God of Destruction

Chapter 4168: Wheel of time

Xing Tian, ​​don’t stare at me like this. Actually, I don’t want to. I just didn’t expect that the insect king would be driven by instinct to make such crazy actions once he recovered. I don’t even know that the origin of the zerg would be so greedy, but things have already happened. If it happens, even if it's too late to regret, no matter how angry you are, it won't help. Since this is the case, we should discuss how to solve the problem. Don't worry, I will compensate you for your loss, and you will not get nothing in return! "The plan is successful. The God-Eater Mother Queen does not have to turn his eyes on Xing Tian. Doing so will only stir up a greater crisis!

"Sincere, I need to see sincerity. I want to send me a word of nothing. This is not enough to underestimate my Xingtian, my world has been polluted, and the reason lies with you. Now the plan is not as good as the change. You have to give me an explanation, such as Otherwise, I don’t know what I want to lose!” Xing Tian did not back down and directly stated his own requirements. Although Xing Tian did not mention specific needs, it was very stressful for the God-Eating Queen. This is not the case in its plan.

"Xing Tian, ​​what sincerity do you need? My time magic has already begun. Don't miss this chance. You have wasted this hard-earned opportunity to evolve your world. No matter how it changes, this is your world. This point will not change. If you waste this opportunity, you will never have it again in the future!"

At this time, the God-Eater Mother Queen still wanted to persuade Xing Tian to end this confrontation at the least cost, but it was a pity that Xing Tian was not stupid and would not accept this ridiculous suggestion. Being moved by its words, how could Xing Tian compromise without sufficient benefits, even if all this was in his calculations from beginning to end.

People are not for themselves, and the earth will die! The more this time, the more Xing Tian strives for the best interests for himself, and he will not easily compromise. After all, all of this is apparently in the hands of the God-Eater Mother. If she does not cooperate with the other party, the God-Eater Mother will be in her heart. Naturally, the pressure is huge, and it is natural to pay a greater price in order to alleviate this "tension" situation!

Xing Tian smiled indifferently and said: "I want to realize the wheel of time in your hand. The wheel of time contains a powerful time avenue, which is vital to the evolution of my world. If you still want to use my world as a shelter, this You must accept the conditions. This is my request. I think in your state of mind that you will not reject me. This is very important to you and me!"

Hearing Xing Tian’s words, the God-Eater Mother Queen roared in her heart: "Asshole, this **** ant dare to threaten me. If I don’t need the power of this asshole, I really want to slap him and let him know that I am offended. What end!"

It’s okay to have such an idea. It’s impossible to really act. It’s easy to slap the death penalty with one slap, but all the calculations laid out before will be turned into water. After paying such a high price, you will have nothing in the end, so stupid. The thing is that the Mother God Devourer cannot do it. The Mother God Devourer still dare not let Xingtian die. Even if it is dead, the Mother God Devourer will squeeze out Xingtian’s benefits, not because of a moment Big shot with anger!

God Devouring Mother Queen sighed softly: "The wheel of emotional time, you are very greedy, but do you have such strength, do you have so much energy? If I were you, I would never be so greedy. Wasting your time and energy is not necessarily rewarding. It is better to devote all your energy to the evolution of your own world. For you, the World Avenue is the root of everything!"

Xing Tian said disapprovingly: "Hehe, how I choose is my own business. Since I dare to do this, I have my own reasons. Now it is whether you are willing to accept it. If you are willing to cooperate, I can naturally get what I want from it. As a result, of course you can also refuse, but if you refuse, I can't guarantee that the evolution of the world will continue to happen!"

Threat! Xing Tian is naked, "naked", and "naked" threatening the God-Eater Mother Queen. He didn't hide it at all, so he didn't directly say a word but refused. Xingtian's previous guarantee will also be invalidated. The so-called Zerg world is just a mirror image. There is no possibility of realization.

