God of Destruction

Chapter 4185: Betrayal

Chapter 4, 193 Betrayal

"There are still too few people, and it's not time to "expose" his assassin." In the face of such a terrible siege, Xing Tian remained calm, not irritated by everything in front of him, and he was not too stupid to expose. This army of Zerg under his hand, either do not do it, do it to the extreme, or do not kill, kill the enemy in one swoop, at least he has made all preparations, has no worries, only waits for the time to come, so Xing Tian Must be patient.

It was with such a crazy idea in his heart that Xing Tian had always been tolerant and did not fight back with all his strength. Although the Dao of Power broke out with all its strength, it was only used for self-protection. Opening the Dao did not move at all, and Xing Tian’s defense The posture of arrogance gave those arrogant Tianjiao evildoers an illusion, thinking that Xing Tian had fallen behind and was unable to resist, and he could kill him as long as he added more strength, and he could seize the inheritance of dry glory and obtain the origin of dry glory world.

"Kill, everyone, put more effort, this **** is no longer good, kill him, don't let him run away." Suddenly a loud shout rang out from the crowd, and this voice fell, making all the Tianjiao evildoers go crazy and couldn't wait. They want to seize the final inheritance, they are worried and afraid in their hearts. They have to know that there are too many opponents in the whole world of Kurong. If the trouble is too long, more opponents will be attracted and the situation will change. Even if it is out of control, after all, everyone has a common goal, and they all come with the idea of ​​capturing the inheritance of Kurong. In the face of this temptation, everyone will be crazy.

Hearing this ridiculous voice, Xing Tian sneered again and again in his heart: "You **** want to count me Xingtian, and also want to complete the siege of me before more enemies appear. It is extremely ridiculous. If you want to play, I will Take care of it with you. It’s not that you don’t want to be extravagant, and you don’t want to attract more people’s attention. I just don’t want you to be happy.

"The avenue of power shatters the void, the blood and energy is in the air, slaughter the common people, and kill." With a deep cry, Xing Tian blasted out with his fist, the avenue of power swept through everything, the blood of the gods and demons rose to the sky, and the avenue of killing was **** " Fuck, blessing on the great avenue of strength, the horrible breath instantly broke through the void, and the blood qi was like a big sun across the void, making the whole world feel the terrible impact of this big qi and blood, and the whole world of dry and prosperous was here. Under the influence of the power of qi and blood.

"Damn, this lunatic has seen through our intentions and can't let him go on, otherwise all the people in the whole Blight World will be aware of the changes here, then we will have to pay a greater price if we want to seize the inheritance, quickly , To make an all-out effort, take out all the power, kill him at all costs, and kill him before the others arrive."

The idea is good, but no one will do it, because they have selfishness and will not believe this ridiculous statement. If they do their best and other people save their strength, the price they pay will only be a wedding dress for others. It will only help others in vain and let themselves lose this opportunity. No one will do this, and they will not trust others so stupidly.

The slogans screamed loudly, but these Tianjiao evildoers did not increase their attacks at all, and some were even secretly closing their hands in order to swallow all the benefits when the last chance appeared. It is because of the selfishness of everyone, every Tianjiao evildoer is They were just shouting slogans, no one was fighting desperately, and no one would show their own background.

Under such a ridiculous psychology, the siege of the people not only did not grow, but on the contrary, they became weaker. At this time, the eyes of every Tianjiao and enchanting show a trace of despair, and they are all lost. They are all regretting, they all understand that everything is really out of control now, and their selfishness has ruined the last chance. That huge energy and blood will gather all the Tianjiao evildoers in the whole world, and make the whole world go crazy.

"It's late, everything is too late, this ridiculous siege failed, stop it, after all, this person is a member of our human race, we can't be too selfish." At this moment, some of the Tianjiao evildoers of human race realized their mistakes. Since I can't get it, I can't create opportunities for aliens, and can't let this powerful inheritance fall into the hands of aliens.

"Hehe, what's the use of saying these now, even if we have the intention to give up, but will he let us go in the future? Since he has offended, there is no chance of recovery, it is better to make a mistake and kill him endlessly." Not all Everyone has the belief in race. Under the temptation of interest, under the threat of death, and under the pressure of racial civilization, their own will has received a terrible impact, making them even more crazy. .

"What do you mean by these words, do you want to betray the racial civilization, you want to betray the human race?" For a moment, those Tianjiao monsters who still harbor human thoughts in their hearts glared at each other, "shooting" endlessly in their eyes For them, those who betrayed the human race died. Although they also have selfishness and greed, they will not betray their own ethnic civilization, let alone collaborating with traitors, and will not allow these damned traitors to succeed in their conspiracy.

"Hahaha, betrayal, we can’t be blamed. We can only be blamed for the high-level human beings who gave up us first and treated us as abandoned children. I did this to protect myself. Even if I die, I want to kill the bastard. Those **** old guys succeeded in their conspiracy. I am a goddess, not an ant. I have my own dignity and I cannot accept this insult."

Speaking of this, the Tianjiao who betrayed the Human Race became crazy one by one, with terrible light flashing in their eyes, as if they would kill their former companions in front of them at any time, and kill the companions who came from the human race. At this time, their hearts had already forgotten. The vows I made, I have long forgotten the benefits I got from the human race.

People are selfish. When the negative side of the heart erupts, those Tianjiao evildoers who originally had a bad mind will immediately become crazy and desperate. All kindness is left behind by them, and they have something in their hearts. It's just Human Race giving up, and will choose "sex" to forget that his strength comes from Human Race, and he has been greatly favored by Human Race.

auzw.com "Everyone, what are you saying to these traitors? Since they dare to make a rebellious move, there is only one dead end. No matter how many reasons they have, they are not betraying the human race. Reason, the betrayer died."

