God of Destruction

Chapter 4175: Section selection

Nowadays, even the God-Eater Mother Queen hasn’t seen the real body of his own deity, and doesn’t feel how powerful and terrifying the deity is. At most, he is a little surprised by the power of his own deity, but the power of his own expression is nothing. , It is not worthy of the God-Eater Mother Empress to care about, on the contrary, what the other party cares most about is their own "hole" world, the world eroded by Zerg origin. This is one's own opportunity, and also one's chance to cross the highest chaotic world.

At this time, Xing Tian thought in his heart: "If you can get away from this dead and silent place this time, and get enough resources, Xing Tian will definitely breed his two clones again and integrate into the Supreme Chaos with a new identity. In the world, leave a way for yourself! In case I also stepped into the footsteps of the God-Eater Mother Queen, I didn’t prepare at all, and I didn’t have any help from outside! After falling into desperation, I can only pin my hopes on others Body!"

In Xingtian's view, the reason why the God-Eater Mother Queen fell into this field is that he is too arrogant. If it is a little cautious, it won't be like this. The enemy's own background will be "understood" by the enemy. Zi was caught flat-footed, and even his descendants were suppressed by the Dao. If he was a little cautious, he wouldn’t end up in this field. Xing Tian didn’t believe that the God-Eater Mother didn’t even have a clone, and he didn’t believe it was incapable With the help of the clone to escape, the only explanation is to be careless!

The clone is another life of oneself. If the two clones leave their own deity and merge into the supreme chaotic world with a new identity, they will not be noticed by the enemy as long as they are careful in the future. Relatively speaking, both the clone and itself are very advantageous. It can truly be both offensive and defensive, without any flaws, unless the clone and the deity are killed together, otherwise wanting to kill Xingtian is a big joke, it will only waste time and energy.

Xing Tian thought of the most suitable place for the chaotic clone that he had been gestating all the time, Chaos Sea! Yes, Xing Tian wanted to use the power of Chaos Sea to perfect his chaotic clone, to make his chaotic clone one step further, and even to complete the detachment of the avenue directly, to directly cross the ultimate step and get rid of the catastrophe of heaven and earth. It's just that this step is not easy to cross, after all, Chaos Sea is not so easy to reach, and there is only a dead end if there is not enough strength to enter.

The most important reason why the Chaos Clone can enter the Chaos Sea is because of its nature. Its avenue. The Chaos Clone walks as the real Chaos World Avenue and can tolerate all laws. Since the rules of the Chaos Sea are stronger than the Supreme Chaos World, why not? One step is in place, and as long as the Chaos clone can succeed, its own security will be greater. With the support of the Chaos clone, whether it is the deity or the King of End clone, there will be endless sources to rely on.

In an instant, Xing Tian arranged the future of his chaotic clone, but for the King of End clone, Xing Tian dared not make the same choice. Instead, he needed to stay in the highest chaotic world with the help of this world. The Great Tribulation completely perfects itself, perfects the road of ending, and walks out of the real road of ending, surpassing the world and everything in one fell swoop.

"Insect King, I have another doubt. Since the Supreme Chaos World comes from the Chaos Sea, that is to say, the two are closely related. The Chaos Sea can breed a powerful treasure. Why can't the Supreme Chaos World? We condensed the treasure of origin and carried our own avenue, can we fight against the treasure of Chaos Sea? After all, our treasure of origin can evolve infinitely!” When he said this, Xing Tian’s eyes flashed with crazy expressions. As if I can't wait to give it a try.

To Xingtian’s crazy idea, the God-Eater Mother Queen smiled indifferently, and didn’t think there was anything wrong, because such crazy ideas were not only thought of by Xing Tian, ​​and there was never a shortage of crazy people in this pair of high chaos world. People like this have long thought of such a method, but whether anyone has succeeded, and no one knows. Both success and failure are hidden and not known to outsiders. Perhaps this secret will eventually become the foundation of those top civilizations.

