God of Destruction

Chapter 4173: Jiezhongbao

Hearing Xing Tian's answer in such a'frankly' way, the God Devouring Mother Empress gently shook his head and said: "It is good that you have such concerns, but do you think it is necessary to do this? What kind of accident requires you to be so careful. As long as there are enough insect swarms, what power can stop you, if you can really take the entire insect sea away, with such an army in hand, even the top civilization of the highest chaos world will not easily provoke you, you Is a little bit worried."

"Is it big? No, I don't think so. I'm not you. I don't have the background of yours. Even if the world expands, the new world must have its shortcomings. It is okay to maintain stability under normal conditions, once war When it appears, the power of the world will inevitably not be able to support such a war. As time goes by, it consumes a lot of time. Without waiting for the enemy to destroy first, oneself will fall first. It is impossible to use war to support war. If you have enough resources, you will enter the time of destruction." When he said this, Xing Tian sighed lightly, and then shook his head slightly.

Is Xing Tian wrong? After listening to this explanation, the God-Eater Mother Queen was speechless, she had her own ideas, and Xing Tian also had her own concerns. It was just that they considered different directions. It can be said that the horizons between the two are different. How big is the inner world created by resources and how long can it last? Will there be no hidden dangers? Yes, there must be.

With a light sigh, God Devourer Mother Sigh sighed: "I think things are a little simpler. I haven't left for endless years, and I've been restrained by the avenue. I have forgotten the cruelty and ruthlessness of war outside. It’s a madman’s choice to fight to support a war. It’s a life-threatening choice. The wise don’t take it. Your idea is reasonable. This resource really cannot withstand a huge war. Under normal circumstances, it can indeed shelter more. Swarm, but war together, this is self-destruction."

Regarding how terrifying the consumption of the insect swarm is, the Mother Queen of God Devourer is naturally clear. The resources to supply an army of insect swarms are amazing. With Xingtian’s strength, it is impossible to do it. If you have to force it, you will only Xing Tian **** adults and fucks! When I thought of this, the Mother Queen of God Devouring Insects didn’t get cold. One of the biggest mistakes she made was to measure Xing Tian by herself, how powerful her world was, and naturally wouldn’t care about the consumption of the worm swarm, but Xingtian can’t do it. Without that powerful background, the most important thing is that Xingtian’s inner world is improved by his own help, and it also integrates the origins of the Zerg. There may be potential, but it is not so powerful. Under normal circumstances, there is still Possibly, it is just a joke to count on the army to go out!

Yes, the mother of God Devouring Insect Empress was false to Xingtian’s lure. Although the army of insects is strong, it needs endless resources as a nutrient. This is something Xingtian cannot do. Fortunately, Xingtian took the initiative to discover this. Everything else, otherwise Xing Tian really had to meet the enemy to release the swarm of insects, the trouble would be big, and if one is not small, he would die himself, even if Xing Tian had the background, he would have to pay a heavy price.

Xing Tian nodded and said, "It’s good if the insect emperor understands, so I’ll feel more at ease. After all, this is not a trivial matter. I am a trivial person, but if I die, the whole world will collapse. The consequences will be really unthinkable. All life in the world will return to chaos, and all the hard work you and I have put into will be turned into nothingness!"

When he said this, Xing Tian’s voice paused, and then he shook his head slightly, and then continued: “The Insect Emperor paid such a large price to help me. Is it just that I just want to see such a result and want to take a If the Swarm Army strikes, it will inevitably cause damage to its own world. This naturally requires the accumulation of resources. Only with these resources in my hands, it will not last long, and I cannot bear several expeditions by the Insect Swarm. The most important thing is to do it. The army of insects is "exposed", I don't know what the result will be!"

Although Xing Tian didn't say it clearly, but the God-Eater Mother Emperor understood what this meant! It’s not that I don’t have no enemies. Once an army of god-eaters appears, it will inevitably alarm them. If these enemies are allowed to focus on Xingtian, it will inevitably be another disaster. With the strength and vision of Xingtian, I can’t see it at all. There is only a dead end if Xing Tian dies, his calculations will naturally fail, all the contributions will disappear, and everything will return to the old path.

