God of Destruction

Chapter 4186: Blockbuster

The 4th 194th chapter is a blockbuster

"Because of a small loss? No, this is not because of a small loss, but a responsibility to the human race. How important is the inheritance of Ku Rong, I think you can’t not know. If there is a inheritance of Ku Rong, it will be very important to our plan. Favorable, from virtual to real. If there is a Kurong Avenue, there must be a huge help. This is why those alien races are so nervous about the Kurong inheritance and will make a big shot against the Kurong World in the first time. Even the giants can't help but jump out. They were just to prevent Ku Rong from resurrecting, to cut off one of the arms of my human race, and cut off the road of human race, so that our virtual world could not be completely perfected. In the endless years, it is impossible for those foreign giants to fail to see through my human race. The plan is that the virtual master has already been targeted by them, and the virtual world has already become their thorn in their eyes and thorn in their flesh, so this time, in any case, we cannot let the inheritance of Ku Rong flow out of our grasp."

When these words fell, some people couldn't help but turn their attention to the virtual master. After all, the virtual world of the human race is dominated by the virtual master. Now it is the time for him to make choices and decisions, not from them. People come to call the shots. After all, the virtual master really understands everything in the virtual world, and only then can he really understand the power needed to transform the virtual world into reality.

After pondering for a moment, the virtual master sighed lightly: "Kurong Avenue is indeed a great help to the virtual world, but I don't think we should stop everything. The battle of Tianjiao should not be "fucked" by us. , Tianjiao fights for luck and strength. If we don’t have enough luck and strong enough strength, this time we will stop it, but next time we can still do it, people can only rely on themselves, the virtual world The transformation of the world can only be done by ourselves, and we cannot pin all hopes on the Kurong Avenue, blindly pursuing the Kurong Avenue, it's just a move to abandon the original."

After the fall of the Virtual Lord, everyone couldn't help being stunned. Everyone did not expect that he would say these words, would not care about the inheritance of Kurong, would be unwilling to see everyone taking action to stop this, which made a lot of The giants cannot understand and accept it. After all, in the endless years, these giants have adapted to master the general trend and have taken all the development of the human race in their own hands. Now there are abnormal changes that make them unacceptable and unacceptable for a while.

"No, we can't do this behind the scenes, even if we can't pin all our hopes on the road of Kurong, we can't pin our hopes on the resurrection of Kurong, but we can't let a person who is not very loyal to the human race get this inheritance, Not letting the situation get out of our grasp is very detrimental to the plan of the entire human race. I still think that everything should be stopped, even if we can't take action, we should also activate the hidden backhands and let the talents that we carefully cultivated take action. Restore the general situation, take everything back into hands, and let all situations develop according to our plan."

The virtual lord laughed softly: "Hehe, Guangming, your desire to control is still too heavy. This is a catastrophe of heaven and earth. Everything cannot be controlled by our hearts. We can only influence a little bit of direction, and it is impossible to control everything. In our hands, we are not a great road, unable to grasp the general situation, blindly pursuing control, will only lead us to destruction. The general situation is never in our control. The world is not under our control. I hope you can see all this!"

"No, virtual, you can't have such negative thoughts. If we don't do anything, we can't control everything. We can't control the world, but we can influence the world. At least the human race must be in our control. It is the prerequisite for us to escape from the catastrophe, and it is our chance to escape." The Lord of the Earth also stood up and opposed the virtual Lord's remarks, and expressed his dissatisfaction with the virtual Lord's letting go.

"Negative, it's ridiculous that you say I'm negative. I said long ago that the virtual world is just our backstop, not our support. We can't put all hopes on it. There are too many unmanageable changes, and our goal is the entire human race, such a huge human race, how much impact the virtual world needs to withstand, our hope of detachment is never in the virtual world, but in the Chaos Sea, the Chaos Sea is The root of everything is our opportunity." When he said this, the Virtual Lord couldn't help but sighed slightly, because he gradually discovered that many of the giants of the human race had changed and became a little unrecognizable to him. Selfishness, they all want to control everything in their own hands, surpass the entire human race, and not give those Tianjiao evildoers the opportunity to develop on their own, and most of these giants have their own power and control the great power within the human race, so they Unwilling to see a new Tianjiao evildoer appear to break the current situation.

Of course, not all tycoons have such selfishness. For those tycoons who have walked step by step from the periphery of the supreme chaotic world to the peak of the human race, they do not agree with such a decision, and some people are neutral. Really, the human race has been divided into three factions. One is radical and selfish, and wants to control everything in his own hands, the other is neutral, and the other is unwilling to cut off the freedom of practice of the Human Race's Tianjiao.

The Lord of Light sighed softly: "Virtual, you have changed. You have forgotten our original agreement. Although the human race is strong, the resources of the human race are limited. We must use limited resources to cultivate enough strong people to protect the human race. But let Tianjiao practice freely, do we have so many resources to train enough strong people? We can't do it, so letting it go will only harm the entire human race in the end."

Hearing this, the Virtual Lord sighed softly: "Yes, I have changed, endless years, and have been in constant contact with many human beings. I have indeed changed. I don't want to obliterate their nature, and I don't want to obliterate them. Their freedom is controlled by us. Under our control, the strong people trained can really stand alone, can they really reach our level? No, they can't do it because of their nature. They have been obliterated, and they will never reach our level. What we need is the real powerhouse, not the half-step powerhouse whose nature is obliterated. This is even worse for the human race."

Everyone has different opinions and different choices. On the cultivation of human Tianjiao evildoers, everyone has great differences. Now because of the sudden appearance of Xingtian, all of this has been detonated. In fact, the so-called Kurong inheritance is not important. The important thing is the human heart.