Yes, only the climax civilization can be so crazy to invest so much resources and manpower. After all, the sacrifice of resources and Tianjiao is not affordable by ordinary forces. If some small forces dare to invest so crazy, they will definitely Being destroyed by failure, and the investment of intermediate civilization is limited, the chance of success is even more imaginable, so the most likely one must be the top civilization.

"You can try it yourself. You don’t lack resources, you have such a determination, and a more shocking comprehension. It may work, but there is one thing you should pay attention to. Once you do this, and If you succeed, you will become an alien, free from the shackles of the highest chaotic world, and not recognized by the highest chaotic world. However, on this road, some people have said that there are two directions, one is towards the sea of ​​chaos, condensing My own avenue rules get rid of the control of the avenue, and the other is to accept the avenue rules. Just like the avenue on my body, it is actually the addition of the avenue rules. As you can see, once you accept the avenue rules, you are controlled by others. I don't get freedom, and I don't know if I can get rid of it in the end!" When she said this, the Empress of God Devourer sighed again, a trace of regret flashed in her eyes, regretting her choice.

At this time, Xing Tian’s eyes lit up, and he also understood the idea of ​​the Mother Devouring God Insect Mother. It obviously wanted to use two methods to practice together, but in the end it failed and was calculated by the Dao. The mother emperor’s failure was due to her own name given by the Dao, so this path is not suitable for me, and I don’t want to leave hidden dangers for myself. A Zerg origin has enough headaches for myself, but I can’t provoke the Dao rules anymore, maybe I really deserve it. Clean yourself up and wipe out all hidden dangers. The power of the rules of the Supreme Chaos World is a big hidden danger!

Xingtian had never thought of such a situation. It didn’t take long for the original treasure of Kaitian axe, which carried its own avenue, to be successfully cast. Such hidden dangers appeared. This was a big blow to Xingtian. But he erased the power of the rules, how much the power of the original treasure of the'Opening Axe' will be weakened, and how much will its own combat power be weakened.

auzw.com"Will this be the conspiracy of the God-Eater Mother, want to take this opportunity to weaken my strength, cut off the aura of the supreme chaotic world from my body, and let me fight against the Dao? "Soon, Xing Tian shook his head again and secretly said: "No, it is impossible. It will not be so stupid, and there is no need to do so. As long as I want to detach and enter the Chaos Sea, I will inevitably meet the Dao Dao, and heaven and earth. The catastrophe is coming. At this time, leaving the power of the rules of the road on your original treasure, this may make you step into the footsteps of the god-eater mother queen, and put yourself into a real crisis. After all, I don't have the powerful power of the other party! "

"Oh! In the end, my own strength is not strong enough. If you have a strong power, why bother to worry about all these troubles? You can destroy it with one force. The avenue of power smashes the void. No matter what the avenue is in front of you, it will be shattered. Pioneering the way is fearless, go forward courageously, but unfortunately I am not strong enough to be so crazy!"

After thinking about all this, Xing Tian nodded slightly and said: "I understand that in the next time, I will do this. I will eliminate the power of my own rules and cut away all the hidden dangers of myself to fall into the great road. In my calculations, after all, I’m just an ant, but I don’t have your strong power and unmatched magical powers, I have to be careful to have a future!"

"It’s best if you can think of it this way. It will cause a lot of trouble and avoid a lot of dangers on the road of cultivating on the avenue. But I want to remind you that the Supreme Chaos World is not generous. Once you do this, you will inevitably be hated by it. And if you do this, you will be regarded as a rebel. Once you leave here, enemies will inevitably appear to chase you. The Supreme Chaos World has a group of guardians, and they are the dogs of the Supreme Chaos World to clean up all hidden dangers. ,do you understand?"

Understand, Xing Tian naturally understands, there is nothing else that I don’t understand, and there will be no shortage of such a situation at any time, as large as the world, as small as the country, Xing Tian is not unprepared for this, the human race is Xing Tian’s response method, As the most civilized human race, it will naturally have the power to protect its own people, no matter what calculations are secretly, it must be so on the surface.

