God of Destruction

Chapter 4180: My world, I call the shots

"Seal, yes, what kind of seal do you want? How many insect seas do you need to seal?" Faced with Xingtian's request, God Devourer Mother Empress did not hesitate, and said directly, with a faint sharp gleam in its eyes Light, this is a test of Xingtian, and also a test of Xingtian. It wanted to know what Xing Tian wanted to do, and whether there was any conspiracy against himself and the entire army of God Devouring Insects. If there was, the Mother God Devouring Insect Empress would naturally not give up easily.

"Asshole, it's really hateful not to forget to test me at this time." In an instant, Xing Tian understood the insidious intentions of the God Eater Mother Queen, but fortunately Xing Tian didn't want to do anything about this matter. What worries.

Just listen, Xing Tian said in a deep voice: "Now there are still half of the insect sea that has not been accepted. I need you to seal half of it, that is, a quarter of the whole, and completely seal it so that they can't release themselves, even if they face it. Death does not work either. Otherwise, once the danger comes, the entire sea of ​​insects will be affected and there will be danger."

A quarter of Chonghai needs to be sealed, is there a large number? Of course there are many, but Xingtian’s request is justified. Although this requires a comprehensive seal and cannot allow it to have the ability to dissolve itself, it is very beneficial to the entire God Eater race, at least their "life" can be saved. And it can stabilize the other three-quarters of the insect sea army, which is a great thing. If the God Eater Mother Queen couldn’t even see this, it would be too stupid. Xing Tian didn’t have any conspiracy in this request, at least for now. As for what it will look like in the future, the God Eater Mother Queen will not. To be clear, I'm afraid Xing Tian himself can't be clear. After all, everything is developing, and no one knows what will happen in the future or what dangers he will face.

Seeing that the God Devouring Insect Mother Queen did not respond, Xing Tian said in a deep voice: "The Insect Emperor is waiting for no one. Do you have to wait for the situation to happen before you take action? Don't hesitate anymore, but only seal a quarter of it. , There are still three-quarters to live freely, with them, what else do you have to worry about, if you don’t worry about it, I have nothing to say, you can leave them in this dead world, you I will take care of them by myself and I am willing to give up."

Threat? No, this is not a threat, at least in the eyes of the God-Eater Mother. Xing Tian did not have the strength to threaten it, and he did not dare to do so. The reason why Xing Tian said so was that he was obviously on the verge of bearing it. For his own safety and the overall situation, he had to make such a decision and had to bear this. pressure.

God Eater Mother Queen nodded and said: "According to you, everything depends on you, but there is one thing I need you to guarantee, you can't sacrifice them, this is the bottom line, unless you really have no choice, if you can agree, I will seal them, wait for the time to come, and wait for your world to transform again, to be able to completely contain all the insect sea."

Hearing this answer, Xing Tian heaved a sigh of relief and nodded and said, "Yes, I have no opinion. In fact, even if you don’t say it, I will do it. Xing Tian is not a fool, let alone one who only cares about immediate interests. Regardless of the future fools, one more quarter of the Insect Sea Army, my world will be more powerful, no one will think that their own power is strong, as long as there is a slight possibility, I will try my best to keep them, even when the time comes , They will become a valuable force in the transformation of the world."

"Okay, very good, I'm relieved with your remarks. As long as you understand that you should put the overall situation in the first place and don't covet the immediate benefit, I have nothing to say, everything is up to you." , God Devouring Insect Mother Queen waved her hand, and the powerful bloodline power directly acted on the quarter of the Insect Sea Army, sealing them all in an instant. There was no earth-shaking change, no backlash, everything was so natural. , This is the terrifying aspect of the power of blood. As the worm emperor, he can completely dominate the life and death of other god-eaters. There will be no resistance and no threat.

"Damn it, this is the terrible power of the bloodline. The reason why the God Devourer Mother Queen imprisoned these worm sea army so lightly in front of me is warning me and telling me that if it wants to, it can completely control it. It’s a pity that this **** didn’t know that I was prepared. When my world gave birth to a new worm emperor, the so-called bloodline control is a joke. My world is in charge, so how can I give you a chance to control it? At that time, Xing Tian sneered again and again in his heart.

