God of Destruction

Chapter 4181: Festival essence

As soon as the power of the world broke out, Xing Tian had not waited for Xing Tian to carefully taste the nature of the power of the God-Eater Queen’s World. The next moment, Xing Tian appeared in an unborn area, had left the dead world and got rid of the God-Eater Mother. Under the influence of the emperor, Xing Tian felt a new breath, and felt the source of the rich supreme chaotic world flooding into him.

"If it weren’t for the previous experience, if it weren’t for the God Eater Mother Queen, it’s hard to imagine that the Supreme Chaos World is heading towards destruction and collapse. This time, with the help of the God Eater Mother Queen, he can go straight to the highest. Chaos core, I don’t need to worry about safety in a short time, but time is running out, and time is running out. I have to speed up, at least to use the power of the many insects in my world to improve the world. Essence."

When talking about this, Xing Tian sighed lightly. It is easier said than done. The improvement of the world is not something that you can do if you want to. Although he has a huge resource for the help of the God-Eater Mother Queen, the improvement of the world is not Not just resources, there are more, and even have their own perception of the world, the most important thing is that they are not only the world of acupuncture points.

Just as Xing Tian fell into deep thought, a voice suddenly rang in Xing Tian’s ear: "Xing Tian, ​​I have done everything that should be done. The next step is up to you. You have to keep in mind what your practice is. Don’t go the wrong way. Today’s general trend of the world has no chance for you to regret, so that you can start again. If you make a mistake, you will die. There is no second possibility."

Wrong is death. The reality is so cruel and ruthless. Whether Xing Tian is willing to accept it or not, this is what he has to face. He heard the voice of God Devouring Mother Emperor, Xing Tian did not feel any accident, and could silence himself. The information is sent into the territories of the Human Race of the Supreme Chaos World. It is impossible if such strength can't even transmit a little sound.

Just when Xingtian was about to speak, the voice of the Mother God Devourer Mother continued to sound: "Don't speak, time is limited. I will leave one by one. This was once the world of an ancestor of the human race. Unfortunately, he fell on the last one. In the era, there are no creatures in this world now. You are born here to recuperate and rejuvenate, but there is one thing you must pay attention to. In any case, you must not refine it. For you, this is not a nutrient, but a crisis. Any giant They will not fall so easily. Duo She has almost no resistance to people like you. I don’t want to see you fall in this small world.”

There was silence. For a moment, Xing Tian fell into silence. This warning was something Xing Tian hadn't thought of before. A world has such a terrible hidden danger. One can imagine how many such worlds exist in the entire Supreme Chaos World. How many Tianjiao enchanting evildoers think they are a chance, but they are calculated by the old guy hiding in the dark, and they are given away. For such a situation, the human race is afraid that it is also acquiescence. After all, sacrificing a Tianjiao in exchange for a giant is for the entire human race Very advantageous.

From this side of the world, from the words of the God-Eater Mother Queen, Xing Tian couldn't help but think of the virtual world of the human race. Although this is only a virtual existence, is it really not dangerous? Be vigilant, Xing Tian heightened his vigilance in an instant, he was vigilant to the human race, and he was also vigilant to himself. Everything could happen during the catastrophe, and it was not worth mentioning. The living Tianjiao is Tianjiao, and the dead Tianjiao is nothing, even the racial civilization behind him will not care.

"I will pay attention. Starting from today, I will not trust anyone, nor will I be greedy. With that time, I will only increase the transformation of the world. I know what I am doing and I know what I want. What do you do. My future is in charge. I will not be affected by any external forces, and will not give the enemy any opportunity to hurt myself. No matter who it is, as long as I dare to hit my idea, there will only be endless hatred. I will not let go. Any enemy in the world."

"Well, it’s good to have this kind of belief, so I’m relieved, I don’t want you to fall on the road to the top, and I don’t want to see your fall, leaving my children and grandchildren in desperation. I What can be given to you has been given to you. The next road requires you to walk on your own. This is a road of life and death with advancement and no retreat. Those who advance live and those who retreat die, you should You know it clearly, you should know it."

