God of Destruction

Chapter 4166: Tentative

"I think you are overestimating my ability. I am not as good as you think. You are wasting your time. With your strength, it is impossible to fail to see my current strength. Dadao’s ability to fight? If I have this strength, I won’t fall into this field, and it won’t be so miserable. Give up, don’t put my idea on my head!” Xing Tian smiled bitterly when he said this. There is endless helplessness in the eyes, this is not excuse, this is the fact!

"Hahaha! Interesting, I didn’t expect that you didn’t even listen to my conditions, so I refused. Your current strength is indeed not enough, not worth mentioning, just ants, but I am optimistic about your future, you are qualified to make me pay attention Speaking of this, there was a faint smile on the face of the Mother God Devouring Insect Empress, which seemed so strange and made people feel like a chill!

"Hehe, but I can't believe in myself, I don't think I have this ability. I am afraid that your love is wasted!" At this time, Xing Tian's voice paused, and then gently shook his head and continued: " It's not that I refused deliberately, but that I can't afford such a heavy delay. If I fail, I can't afford this backlash!"

Yes! Xing Tian was right. Once he promised, he finally failed. This causal karma was beyond Xing Tian's ability to bear. Especially when he saw the strange smile flashing on the face of the God-Eater Mother Even more dare not accept it. If it weren’t for Xing Tian’s spirit that had always been locked in the God-Eater Mother, he would not have noticed the smile of the other party. No matter what the God-Eater Mother was thinking, Xing Tian would not want to accept The other party's request, I don't want to take this cause and effect!

"Don't be so nervous, I really have no malice. I understand what you said. I don't want you to have this ability now. I just hope that when you have enough strength in the future, you can think of me who is trapped here. Can give me a bit of help, as for success or failure, gains and losses are not important!" Said God Eater Mother Empress could not help shook his head, then took a deep breath and sighed: "Speaking of which I am optimistic about your future. , Because you master the avenue of power, and you have your own world. The most important thing is that you have the origin of the world of the boundary battlefield. This means that your world will be complete and you have endless potential. If you can’t do it Then, in this supreme chaotic world, not many people will be able to do it!"

"Potential, this is really a ridiculous word, a word that makes you hard to accept, everyone has potential, but how many people can fully stimulate the potential, at least I don't have such confidence. If you have to go your own way, then Be prepared for failure. In short, I don’t have the confidence. You have to be clear. Don’t regret it in the future!” Faced with the crazy pressure of the God-Eater Mother, Xing Tian had to agree. After all, the consequences of refusing to continue would be disastrous. Xing Tian didn’t know how the God-Eater Mother Queen would react, whether she would be so angry that she would kill herself. You must know that people’s hearts are unpredictable, Xing Tian dare not take a risk on his own life and death, and postpone his life and death on Jae. Above the benevolence of the **** insect emperor, this is irresponsible for his own life!

"Okay, you agree. As long as you agree, everything is easy to say. Even if you fail in the end, you will not be able to recite a lot of karma. I have not been shameless enough to "force" a junior to accept my own cause and effect. Shameless enough to "force" a junior to accept his opinions, with this guarantee, you should be satisfied now, and no longer have any fear and anxiety!" At this point, the God-Eater Mother Empress gently relaxed He breathed a sigh of joy in his eyes, and he was very satisfied with Xing Tian's answer.

Perhaps the Mother God Devourer has its own calculations and many plans, but at this time it will not act rashly, and will not act on Xing Tian. You must know that Xing Tian has the opportunity to help him. In this case, the God Devourer will still What is unsatisfactory, and what is unhappy, although Xing Tian did not agree very well, it is enough for him as long as the other party agrees!