My world is in charge. This is Xingtian’s true thoughts. No matter how crazy the calculations of the God-Eating Insect Mother Emperor are, Xingtian will eventually have countermeasures. He is still in a dead world and has not yet pulled all the worm seas. Entering into the world of his "acupoint", Xing Tian still can't go to war, and he has to take care of it, but once he leaves this world, everything is different. The mother of God Devouring Insect Queen wants to count Xing Tian and it is difficult to succeed. After all, its power cannot penetrate the void and cannot directly attack Xing Tian.

With the cooperation of the God Devouring Mother Queen, Xing Tian carefully accepted the many insect seas, as he promised, all the insect sea army will be included in his own world, although this has certain pressure on his own world. , But Xing Tian persisted and did not leave a god-eater, completely fulfilling his promise to the god-eater mother emperor.

When all the god-eaters enter the world of their "holes", Xing Tian can clearly feel the pressure from the god-eaters, and the pressure from the blood of the god-eaters. Yes, it is blood pressure. When all the worm seas are gathered together, a powerful bloodline force is impacting Xing Tian's "Acupoint" orifice world, and is motivating the origin of the zerg world.

What a god-eating mother emperor, the method is really good, it seems that Xing Tian had the upper hand, taking the advantage and initiative, but when all this was completed, Xing Tian realized that he still underestimated the god-eating emperor. Sinister and cunning, he was still calculated, and there was no ability to resist, because from this moment, all the god-eating insects sea seemed to be integrated.

auzw.com If Xing Tian can't bear the pressure, he will be eroded by the blood of the God Devouring Mother Emperor little by little, and there will be no chance of turning over again, but if Xing Tian blocks the pressure, Not only can one's own will be sharpened, but also one's own world can get the opportunity to evolve, and even can accelerate the birth of one's own insect emperor. It can be said that opportunities and dangers coexist, success or failure, everything depends on Xingtian's own efforts, Outsiders can't help him in this aspect, they can only fight hard by themselves.

Seeing Xing Tianzheng enduring the impact from the world and the bloodline with a look of uncomfortable expression, a sneer flashed in the eyes of the God-Eater Mother Queen, Xing Tian was already sinking into his own calculations in its heart. There is no room for turning over. No matter how frantically Xing Tian struggles, it can't help anything. He only has to admit his fate. This is Xing Tian's fate. In the end, he was still better, let Xing Tian jump into this trap, and in this battle he won a staged victory.

Faced with the joy of the God Devouring Mother Queen, Xing Tian's mood is extremely heavy. Although he has not yet reached the desperate situation, he still has the opportunity to turn over, but in this battle, he is repeatedly and again. The three places fell into each other’s calculations. If it weren’t for the god-eating insect mother who didn’t understand her true situation, if it weren’t for her own "hole" orifice, the world would be extremely magical, and she would not have been against the god-eating insect mother emperor. Qualification is really to cut off one's own path of practice.

Sinister and vicious, this is Xing Tian’s perception of the God-Eater Mother Queen, and at this moment, Xing Tian can’t wait to leave this world, leave early, and mobilize the entire "Acupoint" Aperture World to fight the God-Eater. The power of the bloodline changed the dangerous situation in his current situation, freed himself from the plot of the God-Eater Mother Queen, and freed himself from the crisis.

After taking a deep breath, Xing Tian sighed: "Chonghuang, now I have fulfilled my promise to you, everything is over, time waits for no one, I don’t have so much time to waste, I need you Clear the way, leave the path of this dead world, and return to the highest chaotic world, where is the direction of my struggle."

God Eater Mother Empress smiled indifferently: "Yes, I didn't want to keep you, but I have to remind you that there is no need to care about the periphery of the Supreme Chaos World, and there is no need to waste time exploring, your goal It should be a nuclear land area, otherwise, you will only waste your time, will only be affected by the collapse of the outer world, and even plunge you directly into the collapse of the world, once you are involved in it, with your current strength It is impossible to break free."

