God of Destruction

Chapter 4167: Conspiracy

Time is passing bit by bit, although Xing Tian is also sighing about the waste of his time, but at this time he can't "show", otherwise it will only benefit the god-eater mother queen, no matter how much he is. Hard, Xingtian must endure, embarrassed by himself, the mother of the god-eater will be more difficult and uncomfortable, it has to face the choice of its own life and the life of its descendants!

"Xingtian, I also know your embarrassment, but I am also embarrassed and have no choice. I hope you will do your best to help them, and save as much as you can!" When this said, Devour God Worm Mother The emperor couldn't help but sighed, his face revealed a trace of reluctance, a trace of unwillingness, and endless helplessness. This is fate! At least for it!

For his children and grandchildren, the Mother Emperor God Devourer also knows that it is impossible to save them all. In its eyes, Xing Tian does not have such strength. If he has to "force" Xing Tian will ultimately suffer the loss, Xing Tian's practice will be affected. In this way, it indirectly affects the God-Eating Insect Mother, who is naturally more concerned about her own safety!

Taking a deep breath, Xing Tian nodded slightly and said: "The insect king understands it. If possible, I will naturally try my best to rescue, but my world is limited. If I really protect these insects, the insect sea army, Huge resources are inevitably needed, and the most important nature for the world is the world source stone, the star core. If there are enough star cores and world source stones, and enough time, I may be able to protect all the insect sea army. I just need time!"

"Time, this is nothing. Time is pressing for you, but for me, time is not important, and resources are not important. This world is completely in my grasp. As long as you need it, I can mobilize the world. The origin, open the power of time, so that you have enough time to complete your own transformation!" When it comes to this, the God Eater Mother Empress waved her hand. There are countless resources, huge world source stones, and many star cores, just After a glance, Xing Tian understood that these resources are enough to cultivate the "acupoint" orifice world by himself, and even more than that. With these resources, he has the ability to open up all the "acupoints" of the real body of the chaos **** and demon and complete his own "acupoint" orifices. The great series of worlds unite all the worlds of one's "acupoints"!

"Okay, so there must be a King Lao Chong, turn on the power of time, give me enough time to refine all resources, with so many resources, I am almost 90% sure to shelter all the insect sea army!" Xing Tian spoke for a while, took a deep breath and continued: "The previous question is that you can give me enough time. I don't know if your Time Weili can do it?"

No wonder Xing Tian was so cautious and caring about it. After all, Xing Tian was not familiar with God Eater Mother Queen, and did not know the true power of the other party. Only this little contact could not be determined. This was the problem between the two.

Everyone is selfish, and Xing Tian intends to preserve his strength, and the God-Eater Mother Queen will do the same. He will pass people by himself, and Xing Tian knows how he should choose. It is impossible to be too crazy and impossible to put himself in crisis. In such a dangerous environment, the more you have to be cautious, plan for the worst, and leave a way for yourself!

God Devourer Mother Empress smiled indifferently: "Don't worry, don't be afraid. Since I have spoken, I can do it naturally. If you can really protect all the army, this will definitely be your greatest gain, and it will definitely become your greatest heritage. With such a large army in hand, you are not afraid of any racial civilization, nor do you have to worry about your own resources!"

As long as it is possible, the Mother God Devourer will do her best without reservation. It is not willing to sacrifice its offspring. After all, this is also the power of the Mother God Devourer. In its calculations, no matter how strong Xing Tian is The origin of the world, it is impossible to shield oneself from the control of the worm sea army. This is the power of the bloodline, and no one can stop it. He has full confidence in his own bloodline, the God-Eater Mother Queen, and will not be swallowed by anyone or any force. , Dadao can't do it, even Xingtian can't do it!

Wrong? No, nothing is impossible in this world. The Mother God Devouring Insect Empress finds it impossible, and Xing Tian also has confidence in himself, thinking that his "hole" world is enough to refine all the army of God Devouring Insects, They are incorporated into their own system and become one of their most loyal army. This is Xing Tian's belief in his own great way!

