God of Destruction

Chapter 4177: Soul Transformation

He doesn’t know what Xing Tian’s identity is, because there are too many titles on his body that Xing Tian himself can’t figure out. However, in Xing Tian’s heart now, he will no longer be affected by these so-called titles. He is himself. , As long as you are good at yourself, everything else can be put down, and if you are good at yourself, you will step out of your own way and condense your own supreme way!

With the continuous investment of resources, every "hole" orifice world is growing frantically. Although the God Eater Mother Queen has calculations, the most important resources are to enhance the origin of the Zerg and change the nature of the world, but this is for Xing Tian himself. It is said that there is no impact, the "Acupoint" Aperture World can completely refine it, and it will not have any impact on the "Acupoint" Aperture World. If it has an impact, it is only the "Acupoint" Aperture World eroded by the Zerg origin. , And this world is used by Xing Tian to ease the relationship between himself and the God-Eater Mother Emperor, even if it is damaged, it will not have too much impact on itself, and will not affect its overall situation.

The growth of the "Acupoint" orifice world also affects the real body of the gods and demon. The flesh continuously accepts the tempering of the world without seeing the origin. Gradually, the actual body of the gods and demon is constantly evolving and evolving. At the moment of sublimation, Xing Tian felt that a door in the depths of his soul opened, and his soul was washed. A avenue of stars full of Zhou Tian appeared in the sea of ​​soul knowledge. It is not so much the soul of the sea, but the stars. The sea, the entire soul is shrouded by the light of stars, not more accurately shrouded by the world of stars, the endless avenue of origin is permeated in the sea of ​​soul knowledge.

"This is the power of God's will. It has been integrated into the Avenue of Stars, into the Sea of ​​Soul Consciousness, transforming the Sea of ​​Soul Consciousness to form the Sea of ​​Stars. What is going on? I haven't felt the change of the soul before, only the gods and demons. The change, now suddenly there is such an abnormal change, can it be said that this is the hidden power of his own condensing avenue?" Feeling the change of Soul Consciousness Sea, Xing Tian's heart is greatly shocked, and now Soul Consciousness Sea cannot see any soul The power of your own soul is sublimated to the Avenue of Stars, the origin of the stars, and your own soul is the core of the soul world and the origin of this world of stars!

With a thought, his soul fell on a star in the sea of ​​stars. Xing Tian immediately sensed the corresponding "acupoint" world. Yes, every star in the sea of ​​stars is a projection of his own "acupoint" world, even It can be said to be two sides of the body. Even the "hole" orifice world eroded by the origin of the Zerg is in the induction of his soul. Xing Tian can feel that as long as he is willing, a thought can take everything back, and he can erase the origin of the Zerg. Put it into your own control.

The sea of ​​soul consciousness evolved into the world. This time, Xing Tian could clearly feel the transformation of his soul, and he could also feel that after his soul was completely integrated with the sea of ​​stars, he no longer had the ability to divide the soul and reconsolidate the clone, because of his own The soul and the sea of ​​stars are closely connected, the soul is damaged, the sea of ​​stars is damaged, and it will even affect the world of one's "hole".

"It seems that this is the rule of heaven and earth restricting the power of the clone. It does not give me the opportunity to continue to divide the soul and create the clone. It's just that this time is only the first transformation of myself. Maybe when the "Acupoint" Aperture World evolves again, everything will be different. , But with the sea of ​​stars, my soul will be extremely powerful, and will no longer be my own weakness. Anyone who wants to hit my soul will first have to cross the sea of ​​stars and be under the same two sides as the world of "Acupoints", unless Can destroy my "hole" orifice world, or it will not threaten the soul."

When Xing Tian metamorphoses, the mother of God Devouring Insect Queen was shocked by the sight of him. Although Xing Tian's metamorphosis was expected, after all, he has paid such a huge resource. If Xing Tian does not change, the Mother of God Devouring Insect Queen will doubt Xing Tian. Is it really necessary to sublimate one's own world, now the light of transformation appears, making it a bit dumbfounded and his eyes straightened.

