God of Destruction

Chapter 4183: Cruelty

"With this army of God Devourers guarding, there will be no danger in a short period of time. Even if an enemy appears, it will inevitably be strangled by the army of God Devourers. Whether it is Human Tianjiao or other enemies, there is only a dead end. Now What I want to do is to practice myself. It’s best to be able to figure out the secrets of the "acupoint" orifice world. Is this unprecedented path to the world feasible? After all, not all "acupoint" orifice worlds can merge with creatures and form world masters. Even if there are loyal subordinates who are willing to sacrifice, I can’t do it. After all, everything is unknown. I can’t harm others and myself because of a temporary shock.” After he calmed down, Xing Tian was shaken by his previous thoughts and sacrificed himself. His subordinates are under tremendous pressure, especially when there is no result yet, which makes Xing Tian dare not do this, and does not want to risk his subordinates' life, death and future.

The bottom line of human "nature" cannot be challenged. For Xing Tian, ​​he will not sacrifice his many loyal subordinates for himself. This is especially the case, and it is even more unsuccessful, because if he does this, Xing Tian's heart will be uneasy. Will leave a demon in one's heart, and his own practice will inevitably be affected by it throughout his life.

As the time-space queen merges with the world, Xing Tian can clearly feel that the time-space queen has been under the control of Xing Tian, ​​influenced by Xing Tian, ​​or more precisely, it is completely mastered by Xing Tian. There is no freedom or even a future. The practice of a lifetime is controlled by Xing Tian and restricted by the world. Yes, it is bondage. There is no freedom. Perhaps in the future, his practice will continue to grow stronger, the world will become stronger, and everything will change, but Xingtian doesn’t know how long this time is, so he can’t gamble. After all, Xingtian has not been cold-blooded yet. I never forget the trace of persistence in my heart.

As long as this last trace of persistence in Xing Tian's heart is still there, and this trace of human "nature" is still alive, he will not be "lost" lost in this crazy world, nor will he forget his own heart, and his heart will remain unchanged. You will not be immersed in the pursuit of strength. Strength is very important, but the "sex" of the mind is more important. On the road of practice, the "sex" of the mind is more important than strength. Only a firm mind can walk on the road of practice. Only at the peak can you have the opportunity to see the light of detachment, and only then can you have the last laugh.

When Xing Tian was taking precautions, the tycoons at the core of the human race felt a powerful force tearing apart the void. For this reason, the entire human race senior leaders became uneasy, fearing that an enemy would undermine everyone's plan and destroy the human race's plan.

"This is the power of a foreign race. I feel the power of the insect emperor. At this time, under this situation, without avoiding our induction, directly torn the void and throwing an unknown existence, this is definitely provoking us. We must not ignore the bottom line. We must give them a heavy blow to let them know that the dignity of our human race cannot be challenged."

"The dignity of the human race is indeed not to be provoked, but we can't act rashly. We can make a big move without knowing the other party's purpose, and we can't make a move without knowing the other party's situation. I think you don't know what the other party is. Being able to accurately determine the target, being able to directly descend into the small world, avoiding the power of the small world, this is definitely not something ordinary strong people can do."

"The enemy is the enemy. This is our enemy. It is precisely because it can determine the situation in the small world that it will make a big move at this critical moment and directly undermine our plan. I don't want our human race to have another giant. I really can't bear to be the first to jump out and target our human race. This is an act of fighting us."

"We can stop the other party's conspiracy now, we can put the other party to death, and ensure that the human race's plan will not be affected? This time the Zerg made a test, or is it really going to go to war? This must be clarified. I also know that everyone is against Kurong. The rebirth is very important, but you should understand that this is a catastrophe of heaven and earth. The enemies of the human race will not watch our plan succeed, and will try their best to stop it. This is a calamity of sordid glory and a blow to us by the enemy. Now we It is necessary to understand whether the enemy is a personal act or the beginning of a racial war. Although we can stop the enemy, we cannot pay for it with all our strength. We can’t bear the danger and disaster of starting a racial decisive battle. It's not invincible."

