God of Destruction

Chapter 4172: Section quotient

The more I think about it, and when Xing Tian connects everything together, he soon discovers that things are not as simple as previously thought, and he no longer has too many illusions about the ultimate civilization of Human Race. You only rely on yourself, your own strength is the most important, external forces are not reliable, and now is the best opportunity for change! If this opportunity is lost, it is impossible to think about the weight again. The current situation is not easy to see!

"Come on, let the storm come more violently, let me take a look at the mighty power of Time Avenue, let me take a look at the source of power of the Chaos Sea?" Xing Tian roared, his eyes flashing with terrible light, this time Xing Tian was already fearless. Perhaps now I am still very weak and not worth mentioning in front of those giants, but sometimes being weak does not mean death, on the contrary, it will become an opportunity for oneself and a chance to talk to those giants, because in the eyes of these giants, they are only ants. , It does not threaten their life or death at all, in their eyes it is a very useful chess piece.

The identity of the chess piece is embarrassing and dangerous, but in the great disaster, the chess piece is also a kind of shelter for your own safety. If you don’t even have the qualifications to become a chess piece, or even the value of use, who cares about your life and death? Care about your existence?

Xing Tian is also a member of Human Civilization, but does the senior human civilization care about his life and death? Will it come forward? This is impossible, because in the eyes of the high-level Human Race, Xing Tian does not even have the qualifications to become a chess piece. For the giants of the Human Race, there is no need to waste their resources to cultivate outsiders like Xing Tian. Yes, outsiders, for those high-ranking human civilizations and giants, who have not entered the core area of ​​the Supreme Chaos World are weak, and they are not worth wasting the resources of racial civilization. They are just ants, cannon fodder, and perhaps a small part. People who do not agree can not change the general environment of the entire human race.

When an opportunity comes, we must grasp it and try our best to seize it. No matter how big the risk is, it is worth paying. The world is changing, the world is changing, and we must change ourselves. We must change in accordance with the general trend. Constantly seizing opportunities in the general trend and constantly strengthening oneself is the real clear way, and external forces are ultimately unreliable.

"God Devouring Mother Queen, I know you must have a grasp of this world, come out, we should have a good talk, some things are open to you, good to me, I don't think you want to see The worst situation arises, we need to cooperate." Xing Tian's tone is very flat, and there is a touch of firmness in the flat, which is an expression of self-confidence.

As soon as Xingtian’s voice fell, the expression of the God Devouring Mother Queen changed drastically, muttering to herself: “Damn bastard, how could this happen? He even noticed my existence and wanted to talk to me. What gave him such courage and strength, could it really be the great road descending, the power of the great road avoiding me and directly descending into this world?"

At this moment, the Mother Queen of God Devouring Insects could not help but feel a little worried and fearful. The situation was gradually moving towards the unknown and out of his own grasp. If it hadn’t been for the origin of the Zerg race had been integrated into Xingtian’s inner world, I’m afraid the situation would be even more dangerous, regardless of what Xingtian had behind. What kind of calculations, this time I need to talk with him, and explain everything, at least to understand Xing Tian, ​​the idea of ​​the ant, only by understanding the other party's ideas, can I take the initiative in the future drastic changes.

Although she is unwilling to admit that she has lost control of everything, the situation makes God Eater Mother Empress have to admit that she has to let go of her arrogant mentality, can't continue to look down on Xing Tian, ​​the'ant', and face it with an equal attitude. Xingtian. Such a change is a shame for a supreme giant, an unacceptable shame. If it is to be replaced by a giant who is not frustrated, the first thought is to kill the **** Xingtian directly to wash away the shame. With the endless years of suppression, the mood of the Mother God Devouring Insect Empress has already changed, and there is no such idea in her heart!

