God of Destruction

Chapter 4178: Festival World Channel

At this moment, the God-Eater Mother Empress couldn’t help but smile again and again. Xing Tian was right. At the moment, the most important thing for him is not to perceive magical powers, but to improve his combat power. The rest can be put down for the time being. After all, Xing Tian doesn’t have so many. Time, time is Xingtian's great enemy, and wasting time is a waste of life. Supernatural powers are important, but life cannot be lost.

The Mother Queen of God Eater sighed: "You can dominate combat power, but you can't forget your roots. The avenue is your roots. If you have been "lost" in the crazy pursuit of improving combat power, no matter what How strong your combat power is, there is only a dead end. How to choose between the two, you have to grasp this degree yourself, if you rely too much on external forces, it is not a good thing for you."

External force, Xing Tian never thought about relying on external force to protect himself. After all, external force is only external force, which is the most important thing. Xing Tian knows this very well, but now he cannot show it in the God-Eater Mother, he must retain it. The hole card, before he has the ability to protect himself, his own "hole" world cannot be "exposed".

The external force mentioned by the Mother Queen of Devouring Insects is its descendants, the army of insects. It is worried that Xing Tian will focus on the insects and forget the improvement of the world. This is not the result it wants to see. The world of Xingtian is the center of gravity in the heart of the Mother God Devourer, and everything else can be given up, even if it is his own descendants.

Are you cruel? No, it’s not that the God-Eating Insect Mother is cruel, but it has to do it. It wants to save most of its descendants. If Xing Tian is attracted by the power of the Swarm army and forgets himself, it’s heading towards no return. Road, a road to death.

Nodding lightly, Xing Tian didn't say anything. It was useless to say anything at this time. Talking too much would only be harmful to him. In Xing Tian's heart, he had only one thought at this time, and that was to leave, leave early to avoid accidents. After all, it is impossible for him to reap any more gains in the God Eater Mother Empress. Keeping on will only add danger to himself. .

Seeing Xing Tian’s reaction, the Mother Queen of God Devouring Insects breathed a sigh of relief. The more plain Xing Tian was, the happier and more at ease in its heart. This meant that Xing Tian was not seduced by the little bit of temptation in front of him. "Lost eyes, no ignorance or arrogance, this will give Xing Tian more room for survival in this catastrophe, and he can live well."

"Let’s act, don’t be too reluctant. The entire worm sea has fallen into a deep sleep. You don’t have to worry about any resistance, do what you can, don’t be greedy for more and more. It doesn’t make much sense for you, and the talent is suitable for you. It's the best." At this point, the Mother God Devouring Insect Empress waved his hand, and the origin of the entire dead world opened, allowing Xing Tian to display it.

Xing Tian nodded and said: "I understand that if the world does not change, maybe I will be under pressure. As long as there is no large-scale war, there is not much pressure for me, let alone the insect emperor has prepared this for me. More resources to reserve, which makes you more confident. If there are no accidents, nothing will happen."

The two words Absolute cannot be used casually, but Xing Tian used it at this moment. This is enough to show his confidence and how strong his confidence is to give such a guarantee to the God Devouring Mother Queen. It can be seen that he has compromised with the God-Eater Mother Queen.

"Well, it’s good if you have confidence. If you leave this time, it’s very difficult for you to come back. It’s not just that I don’t dare to act rashly, and I don’t dare to use the origin of the world to guide you. Similarly, the Supreme Chaos World will not give you this opportunity. There is one last time, let me explain the horror of the Chaos Sea once again. Without absolute strength, do not set foot lightly. It is a treasure land and a desperate situation. Innumerable strong men fall into it. Don’t be too careless and ruin yourself. " life."

Regarding the warning of the God-Eating Insect Mother, Xing Tian kept it in his heart. Although the other party intentionally concealed some things, this is normal. After all, no one wants to tell others the secrets of the Chaos Sea. It’s hard for the emperor to speak to this level. It’s amazing, and he has put a lot of effort into it. If Xingtian asks for more, he will be a little bit ignorant, and some will be too greedy. This is not a good thing, it will only affect Your own safety.

