God of Destruction

Chapter 4176: Son of Fate

"What a miraculous world, what a weird real body of gods and demons, this is something I have never seen before. It has a complementary effect with the inner world. Is this the power of the avenue of power? The avenue of power smashes the void. For this reason, one side of the world is perfectly integrated with the real body of the gods and demons?" When Xing Tian continued to absorb resources to expand the "Acupoint" Aperture World, the changes in his body completely fell into the eyes of the God-Eater Mother Queen, but this change It gave a huge impact to the God-Eater Mother Empress, and made it not understand what was going on. After all, the Dao of Power was the most mysterious existence among the Three Thousand Dao.

"The fusion of the flesh and the world, the avenue of power smashes the void, perhaps this is the essence. Using the power of one world to crush the ten thousand dao, one force to break the ten thousand laws, can completely explode the power of one world, this **** and demon's real body must be terrible Extremely terrifying! Even though Xingtian, the ant, is still in its infancy, it has this ability!" At this point, the God Eater Mother Empress could not help but sighed, her heart was inevitably affected, and she also had one in her heart. Crazy ideas.

"Even an ant like Xing Tian can do this, and can understand the path of power. Can I do it too? If I can do this, I can match my time path and the path of devouring gods, perhaps without external force. Each other can directly tear the confinement of the avenue and get out of the trap!" Being lured by Xing Tian, ​​the mother of God Devouring Insect Mother was also about to move.

Soon, the Mother God Devourer woke up again, shook her head slightly and sighed: "No, I can't be too impatient, I can't make this crazy decision on impulse. I'd better wait and see before talking. More It’s really interesting to understand the great avenue of power and the real body of Xingtian. It’s the first time I have seen a real body like him, and it turned out to be an innate real body of God and Demon!"

For an old guy who has lived for endless years, caution has been integrated into its blood, even if it has already been tempted, but he dare not act rashly, dare not plunge himself into terrible danger, Dadao Concurrent training is not as simple as it is on the surface. The key is whether one's own avenues can be integrated. Once one's own avenues cannot be integrated, it will inevitably cause destructive damage to one's own divine body, and even hurt one's soul and will. .

At this time, the God-Evering Insect Empress stared at Xing Tian, ​​trying to understand everything about Xing Tian, ​​to understand the power of Xing Tian, ​​and to understand the origin of Xing Tian’s true body, but it is a pity that Ren is Devouring God. No matter how carefully he observes, he is puzzled. It is difficult to understand the changes of Xingtian. When Xingtian practiced with all his strength, the huge aura of the World Avenue enveloped Xingtian’s breath, making it impossible for people to see through the essence of Xingtian’s Dao. It is even more impossible. Under the stimulation of qi and blood, the powerful qi and blood completely envelops Xing Tian’s true body in the blood. Unless the true body of God Devourer Mother Empress appears, it is difficult to understand Xing Tian’s reality, after all, Xing Tian’s body The terrible blood was too terrifying, and shocked the god-eater mother emperor.

"It's a terrifying blood, the avenue of power feeds back to the flesh, does it mean that the avenue of strength must be cultivated in the flesh, and the avenue of strength, the avenue of the flesh, and the avenue of the world, the integration of the three is complete? The avenue of power can reach the realm of smashing the void with the ultimate strength? It is a pity that everything is too weird, except for the **** Xingtian, it is difficult for outsiders to understand the essence!" As he said, the god-eater mother shook her head involuntarily, with an incomparable heart depressed.

Xing Tian didn't care about the idea of ​​eating the **** insect mother emperor at this time. When his "acupoint" orifice world complements the **** and devil's real body, Xing Tian can clearly feel his "acupoint" when the **** and devil's body is transformed. The world of Apertures is also changing, his own way of opening up is about to move, and his original treasure, Kaitian Axe, is a little bit about to move, as if to integrate into his own practice.

"Damn it, how could this be? At this time, the Primordial Treasure'Open Sky Axe' is about to move. Is it true that the Emperor of God Eater is right? At this critical moment, the power of the Dao rules will erode my own Dao?" Pay attention, after all, now is the key to your own transformation. If you let the power of the rules of the avenue erode, your avenue will inevitably be affected by it, and at this time, you really have the ability to resist the erosion of the power of the rules, can you resist the impact of the avenue?