Yes, although the human race is strong, it is not invincible. It is impossible to be the first bird to be targeted by all race civilizations. It is precisely because of this situation that all the giants of all races are "heavy", in the absence of preparation. The race war started suddenly, and the human race couldn't bear the terrible consequences. At this time, whoever jumped out first would be attacked by the group.

"Is it possible that we will do nothing and let the enemies of the Zerg race destroy the rebirth of Kurong, so that we can be worthy of the sacrifice of the human race, can we convince everyone? If this happens, how can we ensure that people's hearts are not shaken? Once the hearts of the people are shaken, what do we use to resist danger and what do we use to face terrible crises."

"The hearts of the people cannot be shaken, and we can't do nothing. In any case, we can't sorry Ku Rong. We have to fulfill our promise. Now that the Zerg has taken action, why don't we use the small world of Ku Rong to spread a war and civilize all races. I don’t think there is a force that ignores the inheritance of Ku Rong, can master the way of life and death, can have a great inheritance that transcends the world, no one can refuse, if the enemy wants to fight, we will fight."

Challenge is easy to say but difficult to do. It is not an easy task to do this. Moreover, it is necessary to lay down such a trap to wipe out the entire Supreme Chaos World Civilization Tianjiao. It takes time to lay out. With the arrival of the Great Tribulation of Heaven and Earth, it is difficult for the Human Race to do so without revealing the plan. The most important thing is that there have been changes in the world of Blight.

"Time waits for no one. No matter how good we plan, we also need time, but we don’t have time. Since we have to do it, we should do it with integrity. Don’t have so many conspiracies and tricks, without so many calculations. We have already vented the "exposure", no matter what the enemy's calculations, whether they want to destroy Kurong's rebirth, we will let go. All the Tianjiao evildoers of the human race will be killed in the world of Kurong. As long as someone dares to enter, kill it."

It’s really a good idea to be upright and put everything on the bright side. I’m just sorry Ku Rong. No matter what the result is, it will affect Ku Rong’s rebirth. They have no choice but to face the overall situation of the human race, the survival of the race, and the detachment. , Unless the entire human race is willing to pay a greater price and is willing to bear more dangers.

auzw.com puts the life and death of the entire human race together with the rebirth of the whole human race. No matter how many people feel unwilling, the most important thing is to compromise. After all, this is not a matter for one person, it concerns the entire human race. The great cause, even the strong of the Krung and Rong family is unwilling to accept it, nor can it confront the entire human race. This is not personal grievance, but race survival.

"Time is running out. If everyone agrees, this will be the case. Launch all the Tianjiao evildoers. Since they want to fight for their lives in the Great Tribulation of Heaven and Earth, this battle will begin. If they even pass this level No, there is no reason for shelter. A Tianjiao who is fighting for his fate can't do it, and he can talk about the future. The Great Tribulation of Heaven and Earth is a battle for fate, fighting is everything, killing is everything, tell all Tianjiao evildoers , Let them choose."

Cruel and ruthless, this is reality, this is the real world of practice, even if it is a top civilization like Human race, it must also be accepted. This is the general trend of the world. No one can fight against the general trend. No one can go against the trend and dare to fight. The general confrontation, there is only torn bones, only destruction, there is no second possibility. If someone really takes this step, it means that he has transcended the world, transcended the world, can ignore the power of the rules of the world, ignore everything, and truly get rid of the catastrophe.

Chaos Sea, without experiencing the baptism of the Chaos Sea, without real contact with the Chaos Sea, without feeling the power of the Chaos Sea, how could it be possible to surpass everything, even the God Insect Empress did not succeed, others are even more difficult, now the God Insect Empress Having already settled, the next step depends on the reaction of other giants. If they do nothing, Xing Tian will have enough time to complete all preparations, and if they make a move, they will inevitably fall into the calculations of the God Devouring Mother Queen.