For an instant, the Mother God Devouring Insect Empress secretly said in her heart: "No, no such situation can be allowed to happen, no matter what, we must save Xingtian this ant, as long as he lives, there is hope for everything. If he dies, I All his calculations are in vain. Perhaps some secrets should be told to him so that he can prepare in advance and have a clear goal, so that he will not easily fall into this catastrophe. This is his only one. opportunity!"

God Eater Mother Queen nodded and said: "Okay, I understand and understand your land. Let’s talk about how you need me to help you. Time is limited. You have to think about it. This time, if you do To the effect, leaving hidden dangers for my own way of practice, I will inevitably suffer huge losses in the future, or that sentence, as long as I have the ability, I will not keep it, no matter the resources, or the way of practice, everything, as long as I have, I can give it to you. As for what the conditions are, I have already said it before, so I won’t say more! I won’t waste your time, give the enemy more time, and get yourself into greater trouble!"

When talking about this, the Mother Queen of God Devouring Insects suddenly sighed in her heart. After sighing softly, she said: "Oh, I don't know why, I always feel that the catastrophe has been pulled away, and you are already in it. , And I am no exception. If we cannot work together or help each other, in the end, only death and destruction will be waiting for me!"

This is not a free sigh from the God-Eater Mother Queen, but a sentimental feeling from the heart. For a giant like it, the feeling of mind is more reliable than any calculation of heaven. Perhaps it is precisely because of this. The **** insect mother emperor looked at Xing Tian's eyes more softly and less sharply, and the ferocious aura on her body also disappeared a bit.

"Resources, huge resources, whether they are used as a reserve of the world’s nutrients or used to enhance the nature of the world, huge resources are indispensable. Only the stronger the world, the more pure and powerful the source, can there be greater Potential can support the army to attack, and if it is used as a reserve for war, it is even more terrifying. After a big war, consumption is extremely terrifying. If the battlefield can be cleaned afterwards and the enemy's resources can be plundered, it is better to say that it can restore its own consumption. , There is more or less a supplement to oneself, but it can’t be done. This requires the use of one’s own war reserves. One or two battles are okay, but the real battle together will not be one or two battles at all. Since then, own strategic reserves It has become the most important question. It is related to the life and death of the entire army of insects, and it is related to my own life and death. This cannot be careless, and what kind of decision can be made without war reserves. , The so-called war is just a joke."


When he said this, Xing Tian spoke, and sighed lightly. He didn't say anything more, and gave the God-Eater Mother time to consider. After all, this is not a trivial matter. How much resources can be given to herself depends on the God-Eater Mother. What did the emperor think in his heart, how much he valued himself, how much he valued his descendants, and what status did he and his descendants have in its plan?

"Well said, it makes sense, there are ideas, resources are not a problem. If you take away all the insect swarms, I don’t need any resources here. They will all be left to you. After all, you are also part of my god-eater. You can’t get rid of the aura of the God-Eating Zerg in your world. It is your amulet and the source of your greatest crisis. I have always been generous to my own people. You don’t need to consider resources! However, Your sense of crisis is very reasonable. If the swarm of insects can’t be dispatched, it’s best to only be your trump card. Don’t "expose" their existence as a last resort, so as not to cause some old guys' hostility in advance. You crashed into a real disaster, and you are vulnerable to those old guys!"

For the God-Eater Mother, these words are not malicious, they are all true and heartfelt. Before, it really thought things too simple, but looked at everything from its own standpoint, but now it finally wakes up. If you understand the big mistake you have committed, you will naturally not be so stupid to know your mistake and continue, and you will push yourself into the abyss of destruction!

Just after this conversation, the Mother Queen of God Devourer also has a very rewarding feeling. She is short-witted, and working behind closed doors will not work. No matter how strong her background is, the endless years of **** have already made herself and the whole The supreme chaotic world is separated, not much understanding of new ideas, and limited adaptation to the big environment. This must be changed!

