God of Destruction

Chapter 4164: Festival Eater

Chapter 4172

In this deadly world, Xing Tian felt the rejection from the world, the suppression from the world, as if this world was imprisoned by the great avenue, this world is the abandoned son of the world, Xing Tian could not feel any warmth here. I can't feel any vitality. The whole world is deadly silent, full of destruction and negative forces. This world is Xing Tian's first contact. Even the world of destruction Xing Tian experienced at the time is not as terrifying as this world!

"What the **** is going on here, how could there be such a terrifying world in this world, where almost all negative forces are condensed, the whole world can't see any vitality, can't see a little future, this is too horrible , It’s terrible, what kind of power is causing all this, is it the avenue, or something else, or these god-eaters?” Xing Tian was thinking about it, such a weird and terrifying world makes anyone afraid of it. Escape, and now Xing Tian is inevitable!

The master behind this world, the creatures trapped here, will be malicious to themselves, will they secretly count themselves? Xing Tian didn’t think about it, but now that he’s in it, even if it’s too late to regret it, instead of being afraid, he should have the courage to move on, take a look at the secrets behind this world, and get himself from the master of this world. The information he longed to know could instinctively make Xing Tian feel that this world might be an opportunity for him to learn more about the Supreme Chaos World.

Going forward step by step, neither hurried nor slow, no matter how much pressure is in his heart, but Xing Tian did not "expose" it. The whole person seemed unusually calm, as if he had not seen the terrible world or that. There are countless god-eating insects. They have not seen the terrible insect sea in this world. Such performance makes Xing Tian reveal a mystery and danger, and the danger comes from Xing Tian’s terrible fighting spirit and his hands. That terrible'Sky Open Axe'!

Along the way, Xingtian was not blocked. No matter how terrifying the sea of ​​insects in front of us, when Xingtian arrived, the sea of ​​insects immediately retreated, leaving a passage for Xingtian to pass easily. Of course, this road can It's not as simple as it is on the surface. Xing Tian is walking on the body of the God Devouring Insect. It can be said that Xing Tian is already deep in the Insect Sea!

Before long, Xing Tian finally came to a mysterious place. Everything in front of him shocked Xing Tian. This is a huge city, a huge city that can reach the sky. The light of endless avenues wraps around the huge city, as if it is protecting him. It seems to be imprisoning it, giving Xing Tian a weird feeling. On this huge city, Xing Tian also has a kind of palpitations. The palpitations come from deep in his heart. When he sees this huge city, he seems to be It's as cold as being stared at by a giant beast!

Just when Xing Tian was shocked by this atmosphere, suddenly a voice rang in his ears: "Come on, there is no danger. Even if there is danger, it is not against you. Come on, let me take a look at the endless years. Who can be recognized!"

When he heard this voice, Xing Tian couldn't help but cast a shadow over his heart. I am afraid that his whereabouts had been spotted long ago, and his previous inductions were also false, and all this is very interesting. It may be the one who spoke secretly!

Taking a deep breath, Xing Tianping calmed the undulating fluctuations in his heart, and strode onto this weird giant city. When Xing Tian stepped onto this giant city, a mysterious force surged up. This power gave Xing Tian a familiar and unbearable feeling, as if he had been in contact with him somewhere, and as if he had never been in contact at all, it was very strange!

Unfortunately, Xing Tian doesn’t have so much time to think, time waits for no one, and the owner of the giant city can’t wait. With endless doubts, Xing Tian stepped into the giant city of Tongtian, when he entered the giant city When he was in the middle, Xing Tian’s eyes lit up. This was not an ordinary city, nor was it as simple as it seemed. When he entered the giant city, Xing Tian seemed to have entered a chaotic world, and this giant city was just a The world, a shrinking world.

Before Xing Tian had a detailed experience of the origin of the law in this huge city, Xing Tian appeared in a hall in the next moment, in which Xing Tian saw a golden god-eater, no, it should be said. The body of the mother god-eater is hundreds of times larger than the body of the general god-eater, because it is not the aura of the king, but the aura of the emperor!

"Unexpectedly, I didn't expect to see an existence like me. I didn't expect that there would be such a huge city in this dead world, such a huge city full of endless restrictions?" Without waiting for Xingtian to speak, this god-eater The mother emperor spoke first!

Although Xing Tian couldn't see the "face" of the god-devouring mother emperor, Xing Tian could feel the peaceful aura of the insect emperor from this voice, without any malicious aura, which meant that the worm in front of him The mother has no evil thoughts.

Xing Tian did not hide his feelings, nodded softly and said, "It is indeed a bit unexpected. I didn't expect it to be like this at the center of the restriction. I didn't expect that what I saw outside was a vibrant world, but in fact it was a world. In the deadly world, there is no vitality at all, there is only that endless negative power, and I did not expect that the center of this world would be such a powerful and strange giant city, I did not expect that there would be an insect emperor in the giant city! "

auzw.com "Yes, this is indeed unbelievable, and even more unbelievable is that my worm emperor is actually imprisoned here, right?" Concerned about Xingtian's reaction, he continued to speak plainly, and directly pointed out his current situation, and also directly pointed out Xing Tian's vision. Such a straightforward action put a great pressure on Xing Tian!

I saw, Xing Tian nodded with a wry smile and said: "Yes, it is really unbelievable, and I really don't understand. God Eater is obviously a god-given name, and it is the protection of the great road. How can I be imprisoned here, if I didn't If you read it wrong, and if you don’t feel wrong, the Dao on this giant city is not protecting it, but imprisoning it. More precisely, it’s imprisoning you, the insect emperor, as a gift of Dao. I don’t Understand the hidden meaning of all this!"

