God of Destruction

Chapter 4163: Festival

Chapter 4,171

Just when Xing Tian thought he had found the secret of Insect Forbidden, suddenly, a terrifying force radiated from the insect king's body, and a scream of soul sounded, reaching the depths of Xing Tian's soul, and the powerful impact made Xing Tian's body Can not help but tremble!

"Asshole! Another conspiracy!" Xing Tian roared unwillingly. He was able to scream out his soul. Naturally, he was not a puppet. He was wrong. The power of insect control was not as simple as he thought. The insect king is not a puppet at all. Suppress it to the limit, making it difficult for outsiders to detect. If you don’t want to capture the God-Eating Insect King, I’m afraid that the soul scream will not be triggered. Only when you are malicious in your heart, can you trigger this terrible instinct. s attack.

Is it a conspiracy? In Xingtian’s view, this is a conspiracy, a conspiracy of people who have laid worms forbidden. Perhaps it is not a person, but a great road, because it is not the strong that can do this, but the great road. Only the great road can suppress the bitterness. The King of Divine Insects was able to deprive the King of Devouring Great Insects of the power of the Divine Marks on the Great Insect King’s body, but Xing Tian didn’t understand why the Great Road did this. Is it just to kill the creatures of the future? This is somewhat unreasonable. understanding!

Suppressing the god-eating insects who have the **** pattern and the name given by the avenue makes Xing Tian difficult to understand. It is necessary to know that the god-eating insects are the power bestowed by the avenue. If it is only to slay the later spirits, the price is a bit high. If it is only to limit the Devouring God Insect, this is a bit ridiculous. With the power of the Great Dao, it is completely possible to deprive the Devouring God Insect of all the power!

"Damn, what the **** is going on, who is this conspiracy aimed at?" Xing Tian muttered to himself as he got rid of the soul impact. For this result, Xing Tian was extremely annoyed, and everything was beyond him. In the imagination, everything is developing in a more weird and unknown direction. The weirdness represents danger, and the unknown represents infinite possibilities!

"Speak, since you have already awakened your divine consciousness, why don't you speak?" Although Xingtian was attacked by the God Devourer, Xing Tian did not immediately counterattack, but continued his previous behavior and wanted to communicate with the God Devourer King. , Want to collude with the insect king. Unfortunately, Xingtian’s idea is good, but the reality is cruel. Although the insect king’s soul is awakened, it is involuntary and unable to control itself. He did not stop because of Xingtian’s kindness and communicated with Xingtian, but Continue to launch a new round of attacks on Xingtian!

There was another terrible soul scream, and this time it was different from before. Before, it was the soul scream of the Divine Insect King alone. It was only his own power, but now this blow of the Divine Insect King merged with part of his subordinates. The power has inspired the power of Insect Forbidden, and it is another possible soul impact that directly affects Xing Tian's soul consciousness, directly impacting his soul.

"Asshole, how can this insect king be so violent, he has already awakened his soul, but he wants to be so cruel? Could it be that the existence of the god-eating insects is killing? They have no reason at all. The Dao suppresses them to prevent this god-eating insects Crazy, destroying the entire Supreme Chaos World, it is really possible with the number of these god-eaters in front of you!"

Although there is such a speculation in his mind, Xing Tian can't waste his energy on this issue all the time. The most important thing for Xing Tian is to block the attack of the King of Devouring Insects first, and let himself get out first to prevent excitement. Divine Insect King, let the entire Insect Forbidden break out. If the Divine Devouring Insect King awakens other Insect Kings frantically, let the entire Insect Forbidden outburst, not to mention his own power, no matter how strong it is, there is only a dead end. No one can resist the full-scale outbreak of Insect Ban!

"Withdraw!" Without thinking about it, Xing Tian immediately pulled away and withdrew when he thought about it, and the original treasure of Kaitian Axe also appeared in front of Xing Tian, ​​blocking the terrible attack of King Devouring God Insect King for Xing Tian. Because of the influence of the environment, Xing Tian didn't dare to fight back with all his strength. He could only protect himself. Even if the'opening axe' was in his hand, Xing Tian would continue to slash out and could only protect his body.

