God of Destruction

Chapter 4170: Section reflection

"How is this possible, but just a small ant, how can I be able to withstand my calculations, everything I carefully arranged seems to have fallen into the sea, the insect king cannot be contacted, the origin of the zerg cannot be contacted, and the origin of time is also blocked. Could it be that this little ant has seen through my layout, but this shouldn’t be possible, he can’t do it at all with his strength!” Faced with the failure of calculations again and again, the Mother God-Eating Insect Mother couldn’t help feeling very moved. There are so many mutations in a little ant, so many things beyond one's imagination, is this really an ant that can be killed easily?

Strength does not mean realm, but realm is the same. Xing Tian’s current strength is very weak and can be destroyed with the power of God Devouring Mother Queen, but now God Devouring Mother Queen has too many calculations on Xing Tian, ​​so clear. There is a powerful force, but there is no way to Xing Tian. He clearly found that Xing Tian did not develop according to his own design, but the God-Eater Mother Queen could not jump out to fight. She could only use small means to change Xing Tian subtly and return everything. 'The Right Way'!

However, is it easy to complete the right path designed with the God-Eater Mother Queen? If Xingtian hadn’t noticed it at all, perhaps all these changes would be completed silently, and now it’s almost impossible, unless the God-Eater Mother Empress can desperately and directly crush Xingtian without giving Xingtian anything. Opportunity to resist, otherwise everything will be beautiful!

Seeing that Xing Tian didn’t react excessively, just avoiding it, the God-Eater Mother Queen became even more crazy, the wheel of time continued to chase Xing Tian, ​​and there was a stance of unwillingness to fail to achieve the goal. In the chase, the original treasure of the wheel of time continues to emit a powerful source of time, which continuously deepens the erosion of Xing Tian, ​​and is also constantly tempting Xing Tian, ​​letting Xing Tian throw himself into the net, and let everything return to normal, but Things are still out of plan, Xing Tian is still the same, unaffected by the wheel of time, and still maintains a calm mind, as if no amount of temptation can shake his mind!

"This **** bastard, he doesn't talk about credibility so much, he still has a bit of cover up before, and now he doesn't even have this last bit of face. It is a ridiculous thing that the treasure of origin has taken the initiative to submit to the enemy. It is a pity that I cannot bear the serious consequences. , Or else I really want to swallow this treasure of origin directly, and give a profound lesson to the God-Eater Mother!"

At this moment, Xing Tian really had such a crazy idea in his heart. It may be impossible for others, but it is not impossible in Xing Tian's hands. It is just that Xing Tian's strength is too low to bear the anger of the god-eater mother queen. The crazy counterattack!

How many avenues does God Eater Mother Queen master, and what is its fundamental avenue? Xing Tian eagerly wanted to figure out this point. If he couldn’t figure it out, Xing Tian didn’t dare to act rashly. Faced with a giant in the endless years, he attacked without even knowing the basics of the other party. That would be death. move! Is irresponsible for his own life!

God Devouring Insect Mother Queen only has two main origins, God Devouring and Time? If a supreme giant can't even protect himself, can he live to this day, can he be suppressed by the avenue and still be so arrogant? Obviously it is impossible. What I see is only what the other party wants to see, and the others are still hidden. Perhaps what is the situation of the God-Eater Mother Queen today, even if it’s a great way, maybe this is The mother goddess wants to break free of all shackles!

Although the other party only showed two origins, neither of the origins can be confronted by Xingtian. Any elemental attack is enough to kill Xingtian. It only shows the two origins. Any of them can easily kill Xingtian. The strength is enough to deter the tiny ant Xing Tian, ​​and it is enough to make the ant fearful!

Xing Tian was indeed shocked by the strength of the God Devouring Mother Queen, but the so-called fear was just a joke. Xing Tian did not have so much fear in his heart, but it was a pity that if he could give himself more time, he could no longer pursue so closely. If you don’t let it go, maybe everything will be different. I can go a step further in the perception of the time avenue, and even be able to feel the power of the time avenue, and be able to handle more secrets of detachment from a single avenue. Although this may have hidden dangers, This is also a kind of foundation that can make up for one's own shortcomings, can strengthen one's own foundation, and let one go further on the road of detachment!

