God of Destruction

Chapter 4179: Saving calculation

Xing Tian immediately felt that the pressure on her body was much smaller when the God Devouring Mother Emperor took action. It no longer requires a huge world origin to attract the Chonghai, as if the entire Chonghai is light and light, without any weight, and enters in an orderly manner. The world channel, and then enters the world of one's "hole" orifice, blends into the origin of the zerg race, expands the origin of the entire "acupoint" orifice world, and tempers the essence of the entire "acupoint" orifice world, as if the many seas of insects are nutrients, Is nourishing the origin of the world.

nutrient? No, this is not a nutrient, but the insect kings in Chonghai are breathing instinctively, merging with the origin of the world of the "hole" little by little, washing the essence of the world, that's why there is such a change. Generally speaking, there is a symbiosis between the two, rather than one side being the nutrient of the other. When the first intact worm sea enters Xingtian’s "acupoint" world, Xing Tian clearly feels the growth of the origin of the Zerg and can also feel it. The impact of Chonghai on the world.

When I saw the first insect sea successfully integrated into Xingtian’s world, the mother of God Devouring Insect Empress couldn’t help showing a faint smile on her face. Everything went so smoothly, so it wanted it smoothly. Cheers, but when thinking that there are more insect seas that need to be integrated into Xingtian's world, the God-Evering Insect Mother Queen once again cheered up and continued what was in front of her.

The opportunity is not to be missed, and the loss will never come again. The Empress of God Devouring Insects does not know how many Insect Sea troops can be accommodated in Xingtian’s "Acupoint" Aperture World, or whether it can accommodate them all as Xingtian Boasts in Haikou, so it has to be careful. If you can integrate more insect seas, you will have more understanding of Xingtian, and the more the origin of the Zerg race will control the world.

One after another, the sea of ​​insects merged into Xingtian’s world, and more seas of insects rushed into the world channel frantically. With the continuous influx of the sea of ​​insects, Xingtian’s world gate began to tremble. It is Xingtian who is preventing the sea of ​​insects, but the gate of the world has been flooded by too many seas of insects, and the pressure is too great for the gate of the world to be completely digested. If Xingtian has not been insisting all the time, he is consolidating the gate of the world. The sea of ​​insects poured in, and it was impossible to withstand just relying on one "acupoint" orifice world. Fortunately, Xingtian used his own many "acupoint" orifice worlds to fix the door of the world without letting it collapse.

Regarding the thoughts in the mind of the God Devouring Insect Empress, Xing Tian can understand and understand that the other party is worried that his world will not be able to support for too long and cannot shelter more insects. In fact, it does not need to be so worried. Xing Tian has enough space. , Has enough ability to do this, but Xing Tian can't speak, and even if he speaks, it may not be successful. Because the Mother Queen of God Devouring Insects would never believe that Xing Tian had such an ability, it would be impossible to withstand such a heavy pressure.

The sea of ​​worms in the dead world is disappearing at a speed that is visible to the naked eye, and all of them are incorporated into Xingtian’s world gate, turning into a part of the world of Xingtian’s "holes". The huge sea of ​​worms is rapidly expanding the origin of the world. , Making Xingtian’s Zerg world madly ascend, fortunately, Xingtian draws on the power of many "acupoint" orifice worlds, constantly dispersing the huge original impact.

"I still underestimated Xingtian. One-third of the insect sea was so easily taken away. His background is much deeper than expected. I originally thought that he could take away one-half of the insect sea. After all, Xingtian’s desire is power, and he shouldn’t lose his strength in vain in order to protect these offspring. It seems I’m wrong. Xingtian is much more honest than ordinary people.” Seeing everything in front of him, the God-Eater Mother Queen The impression of Xing Tian is very good. He believes that Xing Tian is honest and reliable. He did not abandon his previous agreement because of his own interests, but was doing his best to fulfill his promise to himself.

It’s a pity that God Eater Mother Queen does not know that Xing Tian is not honest, but is responsible for himself. Perhaps at the beginning, it will bring a little pressure to himself now, but in the long run, the more he accepts The Chonghai army, the more beneficial it is, the stronger its strength will be, but the price to be paid at the beginning is a bit high. One is the current combat power and the other is the future power. Normal Qing Xingtian should choose the current combat power. After all, the situation is not very friendly to Xing Tian, ​​but Xing Tian chose the future, even if it sacrifices a little immediate benefit. At any rate, as long as one can accumulate more foundation, this is the beginning of victory, which is the strengthening of one's own origin and the enhancement of one's own potential.

