God of Destruction

Chapter 4169: Fate crisis

"Interesting. It's really big cause and effect. What is big is the grievances and grievances. Is this a situation or is it unknown?" Xing Tian sighed in his heart, and he had more thoughts about the God-Eater Mother Queen. This road may also come from Chaos Sea, if it was said that the Mother Queen of God Devouring Insects had realized it, Xing Tian would not believe it. If all this came from Chaos Sea, what is the existence of Chaos Sea!

For a moment, I don’t know why Xing Tian thought of Chaos Sea again. Although this was only his own guess, Xing Tian felt that his guess was true. Unfortunately, Xing Tian didn’t have so much time to investigate further. The wheel of time was right in front of him. , There is no need to grow branches at this time. The best choice now is to learn more about the wheel of time. The avenue of time contained in the wheel of time is the avenue of detachment of time, not other problems!

Of course, Xing Tian didn’t want to practice the Dao in the Wheel of Time. What he wanted was the evolution of the Dao of the Wheel of Time. In an instant, Xing Tian’s mind was cast on the Wheel of Time, and the Dao of Time continued to flow into him. Xing Tian is happy. As the mother god-eater who presides over the world, his heart is extremely heavy at this moment. Xing Tian did not go to the world path as he wished, and now devotes his energy to time. On the wheel, this is far beyond its imagination!

"Damn bastard, what do you want to do? Although there is no sense of God in the wheel of time, you can't really understand the background of this bastard, but you can't let this **** spend his mind on the wheel of time, if you really let him learn from it. Whatever you realize, the consequences will be unimaginable. Everything you designed before can be completely collapsed!” Yes, at this moment, the Queen of the God-Eater has regretted it. It wants to go back and stop Xingtian. It just thinks of the previous agreement. The **** insect mother emperor was secretly annoyed, and felt that it was not Xingtian that was calculated before, but that he was calculated by Xingtian, and now he can't advance or retreat!

One's own power can't be fully displayed. Subject to Xing Tian, ​​the ant's calculations, even his own secrets may be revealed. This result is that the God Eater Mother Queen has never thought of it, and this result also allows her to take care of it. extremely.

Time power, this is not the power of time, the origin of time has now changed! Xing Tian discovered the essential changes of the wheel of time. Although the wheel of time is still the treasure of the source of time and is in charge of the road of time, it is time and not time, because its essence has changed and it produces new changes. Know the changes.

"Damn the Avenue of Time, why is its change so amazing? It clearly looks the same in nature, but in fact there is a qualitative difference. The god-eater mother emperor obviously has a more powerful bloodline and supernatural powers, but why should we give up the last, Time Avenue? Although powerful and incomparable, the best thing for you should be your own bloodline supernatural power! What is the reason for this, so that the god-eater mother made such a choice, or this is the other party’s calculation, the wheel of time is Calculate your own strength!" Xing Tian thought more for a while, and a lot of crazy thoughts came to his head, as if he wanted to find the strength he wanted from this little bit of information, find the result he wanted, and maybe he would succeed. Initiate new changes.

The more he understands, the more "confused" Xing Tian is. I don’t know what the God Eater Mother Queen is thinking. This is not what an old ghost who has lived for endless years should do, but all this happened. In front of his own eyes, Xing Tian did not think carefully before, but when he thinks carefully, he can't help but feel a little fear in his heart. This is not a fear of the strength of the opponent, not the ability of the opponent, but the fear of the unknown, the more so strange , Xing Tian became more worried, and unknowingly stepped into a new trap, making himself blind to the future!

Unknown is the most worrying thing for Xing Tian, ​​especially in the current situation. A worm emperor who does not know how many years he has practiced, as the worm emperor who was nominated by the dao, no matter what kind of grievances it has with the dao, But being able to have enmity with the Dao can survive, even if it is restricted by the Dao, but this kind of existence is not something ordinary people can resist. At least Xing Tian has no such ability, and now he is caught in the opponent's calculation, although it is only certain. Within the scope, but for Xing Tian, ​​this is a giant, an unprecedented giant, a giant that can threaten his life!