The'Kaitian Axe' carries Xingtian's road opening. The opening of the road is an attack route. Defense is not its strong point. But now Xingtian has no choice but to do so, although it can only stimulate a little defense force. However, he was able to buy Xing Tian some time, so that Xing Tian could quickly withdraw and avoid the devastating blow of the God Devouring Insect King.

Yes, it is destruction. When the God Eater Insect King induces the power of Insect Forbidden, although it is only a part of the power of God Eater, it is still a destructive force for Xing Tian. If it is hit , Definitely ten deaths and no life, the soul is directly destroyed by the power of Devouring God, the power of Insect Forbidden led by the Insect King is beyond Xingtian's imagination, and there is a terrible aura of destruction in that Devouring God, like this devouring God Insect Existence is born for destruction, and the King of Devourers is the messenger of destruction!

"It is the power of destruction. When the King of Devouring Insects leads the Insect Forbidden, the power of destruction will erupt. It is incredible and unimaginable. This is the destruction that directly affects the soul, and it is no longer swallowed. , This completely violates the magical powers of the god-eating insects. What is going on? Is it the layout of the avenue or other reasons?" Xing Tian, ​​who withdrew away, frowned and thought, feeling for the terrible insect control in front of him. Something wrong, a touch of shock!

"If you can’t wake up the God Eater King, and you can’t communicate with it normally, no matter how much you plan, it’s a waste of effort. Fortunately, the God Eater King has no initiative to attack even though he is violent and brutal, as if he is trapped. In the Insect Forbidden, otherwise even my speed will not escape death, the power of Insect Forbidden is weird and terrifying!"

Seeing the restoration of the peaceful insect ban, and seeing the God Devouring Insect King returning to silence, Xing Tian couldn't help but sighed. This result made Xing Tian very annoyed. Such a result made Xing Tian unacceptable and could not find it. The way to crack it is nothing, and the so-called chances are nothing more than spectacles.

However, there is a prerequisite for everything. The King of God Eater must be rational and not completely affected by violent and brutality. Xing Tian still knows very little about God Eater and cannot be sure of this. In this case, Xing Tian thought It is very difficult to make a decision. After all, correct judgment requires adequate preparation, and Xing Tian does not have such preparation now.


How to do? Xing Tian was extremely embarrassed. The occurrence of such a situation was far beyond his imagination and grasp, but now he couldn't retreat. Don't look at himself as if he was out of danger now, but there was always a sense of uneasiness in his heart. , As if he was being stared at by some fierce beast, and that fierce beast has been hiding in the dark!

What power can give yourself this feeling, what power can do this? Obviously it is the insect ban in front of me. Perhaps because of the madness of this god-eater, the entire worm ban was completely alarmed. Now it is not easy for me to retreat. If you are not careful, you will be banned Fighting so violently, retreating at this time will only expose your back to the enemy's sight, and will only plunge yourself into a more terrifying and dangerous situation!

Opposing, holding on like this, holding the enemy with patience, draining the opponent's patience, and then facing your hand? This idea flashed through Xingtian's mind, and then he was given up. This is impossible, because Xingtian doesn't have so much time to waste, and he doesn't know how long it will take to hold on to it, let alone the ban on insects. Will there be a sudden outbreak? After all, I have limited knowledge of Insect Control. On the surface, it is now restricted by Insect Control and cannot take the initiative to attack. However, Xing Tian knows nothing about the actual situation. After all, everything before is just his own guess. It can't be true at all.

Putting his own life and death on the guesswork, Xing Tian is not so crazy yet, and he will not take his own "life" risk so much. This is not the work of a wise man, but the current situation makes Xing Tian have to do this for the time being and have to think. Countermeasures, but time did not allow him to continue like this. Various problems made Xing Tian a dilemma.

"Perhaps this is also a test. If this is a trap set by the Dao Dao, I cannot get away so easily, and if this is a test, then everything still has a chance. But if this is a test, how should I face it? What is it?" When thinking of this, Xing Tian couldn't help but sighed, the result was far beyond Xing Tian's preparation.