"How could this happen? The transformation of the world did not trigger the transformation of the gods and demons, but first triggered the changes in the soul and perfected the flaws of the soul, and the gods and demons did not change astonishingly. Could it be that Xingtian’s Great Dao was cultivated? The real body of God and Demon has such an astonishing background, and such a huge resource can't feed it back. How much resources does his real body of God and Demon need to reach Consummation?" Fortunately, there is only one Xing Tian, ​​if one more, Devour God Insect The mother emperor did not dare to be confident that she could provide resources for practice. There are too many resources, so much that it makes the God Eater Mother Distressed. It can be said that the price paid by the God Eater Mother Emperor to change the world of Xingtian is too great, and all this is just the beginning. If you continue to evolve, so The required resources will be even more terrifying.

"It can't go on like this anymore. If this goes on, Lao Di will be hollowed out by the **** Xingtian! His potential is beyond imagination, and I don't know how much the final plan will succeed, but as long as there is one tenth, it will be enough to make up for mine. Everything is lost." When it comes to this time, the God Devouring Mother Empress couldn't help but sighed, and shook his head gently, feeling full of emotion in her heart.

What physique is Xing Tian now? This is what God Devourer Mother wants to know the most in her heart. Even for a moment, God Devourer Mother wants to continue to give Xingtian resources, keep training, and see what changes will happen to Xingtian's **** and demon's transformation. Such a thought flashed past and was abandoned. It was not reluctant, but time did not allow. The domain blessing of the Wheel of Time is not unlimited. It is impossible for oneself to activate the powerful domain power all the time, and his time domain has almost come to an end. .

God Devouring Mother Emperor sighed softly: "It's a pity, it's even more difficult to miss this time and want to understand Xing Tian again. If I miss this time, I am afraid that seeing Xing Tian again is the late stage of the Great Tribulation. At that moment, I had done everything I could, and then it was Xing Tian's own. Jackie Chan was his own choice!"

Now, Xingtian can only rely on himself, and the god-eater mother queen can help limited. Nowadays, resources are not too important for Xingtian. The first pass has passed, and the world and soul of the "hole" are also transformed, only gods and demons. The true body has not been transformed, but this is not just a matter of resources, but more of Xing Tian’s own path of cultivation. Xing Tian does not have his own secret method for refining the body of gods and demon, and there is still a certain gap between Xing Tian’s body to prove the Tao. Come polish it. Time is Xingtian's greatest enemy.

When the time is up, after the God-Eater Mother Queen sighed, the power of the domain of the wheel of time dissipated, and the power of time enveloped Xing Tian's body retreated. With the acceleration of the time domain, Xing Tian completed a transformation of his own and perfected his own practice. , The fly in the ointment is that his chaotic **** and demon’s real body is still not perfect, not complete, driven by huge resources, no matter how the power of the world is washed, no matter how the blood furnace is smelted, there is always a trace of deficiency, just at the end. After a few quarters of an hour, Xing Tian did not give up the deduction of his chaos **** and demon's real body. He always had shortcomings and couldn't make the chaos **** and devil's real body perfect.


"What is missing?" Xing Tian was also asking himself, looking for the reason, but unfortunately he couldn't find it, as if the missing power was not in his own body, but from other regions, even Xing Tian wanted to use huge resources. Just pile it over to measure

Before Xing Tian came up with a clue, a voice sounded: "Wake up, time is up, time is up this time!"

This is the voice of the Mother Emperor God Devourer, it is reminding Xing Tian. When he heard this voice, Xing Tian opened his eyes and sighed lightly, "It's a pity, this time is too short. If I can double the time, maybe my chaos **** and demon will transform and evolve. It’s not that I don’t have any insights like this, it’s like looking at flowers in a fog!"

The God Eater Mother Queen shook his head and said: "Enough is enough, what do you think this is? It's so easy for you to activate the time domain once. It's just that this outbreak consumes two cost sources and consumes time. The origin of the wheel of tens of thousands of years is condensed. It is very rare for you to have such a chance. Don’t even think about it when you change to other people. Okay, take action and try your best to collect my descendants. Let me take a look. , How many troops can your world hold after transformation."