"Okay, I agree, but time is limited. I cannot give you a full guarantee. You can only understand the wheel of time during this time. I will not stop you, but you must be prepared to fail. The chance is very high, and once the chance of failure will not reappear, in the same time, want to achieve two major actions, this is simply a big laughter, it is the craziest choice!" The **** insect mother did not think that Xing Tian had the possibility of success! It’s incredible in its eyes. It’s unbelievable. Of course, in its eyes, Xing Tian is also the most greedy. Although Xing Tian’s greed irritates the God-Eater Mother Queen, he is extremely happy when he is angry. The more greedy Xing Tian is, the easier it will be to master it. Similarly, it doesn't care whether Xing Tian can succeed or not. It doesn't care about the success or failure of Xing Tian, ​​as long as the situation is beneficial to itself!

"Okay, we just made this decision. I hope you don't use any reason or any means to stop me. This is an agreement, an agreement that cannot be changed. If there is an accident, please stop blaming me for the worst. Will make the most instinctive reaction. I think this is what you don’t want to see. I can’t bear the consequences, but I’m not afraid of it!” It’s about his great cause of cultivation, and Xing Tian has to act carefully. Don't give a warning in advance.

"Hehe, I'm not so boring yet, and I won't be fattened by words, but I want to warn you again, this is not a trivial matter, it is more important to practice in the great way to be single-minded, only single-mindedness can reach the other side, you are blindly greedy I will only get a bad answer. I know that you have always been guarding me, but I don’t have such a mind, and I won’t do it. I have to explain some things again. I don’t want to wait for you to fail. I was angry and turned into trouble, thinking that all this is what I did!" Faced with Xing Tian, ​​the Empress of God Devouring Insect Mother said the worst problem, so that Xing Tian could be prepared!

auzw.com"Thank you for reminding me that I understand all this. Now that I have made such a decision, I will be responsible for my actions. Even if I get nothing in the end, I will I won't do that crazy thing, I won't think that all of this is what you did!" Xing Tian has incomparable confidence in himself, and believes that he will definitely gain something from this great opportunity!

In fact, in the eyes of the God-Eater Mother Emperor, Xing Tian is crazy, wanting to do two things with one heart, and wanting to covet all opportunities. This is an expression of being unable to control the greed in his heart, but it does not know that this is not the case. In Xingtian’s eyes, Xing Tian is crazy and unreasonable, but for Xing Tian, ​​this is nothing. His world of "acupoints" has already been completed, and he does not need time to cultivate and grow. He only needs to spend all his time in front of him. On the wheel, with your own wisdom, you can naturally gain something in this short period of time, and you can even realize the great power of time!

"It's started again. It seems that the Emperor of Devouring Insects didn't say one thing to do, and the power of the Wheel of Time is fully activated again!" When the power of the Wheel of Time was restored, Xing Tian's face "showed" a line A faint smile, this is the result I want, but before I start, I can't be careless, I can't underestimate the madness of the God-Eating Mother Queen. For the wheel of time, you must investigate it carefully to prevent the conspiracy of the god-eater mother emperor. If the other party does this without detecting it, the consequences will be disastrous, and even one who is not careful will be buried!

Be careful to sail the ship for ten thousand years. Although the chance of the God Devouring Mother Emperor doing this is not high, it is not a fool, and it is impossible to think that Xing Tian can be so naive to believe in himself and will not fail to prevent it. In fact, Xing Tian’s every move before There is already a problem, Xing Tian definitely does not have a careless mind, even when the abnormality occurs, Xing Tian becomes even more crazy!

Speaking of Xingtian’s worries, it’s not superfluous. The God Devouring Mother Queen is not trustworthy. In the wheel of time, it still has a trace of spiritual thoughts. It wants to monitor Xing Tian’s every move. Xingtian has a slight intention, and this bit of his own spirit can learn more secrets from Xingtian body. Don't look at the god-eater mother who looks down on Xingtian, the "ant", but instinctively makes it feel that Xingtian's previous performance has some reservations. I need to further investigate the reality of Xing Tian to prevent the worst from happening and let myself be caught off guard. It is precisely with this idea that this change has occurred!

