God of Destruction

Chapter 4184: Siege

When the war comes, it is the general trend, the unstoppable general trend of the heaven and the earth. When the arrangement of the human race comes out, the whole dry world becomes weird and terrible, becoming the center of the storm, and the endless stream of Tianjiao evildoers madly come, and this time body Xing Tian in the world also felt that a slight threat was coming to him, and the crisis was approaching him bit by bit.

When this crisis came, he awakened Xing Tian from his practice, took a deep breath, and muttered to himself: "It seems that the enemy finally couldn't bear to jump out, but I don't know how it will come this time. Is it a human race or another race. I hope that the human race will not let me down, and don't "force" me to the opposite side. I don't want to live and die with them, or be hostile to them."

However, Xing Tian also understood in his heart that war is inevitable, and even the killing with the Human Race Tianjiao is also inevitable, and how the strong of the Human Race will react. Xing Tian does not know, but Xing Tian must be prepared for the worst. Once the situation is out of control, you must have the ability to break through the siege and break the road to dawn. Although this is a test, it does not mean that you have to face death and confront the strong human race. .

With a loud "boom", a terrifying force tore through the void and directly opened the defenses of the world of Withered Rong. A channel was created abruptly. Some strong people couldn't stand it, and they shot directly through the world channel. The emergence of power means the beginning of war and the beginning of killing. No one can stop it anymore. With the general trend, the entire supreme chaotic world trembles, and countless eyes are cast on the world of dry glory, and all forces are nervous about it.

"Arrogant, too arrogant, it's nothing more than the Zerg's shots. After all, they are the first to shoot, and they are as fast as lightning. If we don't give us time to turn back, the bears can also tolerate their shots, but the Stones are also so arrogant. Now, they really think that our human race will endure anger and will not dare to fight against them. If we continue to endure this way, I don’t know how many **** will jump out.” The human race giant couldn’t bear it, roaring in his eyes. "Shooting" with endless killing intent, the whole person became murderous.

What is the stone race, but it is just an intermediate civilization, far behind the human race, but they can't bear it. If this continues, no one will be afraid of the human race anymore and will madly attack the dry world.

"This is just their temptation. Since they want to do this, we will fulfill them. Let these **** be free and let them act wantonly. Since they want to destroy Ku Rong’s rebirth, let these **** jump out. Don’t forget Ku Rong. With the last resort left, we can pit them once and teach them a lesson."

"No, we can't do this now. This is the last strength Ku Rong left to me. Once we use it, Ku Rong really can't come back again. I want to wait." As a strong man in the line of Ku Rong, he stood immediately. He came out to stop him, unwilling to see such a situation happen, unwilling to accept the terrible result, and saw Ku Rong lose his last chance.

"For the great cause of the human race, for the survival of the race, we must make sacrifices. Didn’t we have already said that this time we have no choice but to sacrifice the glory, but we will also let the enemy know the power of the human race and let them Understand the consequences of provoking us, although the last resort will destroy Ku Rong’s rebirth and cut off his vitality, but as long as the world of Ku Rong is still there, there will be a ray of life. As long as we can surpass the middle, we can still fight for it. ."

"That said, I'm afraid that things won't be as we want, and that everything is beyond our grasp, and that we will lose money in the end. Not only will we lose this generation of Tianjiao evildoers, but we will also lose the resurrection of the giant Ku Rong. Our loss is too great."

Just as the giants of the human race were discussing with each other, there was another loud noise. A giant hand appeared on the world of withered, and directly tore through the world of withered, and another world channel appeared, and fell directly in the world of withered. The big race civilization takes action, even the stone race can take action, and they can ignore the deterrence of the human race. How can other race civilizations endure it and not blame the others? This is the idea of ​​those bastards. They believe that as long as everyone takes action together, they can deal with the dryness together. In the world, Human Race is powerless to change.

"According to the original plan, don’t care about it at this time. Under this situation, it’s not good for our human race. Whether you are willing to accept it or not, you must consider the overall situation. In the face of the human race’s general trend, everything can be sacrificed. , Everyone else can. We must focus on the survival of the human race and detachment. As long as everything is still developing in the original direction, we can ignore all changes. We must have this belief."