When these words fell, the God-Eater Mother Queen never stayed anymore, and the divine mind instantly left Xingtian's body, no longer devoting energy to Xingtian's body, so as not to cause more trouble and more danger, just like As it said, the path today is only for Xing Tian to go on by himself, and external force has no effect. What Xing Tian lacks is not resources, but time, and practice.

When he felt the god-eating insect mother emperor’s divine mind disappear from his body, Xing Tian’s eyes showed a faint joy, and he sighed softly: “Finally left, it finally no longer puts its energy on me, from now on From the beginning, I was free again. My breathing was really good. The next step was to clean up my own hidden dangers. In any case, I must not let the blood of the God Eater Mother Emperor affect the origin of the world, and the blood of the God Eater must not erode the origin of the world. I will completely transform, my insect emperor, you are my future."

With a heart move, the origin of the world is entwined on Xingtian’s true body of the gods and demons, and powerful blood poured into the world of the Zerg. The power of the world is suppressing the blood of the Chonghai and suppressing their erosion of the world. , The powerful qi and blood directly wash the origin of the world’s erosion, strengthen the worm emperor who is in the process of transformation, and accelerate the bloodline transformation of the worm emperor with his own chaotic **** and demon blood. Xing Tian believes in his own chaotic **** and demon bloodline today. It is definitely not weaker than the blood of the God-Eater.

With blood to blood, as long as Xing Tian can succeed, he can swallow the blood of the god-eating mother-emperor with his own chaotic **** and demon blood, the insect emperor he cultivates can truly be independent, can become the real insect emperor, and dominate the entire insect The life and death of the Zerg King, a real Zerg King, a powerful giant.

"Time, what I lack is time. In order to shorten the consumption of time, I must pay a certain price for this. Since my chaotic **** and demon blood can shorten the time and speed up the breeding of the insect emperor, then go crazy again. , Catalyze this process with the essence and blood of the chaotic **** and demon, melting me, blood clotting, and insect emperor appearing."

Crazy, Xing Tian immediately made this crazy decision after the mother of God Devourer Mother Queen left. As for whether this world is in danger, Xing Tian didn’t think too much about it, and didn’t care, because Xing Tian believed in devouring God Worm on this issue. The mother emperor doesn't know how to do tricks, and that's why Xing Tian will seize all the time and work hard to perfect everything about him.


A drop of heart and blood made Xingtian's true body of Chaos God and Demon feel weak in an instant. The price of a drop of heart and blood is a bit high, but in order to shorten the time, Xing Tian must do this, only to master his acupuncture points earlier. Only by mastering this new world of Zerg can you get rid of all pressure and have the strength to protect yourself.

With the fusion of a drop of heart essence and blood, the worm emperor who is gestating and transforming continues to evolve. Not only is there the worm emperor’s metamorphosis in the aura of the father, but now there is more coercion of the worm emperor on its body, when this coercion condenses At that time, the body of the worm emperor changed. It was not like the previous god-eating worm, but transformed into the ant-like zerg. A pair of gold wings and a pair of silver wings appeared on its body. On the gold wings, Xing Tian Feeling the power of time, on the silver wings, Xing Tian felt the power of space, but the two pairs of wings had just been formed, and he couldn't wield the power of time and space.

"The power of time and space, it seems that the power of time and space that my deity originally practiced was acting on it, but it was just the beginning, and its own power of devouring the gods did not disappear, but changed and swallowed. It is not the soul, but all the origins. Unfortunately, it does not inherit the power of my **** and devil's true body. If it awakens the power of the power, it will be truly perfect. If there is a power of power to bless the body, cooperate with this The transformation of ants will have endless potential."

For a moment, Xing Tian shook his head slightly, and sighed with regret: "It's a pity that today's transformation has reached its limit. It is impossible to continue in a short time. After all, any transformation cannot be completed in a short time. I ask for it. Long-term strength, not immediate combat power, now the potential of the Zerg world has reached its extreme, and it will take time to sharpen it if it wants to develop."