"What a tenacious will, so great potential, so many insect seas can be merged in such a short time. It seems that Xing Tian, ​​this junior, is not boasting, he really has the ability to protect the entire insect sea, but I don’t know if he will do this. , Are willing to bear this pressure." Seeing Xing Tian's reaction, the God Devouring Mother Empress couldn't help but breathe a sigh of relief. The situation is much better than it thought. Xing Tian has the ability and strength to fulfill his wish.

After confirming Xingtian’s true ability, God Devouring Insect Mother Queen hesitated. Now it does not know how to choose, whether to continue to speed up the entrance of Chonghai into Xingtian’s world, or to let go of everything and give the initiative to Xingtian. Xing Tian is in control of everything. If it is the former, the God Devouring Insect Mother is confident that two-thirds of the insect sea can enter the Xing Tian world. Even Xing Tian cannot stop it, but this will inevitably cause a big impact on Xing Tian. If it is the latter, he will lose his grasp of the general situation. At that time, how Xing Tian will choose will be out of control, and the consequences are difficult to predict.

This is a difficult choice. It is true for the God-Eater Mother Queen. It wants to get the most benefit, but it does not want to lose its grasp of the general situation, for fear that everything is beyond its control and will harm the "sex" of its descendants. Fate, after all, there is only one chance. Once lost, it will no longer exist. No matter what the thoughts of the God Eater Mother Empress have, they must make a decision.

After delegating power and thinking about it, God Devouring Insect Mother finally decided to believe in Xing Tian, ​​believing that he would fulfill his promise to him, after all, it is not a last resort, Xing Tian will not eat and get fat, and will not be an enemy of himself. Thinking of this, the God-Eater Mother Empress could not help but breathe a sigh of relief, and the whole body relaxed. The choice is not difficult for it, nor is it the end. Even if Xingtian is in control, the strength of Xingtian is still there. Have the ability to change everything.

When the God Devourer Mother Queen let go of everything, the speed of Chonghai slowed down, and most of the pressure Xing Tian was endured was dissipated. The gate of the shocked world finally stabilized and returned to normal. It takes Xing Tian to spend energy to maintain balance to prevent collapse from the huge impact, which made Xing Tian breathe a sigh of relief.

auzw.com"Okay, very good. The crisis is finally over. I am really worried that the God-Eater Mother Queen couldn’t figure it out for a while and had to forcibly accelerate the surging of the worm sea. Now it finally wakes up, no With this external pressure, I can slowly collect the worm sea into my "hole" orifice world bit by bit, and use the origin of the zerg in the "hole" orifice world to breed my own insect emperor. "

Yes, Xing Tian is more crazier than the God-Eater Mother Emperor thought. It is not only the idea of ​​the entire world of insects, but also the origin of the world of insects and the endless stream of insects to nurture his own. The worm emperor is truly independent of the existence of the god-eating worm mother emperor. Only by doing this can Xing Tian be able to ensure that the entire worm-sea army is in his own control, and that the worm-sea army will not be due to the power of the god-eating insect bloodline. And betrayed oneself, broke one's own major events.

Xing Tian is not incapable of understanding blood. Even if he can use the origin of the world to refine the entire Zerg army, he cannot eliminate the power of the blood of the god-eater. As long as there is blood, Xing Tian has to guard against the god-eater The mother-of-worm's secret calculations had to worry about the next moment the mother-emperor would use the power of blood to affect the army of the sea of ​​insects in her hands.

How can I truly master the worm sea army and fully incorporate it into my own control? Only when I have my own worm king and truly master the worm king in the world of the Zerg, can I do both, and then I can complete my plan and truly perfect The world of his own "acupoint" is truly in his own hands.

Time is passing slowly, one by one Chonghai continuously enters Xingtian’s "acupoint" orifice world, and is continuously absorbed by Xingtian's "acupoint" orifice world. Part of their origins are being integrated into the world, and are being integrated into the world. To the insect king in the world. Yes, the current insect king has been completely refined by Xing Tian, ​​and has been washed away by Xing Tian’s blood power. Even the God-Eater Mother Queen can’t think of being in the world of Xing Tian, ​​under the influence of the Zerg origin. There is actually an Insect King that is out of his control, and this Insect King Qiaqia is the one he has invested in Xingtian World.