Seeing the confidence on Xing Tian’s face, the God Eater Mother Queen shook his head slightly and said, “Don’t believe too much in the racial civilization behind you. Humans are indeed top-level civilizations, but many of them are the highest chaotic worlds. Guardians of, they might not let you go, not to mention that you still have such a big chance. Do you think those insidious **** will let you grow up? Will they take into account the so-called racial rules and give you an environment to grow up?"

Impossible. There is never a lack of fighting within the racial civilization. How can the enemy give him an environment to grow up, and this is in a top civilization like the Human Race, there are countless Tianjiao evildoers, and they don’t care about the life and death of one or two Tianjiao evildoers at all, unless You can enter the eyes of human giants, or else you won't get the shelter you want.

"It seems that before I have fully grown up and have no strength to protect myself, I must continue to hide, so as not to fall into a crisis of death. If possible, I hope to join the alien practice of the human race and get the help of the whole race to let myself You can have enough combat power in the shortest time, and only this path is the most suitable for you!" After hearing the instructions from the God Eater Mother Queen again and again, Xing Tian gradually understood what he should do and how to be able to be in such a crisis. To survive in the big environment.

"Okay, don't think too much. Now that you have reached this point, it is useless to think more. What you need most now is to strengthen your own combat power, to explode your potential with all your strength, and use the most time to perfect you. If your inner world is strong enough to carry more swarms of insects, this is your assassin!” At this point, a large number of resources appeared in front of Xing Tian. , And a large part of these resources are suitable for the Zerg family. It seems that the God-eater Mother Emperor still does not forget to dig a hole for Xingtian, and does not forget to continue to increase the nourishment of the Zerg origin and let it grow faster. In the end, it can replace Xingtian and master everything in Xingtian's inner world.

The God-Eater Mother Queen did not give Xingtian too much time to think about it. With a thought, this time clone turned into a time rule. The wheel of time turned again. The huge time domain once again enveloped Xingtian, and the power of time blessed itself. The Avenue of Time is right in front of him, but this time Xing Tian only sighed secretly. The clear rules are in front of him, but it is not the time when he realizes. Now he needs to be strong and strengthen his origin. Only in this way can he be able to continue Only with the ability to survive in a dangerous environment can one have the ability to gain a foothold in human civilization and master one's own destiny. Power is the foundation of everything. Although the road of time is good, it is not worth mentioning compared with your own destiny. .

At this time, the God-Eating Insect Empress is also watching Xing Tian, ​​waiting for Xing Tian’s choice, to see if Xing Tian’s value is worthy of his continued investment, although there is no shortage of resources for the God-Eating Insect Empress, it is not. Willing to devote more effort to a person who is not worthy. If Xing Tian does not know how to advance or retreat at this time, he needs to change his strategy, adjust his expectations of Xing Tian, ​​and redo new arrangements, lest the price he pays is not equal to his own gains. A waste of effort but failed to achieve the goal.

Fortunately, everything did not develop in the worst direction. This time, although Xing Tian glanced at the wheel of time in front of him and felt the huge time rules, Xing Tian resisted its temptation and did not continue. To perceive the Great Way of Time, it is to incorporate the huge source in front of one's eyes into one's own world, and continuously turn it into the nutrients of the world, and strengthen one's own world source.

Countless resources pour into Xingtian’s "acupoint" world like "tide" water, and are constantly refined, but only a small part is integrated into the "acupoint" world that is eroded by the Zerg origin, a large part The origin has been transformed into the nourishment of other worlds, expanding Xingtian’s "acupoint" orifice world, and also nourishing Xingtian's real body of **** and demon. The endless "acupoint" orifice world unites together to temper Xingtian from the inside out. The physical body of Xingtian's deity's gods and demons continues to evolve.

The metamorphosis of the physical world has returned to the "Acupoint" Aperture World's huge blessing of qi and blood, which is tempering the origin of the "Acupoint" Aperture World, making the world more pure and powerful. The avatars of the gods and demons already have complementary abilities, and they can temper themselves with each other, which plays a vital role in the cultivation of Xingtian deity.

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