God of Destruction

Chapter 4165: Secret of the World

Chapter 4173: The Secret of the World

"How do you say this? I don't think that I have never been safe. Could it be that you know yourself better than me?" Xing Tian does not approve of the words of the God-Eater Mother, and does not feel that he has never been safe. He didn't think that he really had fallen into a terrible life and death crisis. Xing Tian believed in his abilities and had an extremely firm belief in himself!

Regarding Xingtian’s reaction, the God Eater Mother Queen didn’t feel that there was anything abnormal. This is the most normal. If Xing Tian directly believes in himself, then it’s truly abnormal. It said flatly, “Because you have The original aura of the supreme chaotic world, you have the aura of the rules of the Great Way, and it is your greatest threat!"

Before Xingtian could speak to refute, the Mother God Devourer Mother Emperor continued: "Don't refute, I have my own reason to say this. Now that you are here today, I will naturally explain what you should say. Of course, as for How you choose is your own business, I will not force you, let alone force you to do things you don't want to do!"

After these words were said, the Empress of God Devouring Insect Mother paused for a while and gave Xing Tian some time to digest it. After a while, it continued: "Perhaps you don't think there is a problem with the rules of the Great Dao in your body. What’s wrong with the origin of the Supreme Chaos World, but in my eyes, this is the biggest trouble. This is the proof that you have been targeted by the great road. Why are you drawn here by me? It’s actually very simple, because I feel from Because of the changes in the void, the reason why I can affect you is also because of the aura of the great master, because of the origin of your supreme chaotic world!"

Xing Tian smiled indifferently and said: "Oh! It turned out to be like this, but I don't understand. Since this trace of the source of the supreme chaotic world and the aura of the Dao rules is harmful, why my mind has not been inducted, and there has been no warning. His will will be affected by this power. I don’t believe that if there is danger, I will not be aware of it at all?"

The Mother Queen of God Eater sighed: "Yes, why do you have no induction at all? I have had this kind of reaction before. When you really feel threatened, you can no longer get out, regardless of your No matter how powerful you are, in front of the avenue, in front of the supreme chaotic world, you are just an ant, how can the ant feel the threat from the top power!"

Ants! The mother god-eater compared Xingtian to the ant, which sounds harsh, but this is the truth. In the face of the supreme chaotic world, in front of the rules of the road, Xingtian is the ant. Not only is Xingtian the ant, but the mother-emperor of the god-eater. Also ants!

"Don’t think that I’m ridiculing you. It’s a fact. Whether it’s you or me, in the Supreme Chaos World, in front of the rules of the Great Dao, I’m just an ant. The reason why I’m here today is that I was tricked by the origin of the world. , I was conspired by the Dao rules, I was able to introduce you here, and it was precisely with the power of the world origin and Dao rules, even my imprisoned existence can count you silently, you feel that once the highest chaos The world wants to deal with you, do you still have a chance to escape, the gift of the Dao, this is a big joke, its existence is the greatest threat to living beings, if you don’t want to fall into my field, then wipe out your own body External force, the force that does not belong to oneself will eventually become the biggest hidden danger of oneself, this is my advice to you!" At this point, the Mother God Eater sighed again.

The Mother Queen of God Eater is lying? No, Xing Tian didn’t think so. Since the other party dared to say so, it made sense, and just being calculated from this time was enough to prove the aura of the Dao rules on his body, and there was a problem with the origin of the supreme chaotic world, just like the god-eater What the mother emperor said, even it can be done, can't the Supreme Chaos World do it? With the change of the boundary battlefield world, Xing Tian dare not be the slightest careless, dare not be sloppy!

"Perhaps I really should clear my own troubles before I formally contact the human civilization in this world, otherwise I have such hidden dangers, and if I am not careful, I will fall into a place where there is no return! I don’t think too much of being careful, I don’t want to follow in the footsteps of the God-Eater Mother Queen.

