divine consciousness and take the initiative. Communicating with divine consciousness, this is only to send sheep into the mouth of a tiger, and one who is not careful will fall into a greater crisis. If only instinct is left to eat the divine worm, once my divine consciousness emerges, it will be swallowed directly. .


Only instinctive god-eaters can no longer be called intelligent creatures. Even if they still have a strong combat power, but without wisdom, they are just a bunch of insects, not worthy of Xingtian’s attention. If wisdom is missing, think again. The price to be paid to get it back would be even more terrifying, and this God Devourer was obviously suppressed by the rules of the Great Dao, and the price was a bit terrifying. ]

There was a dilemma. Xing Tian soon realized how awkward his situation was, and fell into this dilemma. Entering, the danger is too great, and one who is not careful will be hit hard, retreat, and his heart is unwilling to pay. A big price, there is already a chance to communicate with God Devourer, but it is dangerous. In such a situation, let alone Xingtian, even if you change someone, you will have a headache, and you will get into the same embarrassment as Xingtian and don't know how to deal with it.

give up? No, the opportunity is not to be missed, and the loss will not come again. I can obviously feel that the opportunity is here. To give up at this time is equivalent to giving up all the opportunities directly. Maybe this will save yourself from danger, but if you lose the opportunity, you also lose There is a further possibility that losing this opportunity during the catastrophe must have a huge impact on oneself.

Go on, the danger is unknown. If God Eater still has wisdom, the danger is not big, but God Eater’s wisdom is completely degraded because of the suppression of the Dao rules, and its own trouble will be great, and the danger will be astonishing. However, if an accident happens, the consequences will be unimaginable. No matter how high the defense is, Xing Tian is not arrogant enough to think that he can ignore the entire insect prohibition. You must know that you are not facing one or two insect kings. But the countless insect kings!

"Damn bastard, who has put such a restriction here? It simply doesn't leave people alive. A bunch of irrational bugs are the most terrible. Fortunately, I'm careful, and I haven't revealed any maliciousness. Come out, or it will be over all at once. The performance of the God Devouring Insect is a trap!" Yes, at this moment Xing Tian began to suspect that what he was facing was a huge trap. Before, he felt that the Insect King could communicate. , And now Xing Tian has no such hope, because all these are just traps, in order to calculate the creatures here, no creature can resist such calculations!

For an instant, Xing Tian's mood became heavier. Where was the chance? Do you really have to take the risk of using God's consciousness to collude with the insect king, but this is a trap. This is not a general choice, but a choice of life and death. If there is a mistake, you will die without life. Should you take a risk, should you give it a go, and confuse the Insect King with God's knowledge?

Time is passing bit by bit, and Xing Tian's eyes are also a little more solemn "color". At this time, no one can discuss, everything must be decided by Xing Tian himself. If Xing Tian is just a person, Without carrying so many creatures on his back, he would not hesitate. After all, Xing Tian has experienced craziest things, but now it is different. Xing Tian is worried that if he dies, all the creatures living in his chaotic world will also perish. And such a price is something Xing Tian can't bear. There are not only his subordinates, but also his Taoist companions, and a trace of his mother's soul.

"It's really a difficult problem to decide. The dilemma is that I am in the current situation. It's just that I don't have so much time to waste. After all, I have more things to deal with, and I can't waste all my energy here. Regardless of whether the insect king is malicious or not, first touch it with a trace of spiritual knowledge, and if there is danger, you can give up in time!" Under tremendous pressure, Xing Tian still made this crazy decision, or decided to give it a go.

A trace of divine consciousness carefully peeked out of Xing Tian’s body, and slowly walked towards the insect king, afraid of being careless, for fear that the insect king would counterattack in the next moment, and the entire prohibition would be touched by his divine consciousness. His previous failure, Xing Tian, ​​was clear, and his consciousness was swallowed up in an instant, but this time Xing Tian didn't want to follow in his footsteps.

Soon, Xing Tian’s divine consciousness came to the front of the insect king, and Xing Tian was relieved. The entire insect prohibition was not touched, and he did not cause the insect king’s resistance. Now he can directly interact with the insect king with just a move of his consciousness. This step is of great importance to the worm king connection. Xing Tian took a deep breath and calmed down his mood quickly, and then he was fully prepared. Once there is a crisis, he can directly cut off his consciousness and let Disconnect yourself from the insect king.

With a soft sound of'ding', Xingtian’s divine sense came into contact with the insect king. In an instant, a suction rushed toward him along the divine sense. This suction was not strong, at least not the horror before. Obviously, this was just a worm. Wang's own reaction, this time his own temptation with divine consciousness did not cause the entire insect ban to counterattack, and did not cause terrible disaster.

The first step was indeed successful, but the result was not ideal, which made Xing Tian difficult to be happy. When the divine sense penetrated into the body of the insect king, Xing Tian did not feel the other party’s soul, even the soul did not exist, this insect king naturally It's not a creature!

"Damn it, this is just the shell. The entire insect ban is just the body of the god-eater. What power can directly kill so many god-eaters and refine them into such a terrible insect-ban? No wonder these god-eaters can They exist for a long time, and all the reasons are here. They have no soul and no life. They just exist like puppets. So no matter how many years have passed, as long as their bodies are still there, they can be combined into this powerful insect forbidden. Protect everything in the ban!"

"It's interesting, it's really interesting. Whoever has this ability can ignore the name given by God, ignore the backlash of heaven and earth, and refine the God-Eater into such a terrible puppet, using the God-Eater as the foundation to lay down this The terrible array is coming, the cause and effect are amazingly big, not everyone can afford it, and this also explains why these god-eaters have incomplete avenues, because they are not intelligent creatures, they have been refined. As a puppet!"

Xing Tian felt that he had found all the secrets, found the essence of God Devouring Insects, and also understood the secrets of the world in front of him. The Insect Forbidden here is not as terrifying and terrifying as he thought. Someone is "fuck". Although everything is in the layout, and now I jumped in step by step, but I don’t know what kind of crisis it will cause. After all, I have seen through the fundamental secret of this insect prohibition. No matter how strong a group of puppets, they will inevitably have shortcomings. ! As long as you are cautious, you will inevitably gain greater gains. Of course, you will only gain from receipts and payments, and you must pay a heavier price. This is a rule, and no one can change the rule!

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