God of Destruction

Chapter 4171: Confinement

For all living beings, the avenue of transcendence is the most precious, let alone the sky-defying laws like the avenue of time, even if it is a general avenue, as long as it can transcend the world, transcend oneself, and escape the world, it will cause countless creatures to **** wildly. , And now such a great road of cultivation is in front of him, how can Xing Tian not be tempted, although he will pay some price, but this is nothing, if you want to compare your own gain, this price is still worth paying! There will be gains if you pay. If you don’t pay at all, how can you gain? I just want to benefit from the God-Eater Mother Queen, but I don’t want to pay a little price. This is killing myself, killing myself, every giant It has its own dignity and cannot be provoked.

After figuring out the problem, Xing Tian didn't dare to hesitate, for fear that in the next moment, the God-Eater Mother Queen would use the mighty power of Time Avenue to strangle his soul and plunge himself into crisis! Although he is in a crisis right now, it's just that the crisis is not dangerous. If he doesn't know how to advance or retreat, the consequences will be completely different. Xing Tian has to compromise and change! Only by changing can there be vitality, only by changing oneself can there be a future and survival!

After the power of time imprisonment acted on Xing Tian, ​​a powerful zerg aura came out for a moment. It was the original aura of the zerg, and it was the arrangement of the god-eater mother emperor. When this aura came out, it would break Xingtian like a bamboo. All prohibitions, impact the control of Xingtian’s "Acupoint" Aperture World, although its power is a little weaker than the power of the world, but under the action of the mighty force of time, under the acceleration of time, the origin of the zerg will soon be completed. The act of entanglement takes root in Xingtian's "acupoint" world, occupying part of the initiative and control power, and has a slight threat to Xingtian!

Because there was no suppression by Xingtian, after the roots of the Zerg race had taken root, they did not fight for control of this world. Instead, they chose to integrate into Xingtian’s "Acupoint" orifice world. The integration must be completed before Xingtian recovers, only when oneself is completely Only by integrating into Xingtian's world and becoming a part of the world can you be unafraid of all threats from Xingtian. At that time, the origin of the Zerg was also a part of the world! Xing Tian couldn't deprive it and separate it, and only in this way, will the God Eater Mother Empress let go of her vigilance and continue to be patient!

"How could this happen? Only the origin of the Zerg race is activated. There is nothing in the case of the insect king. Xing Tian can't resist under the confinement of time. What happened? My two major methods are only the origin of the Zerg race. But the insect king disappeared. Could it be that there was an accident in this, the insect king betrayed, or Dadao shot?" Although his shot suppressed Xing Tian and imprisoned Xing Tian, ​​the result was that it did not expect it. Yes, a back hand disappeared!

Xing Tian was the first one to be excluded. No matter how great the potential of Xing Tian is, it is still the ant in the eyes of the God-Eater Mother Queen. An ant that can be destroyed easily can not have such power. If something goes wrong with the insect king, the only thing There is only one explanation. Dadao has taken the shot. Dadao has noticed everything here and does not want to give himself a chance to break free!

The more I think about it, the more worried the Mother Queen of God Eater is. Xing Tian is just a trivial matter, and Dao is a threat. If his every move is targeted by Dao, it means that I have entered the line of Dao’s sight again, and his plan is likely to fail! Although the God Devouring Insect Mother Queen did not want to stop, the results now make it have to be cautious. As long as Xing Tian is still there, it will not be able to overcome the storm, and although the Insect King has lost contact, the origin of the Zerg has not been lost. He has completed his original plan, as long as he continues to walk, there will be no danger. At this time, the God-Eater Mother Queen does not want to continue to focus on him!

"If Dadao really made a move, why did he lock himself in for such a period of time? I'm afraid it's still my own. I shouldn't impulsively use the great power of time. And Xingtian, the bastard, was also targeted by Dadao. Using the rules of the world to plot against Xingtian, Dadao is stronger than himself and easier to shoot. Perhaps in Dadao’s eyes, I am a fool, and I jumped into its sight. I was "lost" by Xingtian and lost his eyes. Xingtian is a very good bastard. It may be a chess piece deliberately arranged by Dadao, a bait specially designed for fishing. I was the first person to be pitted!" The Mother Queen of God Eater became more and more afraid as she thought about it, but let it let go now. This is impossible, so big. His temptation made it hard for him to give up. This is greed!