Xing Tian took a deep breath and nodded his head to acknowledge the warning from the God Devouring Mother Queen, and said in a deep voice: "Insect King, how should I cooperate with you? You brought me here and want me to help you. , But there must be a direction, and you should have a better understanding of this catastrophe. I don’t know anything at the moment. Since you want to cooperate, you must give me a little help and let me know the danger of the catastrophe. What, how can I get rid of myself!"

"Okay, very good, you finally did not waste my time and energy, you finally have foresight, courage, and made the right choice. Cooperation really requires mutual cooperation. I can't blindly make you pay, what I do. The cost is not borne, how dangerous the catastrophe is, this cannot be described in words, I can only say that once this catastrophe breaks out, the entire Supreme Chaos world will be in desperation, just like the realm you have experienced before. The battlefield world will collapse. As for help, I can give you an army, an army of insect seas under your control, as your killer. As for how you get rid of the crisis, it depends on your own efforts. You merge with the origin of the supreme chaotic world. After you absorb the rules of the Great Dao, only you can do everything yourself. Outsiders can't help you. Just like me, you can only rely on your own strength to resist the erosion of this external force!"

When talking about this, the Mother God Devourer could not help but sighed, very annoyed at her own situation, but the Mother God Devourer did not place all hopes on Xing Tian, ​​for Xing Tian only It's just a choice. What you can rely on in the end to get out of trouble is your own strength. It helps Xingtian only give Dadao and put a little pressure on the Supreme Chaos World!

Seeing the flash of surprise in Xing Tian’s eyes, Mother God Devourer Mother sighed again: “Don’t rely too much on external forces. Although the original treasure in your hand is strong, the power of this treasure is not your root, the most important thing. The thing is that you incorporate it into the power of the rules of the avenue. Normally, there is no danger, but once you get into a war, once the rules of the avenue are to calculate you, you will fall into desperation. Your own power is The root of everything, too much absorption of external forces, will only become a hidden danger to oneself!"

When auzw.com said this, the God Eater Mother Empress gave a wry smile and sighed softly: "Okay, I am a little off topic. Now you want to know the dangers of the avenue, I can give you some advice. Let you truly understand what kind of existence the Supreme Chaos World is, and what kind of crisis the Supreme Chaos World is in today, so that you have a clear understanding of the entire Supreme Chaos World! Only by knowing the enemy and confidant can you never die, even the Supreme Chaos The world doesn't understand it, and there is no way to talk about how to detach!"

Hearing this, Xing Tian's expression condensed, and he nodded and said, "Cong Huang, please tell me, I'll listen!"

"From the perspective of the aura and origin of your body, you have reversed your innate cultivation of the real body of the Chaos God and Demon from the acquired nature, and you have been recognized by the Great Dao. If this is the case, you must have been in contact with the Chaos Sea. Speaking of the Chaos Sea, the Chaos Sea is the center of the world's Chaos World. More precisely, the entire Supreme Chaos World comes from the Chaos Sea!"

For an instant, Xing Tian was shocked and cried out: "What, how is this possible? The Supreme Chaos World comes from the Chaos Sea. Doesn't it mean that the Chaos Seas nurtured the Supreme Chaos World? The Chaos Sea is the source of the world? "

The God-Eater Mother Queen nodded and said: "Yes, you can think that it is the sea of ​​chaos that breeds the highest chaotic world. You can even think of the sea of ​​chaos as a white hole, a spouting heaven and earth origin, the white of heaven and earth. Hole, and the Supreme Chaos World is spit out from the Chaos Sea. Every time the Supreme Chaos World is catastrophic, it is not because the Supreme Chaos World’s world karma is too much and the damage is too great, but it originates from the Chaos Sea, which is chaos. The sea has caused a catastrophe!"

Xing Tian sighed softly: "This is really unbelievable. If you say this, I'm afraid no one will believe in the entire Supreme Chaos World. The Great Tribulation of Heaven and Earth is not the cause of the Supreme Chaos World itself, but from the Chaos Sea. This is crazy! If I am not mistaken, the catastrophe was caused by the spew of the Chaos Sea, but why is it so?"