Both Xing Tian and the God-Eater Mother Empress have confidence in themselves. In the end, who can have the last laugh depends on their methods and their wrists. There are too many unknown influences in this battle. There are too many changes, so this confrontation is still a confrontation of Qi Luck, and Xing Tian naturally has an advantage over Qi Luck! It is a pity that it is not air luck that ultimately determines the victory or defeat, and air luck alone is far from enough. It is only part of the power.

"Well, the insect emperor is so confident, I will naturally not fall behind Xingtian, but the current situation is safe? Can you block the road induction, once exposed, will it affect the safety of you and me?" Safety is important, Xing Tian has to be cautious. After all, this is not his home court, and he can’t help but worry. Don’t look at Xing Tian referring to the avenue, but also guarding against the threat of the God-Eater Mother and the avenue in Xingtian’s eyes. Far less than the God-Eater Mother Queen!

"Okay, time waits for no one, and there is not much time left for us. If you have so much consideration, it will be difficult to succeed. Be prepared. Once you start, you can't stop again!" Relative Xingtian's worry , Guard, the God Devouring Insect Mother Queen knew exactly what Xing Tian's words meant, but now it is inconvenient to turn his face with Xing Tian.

As soon as the words fell, the aura of the God-Eater Mother Empress skyrocketed, and the mighty power of time radiated out. The mighty power of this time instantly turned into magical powers of great powers in front of Xing Tian's eyes, continuously integrated into the world, and the mighty power of time replaced the price. With the power of other origins, the power of time began to act on Xing Tian, ​​acting on this giant city.

auzw.com On the wheel of time, Xingtian’s divine eyes soon saw a wheel of time appear on the giant city. This is a magical power and the treasure of the great avenue. When the wheel of time came out, Xingtian felt The power of time acts on itself, and time is changing.

"What a god-eater mother queen, what a wheel of time, it is to abandon the avenue to give its name, abandon its own origin avenue, it seems that it has been fully prepared, endless years have allowed its time avenue to exceed It has the ability to break free from the shackles of the Dao after it has its own origin and surpassed its blood. What does it want to do? Is it just to use me as a vanguard to test the reaction of the Dao? But it doesn’t make sense. Is it not afraid to "expose" its hidden power?"

Conspiracy, there must be a conspiracy, but unfortunately my time is running out, so I don’t have time to explore this secret! When thinking of this, Xing Tian couldn't help but sighed inwardly. This may be a chance for him to understand the God-Eater Mother Queen, but unfortunately he had to give up in order to perfect his "hole" orifice world, and wasted this great opportunity. .

Of course, there is still a great opportunity, that is, the Avenue of Time. Xing Tian felt that the Mother God Devourer was stronger than the innate Chaos God and Demon in charge of the Time Avenue. If he did not know the identity of the Mother God Devourer, Xing Tian would doubt himself. In front of him was an innate chaos **** and demon who was in charge of the time avenue. The impact of such a result on Xing Tian is conceivable!

If there is no previous understanding of the god-eater, the pressure on Xingtian will be much less for the mother-emperor of the god-eater who has mastered the avenue of time, but now Xingtian is under endless pressure, as if a mountain is heavy on him. , I was a little bit out of breath and pressed myself into a heavy heart, but I couldn't show it.

If you can observe the Wheel of Time up close, you might have amazing gains on the Avenue of Time. Unfortunately, Xingtian cannot be distracted now. After the Wheel of Time is opened, the God-Eater Mother Queen will invest a large amount of resources on Xingtian. By his side, without giving Xing Tian time to think about it, he "forces" Xing Tian to sacrifice the world, and "forces" Xing Tian to reveal his secrets!

Yes, now the God-Eater Mother Empress is "forcing" Xingtian. He wants to see Xingtian's fictitiousness and reality. He wants to use this opportunity to clarify Xingtian's background. In its view, unless Xingtian doesn't sacrifice the world, he just needs to sacrifice Refining will inevitably reveal some of its own abilities, and this is enough to bite the goddess and the mother queen to understand Xingtian, then it will have greater confidence to master Xingtian, dominate Xingtian, and treat Xingtian as a **** in its own hands. , Even as an abandoned child when necessary, to ensure that your own interests are not harmed!