"Forget it, I'd better persuade, and then test the Divine Devouring Insect King, and see if it can regain its sanity over time. If it fails, then plan for the worst and give up! "If the situation is really out of control, Xing Tian has only one choice, let it go, and use his own road to open up all obstacles on the road. This insect prohibition is no exception. After all, his own road cannot be retreated. , Also unbeaten.

"I have no malice, I just want to pass here, if possible, please show up here!" Xing Tian's voice sounded, but unfortunately, the insect swarm in front of him has not changed at all, and the entire insect swarm is steady. , As if he hadn’t heard Xing Tian’s words, this situation made Xing Tian sigh secretly, and after sighing, the anger in Xing Tian’s heart also boiled over it. Although Xing Tian had taken care of it, it was not The other party ignores his own reason!

After waiting for a while, Xing Tian’s expressions had to condense, and the war spirit on his body also emerged. The “Sky Open Axe” was tightly held in his hand, and the great path of power was fully activated. When his momentum reached its extreme , Xing Tian said in a deep voice again: "I just want to pass through, and don't want to be an enemy. If you have to "force" people too much, then we have only a life and death battle!"

The weak do not have the right to choose, and the weak do not have the right to survive in the catastrophe. Blindly retreating will only make the enemy more arrogant. When words cannot change everything, all they can do in the end is war! Xing Tian believed that there must be someone behind this worm swarm that would "fight" everything. If he blindly compromised and gave in, the matter would not be resolved.

"I'll say it one last time, don't do things too terribly, I just want to pass from here!" This deep shout fell, the'opening axe' in Xing Tian's hand exuded a strong murderous intent, and Xing Tian's **** and devil's body broke out in an all-round way. , "Acupoint" Aperture World opened with all its strength, endless power poured into the "Sky Open Axe" in his hand, and the terrible killing intent directed at the insect swarm.

Yes, at this moment Xing Tian will no longer compromise or give in. The power of the'Open Sky Axe' is directed at the insect swarm. If the other party does not respond anymore, the'Open Sky Axe' in Xing Tian's hand will hold the unmatched power and cut. To the swarms of insects, to open up roads and hit the insect control.

Time went by little by little, Xing Tian's expression became more and more solemn, and his aura became more and more terrifying, and the more terrifying, when Xing Tian was about to swing his'opening axe', a voice suddenly sounded: "Okay, very good, you passed the test, come in!"

As this voice fell, the insect forbidden in front of me suddenly opened, and the god-eating insects quickly vacated a passage. The entire insect forbidden opened a hole, a hole that can let Xingtian pass, following that hole, Xing Tian could see that behind the Insect Forbidden there were still densely packed god-eaters, as if the entire Insect Forbidden was a sea of ​​insects.

"Why, don't you dare to come in and meet me? Afraid that I will count on you?" When Xing Tian didn't turn his body, the voice hidden behind the swarm rang again! The situation in front of him is indeed terrible and dangerous. Although Xing Tian has the ‘opening axe’ in his hand, the real body of the chaos **** and demon, and the powerful road, it is difficult to survive in the sea of ​​worms.

"Hahaha! What do I not dare to do? Even if you have calculations, I Xingtian is not giving it for nothing. Even if it is impossible to escape, I am confident that you will pay a heavy price!" At this point, Xingtian Stepping into the passage with a stride, he didn't care about the countless god-eaters around him, nor did he care about the silver-shining god-eaters.

Yes, at this moment, many Divine Devouring Insect Kings in the Swarm were "revealed". Just a quick glance, there are tens of thousands of Divine Devouring Insect Kings. Such a huge number is indeed for people. It was a great shock, but this did not scare Xing Tian, ​​and Xing Tian would not be afraid of the appearance of these God-Eating Insect Kings. When the situation reached this point, fear was useless.

Dead silence, after stepping into the passage, Xing Tian’s first impression was dead silence, as if the whole world, the whole world, was dead silent, there was no vitality, the vitality he had seen before was a false image, which made Xing Tian wrinkle involuntarily He raised his eyebrows, but Xing Tian soon accepted the result, and thought it was normal. How could there be life in such a terrifying sea of ​​insects, how could there be a world of great vitality, and what kind of world could stand this. A huge number of god-eating insects come to swallow, what world can withstand such a terrifying sea of ​​insects!

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