When he heard the news of the collapse of the Supreme Chaos World’s periphery again, Xing Tian took a deep breath and asked: "Insect King, how long is it until the collapse of the Supreme Chaos World’s periphery? What can be saved?"

The Mother God Eater shook his head gently and said, "Don’t do such a delusion. This is not something you can do. A person who knows the current affairs is a brilliant man. If you have the time and energy, you should focus on your own practice. If you want, I can directly mobilize the power of the world, send you directly out of the dead world, and send you to the core area of ​​the human race in the supreme chaotic world. This will greatly reduce your walking time, think carefully, and then make a choice, chance Only once, if you miss it, there will be no more.

"Send me to the core area of ​​the human race. However, I hope you can find me a quiet place where I can have time to recuperate. After all, accepting the Insect Sea this time has caused a huge impact and pressure on myself. It takes time to recover. I think this small request is not difficult for you to be the Insect Sovereign. You have this kind of strength and this ability."

Speaking of this, Xing Tian's gaze is staring at the God-Eating Insect Mother, waiting for its reply. This is not a trivial matter, it is important. It is not only related to Xingtian’s safety, but also to Xingtian’s vs. God-Eating Insect Mother. The emperor’s temptation to understand the true situation of the God-Eating Insect Mother, and to understand the God-Eating Insect Mother’s understanding and mastery of the Supreme Chaos World. If the God Eater Mother Queen can do this easily, it is enough to show that the God Eater Mother Queen is not as constrained by the avenue as it says, it still has the ability to understand everything in the Supreme Chaos World, and it can still observe the general situation of the world in secret. Observe the general development.

"Hahaha, good, good work, good calculations, don’t worry, I will do as you wish, I can’t get out of this imprisoned place, but it doesn’t mean that I don’t know anything about the highest chaotic world. It’s much more than you think. Be prepared. I will mobilize the origin of the world and send you where you want to go. It will definitely satisfy you.” Confidence, at this moment, God Devouring Mother Queen’s incomparable confidence is not only Demonstrating strength is a deterrent to Xing Tian, ​​making Xing Tian fearful.

Xing Tian had already prepared for all this in his heart. Although it was more or less beyond his imagination, Xing Tian was not intimidated. He smiled indifferently: "Okay, so there will be Emperor Lao Chong taking action. I thank you. Your great help."

The opportunity is not to be missed, and the loss will not come. For Xing Tian, ​​one more time, one more preparation, and one more vitality. Since the God Eater Mother Empress has such a skill and confidence, why should he be afraid of danger, Don't be afraid of deterrence, as long as you can have the last laugh, it is nothing to be wronged before, not to mention that it is not a big deal.

Mentality, this is Xing Tian's precious mentality in the face of crisis. It is not affected by external forces and can make the most correct choice at the most critical moment, even if it is not a big deal to bow to the enemy for the time being, Xing Tian has now done it.

It’s a pity that all that Xing Tian has done is a dying struggle in the eyes of the God Devouring Insect Mother, and it is a useless struggle. There will be no resultant struggle. It is precisely with this mentality and vision that the God Devouring Mother of Insects is struggling. Without any excitement, Xing Tian's wish was completely fulfilled. The powerful world power began to activate instantly. With the opening of this world power, Xing Tian’s eyes revealed endless shock, because at this moment, there was still I didn’t wait for myself to react, before I took back the door of the world, under the power of the world of the God-Eater Mother, my door of the world was instantly forced to stop and was forced to be forced back into his own world. The previous communication channel between the two worlds has completely dissipated, and everything that happened suddenly not only did not hurt Xingtian, but also did not affect Xingtian’s "acupoint" world. Everything was so natural, as if it was eating the **** insect mother emperor. In front of the power of the world, Xingtian’s world gate is also under his control. It can be said that in this world, no matter how strong the origin of Xingtian’s world is, he will not be able to compete with the world power of the God-Eating Mother Queen. The power is beyond imagination. In the face of that powerful world power, even Xing Tian mobilized all the "acupoint" orifice worlds would be difficult to fight against. This is a qualitative gap.

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