"Wait a little longer. We can't use our backhands because of a small change, and we can't expose our calculations. Now we are still watching the changes. We also need time to determine everything about that junior. Only more Only by understanding him can we make a favorable choice. It is still a bit early to make a decision, and now the enemy we want has not appeared."


As a neutral party, he didn't want to see the virtual master and the light master continue to argue, opening his mouth to prevent such an endless debate, and his opening made both parties sigh slightly and put down the dispute for the time being.

Yes, the enemy they want hasn’t appeared yet, and now they are only ordinary Tianjiao evildoers. Those Tianjiao evildoers carefully cultivated by the major races have not appeared. At this time, there is indeed something wrong with the shot. Waiting is also good.

Because of the fighting within the Human Race Tianjiao, the pressure on Xing Tian's body is greatly reduced, and he can have more power to deal with the alien Tianjiao. However, under such favorable circumstances, Xing Tian killed not many enemies, only a few people. They were beheaded by Xing Tian, ​​and the reason was that they themselves were too aggressive. In this case, the human giants frowned.

"No, this junior has a problem. He didn't try his best. With his strength, with his avenue of power, he could completely reverse the situation in a short period of time and strangle those **** alien races, but he didn't do it. He was conserving strength. , He is guarding against secret enemies, even those arrogances of the human race. This junior is too heavy!" The Lord of Light directly pointed out Xing Tian’s current situation, and his voice was full of dissatisfaction. He saw Coming to Xingtian, he should resolve the battle quickly, and then help the fellow human beings, instead of preserving the strength to guard against the talents of the human race.

The virtual master said disapprovingly: "The mind is heavy? It is indeed a bit heavy, but it is not a big deal. This is also a natural choice. After all, those geniuses have attacked him before, and no one will change because of this little bit. Just give up your vigilance. If you don’t have such a mind, I’m afraid you can’t live for too long. It’s impossible to preserve, and what opportunities and spiritual practices are there to talk about. I don’t think there is anything wrong with this."

"Hehe, I'm afraid that such a heavy mind will not only bring safety to himself, but will attract more enemies, and make those alien gods and evildoers even more crazy. Don't forget, the inheritance of Kurong is still on him. But no one can refuse the temptation to "confuse". He is putting himself in a desperate situation, waiting for those **** alien patriots to jump out, that is when he died, he did not trust his own people, If you don’t believe in human companions, naturally you won’t be able to get help from your companions. Can he be able to fight against many alien talents to the end? Can you keep your own "life"? If you pay, you will gain, too greedy and not Well, it will only plunge oneself into desperation, into death."

greedy? No, Xing Tian is not greedy, and he has never put the inheritance of Kurong in his heart, and there is no so-called inheritance in his hands. The breath of the world of dryness in his body is only because he is the first person to enter this world of dryness, so he is infected. The original aura of the world, and this is also the calculation report of the God Devouring Insect Mother, and it is also the test Xing Tian himself must face.

Xing Tian didn’t know about the disputes of the high-level human race outside, but even if he knew it, Xing Tian would not be moved by it, would not shake his decision, would not change his plan. This is a crisis, but it is also an opportunity, a crisis. There is a great opportunity. Although the Ku Rong inheritance is attractive, for Xing Tian, ​​those arrogant and enchanting evildoers are more important, and they are Xing Tian's target.

"Death!" Suddenly, a low drink sounded from the dark, and only then, a stream of light flashed across Xing Tian's body. Finally, someone couldn't bear it, and jumped out of the dark to attack Xing Tian, ​​using such a sneak attack to kill Xing Tian!

How many enemies are there in secret, how many arrogant evildoers are waiting for opportunities in secret? Xing Tian didn’t know. Although Xing Tian set up traps, he didn’t have time and energy to lock down the enemies hidden in the dark one by one. However, Xing Tian understood that there were many enemies hidden in the dark. His enemies were not the people in front of them, but Those hidden enemies.

"Haha! It's you who died, the avenue of power shattered the void and vanished!" When the sneak attack appeared, Xing Tian's face "showed" a sneer of disdain, and the avenue of power swung out, directly facing the enemy's sneak attack. Under the full-scale outbreak of the avenue of power, the sneak attacker was instantly caught off guard. The terrifying force directly blasted his body, and the huge blood directly burned everything in his body, whether it was body or spirit. It was ignited in an instant as a light torch.

dead! There was no resistance, not even a chance to dodge, and he was directly obliterated and destroyed by the Great Avenue of Power. It was just a blow that caused everyone around Xing Tian to gasp. This time, everyone intuitively saw Xing Tian's true power, and those Tianjiao evildoers who had fought with Xing Tian couldn't help but sighed.

"Damn, how could he be so powerful, even if the avenue of power is strong, shouldn't it be so terrible, and shouldn't have the necessary power for a single blow?" Some Tianjiao's heart was lost, and this punch brought them an impact. It's too big, so big that they can't accept it for a while, and make their minds "shock". If it's not because there are too many enemies hidden in the dark, and everyone is concerned about it, I'm afraid this loss will be their own death. At that time, and because of these many reasons, no one took the opportunity to attack them, letting them escape a murderous calamity, but if they could not get out of the impact of this loss of mind, their path of cultivation would be cut off.

"Damn it, this is a conspiracy. This **** is deliberately tempting us to take action. He wants to stop our path of cultivation. Everyone will try their best to strangle this **** together. If he does not die, we will inevitably leave an indelible trace in our hearts. The brand will inevitably be hurt by this, and we can't go any further. If this **** doesn't die, we will die!" Some self-considered wise arrogants are yelling frantically, inviting others, and even some psychic Because of this, the bad Tianjiao evildoer appeared in the dark. After all, the impact on them this time was too heavy, and they couldn't help their hearts tremble for a while.

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