"The worm king, don’t you need to cover up the next thing? You should understand that the world opens. When the door of the world opens, I’m afraid it will cause unnecessary trouble. You may not care, but I can’t do it. I can't do it. If it can cover up the breath of my world, it will be good for you and me. You don't want me to be in danger as soon as I leave this dead world, right?" When he said this, Xing Tian sighed lightly. With a sigh of relief, his strength is still insufficient, otherwise he doesn't need to be so concealed.

"Don't worry, you will not miss your "sex" life, and there will be no danger. This is my world. Even if the rules of the supreme chaotic world come, I can never think of breaking the barriers of my world for a while. You can use your hands freely. With me, there will be no accidents. At this time, whoever dares to stop will bear my anger.” When these words fell, a crazy killing intent came from the gods. The worm mother erupted from her body, and this terrifying killing intent instantly enveloped the entire dead world.

These words are overbearing and a bit crazy, but from Xingtian's point of view, this is the truth. God Eater Mother has this strength and ability, so she dared to make such a promise, and this is also indirectly showing herself to Xing Tian Even though his original source was very expensive before, he still has a power that cannot be underestimated, and he can still fight against the supreme chaotic world.

So far, Xing Tian doesn’t know the true situation of the God-Eating Insect Mother. Xing Tian doesn’t think that the God-Eating Insect Mother has only these powers. In the dark, it must also hide even more terrifying powers. The understanding of this is absolutely true, how powerful is the power of the God Devouring Mother Queen, able to fight against the high chaos world, there is really only a treasure like the'wheel of time' in the hand, and there is no terrible realm treasure ? Xing Tian didn't believe it and couldn't believe it.

auzw.com"Perhaps when the God Eater Mother Queen takes out the realm of Chaos Sea, it is a real decisive battle. Under normal circumstances, no one can "force" it to do so, and no one Dare to do this, Chaos Sea, I have to speed up to find out, there is my hope, my chance, maybe there I can give my mother a better result." Unconsciously Xing Tian thought of his mother again, and inevitably let out another sigh in his heart.

His mother is a trace of family entanglement that Xing Tian cannot bypass. With Xing Tian's current ability, he can regain his mother, but now Xing Tian sees a new direction. He can also recast his mother with his chaotic origin. The real body is just a new gap compared with the origin of the Chaos Sea. Either don't do it, do the best. This is Xing Tian's true thoughts. As long as there is a ray of possibility, Xing Tian will do his best to pay.

Chaos Sea, this is another topic that Xing Tian can’t get around, and he must face the existence. Whether it’s self-cultivation or other things, Xing Tian has to go, but Xing Tian still can’t think too much, now it’s collecting insects. Sea time.

"Open to me, the world will open, and the door of the world will stand." With Xing Tian's deep cry, a powerful source of world aura permeated from Xing Tian. There is a clear zerg source in the source of this world. As a result of the action of the God-Eater Mother Queen, not long after the power of the world gushed out, under the guidance of Xing Tian, ​​a world gate appeared.

When this world gate appeared, Xing Tian immediately felt the suppression from the world. If it weren’t for the God-Eater Mother Queen didn’t intend to target him, I’m afraid that at this moment, his world gate would be directly crushed. Directly shattered, this dead world was even more terrifying than I thought, even if the Mother God Devourer was deliberately restrained, it still threatened his death.

"What a god-eating worm mother emperor, even if it condenses the breath and converges to the origin of the world, it can still bring such a big impact to me. The power you hide is even more terrifying than I thought. This deadly world is not so simple on the surface. , It seems that there are secrets that I don’t know are hidden behind this dead silence. Unfortunately, time is running out and I have no chance to find out. This is really a shame."

