God of Destruction

Chapter 4187: Flowers in the greenhouse

Chapter 4195: Flowers in the Greenhouse

This is indeed a conspiracy, but the situation under Xingtian is not as simple as what they saw. Xingtian does want to calculate their deaths, but it is not just to attack their hearts, but does not want to give these enemies a chance to live and wait for Xingtian’s insects. As soon as the sea army comes out, they will know what fear is and what death is. In front of the insect sea army, let alone their arrogant evildoers, even the strong must retreat. Once the insect sea is formed, it can pile up power. There are even sufficient numbers to deter giants.

Those Tianjiao evildoers are cursing Xingtian frantically, wanting to gather the power of everyone to kill Xingtian, and want to use the most direct and domineering means to kill Xingtian’s life and eliminate the fear in his heart. Many people are yelling, but there are very few people who are really willing to stand up. The blow made by Xing Tian just now made them feel uneasy and unwilling to face Xing Tian’s terrifying power, and they were unwilling to bear Xing Tian. The impact of the power, all want others to kill Xingtian's edge.

"I still overestimate the determination of these arrogant and enchanting evildoers. It seems impossible to expect them to work together, and it is also very difficult to expect them all to jump out. These **** have no strong heart at all. They are just flowers in the greenhouse. I have never experienced wind and frost at all. If I continue to be tough like this, they will not dare to make any more moves. They are all afraid of death." Faced with such a situation, Xing Tian's heart also sighed secretly. It was just a blow, it was just a way of strength. The outbreak, just blasting and killing a Tianjiao enchanting evildoer, made these people so terrified and uneasy that they didn't even have the courage to sacrifice their lives.

despise! For these arrogant evildoers, Xing Tian looked down on them in his heart and despised these people from the bottom of his heart. If a person does not even have the will to fight, he does not even have the belief in facing a powerful enemy, he still talks about cultivation and how to face the big Jie, no matter how strong they are, they will not be able to exert even half of their power in a real **** battle.

"It seems that I have to create opportunities for them, and have to converge, otherwise the layout of this time will be difficult to succeed. If you miss this opportunity, it will be even more difficult to harvest luck and origin. It is not always the case. Opportunity. As for the human race, I’m afraid I can’t count on it. Once I make a big move, it’s even harder to get their approval." Xing Tian’s eyes flashed with a faint loss, facing the catastrophe, facing In this test, I still failed to do what I wanted.

When Xing Tian sighed secretly, when Xing Tian wanted to find another way, when he wanted to consolidate his strength, and did not put too much pressure on those Tianjiao evildoers cultivated in the greenhouse, the outside world was upset again, and the high level of the human race turned against Xing Tian. Have a new understanding.

"So insidious, so venomous, and terrifying calculations. I have been hiding for so long to get this blow, to hit everyone’s hearts and to kill people. This is the real goal of this junior. It’s a venomous method. No wonder Before he was so patient and preserved his strength, we all underestimated his thoughts. He wanted to eliminate all Tianjiao’s path of cultivation. To such a viciously minded junior, should we really let him go? Once let him out of control, no Knowing how many Tianjiao will be defeated by faith, and how much trouble it will cause our human race, at this time, we should not let him go crazy like this." The Lord of Light couldn't help the anger in his heart, and said to other human races. The giant said, expressing his dissatisfaction in his heart.

"Insidious and vicious? Ridiculous, this is your opinion, this is your idea? I can only say that you care too much about those arrogances. We have to be strong, not the flowers in the greenhouse. This time I don’t think this junior What's wrong, we just need people like this to wake up those self-righteous arrogances and let them know the cruelty of the outside world. If they can’t even face such a test, they can’t pass it, even if they are given more resources, Given them no matter how strong the inheritance is, what they will eventually cultivate is the vulnerable ant, a person who has no blood and has no courage to face a powerful enemy, it is impossible to reach the top."