"Strength, this is the result of insufficient strength. If I have enough power to contend with the God-Eating Mother Queen, how can this **** dare to be so arrogant and domineering, strength is the root of everything! But if I am not weak enough, God-Eating Mother Mother How could the emperor find me? If I have the strength to compete with it, this opportunity will not come to me!" Resentment is resentment, but Xing Tian is not an irrational person, and he can naturally figure out all of this and the road to practice. It's so cruel!

After practicing for so much time, Xing Tian naturally understands the cruelty and ruthlessness of this road, and he knows the enemy’s thoughts, but now Xing Tian has to pretend to be ignorant, only in this way can he survive. In practicing this cruel road, he must first ensure If he survives, everything is possible as long as he lives, so Xing Tian can only continue to hide himself, and cannot "expose" everything prematurely!

Expose too early, and he will inevitably fall into crisis. Xing Tian can’t believe the god-eating mother emperor. Without this contact, Xing Tian would still believe that the blood will be the concern of the god-eating mother emperor, and it will be the inheritance of the blood. And crazy, but now Xing Tian understands that what he saw before was an illusion. The army of the god-eater is not as important as he thought. Perhaps in the heart of the mother-emperor, the countless army of insects is just in his own hands. The tool, just want to "bewilder" and "bewilder" Xingtian!

auzw.com Even the magical powers of time have not been integrated into the swarm army, and have not been passed on to the bloodline. If the god-eater mother really pays attention to these offspring, how can he not give them more powerful power! Of course, there is another possibility. God Devourer cannot bear the blood inheritance of time supernatural powers, but this possibility is very small. After all, God Devourer Mother Queen used time supernatural powers to influence the insect king and the origin of the Zerg tribe suppressed by Xing Tian , This naturally shows that God Eater has the ability to withstand the new bloodline ability!

Of course, there is a more terrifying conjecture. God Eater has inherited this bloodline power from beginning to end. The reason why it did not show up is that only one may be sealed. This seal may come from the main road, it is God Eater Mother Queen. The continuous strengthening of the avenue threatens the avenue. As a result, this seal exists, and there is another possibility. This seal comes from the God-Eater Mother Queen herself. This has one of the biggest advantages, which can reduce the enemy’s vigilance and give it at a critical moment. The enemy has a fatal blow!

Whatever it is, it is not a good thing for Xingtian, which means that it is more difficult for Xingtian to understand the other party, and it is easy for Xingtian to fall into the calculations of the enemy. For Xingtian, once such a situation occurs, his own life is Came to an end.

"It seems that the whole world is changing, and so is the Supreme Chaos World. Those old guys lurking in the dark will jump out. The innate chaos gods and demons appear in the realm battlefield world. Now the Supreme Chaos world is even more terrifying. The mother goddess appeared, the most important thing is that this **** is still suppressed, but he can draw himself here. All this is just the beginning. If the catastrophe goes to the later stage, I don’t know how many old guys will come from Secretly jumped out!" Xing Tian sighed lightly, feeling uneasy about the madness of the world. Every old guy is the most terrible disaster. When these disasters come, the entire supreme chaotic world will be destroyed, perhaps without waiting for the era of chaos sea destruction. Destroy everything, these crazy old guys will destroy the entire world, perhaps the real world catastrophe is not the Chaos Sea, but the hidden old guys!

Unfortunately, all of this cannot be proven. Once proved, it means that the world has been destroyed. Under such circumstances, Xing Tian naturally does not dare to gamble, nor can he gamble. Now that Xing Tian is in the trap, it is too late even if he wants to withdraw. Saying that this opportunity is right in front of us, just because the God Devouring Mother Queen will not give Xing Tian a chance to withdraw. At this time Xing Tian wants to forcibly exit, it will only attract the killing of God Devouring Mother Queen, an enemy beyond his control. , And there is still a lot of potential. For such an existence, if you can’t become your own helper, you must be destroyed, because there is no right or wrong in the great calamity, and there is no friend or enemy. This is the basic of the great disaster. Today your heart is weak, and you may die in the hands of the other party next moment!