"Okay, if you want to talk, then I will have a good talk with you, I hope you and I both gain." If faced with Xing Tian's invitation, he dared not agree, the mind of the God Devouring Mother Empress would be broken. Breaking, there will be nothing, and there is no future at all. Even a junior is afraid, and an'ant' is afraid. The name of this giant has become a big joke.

Xing Tian couldn't help but breathed a sigh of relief when he heard the answer from the God-Eater Mother Queen, knowing that he was facing a terrifying giant, and waving his hand could wipe out his terrifying existence. Once he failed, the consequences would be disastrous.

Under the fluctuations of the mighty power of time, a figure gradually condensed into shape. This is the clone of the God Devouring Mother Queen. With the help of the mighty power of the world, she descended into this world and talked with Xing Tian directly, even if it was just an ordinary clone. Xing Xing still felt the terrible danger on top of its law of the divine body, and he still couldn't resist it.

After the appearance of this clone, Xingtian’s first impression was that this is a deity of time, the supreme being in charge of the heaven and earth, and the incarnation of the rules of the time. It is the same time, and time is it. The two seem to be Melt into one!

After a light glance at Xing Tian, ​​the God Devouring Mother Empress said: "Let’s talk about it at this moment, what are you going to talk to me under this situation? Do you have a new understanding on the Avenue of Time? Tell you that you don't want to continue to strengthen the world, do not want to take the World Avenue, and want to change to Time Avenue Weili? You have to think clearly, this is not a trivial matter."

"I don’t have such an idea to change the Dao to practice. The reason why I want to comprehend the Time Dao is just to complement my own World Dao. A complete World Dao must have the power of time. Not everyone has this opportunity right now. , Even if I can only comprehend the "hair" of the Dao of Time, it is also of great benefit to my own Dao practice. After all, time is the two laws against the sky, and not all strong people have the generosity of you. , The reason why I want to talk with you is that we hope that we can open everything up and know what is each other's bottom line and what is our goal?"

auzw.com In terms of cooperation, Xing Tian can’t say it, nor is he qualified to say it. If he said a joke, it would only arouse the anger of the God-Eater Mother Queen. He did this, but Xing Tian was not so ignorant or so stupid with the provocation of naked, "naked" and "naked".

"Okay, let's talk, it's really interesting, do you think we need to do this?" In response to Xing Tian's words, the God-Evering Insect Mother shook his head slightly, a faint smile on her face, which made people watch He couldn't tell the true thoughts in his heart, it brought a huge impact to Xing Tian, ​​both his body and his body were affected by this force.

"It is necessary, of course it is necessary. I know that my own strength is very weak. In your eyes, it is just an existence like an ant. It can be wiped out with a wave. It's just that we are talking, not for a life and death duel. It doesn't matter." In the face of the pressure from the God Devouring Insect Mother Huang Wei, Xing Tian was still very calm and did not shake his heart at all.

Is it really unimportant? No, it's very important. If there is enough power to confront the God Devouring Mother Queen, does Xing Tian still need to do this? The reason why Xing Tian said this was only to seize the initiative and to show weakness. He was playing a favorable situation for himself. Whether he could achieve his goal would depend on the subsequent negotiations and the reaction of the God-Eater Mother Queen.

God Eater Mother Empress laughed and said: "Hahaha, interesting, bold, dare to say such things, it seems that I did not look at you, you are indeed the person I have been looking for, this is indeed not a life and death duel, strength I don’t care about strengths and weaknesses. If you have anything to say, just tell me. Don’t have any worries. I am not the kind of ruthless person who will kill you if you say nothing."

Regarding Xingtian's thoughts, the God Devouring Insect Mother Emperor could see through it at a glance, and didn't care about it, let alone dismantle it, because it was unnecessary.

"You are not a cruel and cruel person? Who will believe this? If you can live so comfortably under the pressure of the avenue, how can your means be that a junior like me can know and understand, whoever believes your words, who is a big fool I’m not a fool. Xingtian is not a fool. I don’t want to use such rhetoric to "confuse" or "confuse" me. I don't want to eat this one." Although I thought so in my heart, Xingtian couldn't say it, or the talk failed. , He will immediately suffer a devastating blow. For any ancient giant, any mistake will ruin his life and bring himself a fatal disaster.