"Satisfaction? How can I be satisfied? If it weren't for the insect king, you have to insist on doing this, I would not agree. After all, potential is not the same as strength. After all, there are endless possibilities and unknowns in the future, but it is unknown to anyone. They are extremely dangerous and terrifying, and if you are not careful, you will die!” When he said this, Xing Tian sighed lightly, then shook his head and sighed, “Although I don’t know how much the Great Dao suppressed the insect emperor. , But I am afraid that if I do this, I will be targeted by the Dao, and will face the suppression and even destruction of the Dao. After all, the crisis will last forever, and the Dao will not give up easily!"

"Okay, don't have so much consideration. The more you consider, the more dangerous it is for yourself. If you lose the faith to move forward because of the consideration in your heart, this is a great crisis, the world is a catastrophe. The most feared thing is losing faith! Faith is more important than everything in the disaster, you must keep this in mind!"

With that said, the Mother God Devourer sighed again, shook his head and said, "Oh! It was because I was confused for a while and lost my faith that I ended up in this field today, and I lost the power to resist! I am not. I hope you will follow in my footsteps. You must know that in your body I seem to have seen myself back then. No matter when and under any circumstances, you must remember that you cannot believe in the great avenue or the origin of the supreme chaotic world. Otherwise you will definitely die!"

"Senior Insect Sovereign, since you put all your hopes on me, you have to give me a little help and let me understand the road as much as possible. Otherwise, when danger comes, what shall I fight against and protect myself? You don’t want me to die in a single encounter and let your expectations fall completely. Then it will be difficult for you to get out of trouble!” At this time, Xing Tian also tried his best to compete for resources and usefulness. Information!

Regarding Xingtian’s thoughts, the God-Eater Mother Empress can see through it at a glance, but it does not dislike Xing Tian’s doing so. On the contrary, it is very happy that Xingtian has acted like this. If Xingtian does nothing, the God-Eater Mother Empress will be worried. After all, there is only one chance. If you fail this time, this time the tribulation of heaven and earth will be your own burial. Only when Xingtian becomes stronger can the Emperor of God Eater have a chance to get out of trouble and see the first line of life!

"Resources, you don’t need to worry about it. When you leave, I will naturally give you all my resources and try my best to help you become stronger quickly. Now the most important thing for you is to know the insidiousness of the road. , Knowing the horror of the Supreme Chaos World, cannot be calculated by them, otherwise it is not just you that will die, and everything about me will be ruined!"


When I said this, the Mother God Eater had a voice, and sighed softly: "I think you must really want to know why I hate the Dao, the Supreme Chaos World, and even why I hate this Dao’s name, Dao’s gift. The name says it’s a gift, but it’s actually a bondage, an endless bondage. Do you know that the power of the devouring gods of my clan does not come from the gift of the Dao, but from my own blood. It originally had endless potential and a bright future, but it’s a pity At the beginning I believed the Dao wrongly. After listening to some of its nonsense, I was deceived by it. I thought that the naming of Dao would evolve my bloodline and enable me to grow up quickly, but I was wrong. , All I get is bondage, there is no so-called bloodline evolution at all!"

Xing Tian said with an incredibly suspicious expression: "How is this possible? No matter how crazy and sinister Dadao is, it shouldn't be done. It is not afraid of the backlash of the whole world and its reputation. It would not be worth the loss!"

"Hehe, what it is afraid of, it is not afraid of anything. For it, it doesn’t care about the reaction of the ants at all. And what do you think the name of the avenue is? That is a bondage. Once the avenue is added, I don’t even have the ability to resist. If you want to resist, you will be immediately suppressed by Dao Dao. In Dao Dao’s eyes, I am just an ant, just a chess piece in his hand, nothing more!"

Xing Tian shook his head and sighed softly: "Unbelievable, it is really unbelievable, but I can't find any problem, but I don't understand, how can you not even have the power to resist under the suppression of the Dao with your strength? , The avenue is really so terrifying, so powerful? If it is really so powerful, why bother to calculate your insect emperor!"