"Haha! The Great Way gives the name, the Great Way gift! In your eyes this is the supreme glory, it is a great kindness, but how do you know that behind this is not a calculation, not a conspiracy, all the names given by the Great Road are fake, all It's a calculation, don't care about its existence. Its existence is not a good thing, but a big bad thing. If I didn't guess wrong, you have been in contact with some innate chaos gods and demons before, otherwise you can't be transformed into innate innate. Reverse the origin to complete the transformation of yourself! So you should also understand that not many innate chaotic gods and demons can really survive. Their greatest enemy is not the creatures of the world, but the great road. Almost all innate chaotic gods and demons are It is the existence of strangulation!"

Hearing the words of the insect emperor, Xing Tian nodded gently and said: "It is true, I do know this, but I don't understand why Dadao did this, and with the insect emperor's ability, you should not be trapped here. It shouldn’t be the entire race being imprisoned here. What happened back then that made you and your race face such imprisonment!"

"Hahaha! What happened? It has been calculated. The avenue is more cruel than you think, and more terrifying than you think. I can't tell you many things directly. After all, I am suppressed by the avenue and I can't say many things. , But I want to warn you, don’t believe in the great great, don’t accept the so-called great great gift, no matter how great the chances are, they are just fake. Once you step into it, you will definitely end up like me, even worse, because You don't have much value to Dadao!"

Value, for Dadao, Xing Tian's value is indeed not great, otherwise he would not be at ease until now, but after hearing these words, Xing Tian's heart was naturally heavy, and he sighed softly, Xing Tian asked in a deep voice : "Insect Sovereign, the opportunity I felt before, is it your own "fuck", I wonder if you brought me here?"

Although there are all kinds of doubts and anxiety in his heart, Xing Tian has no time to waste at this time. He can only speak straightforwardly about the doubts in his heart. After all, relying on his own guess is not feasible. In such a catastrophe As long as there is a glitch in it, what is waiting for him is destruction, death, Xing Tian didn't want to face all this.

God Devouring Emperor and Insect Emperor said: "Yes, all of this is indeed arranged by me. From the moment you enter this world, I feel your presence. When you regain strength, the sense of aura in your heart is also With my own handwriting, you must be "confused" what I want to do by doing this. It is actually very simple. I want to see who broke the rules and who can escape the shackles of the rules!"

When I said this, the King of Devouring Insects spoke for a while, then sighed lightly, and continued: "I think you must be very suspicious in your heart. Why do I have to make a lot of trouble to lead you here? Lead you forward What good is coming? Is it dangerous for you? Actually, you don’t need to worry about it, and I have no malice. The reason why I attracted you is just to break the game, but to break free from the shackles of the avenue and let myself recover. Freedom, nothing more, no other evil thoughts!"

Freedom back! This is really a big joke, at least in Xing Tian's eyes, with such a terrible confinement on his back, who can break free from the power of the world, who can retreat from here, I am afraid it is impossible.

I saw, Xing Tian shook his head lightly and said: "You are delusional. How can you get rid of such a terrible road yoke and want to be free? This is a big joke. You overestimate my ability. Underestimate the power of the avenue, Xingtian does not have the power to fight the rules of the avenue, nor the power to break this terrible imprisonment!"

Regarding Xingtian’s words, the God-Eater Mother Queen was not surprised, and laughed: "Hahaha! I never thought of letting you as a junior fight against the rules of the Dao, never thought of letting you break this imprisonment force. , As you said, you don’t have the strength. If you really want to do this, you will only kill yourself. All I want is a promise. If the situation permits, you can stand on my side and help me. This request is not difficult for you, right!"

Xing Tian nodded and said: "Yes, it's not difficult, but why should I help you, why should I stand on the opposite side of the road, I don't need to put myself in such danger, there is no need to be targeted by the road. And what are the advantages of doing this for me, all I can see is the disadvantages, I am not a bad person who sacrifices himself for others!"

"Practitioners have never had a good person. Why help me? It is very simple, because you have been targeted by the Dao, because you have been calculated by the Dao, but unfortunately you don’t know it. If you agree, I can know what I tell you everything, let you understand the terrible calamity of this catastrophe, let you know the calculations of the great road to you, this condition is enough!" Before Xingtian could answer, the Mother Queen of God Devourer continued: "Don't worry. To refuse, to help me is to help yourself. I am not "forcing" you. I don't mean to do that. If you want to refuse, I won't do anything, let alone keep you. You can do that. Don't worry, I have not been shameless to this point, and there is no need to do this, you can consider it slowly!"

Hearing this, Xing Tian's brows wrinkled involuntarily. Although he was suspicious of these words, but after thinking about it, Xing Tian couldn't find the God Devouring Mother Queen to calculate his reason, and the other party dared to do so, it must be There is full evidence. If I refuse at this time, I am afraid that it is very dangerous to myself. This danger does not come from the God-Eater Mother Queen, but from the Dao. I really have to be calculated by the Dao, and the consequences will be disastrous. , Can't figure out all of this, I have been stuck in passiveness!

Seeing Xing Tian’s hesitating look, the Mother God Devouring Insect Queen continued: “I’m embarrassed. Actually, you don’t have to think like this. You have never been safe from beginning to end. Cooperating with me is good for you and there is no harm. I The enemy is the Dao, and your enemy is also the Dao. You can even tell you clearly that almost all the creatures in the entire Supreme Chaos World, the enemy is the Dao, and the existence of the Dao is the great threat to the creatures. The reason why I fell This field is what the Dao did. The entire God Devouring Zerg tribe today is also calculated by the Dao. Once it falls into the Dao’s calculations, it is almost impossible to escape alone, at least in this endless Over the years, I have not seen how many people have done it, have not seen how many races have escaped from the avenue, and there have not been many innate chaotic gods and demons who have escaped on the avenue!"

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