"I still have a chance. Although the situation is dangerous now, this is not the reason for me to shrink back. If I don't even have the courage, what can I use to fight against the Dao, what to use to surpass the Dao to win freedom, even if Xing Tian is a bait, I can't back down either, maybe this is my chance to fight Dao Dao, and I can learn more Dao calculations from Xing Tian!"

I have to say that the God-Eater Mother Emperor overestimated the danger of the situation, thinking about Xingtian’s affairs too dangerously. Perhaps Xingtian’s appearance is a game, but this game cannot be broken if it wants to be broken. This game will not be broken. If there is a problem with external forces, the real root is Xing Tian himself, Xing Tian is the source of everything, but now the God Eater Mother only sees Xing Tian as an ant. In this case, the God Eater Mother wants to plan success. This is really true. It's ridiculous and arrogant.

Xing Tian didn’t know what the Mother God Devourer was thinking at this time, because now Xing Tian once again felt the opportunity, under the'pressure' of the avenue, the Mother God Devourer still gave up the decision to directly take Xing Tian and had to let go of time. Imprison magical powers and allow Xing Tian to regain his freedom. In order to appease Xing Tian and prevent Xing Tian from making crazy counterattacks, the wheel of time controlled by the God-Eater Mother Emperor once again exudes enormous time power, let Xing Tian revisit It's time for the hope of detachment!

Under such a huge temptation, Xing Tian naturally couldn’t refuse. No matter how angry he was, no matter how angry he was, Xing Tian had to compromise in front of his own interests. If you miss it, you will no longer have it. There will no longer be an opportunity for giants to give yourself such an opportunity to understand the avenue of time, especially the opportunity to detach with the avenue of time. Not all giants have this ability. Now this opportunity is again in front of them. Naturally, Xing Tian would not give up because of grievances, but naturally wanted to grasp it, strengthen his own background, and make himself stronger!


Of course, Xing Tian also had some worries in his heart, what did the God Eater Mother Queen want to do? At this moment, I suddenly gave myself this opportunity again. Could it be that its purpose is only to come to the world of its own "hole", the insect king is just a **** to it, in order to distract its energy, the world Is it the ultimate choice?

Will this still be a round? Xing Tian was not without this doubt. It was just a short time. He couldn't help wasting time and energy to think. Opportunities flickered. Xing Tian could only devote himself to it. No matter what the other party had, he could find another solution in the future, and everything else could be put down temporarily. , Feeling Dao is the best choice.

When Xing Tian let go of all the worries in his heart, when his mind was thrown into the mighty power of the Avenue of Time, and he felt the original treasure from the wheel of time, an inexplicable force surged into his heart. A moment after the folk song, Xing Tian's heart again There was a strange feeling, as if when I had seen such power, I just can't remember it!

"Damn, what kind of power is this? Why does it make me feel unfamiliar and familiar, what secrets are hidden in the wheel of time, and why the god-eater mother so generously gave me this opportunity?" The more he perceives the power of the wheel of time and the great power of time, the more disturbed Xing Tian's heart is, as if something is staring at him!

What power is this, what is this thing? Why does it give me such a feeling, is this the power of the avenue or other powers? The more he understands, the heavier Xing Tian's heart is, as if he has fallen into a new strange circle again, and this circle is extremely terrifying, extremely terrifying, perhaps this is the tribulation of heaven and earth, and he is in it!

"Oh! I remember, this is the breath of Chaos Sea, the wheel of time has the breath of Chaos Sea, this is not the original treasure of the supreme Chaos World, it is the treasure from the Chaos Sea, I will feel this way, that is, Mo Sheng, there is a trace of familiarity, this is what I got when I perceive the breath of the chaotic sea in that moment!" For a moment, Xing Tian remembered where this familiar feeling came from, the chaotic sea, which was once a breakthrough in the world of battlefields. In that moment!

