God of Destruction

Chapter 4182: Space-time Ant

"Strength, I need power, the power that can deter most of the enemies, the power that can deter the human race, and to do this is only the worm sea army, before the enemy comes, before the danger comes, I must master a complete Chonghai army, this is my self-protection capital and the best way. The Chonghuang must master the Chonghai, even if he pays a little price, he will not hesitate.” In an instant, Xing Tian had to make a new one. Choice, this is the cruelty and ruthlessness of the spiritual world. Accidents happen all the time. You need to make choices constantly and you will see different crises.

The insect king is there, and the world of the Zerg race is complete. The sea of ​​insects that can devour the gods is not easily controlled by the new insect king. Even with the blessing of the world, the power that can devour the blood of the gods is not easy to clean. The normal method is to use the power of the world to wash, which takes a long time, and Xingtian does not have that much time, and uses his own chaotic **** and demon blood to complete it. This has a big impact on his chaotic **** and demon body, even It will affect his own fundamentals, which Xing Tian is unwilling to accept.

After thinking about it, Xingtian has only one choice, that is, the sealed insect sea, the quarter of the insect sea army, transform them into the blood of the new insect emperor, let their blood, make their race change, Form a new zerg. As the insect emperor, he doesn't even have a subordinate, and he doesn't even have his own race. This insect emperor is unqualified.

Originally, the three-quarters of the insects that were most suitable for transformation were the three-quarters of insects. After all, they have powerful combat power, but it takes too much time and energy to transform them. In the end, Xingtian only chose to be sealed. Hai, as long as the Chonghuang clan is transformed, even if there is a problem with that three-quarters of the Chonghai, it will not affect Xingtian's own plan, and will not let Xingtian get into trouble.

"The blood is connected, the origin is connected, the world evolves, and the world evolves." A low voice sounded in the mouth of the worm emperor, and in a flash, the origin of the entire zerg world surged wildly, dividing the newly born worm emperor with the sealed quarter. One of the god-eaters was wrapped up. Their origin and their lives were closely connected at this moment. With the world's origin and bloodline changes, the shape of these sealed god-eaters gradually changed. , The worm emperor also changed, the whole world became alive, as if to be active, while other creatures were a little uneasy, as did the god-eaters who fell into dead silence.

This is the birth of a new race, this is the power of life, this is the miracle of life. Although Xing Tian has tricks in this metamorphosis and evolution, he is really creating life, and soon the gods will eat only one by one. The worm emperor has become a giant ant surrounded only by the "color" of gold and silver, with obvious time and space power on their bodies, and new wings of time and space.

Space-time ants, this is their new name, this is the life created by Xingtian. With the scream of the queen, the space-time ants have completed the final transformation, and a quarter of the insect sea has completed the final evolutionary transformation. The emergence of the light of life, the entire Zerg world is cheering, there is no gift from heaven and earth, no avenue to give a name, what is only the evolution of the world, under the bloom of the light of life, the world of Zerg will undergo a qualitative transformation, if It is said that the insect king was the ruler of the world before, but now it is integrated with the whole world, Xingtian's "hole" orifice world is the space-time ant.

Unfortunately, although the space-time ants have completed their metamorphosis and evolution and formed a group, all of this was deliberately controlled by Xingtian. The queen has not completed her own breeding of life. The power of the light of life is still insufficient, and it has not taken all the insects in the entire world. The sea army was shrouded and forcibly washed away the power of the god-eating insect bloodline from their bodies. If this could be done, Xing Tian's power would instantly skyrocket. The complete insect sea army was terrifying, Xing Tian knew well.

The birth of the space-time ant is not all the benefits of this birth of life. When the queen completes the final transformation, Xing Tian can feel that the real body of the chaos **** and demon has changed, and a powerful space-time power comes from the Zerg’s "hole" Emerging from the world of apertures, this is the origin of the space-time ant. Although the deity did not practice the space-time avenue, but with the existence of the space-time ant queen, the chaotic **** and demon body of the origin of Xingtian has more power than the space-time avenue, and more time and space. origin.