How can Xing Tian complete the refining of the insect king in such a short time? Even with the help of all the "holes" of the world, it is very difficult to do this. After all, the power of the insect king is not a decoration, the **** insect mother The blood of the emperor is not a display.

Speaking of it, it’s not as difficult as I thought. At the moment Xing Tian broke through, at the moment when his own world was transformed, the huge blood of his chaotic **** and demon’s real body directly entered the world of "Acupoints" and directly washed it. Going to the power of the bloodline of the God Devouring Mother Queen, and then using the origin of the Zerg world to bred its own bloodline power, this is Xingtian’s plan, this is Xingtian’s calculation, as long as it succeeds, it will be between the origin of the Zerg and the Emperor Under the influence, it will gradually dissolve the power of blood in the body of the god-eater, and will implicitly control the god-eater in the hands of his own insect emperor.

Of course, this takes time, and it takes a long time, but for Xingtian, this is not a problem. As long as you leave the world of silence, as long as you leave the God-Eater Mother Queen, everything will be in your own hands and you will dominate everything. , Without any threat.

The idea is good, but the price is also huge. In order to achieve this goal, Xing Tian paid the price of Qingda. The real body of Chaos God and Demon consumed a huge amount of vitality. Fortunately, everything was covered by the breath of the world. Arousing the vigilance of the God-Eater Mother Queen, even if the God-Eater Mother Queen is aware of the changes in Xingtian’s chaotic **** and demon’s real body, she will only think that this is because of the opening of the world gate and the interconnection between the two worlds. Pressure, after all, Xing Tian's strength is far from enough to attract the attention of God Devouring Mother Emperor, and this is Xing Tian's opportunity and the fundamental basis of Xing Tian's calculations.

Time is passing bit by bit, because without the influence of the God Devouring Insect Mother, Xing Tian completed everything bit by bit according to his plan. When the Chonghai disappeared in half, Xing Tian could clearly feel himself " The changes in the Acupoint Aperture World, one can feel that one's Acupoint Aperture World is gestating vitality, and this vitality directly refers to the insect king that he has already arranged.

Rebirth, the insect king begins to regenerate. Under the huge vitality, a faint emperor aura is being generated. This is the blood of the insect emperor. Without the blood of the god-eating insect, it is gestating its own. Bloodline, but the power of this bloodline is still very weak, unable to radiate to the entire world, it takes time and opportunity to truly complete it.

Xing Tian didn’t dare to be careless, let alone take it lightly, even less dare not to let the God-Eater Mother Empress ignore it. After all, the opponent’s power was beyond imagination, Xing Tian I don't dare to pretend to think that there is a "hole" orifice world, so you can hide everything, and you can hide from the god-eater mother emperor, you must find a way to attract the other's energy.

"The King of Insects, I need your help. If you just accept the Insect Sea, this is not a big problem. My world can support it, but this will definitely affect the evolution of the world and the control of the Insect Sea. You need your power to seal a part of the sea of ​​insects and completely seal them. Only in this way can you ensure that they will not become a hidden danger to the world when a crisis occurs, will not lose control, cause harm to the world, and let the entire army of god-eaters being threatened."

Hearing these words of Xing Tian, ​​the Mother God Devouring Insect Empress was startled, and then sighed lightly. Is this too demanding? No, it’s not excessive at all, and it’s quite correct. No matter how great Xingtian’s potential is and how amazing the world’s potential is, potential is always potential and needs time to cultivate. What Xingtian lacks is time. If there is no preparation, there will be a little restriction. If there is none, I will incorporate the entire sea of ​​insects into my own world. This is a fatal threat to Xingtian, and a fatal threat to the entire army of God Devouring Insects. If there is a slight mistake, it is not just that Xingtian has to pay a heavy price. The army of God Devouring Insects will inevitably face a devastating blow. When the world is shattered, the insect sea will inevitably be damaged, and even the smoke will disappear.

After paying so much price and taking on so many dangers, is it possible that God Devouring Mother Empress is willing to accept such a result in the end, and is willing to see her own efforts turn into nothingness and see her plan fail?

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