The insect emperor’s metamorphosis was successful, and the world of the hole orifice began to change, truly moving towards perfection. When the insect emperor was metamorphosing, Xing Tian clearly felt that the original origin of the zerg was completely absorbed by the insect emperor, and that the emperor was the center of the world. It is the foundation of the world, and when the insect emperor mastered the world, Xing Tian had a moment of enlightenment, and he still underestimated the acupoint world he opened up.

It’s right to open the road, but to transform the world requires not only resources, but also the origin of the world. This origin is not a dead thing, but a living thing. It is a real creature, the real master of the world, like the worm king. In the same way, if you are in charge of the world and become the master of the world, only in this way can you let go of everything and accelerate the transformation of the world.

"It seems that we need to re-determine the nature of all the worlds of acupuncture points, choose the most suitable person from my subordinates to dominate the world, and help me perfect the transformation of the world. Only by liberating myself from the pressure of world transformation can I have more Time to feel and open up the avenue, the avenue of perceptivity, to reach the peak, to control one's own destiny."

One madness, one harvest, seeing the new direction of the acupoint world, is a great harvest for Xing Tian, ​​although this is only his own conjecture, just one direction, but it has a different meaning to Xing Tian. Time is the root of everything, there is no time without everything, even if there is a glimmer of hope, Xing Tian will go all out to chase it.

The idea is good, but it’s not easy to realize it. If you don’t even understand the nature of the acupuncture hole world, if you act rashly, you will inevitably fail. The "help" of the mother **** insect mother has a complete origin of the zerg race, which can be forcibly integrated into the origin of his world by the mother **** insect mother.

The origin is not lacking for Xing Tian. There are countless resources given by the God Devouring Insect Mother Emperor, but whether it can truly fit into the Acupuncture Aperture World and can be integrated into the Acupuncture Aperture World is unknown. Xingtian needs to go bit by bit. Groping. Everything is difficult at the beginning. It takes time and opportunity to perfect a hole world, such as the world of the Zerg race controlled by the insect king.

Time is uncontrollable, opportunity is uncontrollable, everything is in the unknown. This is Xingtian’s biggest trouble. The unknown is uncontrollable, and the unknown is unpredictable. The most important point is that Xingtian doesn’t know how much time he has. Although it is quiet here , But one day this quiet will be broken, one day the human race will think of this small world, and the original owner of this small world will return from the long river of time and space. This is a big problem no matter who discovers his existence. .

Before all the enemies appear, Xing Tian needs to strengthen himself and strengthen his roots. Pian Xing Tian does not know how much time he has, and how much time the enemy will give him. However, Xing Tian thinks this time will not be too long. , Or else the God Devouring Mother Queen would not say that at the end, and even Xing Tian suspected that all this was still the calculation of the God Devouring Mother Queen, in order to give himself a test, if he even passed this level No, there is no need to survive. This may be the final test of the God Devouring Mother Queen, and the biggest test he faces. What he faces will be the human race, a giant.

People are not for themselves, and the heavens are destroyed. No one will sacrifice oneself for others, sacrifice oneself to perfect others, at least such a person does not exist in the entire spiritual world, unless she is your mother, your relatives, otherwise everything is profit first, this is the normal state of the spiritual world, ethnic civilization No exception. Fortunately, Xing Tian has no worries about it a long time ago, the sect has long been wiped out, and the cause and effect with the Human race is not so much. Under this situation, Xing Tian does not have so many concerns, and the Human race is relatively the same.

There are two sides to everything. The same is true between Xing Tian and Humans. Karma entanglement is sometimes a good thing. After all, the greater the cause and effect, the closer the relationship with racial civilization. Now Xing Tian has to be recognized by Humans and has to buy enough time for himself. It’s easy to face many crises. It’s important to know that there will be a small number of crazy and self-interested **** in every racial civilization. They can sacrifice everything for their own interests and trample on everything. Under the temptation of absolute interest, they can do anything.



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