Faced with heavy pressure, the lord of the human virtual world made the final decision. It is also the final judgment. No one stands up against it. As before, everyone has only acquiesced. Although the situation is fierce, as the master of the virtual world said, everything is still under control and everything is still under the control of the human race. .

The more silent the Terran giants, the more they don’t make any reaction, and the more mad the civilizations of the major races. In the end, even the small civilizations that can’t stand up to the stage dared to enter the world of Kurong, and they dared to let go crazy in order to win the inheritance of Kurong. , In order to be able to let one's own ethnic civilization win the first line of life in this great catastrophe, so that the fire of civilization will not be extinguished.

With the opening of the world channels, the entire Kurong world is trembling, and the origin is trembling. Although the Kurong world has the back hand of the Kurong giant, but in the face of so many power impacts, the entire world is changing, changing in an unknown direction. So no one knows what will eventually become, no one knows what will happen.

When the world was trembling, when the many Tianjiao evildoers kept rushing into the world of Kurong, when the killing came, Xing Tian could no longer hide his whereabouts, those Tianjiao evildoers discovered the existence of Xing Tian and felt the threat from Xing Tian. When seeing Xing Tian, ​​the first reaction of all Tianjiao evildoers was to kill. They all felt the aura of chance in Xingtian, felt the original breath of the world of Kurong, and were the first to enter the world of Kurong, Xingtian naturally got the origin of the world. Recognition. Just like this, Xing Tian was also calculated by God Devouring Insect Mother, and fell into the opponent's calculation.

auzw.com The war has begun, and the opportunity is right in front of us. No one can resist this temptation. In an instant, Xingtian was besieged and killed by dozens of Tianjiao evildoers, without any persuasive words. , Everyone is the killer directly, whether it is the Tianjiao evildoer of the same human race, or the Tianjiao evildoer of other races, they all shot frantically, wanting to kill Xingtian before the other party, swallowing Xingtian’s luck and opportunity , To seize the inheritance of the dry world, replace Xing Tian and become the master of this dry world.

Yes, in the eyes of all Tianjiao evildoers, Xing Tian has obtained the Kurong inheritance and has mastered this Kurong world, and the source of Kurong lies in Xingtian. Only by killing Xingtian can he get everything he wants. This kind of struggle is There is no possibility of compromise, and no one wants to wait or fall behind.

"Death, give me death, the stone is shocked." With a loud roar, the boulder emptied and the void "swayed". The stone avenue directly blasted towards Xingtian, crushing it with an unmatched force, without giving Xingtian anything. The opportunity to escape does not allow Xing Tian to retreat.

Before the attack of the Stone Clan Tianjiao had fallen, other Tianjiao evildoers also shot out, directly erupting the strongest attack, without giving the enemy a chance to escape, under the encirclement, Xing Tian instantly fell into desperation, and was killed at any time. The possibility, and that's it, Xing Tian didn't respond, standing there quietly, as if frightened.

Of course, this is also true in the eyes of those Tianjiao evildoers. In their opinion, Xing Tian is bound to die. No one can escape under the siege of their many Tianjiao evildoers, so a faint light appeared on their faces. With a sneer, they are all looking forward to the fall of Xing Tian, ​​looking forward to the emergence of the origin of the Kurong world, and making the final fight.

It is a pity that the thoughts of these arrogant and enchanting evildoers are beautiful, and the reality is cruel. Xing Tian is not as simple as they thought. All of the attacks have been resolved, and a huge qi and blood rushed into the sky. Xing Tian’s blood was moved. It shattered everything directly, the avenue of power shattered the void, and the performance was vivid, the avenue of power directly obliterated everything.

"Ignorance, stupid, you think that this little power can kill me Xingtian, ridiculous, originally wanted to give you a way of life, but if you want to die, I will fulfill you, the avenue of power crushes the void, vanishes, vanishes, vanishes. "With a deep cry, Xing Tian threw out his fists, his blood raged in the air, and the great avenue of power swept through everything, and directly killed those Tianjiao evildoers.