Although I don’t know much about the God Eater Mother Queen and the Supreme Chaos World, one thing Xing Tian can understand is that the God Eater Mother Queen he is facing is definitely a real tycoon, not more powerful than the human race. The person is weak, and even has passed it, and now this **** obviously has his own idea, which is definitely one of his biggest threats!

For this mysterious and weird world, Xing Tian had to be cautious with this giant that is not in the bottom line. If he says that what he sees now is everything, Xing Tian will not believe this. An ancient giant will not let people see him through. Perhaps what you see in front of you is the opponent’s calculations. I deliberately let myself understand and lead myself in the direction the opponent wants. Maybe that is also the right way, but the way is different. Even on this road, you will encounter more terrifying enemies, which will plunge you into a greater crisis, and no giant can accidentally deal with it!

The mighty power of Time Avenue permeated Xing Tian’s heart. The God-Eater Mother Queen was not bad, but in the end she did not make up her mind to stop Xing Tian, ​​and gave Xing Tian this opportunity to enlighten the Tao. The sentiment of Time Avenue was continuously integrated into Xing Tian’s mind. , Constantly impacting Xing Tian's perception of the Great Way of Time, and gradually Xing Tian's own perception of the Great Way of Time was obscured by the power of time later, and gradually began to affect Xing Tian's mind, will, and even Xing Tian's world!

Yes, when the power of time poured in, Xing Tian felt that his "hole" orifice world was touched, and the suppressed insect king and the origin of the Zerg tribe were awakened, and wanted to re-enter the "hole" orifice world of Xingtian, but this resistance was a pity It was not enough to shake the foundation of Xing Tian, ​​many "acupoint" orifice worlds united and directly suppressed it again, without any chance.

"What a god-eaten insect mother emperor, what a powerful method, what a great scheming, even if it is time, great power can get through the origin of the insect king, the origin of the world of the Zerg, it seems that its essence is not as simple as it is said. Weili may have been completely integrated into his blood, which I did not expect! Its road of cultivation is unique, weird and terrible!"

Dao practice is about striving, always striving, if not striving, you will die. This is Cultivation! If the path of cultivation fails, then you will retreat. Facing a giant with terrifying power, you can never think that you are too careful. Xing Tian's greatest confrontation force is the enemy's ignorance of himself, which is his own unprecedented "acupoint" world! Yes, now Xingtian’s "Acupoint" Aperture World has walked out of its own way, no matter how hard you struggle with the God-Eater Mother Queen, no matter how terrible calculations are made, Xingtian's "Acupoint" Aperture World will not be shaken!


Under the powerful force of time, Xingtian’s "acupoint" world has also been eroded, but Xingtian’s control, under the union of many worlds, all the power of time has been refined, and Xingtian is looking forward to time. Weili was refined by the "Acupoint" Aperture World, allowing him to have more changes in the evolution of the "Acupoint" Aperture World. Of course, it is hard to say how good or bad it is!

Xing Tian did not have the time or energy to pay attention to the changes in the "Acupoint" Aperture World. Although Xing Tian felt the conspiracy and insidiousness from the God-Eater Mother Queen, Xing Tian still couldn't take care of these for a while. Now he is taking care of it. The opportunity to explore the Avenue of Time, even if there is a terrible crisis in this opportunity, Xing Tian still chooses to take risks in the face of the opportunity. This is practice!

If you are afraid of danger and choose to give up, there will be no chance in this world, let alone chance. All big chances are accompanied by big dangers, but some appear in front of you, and some are hidden behind them. Now the dangers that accompany chance Right in front of him, in Xing Tian's eyes, this is not fatal. What is his "acupoint" world? That is the source of the real body of the chaos **** and demon, and if you want to seize the "acupoint" orifice world, you are seizing the real body of the chaos **** and demon in Xingtian.

Could the real body of the Chaos God and Demon be taken away by others? No, it’s almost impossible. Unless it’s the soul that destroyed Xingtian, or else don’t even think about it. It’s not easy to destroy the soul of a chaotic **** and demon, let alone Xingtian’s cover up very well. , For a while, the Mother Queen of Devouring God Insects couldn't see through it. Under such circumstances, it is unimaginable to calculate Xingtian. It is exactly how Xingtian can be so crazy and desperate!