Xing Tian couldn’t help but breathe a sigh of relief when he heard the words of the God-Eater Mother Empress. Originally, he didn’t want to get as many resources from the other side as he could get, but he didn’t expect to get as much resources as he could. Later, I will give myself such a big surprise. It seems that whether I am good or not, those Divine Devouring Insects play a vital role in the plan of the Divine Devouring Mother Queen.

Happy to happy, Xing Tian did not forget to thank God Devouring Mother Empress, after all, the other party was willing to put out so many resources, this kind of favor is great, no matter what the other party has, Xing Tian must write down this kind of favor from this moment.

"Thank you, Insect Sovereign. With this resource, I am fully confident that I can deal with the enemy to the end. After all, I am not alone. I also have racial civilization behind me. Humans are also the highest civilization in the highest chaotic world. Go forward and retreat, don’t act recklessly, don’t confront those giants head-on, no one can leave my "life" yet!" At this point, Xing Tian gave a big gift to the God-Eater Mother Emperor to express his heartfelt gratitude. The kind performance of the God-Eater Mother Queen!

Thanks to Tian Xingtian, the God Eater Mother Queen waved her hand slightly, and said disapprovingly: "Enough, you just remember these in your heart, don't waste these precious time now, what else do you need to continue to say, I can The time to block the world is limited, and there is no delay, and the opening of the time domain also requires a huge price!"

Yes, in the eyes of the God Eater Mother Queen, this is nothing to pay, there is nothing to care about, resources are not important, any old guy has resources that make a top civilization unimaginable, this It is the accumulation of ancient giants.

For ancient giants such as the Mother Queen of the God-Eater, what do they lack? It is chance, opportunity, and the treasure, not the general supremacy, but the real climax supreme, the supreme treasure from the Chaos Sea. These old guys are not comparable to those innate chaos gods and demons, they have resources that are not available to them, resources are the least worth mentioning to them, and it is just that they have not appeared in endless years. , Not many people know their existence!

In the face of such a generous God-Eating Insect Mother Queen, Xing Tian would naturally not be polite with it. At this time, it would be too stupid to be polite. He just listened to Xing Tian’s words: "I still need information, ancient information, chaotic sea information, the most precious thing. Information, if I didn’t feel wrong, the wheel of time in this world was not forged by your insect emperor, but from the Chaos Sea. It has the breath of the Chaos Sea. I want to know why it is so powerful and far away. It surpasses the innate chaotic gods and demons' mastery of the time avenue. The innate chaotic gods and demons are not the children of the avenue, but the embodiment of the rules of the avenue. What is going on?"

Hearing Xing Tian’s words, the Mother God Devouring Insect Empress was taken aback, and said in shock: "Hey! I didn’t expect you to have such a vision and understanding, just for such a short time. I saw the source of the great treasure of the Wheel of Time!"

"Heavy treasure? This is just a heavy treasure? How could it be possible!" Xing Tian was shocked when he heard the answer from the God-Eater Mother Queen. Just a heavy treasure was stronger than the original treasure of the Time God and Demon. , This is unbelievable, this is too terrifying, can Chaos Sea really be so powerful, so rich, so terrifying!

To Xing Tian’s surprise, the God-Eater Mother Queen shook his head slightly and said, “Don’t be surprised. Although the quality of the Wheel of Time is only a treasure, it is not weaker than ordinary treasures, or even worse. Because it is the most treasure of the realm, and the most precious of the time realm, its power under the realm is beyond your imagination, and the quality of Chaos Sea is not the highest. Chaos World can be compared, and there is an essential difference between the two! Don’t use the Supreme! The standard of the chaotic world is to measure the chaotic sea, then you will eat a lot of money, and even ruin your life. The average person cannot feel the aura of the chaotic sea, naturally they don’t know the power of the chaotic sea, but it is not the case for the giants. You must pay attention to this!"

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