"Damn it, I still underestimate this ant. Although he has incredible greed in his heart, this **** is also extremely cautious. Before he takes any action, he has to explore the wheel of time. It seems that the previous accident was really shocking. His thoughts made him no longer believe me at all, and he didn't know whether the previous decision was right or wrong!" When he said this, the Mother God Devourer could not help but sighed, making it wary of Xing Tian Another point!

Originally, the God-Eating Insect Mother looked down on Xingtian, but now its mind is being changed bit by bit, and it all came so fast, so terrible that the God-Eating Insect Mother has a trace of palpitations, but no matter what Xingtian is in her heart Be vigilant, when Xing Tian made a search, the God Devouring Mother Queen had to abandon the previous decision, and had no choice but to return to this trace of spiritual knowledge!

"This **** Xing Tian is so patience, this time you are considered powerful, but all this has just begun, the final duel still depends on strength, no matter how hard you struggle, you will be vulnerable to absolute strength!" Amidst the resentment of the evil voices, the Mother God Devouring Insect Mother took back a trace of her own consciousness and cut off her previous thoughts!

Would Xing Tian take advantage of not leaving any spiritual knowledge behind, and then take the initiative to seize the wheel of time, the source of time? This is impossible. As long as Xing Tian is not crazy enough to survive, he will not do this stupid thing. In front of the God-Eater Mother, Xing Tian is just an ant, an ant that will slap to death at any time!

As an ant, you must have the consciousness of an ant. No matter how tempting the chance is, it is impossible to succeed. If even this little temptation can't be resisted, Xing Tian has no need to live. No matter how good the temptation is to "confuse", it is not as important as your own "life". "Life" is more important than everything. It is incomparable by any chance. This is reality!

"Temptation, this is really a great temptation. If I hadn't already established my goal, I'm afraid I would be tempted by this original treasure, and I will end up in a dead end. I don’t know how many creatures have fallen in the world. Although there is no such amazing resentment in this world, the earth-shattering resentment has been swallowed up. No matter how good the wheel of time is, it’s not a practice that you can use your own hands. Without real power, I cannot take such a risk!

Knowing advances and retreats, this is Xingtian’s greatest good thing. No matter how great the pressure and temptation he faces, Xingtian is not affected by it. His firm will makes Xingtian laugh to the last in the crises. The strength is also Xing Tian's own greatest strength, and it is also Xing Tian's opportunity to attack the strong. This opportunity is one of Xing Tian's greatest strengths!

"What a wheel of time, what a time avenue, such a pure time avenue is really unimaginable, maybe the god-eater mother emperor condenses this treasure, this is also a kind of evolution of the avenue, and even this is very likely to be detached. A road, but this road is more dangerous and crazier than I thought. I really don’t know how the God Eater Mother Queen did it. This is simply the way of transformation from the pure road, although I haven’t explored the truth. , But just now all this is enough, just a small contact, let me see another world of the road of practice, this pure road has a certain connection with the road of the world, perhaps this is the devouring of the gods The road of metamorphosis realized by the Chong Muhuang!"

When he thought of this, Xing Tian couldn't help but sighed slightly. It was just a trace of exploration of the wheel of time, and he had such a gain. What would he gain in all this time? How much benefit he can get, Xing Tian becomes extremely excited when he has such an idea, as if he sees a new road of detachment appearing in front of his eyes, and is madly tempting himself and facing the road. How many people can keep their minds and resist this temptation!

Can anyone do it? At least Xing Tian felt that he couldn't see through when there was no prospect of transcendence. If he hadn't walked out of his own way, I'm afraid that next moment he would be affected by it and become a **** in the way! Putting yourself in a desperate situation, this may be the test, or maybe this is the danger that you must face. As long as you want to get more, you need to pay more. Paying and harvesting are always two sides!

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