"It's a vicious scheming, but your abacus is doomed to fail. If you want to see my reality, then I will give you this opportunity, the star core melts, the world opens, and the hole opens!" With Xing Tian's cry Shen Yin, the "acupoints" of the **** and devil's body are fully opened, and the star cores are integrated into it to become the source of supporting the "acupoint" world, and each "acupuncture" world has been successfully formed.

After the world was shaped, Xing Tian did not stop, and immediately after that many world origin stones were also thrown into the world of "acupoints" to become nourishment, nourishing the world of "acupoints" and giving Xing Tian a tremendous boost. The opening of the Aperture World filled Xing Tian's body with a huge atmosphere of the world, concealing the true situation of Xing Tian, ​​and don't see through the God Insect Mother!

"What a powerful world atmosphere. It seems that the choice this time is not wrong. This kid's background is beyond imagination. The inner world with such a huge source is indeed qualified to be a shelter for many of my descendants. With this world, I will There is no need to worry about the safety of these children and grandchildren any more, but Xing Tian’s background has been proven, and he should also be thundered to let him know that my cheapness is not so good. Since I have made a promise, I must Pay the price!"

Speaking of this, a vicious smile flashed across the face of the God-Eater Mother Queen. At this moment, it had a crazy vicious heart towards Xing Tian. It had to teach Xing Tian a lesson and let Xing Tian know how powerful he was. Let Xing Tian take care of himself in his heart!

"Invite the Insect King, bring me into the world, and the origin of the Insect Dao!" Yes, at this moment, the God-Eater Mother Queen wants to seize the world of Xingtian and evolve Xingtian's world into a world exclusively owned by the Zerg. Even if Xing Tian has the ability to reach the sky, he cannot change the world. As long as Xing Tian succeeds, he will never have a chance to stand up again!

"Okay, I know this **** can’t believe it. This **** has never thought of giving me a chance to develop. He wants to take my world directly, and doesn’t want to live in peace with me at all. You are unkind. Don’t blame me for injustice. If you take the initiative to deliver the benefits, wouldn’t I be sorry if I don’t accept it, melt it for me, swallow all things, the world refining, and the world is overwhelming!” With Xingtian’s deep cry, the insects that flew towards themselves King, the origin of the zerg was instantly swallowed by a "hole" world opened by Xing Tian. When the origin of the insect king and the origin of the zerg fell into the world, they were immediately suppressed and refined by the world avenue!

Rebellion, the insect king wants to resist, the Zerg origin wants to resist, relative to the suppression of the world, it is a pity that Xingtian does not give this opportunity at all, the mighty power of the world avenue directly swallows them, and directly suppresses them in the depths of the world, leaving it to the Zerg How powerful is the origin, and how terrifying is the supernatural power of the insect king, it is suppressed under the mighty power of the world. When Xing Tian gathers all the origins of the world of "holes", no one can jump out of Xing Tian if the insect king has the ability to reach the sky. World repression!

After the "acupoint" orifice world of the whole body is opened, Xingtian's chaotic **** and demon's real body has been amazingly enhanced. Many "acupoint" orifice worlds are linked together and correspond to each other at a distance. It is really the whole body that is moved together. One "acupoint" orifice world can connect with the power of other "acupoint" orifice worlds. It can be said that any "acupoint" orifice world in Xing Tian is equivalent to the whole world attacking. This is something that the god-eating mother emperor did not expect. The conspiracy of the God Insect Mother Queen succeeded, but it also failed, and this failure means that it fell into a disadvantage and fell into a crisis in the battle with Xing Tian, ​​and now the God Devour Mother Queen Not knowing this at all, now the God-Eating Insect Empress is excited, happy that she has done her calculations, and feels that she finally has Xing Tian in his hands. In the future, Xing Tian has the opportunity and strength to be his opponent!

The Mother Queen of God Devouring Insects is happy, rejoicing, and the same is true in Xing Tian's heart, but Xing Tian's face does not show the slightest. Today's Xing Tian is a gloomy person, as if he was affected by this sudden change. Enraged, he was looking at the God Devouring Insect Emperor fiercely, with terrible killing intent and anger in his eyes! If anger can kill people, the Empress of the God-Eater has already been killed countless times by Xingtian, but even in the face of such terrible anger and killing intent, the Mother-Eater doesn’t care about it at all. In my heart, as if I didn't feel this anger!

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