"A world is the birth of a race, it is the birth of a great avenue. If this is the case, the combination of my open avenue and the world of the "acupoint" is too horrible. This completely re-walks out of the new world avenue, which can accommodate three thousand. The world avenue of the avenue is even stronger and more terrifying than the original world avenue. Even if the true body of the chaos **** and demon does not practice, it can still be strengthened by the perfection of the "acupoint" orifice world and the bloom of the light of life. , To reach the pinnacle. It is not impossible that the avenue of power shatters the void, opens the avenue, and opens up the world."

Thinking of this, Xing Tian was extremely excited, deliberately planting flowers, not blooming, unintentionally "inserting" willows, Liu Chengyin. This is the current situation of Xing Tian. The deity originally did not intend to practice on the World Dao, but the "Acupoint" Aperture World opened up again made such a joke for himself, allowing himself to see another world, completely practicing the normal World Dao. It is a different piece of world, and it is equally feasible, and there is a chance of success. It is just that Xing Tian is not clear about the hidden dangers of such a world, after all, this is a new road.

When Xingtian was excited and joyful, the God-Eating Insect Empress, who was far away in the dead world, was not in such a good mood. When a quarter of the Insect Sea was transformed into space-time ants by Xingtian, its mind trembled and felt Feeling uneasy, feeling life away from itself, the first time it thought of Xingtian, thinking of the army of god-eaters in the world of Xingtian.

"Damn Xingtian, what are you doing? It's just a little bit of time in the past that you have caused such a change. It made my mind warn. It seems that I really have to underestimate your ability. You treat my children and grandchildren. Let’s start. It’s just that how do you do all this to cut off their blood contact with me?” The Mother God Devourer was muttering to herself, thinking hard about everything, but it couldn’t figure out how Xingtian did it. Yes, I can't figure out why Xing Tian was able to do all this in such a short period of time. This is incredible. After all, the power of the bloodline cannot be restrained by all forces.

auzw.com"Perhaps I was wrong at the beginning. The **** Xing Tian seemed to have no threat, but in fact his threats always existed. After all, I have never really seen everything about him, his All cultivation is shrouded in the "mist" mist. He has a power that I don't know about. It is not the avenue of power, nor the road opening, but another weird power." When thinking of this, the Mother Queen of God Devourers He sighed again, and a kind of helplessness surged into my heart. This is the general trend, which is not under his control.

Go to Xingtian's trouble, once again come to Xingtian? No, the God-Eater Mother doesn’t have such an idea. If you lose, you lose. There is nothing to regret. The Xingtian skill is better. He can only say that he is too arrogant and self-righteous, but all this is against the God-Eater Mother. It's no big deal, no matter how deep Xing Tian is hidden, he still cannot pose a threat to himself.

If at this time, the God-Eater Mother Empress reappeared only because of a momentary defeat, it would be extremely stupid. It would directly expose his existence and let the hidden enemy catch him. The position of will put oneself in a real crisis. Normally, it is not a big deal to "expose" oneself. No one is stupid enough to fight to the death with oneself, but now is different. In the midst of the catastrophe, many giants, Many old guys are calculating everything secretly, thinking about calculating each other, and this time the catastrophe will be the end of cause and effect, and all cause and effect will end in this catastrophe. No old guy will be stupid. To be the first to jump out and become everyone's target of siege.

"Hehe, I want to do so much, regardless of success or failure, it will have no effect on me, even if the God Eater clan is really annihilated, since I have made a decision, I should face it calmly regardless of the end. Only a part of the sea of ​​insects is missing, and not all seas of insects have lost contact. If all the seas of insects are really lost, they will cut off the blood inheritance with me, maybe this is the best result, so that I can get rid of it directly. The restrictions of the **** insects can break free from the shackles of the avenue, and the naming of the avenue will disappear. I am afraid that Xingtian will not be able to do it, and my kindness is wasted."