"Why is this? Very simple, rules! Every time the sea of ​​chaos spews fortune, it will promote the expansion of the highest chaos world, the outermost periphery of the highest chaos world you know, it is the beginning of this highest chaos world, every time The spray of the Chaos Sea will have powerful good fortune coming, and it will form a new Supreme Chaos World, and it also has the strongest origin. With the continuous spitting of the Chaos Sea, it can’t bear it again and again in the Supreme Chaos World. When expanding outward, the outermost world will collapse, triggering a catastrophe of the entire Supreme Chaos World. This is the final catastrophe, the catastrophe of destruction!"

Shocked, Xing Tian's heart was extremely shocked. If it weren't for the words of the God Devouring Insect Emperor, Xing Tian would not believe that the Great Tribulation in front of him would be like this, but Xing Tian didn't understand a little, so he asked: " Insect Sovereign, even if the Supreme Chaos World cannot withstand the spit of the Chaos Sea next time, it shouldn't cause the collapse of the entire world. At best, it is just a collapse of the periphery. How can the entire world be destroyed? This is abnormal! "

"Haha! What's abnormal? You can't look at the entire Supreme Chaos World with ordinary eyes. In the eyes of the ordinary, I am right. What should be destroyed is only the periphery of the Supreme Chaos World, but it is not the case, because This supreme chaotic world is not perfect, it does not truly integrate all its origins, chaos breeds innate chaos gods and demons, but they are not integrated with the supreme chaos world, and the supreme chaos world is naturally flawed!"

When he heard these words, Xing Tian instantly understood the reason and why all the innate chaotic gods and demons would be strangled by the world, but it was useless to understand, even if he knew the problem, Xing Tian could not find a solution. !

Taking a deep breath, calming his mind, Xing Tian asked, "Under such a great calamity, is there really no way of detachment? In every great tribulation, there is no detachment of creatures? Everything is everything. There is a ray of life. I don’t believe that this great catastrophe will have no ray of life and will make all living creatures go extinct?"

God Devouring Mother Queen nodded and said: "Yes, it does have vitality, but this vitality is not so easy to grasp. The great calamity comes from the Chaos Sea, and the vitality naturally also comes from the Chaos Sea. Passing the Chaos Sea, one can naturally escape the catastrophe, but I just want to protect myself from the spit of the Chaos Sea. This is not something that any creature can do. Even the Innate Chaos Gods and Demons can hardly resist the huge source of good fortune. , Will also be assimilated!"

"Oh! Since the innate chaotic gods and demons can't fight the huge source of creation, they will also be assimilated. What are the many innate chaotic gods and demons who escaped from the catastrophe, what are they calculating, and what are they fighting for? What's the point?" Xing Tian didn't approve of the words of the God-Eating Insect Mother Emperor, and felt that the other party had concealed something!

"Haha! What are the innate chaotic gods and demons calculating and fighting for? They are fighting for the gleam of life. They want to use the entire original world to fight the breath of the Chaos Sea. Not only they are doing this, but the top of the entire Supreme Chaos World. The extreme civilizations are doing this. Don’t say that only your human race has such preparations. The virtual world is one of their preparations! Don’t over-trust the strong human races. Whether they can succeed is unknown!"

Xing Tian smiled indifferently: "Since even these beings standing on the top of the highest chaotic world cannot guarantee their own success, what can I do to help you, and how can you talk about detachment? You put your mind on me and waste your energy. Don’t you think something is wrong with me? Isn’t this a waste of my time and energy?"

"No, you are wrong. For those people, whether they can succeed or not is unknown. Although you are the same, you are different from them. You have the origin of the highest chaotic world and the power of rules. As long as you can Break free from the shackles of this power and get rid of this hidden danger, you will have greater hope of surpassing! And as long as you can break free from the shackles, naturally you can also give me a little help, can relieve the pressure on my body, and can let me see a trace of relief. Hope out!"

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