"It seems that I have no choice. At this time, the God Devourer Mother Emperor cannot count on it. Even if it has the ability to solve it, I dare not ask for it. After all, it has the same sinister intentions as the Dao. Now I can only rely on Self, only oneself is the safest choice. The power of the rules has been integrated into the axe. It is impossible to eliminate it. The only solution is to thoroughly refine, break the essence of the Dao rules, and turn them into The nourishment of the Kaitian Axe has been greatly reduced. The blood furnace, smelt all things, melt it for me!" Time waits for no one. When there is a decision in the heart, the original treasure of the Kaitian Axe is directly thrown into Xing Tian. In my own blood furnace, the powerful blood turns into a heroic flame, the "Acupoint" orifice world is used as a nutrient, and he begins to recast the original treasure of the Heavenly Axe, and begins to crush the power of the rules in the Heavenly Axe. .

Under the furnace, under the fiery flames, the power of rules in the Heaven-Opening Axe was refined bit by bit, and under the crushing of Pioneer Dao, the aura of Dao was eliminated bit by bit. Although this is a good nutrient for the world, it’s just that Xing Tian can’t absorb and digest it now. For Xing Tian, ​​the most important thing right now is his own transformation, rather than absorbing a little bit of Dao breath. For Xingtian, Xingtian is not worth mentioning. There is the God Devouring Insect Mother Emperor as foreign aid, and there is an endless supply of resources. That point, Xingtian doesn't care about the origin of the Dao.

"Okay, very good, it seems that Xing Tian did not disappoint me, and finally started to eliminate his own great atmosphere. This time is indeed a great opportunity. With the power of time, it is the easiest to clear this hidden danger. Above Yishe, Xing Tian is really extraordinary, and now he has even abandoned the origin of the Great Dao, so as not to let it affect his own practice. He has courage and courage. In that case, I will help you again and break me!" Shen Yin, the mighty power of time directly acts on the rule of the rule that was ruled out, on the origin of the avenue, it is directly obliterated by the mighty time of time, and turned into the purest world origin.

"Go, let me go back!" The Empress of God Devouring Insects waved her hand again, and the powerful time and mighty power directly poured the source of this thoroughly refined world into Xingtian's huge blood furnace, and helped Xingtian's hand to make this The pure world origin, the power of rules turned into the nutrient of Kaitian axe, in case Xingtian's combat power is damaged and its plan is affected.

"Hey, this is the power of the rules of the world. It seems that the God Devouring Mother Queen has taken action and helped me directly refine the power of the Dao rules and directly turn them into pure world rules. With this power, my Heavenly Axe Not only will it not be weakened, but on the contrary, it will be stronger. My road of opening up will be more complete, but this cause and effect is not small and needs to be repaid in the future!" In an instant, Xing Tian understood the key to the problem, and the cause and effect owed this time became greater. , As soon as the God Eater Mother Emperor shot, she took over the cause and effect of herself and Dao.


Time waits for no one, so Xingtian can’t accept this cause and effect, and as long as one’s strength is strong enough, no matter how much cause and effect there is, it’s not a big deal. Open the road without fear of everything, the road of strength crushes everything, no external force will not Become your own resistance to practice, any resistance will turn into your own nourishment, this is to open up the road, this is the road of strength.

Under the action of the qi and blood furnace, the power of this world rule is integrated into the sky-opening axe bit by bit, and along with the power of Xingtian’s "acupoint" orifice world, under the huge qi and blood, one by one The blood "color" Dao pattern continuously goes south on the Kaitian axe, faintly appearing from time to time, as if it is fusing with Xingtian's own breath and with Xingtian's deity.

Gradually, the Dao Marks changed one after another, and they were in harmony with the "Acupoint" world in the real body of Xingtian God and Demon. One Dao Mark corresponds to a world, corresponding to a powerful and terrifying power of the law, with each " The fusion of the world of the hole, the aura on the sky-opening axe is getting stronger and stronger, and the power of perfect world rules begins to emerge on the'sky-opening axe'.