"When did the **** human race have such a powerful enemy, and they practiced the great path of strength, and the blood is so terrible. The human **** is deliberately trying to kill us. Everyone unites and destroys him first, or we die for ten. No birth."

After seeing Xingtian’s crazy counterattack, those civilized Tianjiao evildoers of other races felt that they were deceived for the first time, and they were calculated by the other party. The reason why the human race let go of the world of dry glory is to kill the evil evildoers of all races. .

"Asshole, when did our Human race have this asshole, why I never knew it, could it be said that we are just abandoning children, just a bait to kill foreign races?" At this moment, those Human Race Tianjiao evildoers were also angry at it, and felt that they too Being deceived by one's own powerhouse, became an abandoned son, and became a bait for being abandoned, which made them unacceptable for these arrogant Tianjiao evildoers.

Abandon Human Race? No, these heavenly arrogant evildoers dare not, nor can they do this. Although they are angry in their hearts and hate the abominable calculations of the high-level human races, it is impossible for them to directly abandon the racial civilization. They can't bear the consequences, so no matter how much they hate in their hearts , And only patience, and only venting his anger on the **** Xing Tian.

"Xing Tian, ​​you **** died for me, you dare to pretend to be my Human Race Tianjiao. You are provoking my human race's bottom line." Each and every angry Tianjiao evildoer directly deprived Xing Tian of his identity and refused to recognize his identity. Even if they are still holding full killing intent, they want to cut Xing Tian here, even if their strength is not good, they are not willing to give up.

People are not for themselves, and the heavens are destroyed. The first person has his own greed and his own ideas. No one can refuse the temptation of the Ku Rong inheritance. But if you want to get all this, you can only cut Xingtian, so no matter Xingtian in their hearts It doesn’t matter if you have an identity, they are all their enemies, they are all targets they want to kill, and they cannot be changed. This is the general battle. The dead Tianjiao evildoer is not taken seriously. No matter what identity Xingtian has, as long as he is dead, There will be no danger, and there will be no dissatisfaction with the high-level Human Race, the battle of Tianjiao is so cruel and ruthless, the fallen Tianjiao evildoer is worthless.

Streams of light reappeared, and the gods of Tianjiao and evildoers once again joined forces to kill Xingtian. If they were scattered and shot last time, they did not cooperate at all. This time, at this moment, all Tianjiao evildoers had a tacit understanding. Silently cooperated with each other to kill Xingtian painfully, and wanted to strangle Xingtian with everyone's strength and not give Xingtian a chance to fight back.

The conflict of interests is so cruel and ruthless. Regarding the madness of Human Tianjiao’s enchanting evildoers, those alien Tianjiao sneered in their hearts, but they all knew the priorities, no one sneered. When the inheritance you desire falls into the hands of others, this is the selfishness of human nature.

"Human heart, this is human heart. In the great calamity of heaven and earth, in the face of interests, even the same human race can't believe it, and can't rest assured. Now these **** have forgotten their origin. Today's Human Race Tianjiao is like this. , I can imagine how those human giants will react. It is better to rely on people than on themselves. If you really want to survive this world catastrophe, you can only rely on yourself, and you can only believe in yourself.” When thinking about this, Xing Tian sighed slightly in his heart.

Nine out of ten times when life is unsatisfactory, Xing Tian didn’t want to be an enemy or confrontation with Humans in his heart, but he couldn’t help himself. When everything comes, Xing Tian can only face, instead of avoiding, sacrificing himself, and being human. Sacrifice, Xing Tian has not been so great, since the matter has ended, Xing Tian has no choice. Sympathizing with the enemy, this will not appear in Xingtian's heart, nor will it happen to Xingtian. Since the enemy wants to kill himself, since the racial civilization wants to abandon himself, then there is nothing he cannot give up. After all, Xingtian is against the Supreme Chaos World. Human race does not have so many feelings.

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