With the madness of Xing Tian and the constant perception of the Dao of Time, the wheel of time gradually came to Xing Tian, ​​attracted by the breath of the Dao of Time in Xing Tian's body, as if he wanted to blend into Xing Tian's body and become the ultimate treasure of Xing Tian.

"Why is this happening? What does the Wheel of Time want to do, but want to blend into my body, want to replace my original avenue and become my original treasure?" Xing Tian couldn't bear to perceive the changes in the Wheel of Time. Sigh in a low voice!

The wheel of time is the source and treasure of the God-Eater Mother Queen. How could he take the initiative to take refuge in himself? If there is no problem, Xing Tian would not believe it. Obviously, ordinary methods cannot explore the reality of Xing Tian, ​​so he had to make this move. !

"It's ridiculous! You think of me Xingtian as someone, and you want to calculate me with this little trick. Come on, let me see what you have. No one can control my Xingtian. No one can. I am greedy. , But I won’t make such a big mistake, I won’t let myself fall into desperation, no matter how good the wheel of time is, it’s someone else’s, and I’m a person with ulterior motives. For this little power to put myself into crisis, such a stupid thing is me Don't do it!" Faced with the wheel of time that was constantly approaching him, Xing Tian began to dodge, not to touch it, in case he would be calculated if he was not careful!

In Xingtian’s view, if the God-Eater Mother Empress really had to act desperately and frantically on herself, even if she hid too much, she would not be its opponent and would be seen through everything. At this point, Xing Tian would not think she still had The chance of survival, the difference in strength can't be made up in half an instant, let alone the gap between the two is so big and amazing!

"Unfortunately, this **** Mother Queen of the God Eater is so sinister and vicious. Such a move can count the birds with one stone. No matter what choice he makes, it will be beneficial and harmless to him. Perhaps this is what I lack. In terms of experience like this, I still have some shortcomings, but I don’t have so much time to make up for it!” When he thought of this, Xing Tian sighed softly!

Time, this is Xingtian’s biggest enemy, and yet this biggest enemy is right in front of him. As long as he can understand the way of time, time will no longer be a problem for him? But after doing this, will he still be who he is? Xing Tian shook his head lightly and said it was impossible. Only if he did so, he would fall into the enemy's calculations and conspiracies, and he would die.

Betrayal! The current change in the situation can be said to be an unbearable temptation by the God Devourer Mother and also a betrayal of the oath. Unfortunately, now Xing Tian's strength is not sufficient, and because of the God Devourer Mother's cover, Xing Tian is also very difficult to attack. This is the lack of strength. In the face of absolute power, Xing Tian had to retreat and had to compromise. After all, it was not the time to desperately, and he was far from reaching this point. Xing Tian still needed to be patient and remain absolutely calm!

This temptation was a success, for the God-Eater Mother Queen. It understood that as long as it did not touch Xingtian’s bottom line, it would not arouse the other party’s crazy resistance. His own little temptation was not worth Xingtian’s madness, no It is worth Xing Tian desperately to fight to the end with himself, this is the opportunity, this is the opportunity of the God Devouring Mother Queen to achieve her goal!

Opportunity cannot be missed, missed will never come, opportunity has already appeared. God Devouring Mother Queen will not give up, even if the chance is small, God Devouring Mother Queen will have to give it a try. After all, the successful temptation makes it impossible to refuse. As for failure, it is nothing but a big deal. Price, a little benefit, everything is possible under the temptation of benefit!

Speaking of this, this is just wishful thinking of the God-Eater Mother. If Xingtian is so easy to strangle him, he will not survive now. If anyone can count him, he will not be what he is now. I think too much, too self-righteous. Perhaps this is the change caused by endless years of waiting. It’s just that the God Eater Mother didn’t see this, nor thought of it. When it thought of all this, everything was over. , Everything has become a foregone conclusion. Under the general trend, it is difficult for the other party to have the ability to pass the sky, it is difficult to change the real general trend, and the general trend is enough to crush everything!

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