Soon the Terran moved, without any cover, the entire Human Race Tianjiao evildoers all acted and headed towards the world of Kurong, and there was no concealment along the way. The upright and bright exposing everything in the world of Kurong, spreading the inheritance of Kurong. , It was only a short time, and all the top players in the entire Supreme Chaos World knew it.

Originally, the God-Eater Mother, who didn't pay much attention to the world of Withered Rong, was shocked. The reaction of the Human Race was beyond its imagination. It could not understand why the Human Race would go to war because of a small world of Withered Rong. I didn't understand what the Human Race wanted to do, but the God Devouring Mother Queen didn't have time to deal with it, so she could only continue to watch with cold eyes.

At this moment, not only the Mother Queen of Devouring Insects thinks so, but many super giants have this idea. This may be the first battle of the Great Tribulation of Heaven and Earth. This battle will sweep the entire Supreme Chaos World and compare with the many innate chaos gods and demons before. Compared with the return of the Innate Chaos God and Demon to the outermost periphery of the Supreme Chaos World, this battle is crucial.

Now Xing Tian does not know that he is now in the center of the storm. The world of Kurong has entered the eyes of many top civilizations. All terrible storms are coming. No matter what the outcome of this battle, the hatred of all civilizations will be aroused. There is no possibility of redemption, this is the general trend, who is driving all this, who is stirring the situation?

God Eater Mother Queen? Xing Tian? No, none of them, they are just chess pieces. What really stirs the situation is the Great Dao, the Supreme Chaos World. When Xing Tian appears, the breath of the Empress of the God-Eater appears, and when the dead world changes, the Supreme Chaos World cannot be underestimated. , Unable to let its development go on, the God Devouring Mother Queen was testing, and Dadao directly gave it a crazy reply.

Life and death are as long as a single thought, only a moment, no matter who is stared at by the avenue, they will inevitably have to peel off their skin, will inevitably have to bear a huge impact, face the backlash of the entire world, and face the supreme chaotic world. Said that all hidden dangers must be eliminated when the catastrophe is coming, and all enemies must be wiped out, because the supreme chaotic world is unwilling to face destruction. Facing death, the world has its own ideas and struggles, and will do everything in its power to save itself. .

There was a loud bang, and another terrifying force tore through the void. The powerful source power directly locked in the world of Kurong. A world gate instantly descended in the world of Kurong. This can be done in the entire Supreme Chaos World. China is very rare, and only those top civilizations, those ancient giants can be possible, which shows that some people can't bear it.

"It is the power of the Orcs, that is the original power of the Earth Bears. It seems that the Bears cannot help jumping out to take the inheritance of Kurong. They dare to do so, which means that they have found a way to break the game. Once they succeed, The strength of the bear tribe will be stronger, and the strength of the orc tribe will surpass us. This is something we cannot tolerate."

"Hehe, the Zerg took the first step, and the Orc followed closely. It won’t be long before they can’t stand it. This is the reality, this is the catastrophe. We can’t help but decide to let go when making a choice. In all cases, this is already doomed, accept this storm, now it is not we who are in charge."

Yes, now everything is under the control of the human race, everything is controlled by the human race, and now the whole thing has been taken over by the Dadao, and has been controlled by the supreme chaotic world. The real life and death battle has begun, but this battle is the evil spirit of all race civilizations. Come to carry on, let them fight for life and death, and their war will kick off the beginning of the catastrophe.

Really no one can see through all of this. Yes, no matter the top civilization or the giants hidden in the dark, they can see the existence of the supreme chaotic world in this upheaval. Without the power of the supreme chaos world, everything How could it spread so quickly, and all parties would react so drastically.

Knowing, but no one stood up to stop it, because all the giants wanted to take this opportunity to explore the enemy’s void, and even to take this opportunity to grasp the opponent’s position, and then kill him by surprise when the opponent was not prepared. Take the initiative and control fate instead of being mastered by fate. This is the general trend, this is the future, this is everything. The life and death of others has nothing to do with them, and the survival of others has nothing to do with them. The reality is so cruel and ruthless. On the road to detachment, those giants can sacrifice everything, even the future of ethnic civilization.

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