Yes, this is indeed a pity. If you can take this opportunity to learn more about the secrets of the God-Eater Mother Queen, it will naturally be a great thing for Xing Tian. Now it can only be said that Xing Tian thinks too much, and it is only a moment. Xing Tian’s world contact made Xing Tian understand the horror and horror of the God-Eating Mother Queen. He originally thought that his world was very powerful in nature, but compared with the world of the God-Eating Mother Queen, he was still far behind and needed to continue to work hard. Even if you use all the "acupoints" yourself, it is far worse.

This was only the impact on Xing Tian’s mind at the moment the world came into contact, and this was just the beginning. What shocked Xing Tian was that the appearance of his own world gate did not cause any changes in the world, and no breath was leaked. What does this mean? , His own world power is not worth mentioning in the world of God Devouring Mother Queen, and a wave of waves did not turn up.

"The **** mother emperor, it has such a terrible world itself, it can nourish its descendants and continue to grow them, but why does it want these descendants to fall asleep? It does not lack that source at all. That point of consumption, what exactly is this **** doing for? Is it just trying to cheat me? I don’t have such a big charm, and I don’t have such a great strength. It must have a deeper level. intend."

Although there are many questions and vigilance in his heart, Xing Tian cannot show it, let alone make a slight mistake. This is not when Xing Tian is hesitant, nor is it when he thinks about it, no matter how he bites God. How terrible the Chong Mother Emperor is, he is still safe right now, so Xing Tian's most important thing is to complete his plan.

With a heart move, the door of the world slowly opened, and a world channel appeared, connecting Xing Tian’s "acupoint" world and the world of Silence. When the two worlds were colluded, Xing Tian felt a trace of exploration from the world of Silence. Unfortunately, because Xingtian's "Acupoint" world is very strange, and coupled with the origin of the Zerg world, did not allow the God Devourer Mother Emperor to detect too much information, did not see through the reality of Xingtian world, and did not cause huge influence and harm to Xingtian.

Xing Tian didn’t want to give too much time to the God-Eater Mother Queen. When he noticed the other party’s exploration, Xing Tian immediately shouted in a deep voice: "The power of the world pulls it, let me swallow it." With Xing Tian’s deep cry, the world’s The force opened, the huge suction force burst out from the world channel, frantically began to pull the insect sea, sucking the insect sea into the world channel bit by bit.

"Damn, the essential difference between the two worlds is too great. Even if the God Devouring Mother Queen has been suppressing her own world without affecting the passage of the world, it is still difficult to pull the entire insect sea army. If there is no external help, it will always It takes too long to rely on one's own strength, and I don’t have so much time to waste here."

When thinking of this, Xingtian’s "look" changed, and Shen Sheng shouted to the Mother-Emperor Insect Devourer: "Emperor Insect, what are you waiting for? Don’t help me. Once my world is exhausted, the world The channel will collapse, and the consequences will be disastrous."

Xing Tian is right. Once the world channel collapses, not to mention that Xing Tian himself will be hit hard by the world's backlash, and that the insect sea that is drawn by the power of the world will also suffer a devastating blow. You really get this step. Whether it is Xingtian or God Devourer Mother Queen, they will all be hit hard, and will pay a heavy price for it, and this price is unacceptable to them.

"Oh, I missed the opportunity in vain. If Xing Tian, ​​this kid can hold on for longer, maybe I will be able to explore the emptiness of his world, learn more from his world, and even understand the true path he practiced. What is it, it won’t be like it is now, always looking at flowers in the mist, not seeing clearly..."

Although there is a strong reluctance in my heart, it is not more important than the investigation of Xingtian. Under this situation, the god-eater mother emperor can only temporarily put aside his calculations on Xingtian, first stabilize the general situation to prevent crisis It breaks out, harms others and self, makes oneself pay unnecessary price, and the choice of benefits can be distinguished. There are no amazing words, no terrible aura, everything is so calm, everything is so natural, and just so natural, the worm sea sucked by the world channel is accelerating into the world channel, and there is no resistance. , Everything is so natural, this is the power of the God Devouring Mother Queen, and this is the steady trend of its moves.

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