Xing Tian nodded and said, "Okay, happy. With the eyes of the insect king, I can naturally see my situation and understand the direction of my practice. As far as you are concerned, I have almost no secrets. But the king of insects promised My thing is that when there is an accident, I want to know what exactly you are going to do and what you want? What makes you change again and again?"

At this time, Xing Tian couldn’t shrink back, and he didn’t need to conceal it. He asked his own psychological words directly. These questions seemed simple and common, but they could give Xing Tian a deeper understanding of the God-Eating Mother Queen. The highest chaos world.

To Xingtian’s question, the God-Eater Mother Queen was not surprised. If he couldn’t even think of these questions, Xingtian would disappoint it too much. There is a big secret behind this simple question, which is very important to any creature, don’t Looking at this little question, if you understand it, you will have a good understanding of the entire Supreme Chaos world. As for the secrets of Xing Tian, ​​the Mother Queen of God Devouring Insects doesn’t care too much, because in its heart, perhaps Xing Tian himself does not know the existence of this secret, and does not think that Xing Tian has a real understanding of himself. Asked, even stunned.

I saw that the God Eater Mother Empress smiled indifferently and said: "Accident, this is nothing. The promise will also change due to external forces. This repeated change can only be said to be the appearance of external forces. "I have to make changes. As for what I want to do, when I first met, I said that I want to break free from the shackles of the road. What I want is naturally beyond the catastrophe."

Xing Tian was very annoyed by the answer of the God-Eater Mother. It was almost the same as she did not say. No substantive "substantial" questions were said. Xing Tian got almost nothing, but Xing Tian could not refute it. The emperor did answer his own question, and there was no violation, he could only say that the other party was too cunning and too shameful.

Xing Tian smiled bitterly and said, "Cong Huang, if you want to talk with you in this manner, I don’t think we will have any results. I admit that the opportunities in this world are very important to me. I do lack time, but This does not mean that I have to compromise blindly. Everyone has his own bottom line, and I have it. There is nothing to calculate at all. I can bear it. After all, if you pay, you will gain. But if you continue to do this, our door The communication only ends here. I will try to shelter as many god-eaters as possible, but I can’t do anything about other things. I don’t want to know nothing, so I just bump into danger that I don’t know, and let myself fall into it. I'm not so stupid yet."

"If you pay, you will gain. This is a good saying. You also understand how much I paid this time. Do you think the current results are suitable for me? You should know the reason why I fully support you. It is for my many children and grandchildren, in order for you to grow your own world and shelter more descendants, but you did not practice in the direction I hoped, and chose to use this precious time to realize this emptiness and ethereal time. , You should understand that doing this will affect me how much and how serious it is that you are breaking the agreement between us first, not me."

Faced with the accusation of the God-Eating Insect Mother, Xing Tian was speechless. Although this was a bit irrational, he was speechless. After all, he had a secret that the God-Eating Insect Mother didn’t know, and he was always wary of each other’s Erosion, as the **** said, was breaking the agreement first, and this accusation must be memorized.

"Hehe, the insect emperor is right. You have your own plans, and I also have your own ideas. It is because we all have our own ideas, but in the end there were so many contradictions. However, as I said, the reason for understanding The Avenue of Time is also a world avenue that wants to grow one's own. Any perfect world cannot lack the power of the avenue of time, and the avenue of time does not always have the opportunity to feel it. If I miss this opportunity, I don’t know the next time. The time for understanding is there. In contrast, it is not important to use huge resources to enhance the origin of the world bit by bit. Moreover, with the current resources, it is not possible to practice unlimitedly. I need to be prepared and accumulated. Take precautions. To avoid accidents, but you can't help yourself."

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