How many troops can it hold? This is really a big joke. If Xing Tian is allowed to fully "acupuncture" the world, let alone the army of this dead world, even if it is hundreds of times more than a thousand times, it is not a problem. After all, Xingtian is not a "acupuncture" world. It was a huge world group, a group of stars, each "acupoint" orifice world evolved its own origin, and it was extremely powerful.

Of course, among the many "Acupoint" orifice worlds, this "Acupoint" orifice world eroded by the origin of the Zerg is one of the most powerful worlds. Just this one world can contain all of this dead world. The army of Zerg.

Xing Tian took a deep breath, sighed and said: "If it is only used for shelter and not launching a war, all the Zerg armies can be accommodated in the world. Unfortunately, the origin of the world is limited and cannot be based on the origin. Power to nourish all the Zerg army, so once the war comes, the power that can be exerted is limited!"

Resources! Although Xing Tian did not ask for resources directly, what is the existence of the God-Eating Insect Mother Queen? It is an ancient giant. He naturally understands Xing Tian's intentions and smiles indifferently: "You don't need to worry about resources. You won't be less. It's just that. But no, you need to speed up and enhance the origin of the world and perfect the world. It is best to transform again. With your world heritage, there will be almost no major obstacles to evolution. If you have to say there is, it is time. When your world becomes stronger, you will have the real killer. Although you have completed the transformation, it seems to me that you have not realized your magical powers. It takes time to realize it bit by bit, only if you have your own With supernatural powers, you can be considered qualified to face the Chaos Sea."

The Mother Queen of Devouring Insects once again mentioned Chaos Sea, which made Xing Tian's heart moved. Suddenly he thought of his imperfect body of Chaos God and Demon. Is it because of this reason? If so, his troubles Big, it is impossible to break into the Chaos Sea with the current strength, let alone what gains from the Chaos Sea.

It is a pity that the real body of the Chaos God and Demon is related to his own background, life and death. Xing Tian dare not discuss with the God-Eater Mother Emperor on such a major matter, let alone tell the guess in his heart. The secrets that he said are not secrets. , It is known that the power of the real body of the Chaos God and Demon also loses the ability to kill with one blow, and even one who is not careful will fall into the disaster of killing.

Xing Tian sighed softly: "I also think, but I don't have such strength. Enlightenment is not so easy. It is already very lucky to be able to transform the soul. If you want to have your own magical powers, you value my ability. If you have such ability , I won’t only have this strength right now. I wonder if the Insect Sovereign can talk about the method of supernatural power perception, so that I can prepare in advance?"

To Xingtian’s request, the God-Eater Mother Empress smiled calmly and said: "You want to get a little experience from me, it’s nothing. I said before that I will try my best to help you, but you have to be mentally prepared. Supernatural powers cannot be realized by external force, otherwise everyone has their own supernatural powers, and what kind of supernatural powers they can possess depends not on the outside or your will, but on your perception of the great road . Just as my world’s magical powers are the devouring of the gods, it comes from my own blood, and there is also a part of the power bestowed by the avenue, and what your world is based on and what magical powers can be cultivated are all derived from the origin of the world, you Think about it carefully, I hope you can succeed!"

"What is the origin of my own world? Is it a star? No, my "acupoint" orifice world is not a star. The Avenue of Stars is not so powerful, but what is it?" At this time, Xing Tian was also a little confused about the origin of his world. What, the first "acupoint" orifice world has different origins, and the transformation of one's own soul turns the sea of ​​soul consciousness into a sea of ​​stars. Headache, for an instant, Xing Tian had a terrible headache. Although the God Eater Mother Queen told herself how to comprehend her magical powers, her own world was too weird. What she opened was not a world, but a world around her body. It is a perfect world, a perfect world. Many "acupoints" are connected together to form a more powerful world origin, but Xing Tian doesn't know what his origin is.

Xing Tian smiled bitterly: "Cerm King, is there no other way? You know, my world heritage is too strong, and my practice time is limited. Under this circumstance, there is still energy, and there is time to spare. The most important thing for me to realize my supernatural powers is to strengthen my own combat power. I don’t have the power to protect myself. It’s hard to move in this dangerous and supreme chaotic world. In my case, you also know that everything must be combat power. Mainly, to survive."

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