The death of the betrayer is not just the iron law of the human race, but the iron law of the civilization of all races in the entire Supreme Chaos World. No one can betray their own racial civilization without paying the price. The same is true of Tianjiao’s evildoers, any who betray racial civilization. Traitors, if everyone gets punishable, will be rewarded by the human race, and will be appreciated by the human giants.

Now that the opportunity of the world of dry glory has disappeared, it is difficult to obtain, but now this opportunity cannot be given up. If these traitors who betrayed the human race can be killed, although there will be no amazing gains, it can be appreciated by the high-level human race, even the giants. After all, the world of Withered Rong this time has been valued by the entire Human Race, and everything is really as I had previously imagined. This is a game, a game for all the civilizations of all races, and the giants hidden behind the scenes will definitely watch here. All of their actions will inevitably come into their eyes and bring new opportunities to themselves.

Not to be missed. Perhaps this opportunity is a bit cruel and ruthless, but the path of practice is like this, no matter how cruel it is, no matter how crazy it is, as long as you have the opportunity to make yourself further and make yourself more valued by the human giants, then everything is worth paying, talent No matter how good, but if there is no loyalty to the racial civilization, it will not be valued by the giants, perhaps this is a crazy conspiracy calculation, a secret calculation of the major racial civilizations, but it is also a test of the many geniuses of the human race.

Xing Tian didn’t care about the battle between the Tianjiao monsters of the human race. It has nothing to do with him. Now these Tianjiao monsters will stand up to stop the traitors, but when they mobilize the insect sea army to strangle all the enemies, how will they react? It is hard to say that even the next moment will attract their crazy pursuit and will become a new traitor in their eyes.

Of course, Xing Tian even had a more terrifying thought in his heart. When he was "exposed", he was afraid that everything in this dry world would be seen by the giants of the human race. Now he has been targeted by these giants a long time ago. Very dangerous.

Everything was just as Xing Tian thought. When Xing Tian was "exposed", when those human Tianjiao evildoers appeared as traitors who betrayed the human civilization, the high level of the human race could not help being shocked, inevitably being suspicious of Xing Tian's identity and wary.

"What happened to this descendant of the human race who appeared suddenly? It was the disciple of that one. Why would I have no impression at all, and there are not many human causes and effects in him, and there is no breath of him even in the virtual world. What's going on?" The virtual master frowned and said in a low voice, a faint "confusion" and anxiety flashing in his eyes. Xing Tian's emergence was beyond his plan, and in Xing Tian he felt a breath of unreliability, a breath that seemed to be separated from the human race.

"Don’t he leave his breath in the virtual world? It’s impossible. Every Terran has left a mark in the virtual world. If he doesn’t, unless he comes from the battlefield world and comes from outside the supreme chaotic world. , But does such a human race have this powerful power? The avenue of power smashes the void, this is the ultimate avenue."

The virtual master sighed softly: "No, I can vaguely feel his breath in the virtual world, but it has almost disappeared. It seems that he has also entered the virtual world once, and he has also left his mark, but His brand has been removed bit by bit, and now there is almost no connection with the virtual world, as if he can cut off this connection at any time."

"No, it's impossible. With his realm and power, he shouldn't touch such a situation at all, shouldn't know the secrets of the virtual world, and if he really has to do so, unless he has been reincarnated in reincarnation, and is in In the realm battlefield world under the Supreme Chaos World, but this is even more incredible?"

Regarding these conditions in Xing Tian, ​​many giants in the human race are unbelievable. They don’t think that everything they see is real, but it does exist. This makes many people unacceptable and unwilling to accept it. If the virtual world The secret of Xingtian was noticed by a junior like Xing Tian, ​​and he began to resist. You must know that many human races are stronger than Xing Tian and don’t know the secrets of the virtual world. Why would a junior like Xing Tian know and what happened in it? thing?

"Perhaps I understand a little bit, the realm battlefield world is not as simple as we thought, they all have the back hand of the innate chaos gods and demon, and even inheritance, will this junior get the innate chaos gods and devil in the realm battlefield world? Inheritance, so that there is a defensive heart for the virtual world, and the situation is now like this."

"Damn, he is a betrayal, a betrayal of the human race. We have paid such a high price to create a virtual world. What are we for and our own interests? No, we are for the survival of the human race. The power of the entire human race, we cannot perfect the virtual world, no matter by virtual reality, we cannot get rid of the threat of heaven and earth, cannot detach, cannot guarantee the survival of human race, we absolutely cannot tolerate such a junior, let alone let him take it away The inheritance of Ku Rong takes away the world of Ku Rong. For such younger generations, we cannot allow more resources from the human race. The inheritance of Ku Rong must be handed over."

"Yes, he must be handed over. This kind of inheritance must not fall on someone who does not have a sense of identity with the human race. Our human race has a loyal arrogant evildoer, just like those tianjiao, such arrogance is The hope of our human race, like such a person who does not identify with, we cannot pay too much."

"Well said, we must do this. We can't make loyal younger generations feel sad, and can't make loyal younger generations suffer."

Just when many people were unwilling to accept Xingtian, someone suddenly said, “It’s easier said than done. You have to give up the previous plan. Do you think we can stop all of this now? Do you think we can do this? Do you take a big shot under the situation? What do you think of the giants of other civilizations? What do you think of the talents of the entire human race? They are not pawns, they are not puppets that we can "fight" at will, they are living people, they have their own Thoughts, have their own ideas, have their own pursuits, if we have to blindly "fuck" everything, we will eventually make the situation out of control. I hope you can think clearly and don’t impulsively destroy the human race Big plans. Everything must be focused on the great cause, and everything must be focused on the future of the human race. You can't lose the big thing because of small things and ruin the luck of the entire human race."

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