"If the wheel of time has the breath of the chaotic sea, this problem is serious. There are two possibilities. A god-eater is not a creature in the highest chaotic world, but from the chaotic sea. This can explain the origin of the wheel of time. It can also explain why Dadao wanted to take action against it and suppress the god-eaters, because it does not have the breath of the supreme chaotic world. It is a different race from the race behind it. Dadao is not willing to let it develop and grow and swallow the supreme chaos. The luck of the world! Another possibility is that the God-Eating Insect Mother is a creature in the Chaos World, but it once entered the Chaos Sea and found the treasure of the Wheel of Time, which was not cast by the God-Eating Mother Queen. , But there are other reasons!" Headache, Xing Tian has a terrible headache at this time, no matter what kind of situation, the pressure he faces is huge, and he has fallen into this deep pit, an indefinite pit!

What is Chaos Sea? That is the place of origin of the Supreme Chaos World, the source of everything, the source of the Great Tribulation, and the source of hope! Is such a place where I can set foot and be involved now? Xing Tian didn't think he had such ability, but he couldn't help himself. The situation made him fall into it step by step. The battlefield of the realm was the beginning, but now he stepped into the highest chaotic world again and fell into this round, but he didn't. The power of self-protection!

"Perhaps I should have a good talk with the God-Eater Mother Queen. I can't keep being so passive. I don't know anything. There are not many enemies. I can hold on to it. But over time, everything will be different. At that time, I was still like this. There was only a dead end. The road of practice has never been fortunate. If you have such an idea, you will be on the verge of death!" With the last reflection, Xing Tian was not affected by everything in front of him. "Lost" the soul, wake up from the shock for the first time, free from the temptation of the Chaos Sea, and not to be "confused" by the temptation of detachment, and calm down your mind!

Cultivating the mind, this sentence makes a lot of sense. If you can't surrender your own mind and let your mind go up and down, the path of practice will be cut off. No matter how big the temptation is, you must stick to your original mind and you must not be shaken. His own will, or the consequences would be unimaginable, now is the test Xing Tian has to face, the test of his own great path, the treasure is in front of him, if he has the heart, Xing Tian is willing to pay a certain price, and he will definitely be able to get more from this opportunity. There are many benefits, just doing so will inevitably violate one's own beliefs and shake the foundation of one's great path. This is also a test that is inevitably faced on the road of practice.

"If you haven’t come into contact with the Chaos Sea, don’t know the horror of the Chaos Sea, and don’t know that the Chaos Sea is the source of everything, Xing Tian will definitely not have the idea of ​​talking to the God-Eater Mother Queen, and it will not happen now. Talking with the **** insect mother and the emperor, the consequences will be even more terrible, because now, driven by the general trend, he has unknowingly fallen into this terrible pit, and now he is advancing without retreating." When thinking of this, Xing Tian again He sighed lightly. It wasn't that I was willing to cause trouble, but that things constantly took the initiative to find myself and pulled myself into the game, so that I didn't even have the opportunity to shrink back!

"This **** world, in this catastrophe, I am afraid that I am involuntarily involuntarily involuntarily. Without sufficient strength, there is no ability to protect himself, and no power to choose. In the eyes of those high-ranking giants, I am It’s the ant among the ants. It’s not worth mentioning. It’s just a chess piece in their hands. If all the giants of human civilization I face don’t know at all, I don’t believe it. Although my blood is constantly changing and sublimating, But my humanity nature has not changed, and these giants didn’t care about my life or death at all, and didn’t care about my thoughts. Relying on them would only be a big joke. Originally, I wanted to return to the human race, hoping to get from the human race. Civilization has obtained enough resources for cultivation, and now with the funding of the God-Eater Mother Queen, the resources are not worth mentioning to me. My "hole" world has already been fully opened, and now all I lack is time! Enough time, the deity’s transformation can be achieved very quickly, but now it has to be trapped here due to the God-Eater Mother Queen. The cause and effect is really amazing, incredible, interlocking and fascinating. Can't get out."

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