"Hahaha! This is how it is cunning. It is because all living beings think it is impossible. That's why Dadao did it. As for why I didn't resist, you are wrong. I didn't resist, but I resisted too much. Many, so I was suppressed, became a real abandoned son, and fell into this field. Even because of my resistance, the entire God Eater clan was affected, and I fell to the same fate as I was trapped in this Jedi. In the face of death!"

"Jedi? This is the Jedi? I don't think that although the vitality of the world here is very weak, but the Jedi is a bit past, the situation has not reached that dangerous level, and you have such a huge sea of ​​gods and insects. The army, as long as the opportunity comes, give an order to awaken all the army feet in all directions!" Xing Tian looked at God Devourer with disapproval!

"Things are not as simple as you said. You think that the Insect Sea Army is powerful, but in fact they all have lost their combat ability. In the hands of the Dao, the so-called Insect Sea Army can be broken easily, because they all have the name and body of the Dao. Now I’m still alive, Dadao dare not take action easily, dare not kill them, but if I die, they will die without life! Unless someone can take them out of this Jedi, or else they will be controlled by Dadao for the rest of my life. The reason why they can live is because they have been in a state of dead silence. If they remain vigorous, they will have disappeared in the endless years and their lives will come to an end!"

When he heard these words, Xing Tian's heart flashed, and for a moment he understood that although the magical powers of the god-eating insects are powerful, this does not mean that they have endless lives, and they are suppressed by the great road. Life! Life span is the worst enemy of a creature. Once life span is exhausted, only death is waiting for oneself!

Xing Tian sighed: "Is there no other solution? Just keep the suffering in deathly silence, no matter how long it is, it will be difficult to resist the end of life. I don't know the true situation of the god-eating insect, but one thing is certain. Time is their greatest enemy. You cannot pin all your hopes on this point. Otherwise, if you don’t wait for the final battle to arrive, your army of god-eaters will be dragged down by time and will die. I think this is not what you want to see!"

"The solution is not difficult, but not everyone can do it. To eliminate the power of the avenue, only the power of the world. As long as someone can earn my children and grandchildren into a perfect world, they can naturally isolate the power of the avenue. It can save their lives, and this kind of world is not owned by anyone. I think you can understand this too!" After saying this, the Mother God Devourer looked at Xing Tian with a strange look. Means very clear!

"Damn bastard, I knew he wouldn't let me go, he wouldn't make me feel better, he even started my world, wanting me to use my own world to protect its descendants, but the god-eater The mother emperor made a wrong calculation this time, and I also have this intention. With these worm seas and this huge army, I also have the capital to fight against any forces!"

Yes, at this moment, Xing Tian’s fight was not the idea of ​​one or two insect kings, not the idea of ​​collecting hundreds of millions of insect sea army, but wanted to wipe out all the army under the god-eater mother emperor, and the entire insect ban. To take down this terrifying and cruel worm sea army directly and control it in his own hands, Xing Tian believes that as long as these god-eaters are brought into his own "hole" world, these god-eaters will not be able to turn them over. Any wave will become one's own loyal subordinates. The origin of the world will be able to master their souls and everything about them. The power of the world is no weaker than the great power!

When thinking of this, Xing Tian's face "showed" a little embarrassment! Yes, it is a look of embarrassment! For a moment, Xing Tian sighed: "I understand the idea of ​​the insect emperor. It is just to make me pay such a big price to save these insect sea army. In order to avoid some trivial works, pay such a big price, only the insect sea is protected. Great army, this contribution makes it hard for me to accept!" As he said, Xing Tian turned his eyes to the God-Eater Mother, waiting for its answer, and waiting for its giving!

At this time, the God Eater Mother Queen did not speak, but was thinking. This is not a trivial matter. It is related to too many things. It is very difficult for the God Eater Mother Queen to make a decision at a time. After all, it has to be tested. There are a lot of things, you can't just do it for your children and grandchildren, you must know that Xing Tian is of incomparable use to the God-Eater Mother!

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