For an old guy like the God-Eater Mother Queen, such a terrifying giant, he never cares about temporary success or failure. The pursuit has always been a long-term gain, and every step of it has many calculations, regardless of the situation. There are countermeasures in any direction, without harming oneself, and even finding a more favorable side.

The existence of a race is a help and a restraint for the giants, especially the God-Eater Mother, who bears the name given by the road on her body, and the entire race is affected by it. Speaking of which, the God-Eater Mother will give the entire insect sea army to Xing Tian, ​​this in itself is also a kind of temptation to the Dao. He wants to know if the army of God Devouring Insects is destroyed, will he be able to break free of the Dao.

Of course, if Xing Tian can develop and expand the world and make the God Devourer's army stronger, God Devourer Mother will not care about retaking her army from Xing Tian. There is blood inheritance, God Devourer Mother King has full confidence to succeed. .

The little change now is not worth mentioning to the God-Eating Insect Empress, and it is not worth investing more energy. All it has to do is to wait quietly, no matter what the situation, it will eventually show up one by one. "No matter how deep Xing Tian hides, he will eventually "expose", and the secrets "exposed" are not worth looking forward to. Believe that this day will not come too late, Xing Tian is not strong enough to deal with this dangerous situation, and will inevitably expose his secrets bit by bit under heavy pressure.

Strength is the foundation of everything. This is a very firm belief for the God Devouring Mother Queen, and Pian Pian Xingtian's strength is not strong enough, and there are many secrets in her body. If it does not attract the enemy's calculations, it is impossible, so God Devouring Mother Mother Huang Youde is confident that he will continue to wait, waiting for Xing Tian to reveal his secret bit by bit.

Watching on the sidelines, this is the countermeasure of the God-Eater Mother Emperor, even if Xing Tian is in a life and death crisis, it will not make a move. This small world is its test of Xing Tian. It's just that if the God Eater Mother Queen knew the current situation of Xing, he would not be so confident. Taking the God-Eater as the source, creating new life with the essence and blood of the chaotic gods and demons and the origin of the world. Although the new ethnic civilization is only the beginning, Xing Tian has already taken a crucial step on the road of life. , Is also the most important step to restrict yourself.

Step by step, don’t underestimate this step. Whether or not life can be created is the most important basis for the great path of life. Whether the world can conceive life is also a crucial step. Now Xingtian has done it, even if it is a trick. It means success, but success is success. A part of the shackles bound to Xing Tian's body has been removed, and the practice of World Dao has gone further. It is just that Xing Tian has limited time now and has no energy to watch and has not noticed such a change.

For Xing Tian, ​​the most important thing is combat power. Although the changes in the Acupuncture Aperture World allow him to see a new direction, it is only potential, not strength. It is not transformed into combat power. No matter how great the potential is, it is useless. Because the danger is approaching oneself, the most important thing for oneself right now is self-protection. It is to overcome this crucial disaster. Only by passing this level can one win the future.

"It's a pity that the power of space-time ants is still very weak, and it takes time to grow and cannot be used in war immediately. Fortunately, the breeding of space-time ants has brought vitality to the world of "holes" and relieved the many worm seas. Under tremendous pressure, it is possible to mobilize a part of the insect sea to respond to the enemy. Nowadays, time is pressing. No matter when the danger comes, we must prepare early. An army of insect sea ambushing in the dark is perfect. I need to worry about them before. Will rebel, now with the coercion of the time and space queen, everything is not a problem, come out to me, Chonghaixian."

With Xing Tian’s deep drink, a small sea of ​​insects appeared in this world. Because Xing Tian had the pressure of the queen of time and space, he commanded this army of insects freely, and soon they were hidden in the dark. Hearing Xingtian’s orders at any time to give the attacking enemy a storm of death, Xingtian believes that no matter how strong the enemy is, as long as he falls into the worm sea, he will have no chance. For the strength of this worm sea army, Xingtian has enough confidence. Only by truly mastering a sea of ​​insects and an army of god-eating insects can you experience its horror, its strength, its madness, and when the army comes out, either the enemy will die or I will die, it is so overbearing.

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