Just as Xing Tian’s mind changed due to this sudden accident, a terrifying force descended on the world. This power did not directly attack Xing Tian, ​​but directly fell on the original treasure of the wheel of time. On the road, the mighty power of Time Avenue broke out several times, and the terrible power of time directly enveloped Xingtian's body. The God Devouring Mother Emperor made a move, and it finally couldn't bear it. Perhaps its patience has been exhausted by Xingtian, and he doesn't want to interact with him anymore. Xing Tiandou's scheming, must add more strength to "force" Xing Tian to a desperate situation!

Imprisoned! The power of imprisonment fell on Xing Tian in an instant. Time Dao Wei Li directly imprisoned Xing Tian on the scene. He no longer gave Xing Tian a chance to escape, and did not give Xing Tian a chance to evade. He directly "forced" Xing Tian to a desperate situation and had to face it directly. Xing Tian also "forced" Xing Tian to make a choice. Under the mighty power of time, the Empress God Devourer did not think that Xing Tian had the ability to break free!

Although Wei Li was "fucked" by the God Devouring Mother Queen at this time, the God Devouring Mother Queen still did not show up directly, still only shot in the dark, with the help of the power of the Time Avenue, it still remembered it in her heart. With the threatening words of Xing Tian, ​​I dare not really anger Xing Tian, ​​so as not to directly turn against Xing Tian and ruin his own major affairs!

"Time is imprisoned, the magical powers of the time avenue, the **** god-eating mother-emperor, actually shot me again, it seems that repeated resistance to erosion makes this **** have no patience, and the consequences will be unbearable and impatient. God Devouring Mother Queen will definitely not give me the opportunity to continue to grow, and what I lack is time!" At this time, Xing Tian's heart vaguely felt a little regret, and he shouldn't be so careless and recklessly contend with the other party. After all, this is a giant!

"Fortunately, there is still a chance to change. Since this **** always wants to calculate me, if I don't give him a chance at all, this is clearly "forcing" it to go crazy, but I can't be too careless, I have to let it. Seeing hope, only in this way will everything be in my control, not in the hands of the enemy. Only when I have the initiative, will there be hope!" When he understood his mistakes, Xing Tian was thinking about his mistakes. , It’s one thing to understand, it’s another thing to make a choice!

It is a very important question to give hope to the God-Eating Mother Queen in which direction, and where to give the other a chance. If you choose the wrong one, you will have to pay a heavy price, or even your own. life!

"It seems that I need to make a choice between the origin of the worm king and the zerg. The world is the center of gravity of the god-eating worm mother. The worm king is an individual existence and has its own consciousness. The most important thing is that it is the god-eating mother queen. If its consciousness is liberated, it’s difficult to guarantee that its secrets will not be discovered. Once its secrets are discovered, the God-Eater Mother Queen will be even more crazy and unscrupulous. Everything in me is what it needs. It seems that the only way to let go of the suppression of the Zerg world and let it blend into the "Acupoint" orifice world, I can afford the price of just a "Acupoint" orifice world, and even if this "Acupoint" orifice world is completely out of control , I can also start again with the power of other "Acupoint" Aperture Worlds, everything is still in my grasp!"

When the decision was made, Xing Tian's face "showed" a faint smile, and he finally saw new hope, but whether his plan could succeed or not "bewilder" and "bewilder" the mother-eating queen, this It's hard to say, Xing Tian didn't have full confidence in his heart. You must know that this is not a trivial matter, it is related to life and death, it is related to detachment, and accidents are normal!

Of course, if the plan is successful, you will be able to truly “bewilder” and “confused” the God-Eater Mother Queen, and perhaps you will be able to get more resources and information, so that you can have a deeper understanding of the Supreme Chaos World, which will no longer be the same as now. I don’t know anything, and I’ve been led by someone’s nose. If the God Eater Mother Empress can be more generous, I will even have the opportunity to continue to understand the time, and be able to go further on the time avenue, and be able to let myself Have a clearer understanding of the detachment of a single avenue! Every foundation of Dao practice is extremely precious, especially to Xing Tian. After all, he has walked a different path. This path is hard to move forward. If he can get more reference , It will be much smoother.

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