"Fast speed and weird means. This Xingtian has extraordinary achievements in the way of refining weapons. No wonder he is so confident and wants to follow the path of Chaos Sea. It seems that he really hopes to be able to upgrade his original treasure to the chaos. To the extent that the treasures of the sea realm are on the same level, the complete rules of the World Dao are imprinted on the'opening axe'. Even ordinary people can display the power of opening the world. If in the hands of the fanatic, Xingtian, it can explode dozens of times of power, even As long as his **** and demon body can withstand the backlash from power, it can explode endlessly, a great avenue of strength, a great avenue of power!"

At this time, the God-Eater Mother Queen finally saw something from Xing Tian, ​​and saw Xing Tian's road opening. Is it strong to open the road? Powerful, but also weak, it depends on who controls it. In the hands of the strong, opening the road is omnipotent and unstoppable. In the hands of the weak, opening the road is a big joke. But Xing Tian is different. Although it is still very weak, it has unparalleled potential. That weird world, that terrifying avenue of power, terrifying gods and demons, and the combination of many powers, can completely achieve the following , Killing across the border.

Nowadays, Xingtian doesn’t have much reference for Xingtian, because he has embarked on an unprecedented path. Only combat power can be evaluated. The constraints of the realm on him are almost nonexistent. This is the advantage of stepping out of his own way. Weakness can "confuse" and "confuse" the enemy, and can make oneself have stronger self-protection ability and concealment ability.

If you hadn’t seen it with your own eyes, the God-Eater Mother Queen would not believe all this. Xingtian’s transformation is completely beyond the rules, beyond the avenue of imagination, the avenue of the world, the avenue of opening up, there is a strange connection between the three, which can be perfect The earth merged into one body, and combined with the terrifying chaotic **** and demon body of Shang Xingtian, the combat power was even more terrifying.

Speaking of Xingtian’s real body of Chaos God and Demon, until now, the Mother God Devourer hasn’t seen the essence. I don’t know what Xingtian’s real body of God and Demon is originated from and what road is it originating from, if so. This is not always true for the purely physical proving to the Dao, at least the physical proving to the Dao does not have so many weird supernatural powers, and there are not so many changes.

"What is going on with Xingtian’s true body of the gods and demons, the qi and blood furnace, this is obviously the magical power of the physical body, but his qi and blood furnace obviously has strange changes, with the mighty power of the world, and is based on the power of the world. For fuel and nourishment, this is not something that the physical body can do. Could it be that Xing Tian created his own method of refining the body of gods and demons with a small cultivation base, stepping out of his own gods and demons training Body Avenue, if this is true, it would be terrible!"

When talking about this, the God-Eater Mother Empress couldn't help but sighed, shook his head and muttered to herself: "Damn Xingtian, I doubt whether he is the son of Dao Dao, the son of heaven and earth, and he has such good luck. There is such a weird and terrifying power, and such a weird practice system, which makes people unable to see through and understand!"

"Son of the world, son of the avenue, son of heaven and earth, damn, this **** shouldn't be the son of fortune, carrying the heaven and earth fortune of this era, if so, the joke is big, the son of fortune appears in front of me , And was suppressed by the Dao, but this is also considered a great good thing, and it can also explain why his strength is so low that he can walk in front of me and ignore my divine power, because he has a good luck and protection Before the catastrophe is over, no one can kill him, and no one dares to kill him. No one can bear the big cause and effect that day!"

Of course, all this is just what the God-Eater Mother Queen thinks. Whether this is the case, it is difficult to prove that the Son of Fortune can be regarded as the most weird and most terrifying existence. Some people say that he is the incarnation of disaster, others say that he It is the incarnation of hope, and some people say that he is a ray of life between heaven and earth. As for what it is, no one can say clearly, nor can the mother of God Devourer.

However, as for the identity of the son of catastrophe, the mother of the gods and insects also has a suspicion, because Xingtian does not have a real body of cats and devils, and his real body of gods and demons is not the road of catastrophes. This makes the mothers of gods and insects uncertain. But everything in Xingtian's body is too weird and terrifying, and this has to make the God Devouring Mother Empress pay attention to and worry about it.

If the God-Eater Mother Queen is completely denied, it will not dare or want to, after all, Xing Tian is covered with a "mist" fog, which makes people unable to see and see through. In such a situation, how can it be made? Make a decision, how can you risk your own future!

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