At this time, it is not only the virtual master who disagrees with the opinion of the Lord of Light, even the neutral giants also feel that the Lord of Light is too protective of those arrogances. What everyone wants is not the flowers in the greenhouse, but the strong who can be alone in the real world. , And such strong people can not be cultivated by relying on resources. They need to face the wind and rain and experience wind and rain.

Not only were the human giants shocked by this shocking change, but the alien giants were also shocked by Xing Tian’s sudden outbreak. They were all shocked by Xing Tian’s Dao of Power, which shattered the void. This overbearing power seriously threatened their home. Tianjiao’s surviving, but now Xing Tianshen is in the world of withering glory, even if these giants want to make a move, they are still powerless. They can forcibly tear the void and open a space channel, but they can’t directly descend into the world of withered glory. Directly intervene in this struggle. If they have to forcefully do so, they will only face the backlash from the world of Dry and Rong, and even directly awaken the soul of the Lord of Dry and Rong, and make the Lord of Dry and Rong return from the long river of time, and this is even more It is the result they do not want to see.

"This is no longer a matter for our family, not for our race. We need to unite with other civilizations, gather all the arrogances, and the power of all people to destroy the arrogance of the human race, or let him develop and it will become Our heartache will inevitably add even more powerful strength to the human race."

"Activate the hidden Tianjiao, at this time we can't wait any longer. If this junior continues like this, his beliefs will be even more terrifying, and his fighting spirit will be even more terrifying. Once he develops an invincible belief, At that time everything is too late. We will all end in defeat in this battle. We can only watch the Kurong inheritance fall into the hands of the human race, see the new Kurong road reappearing the human race, and watch the human race perfect their plan. And this is a consequence that we cannot accept."

auzw.com "Contact? How to contact, do you think someone will pay attention to us? Joint with those bastards, I am afraid that there will be no results, and even make our situation more dangerous. It is better to join them After watching the changes, there will be people who can’t bear to take the initiative to jump out. After all, the biggest enemy of the human race is not us. The most nervous one should be the monster race, it’s the zerg. They are the worst enemy of the human race. We can bear it and watch the changes. , They can't do it."

"That said, I'm afraid that these **** will not do what we want. After all, they don't want to fight decisively with the human race at this time and under this situation. The top civilizations like the human race, the zerg race, and the monster race cannot be The Jie is directly confronted at the beginning, and the decisive battle will start. Even if it is a decisive battle, it will be cleared, and only when detachment appears. Although the inheritance of the Lord of Dry and Rong is important, it is not worth their hard work, not worth them They fought a lot, they were trying to test the human race before, and the reaction of the human race is enough to show how much their confidence is."

This is a contest of racial civilization, not a duel of Tianjiao. Don't look at the calculations of the human race, but because of the appearance of Xing Tian, ​​everything is beyond their control. The emergence of the variable Xing Tian has disrupted the plan of the human race. , Originally, the human giant did not expect that Ku Rong inheritance would appear so quickly, and the origin of the world of Ku Rong would appear so quickly.

"Hey! This junior's breath is a bit weaker. What's going on? Does he think he can deceive the tianjiao of the major races and civilizations once again after calculating the people before. He regards the tianjiao evildoers as something, really Do you think that all Tianjiao are stupid? They will be played around!" When Xingtian's breath was weakened again, all the giants sneered disdainfully and dismissed Xingtian's ridiculous means, feeling that Xingtian was too ridiculous. opinionated.

Is it really like this? Are those Tianjiao evildoers really smart? They forget that they are clever and are mistaken by cleverness. They forget that under absolute temptation, the greed of the human heart will explode madly and will make people lose their minds. No matter how crude and unbearable calculations are, they can succeed, even if someone Seeing that Xing Tian was deliberately showing weakness, but they all had a glimmer of illusion in their hearts, and they all felt that perhaps they really had a chance to succeed, or that Xing Tian was too exhausted to hold on. This is the greed of human "sex", this is the human heart! Without really being in it, one would not understand the power of this temptation.

Father, like son! Those giants outside the world of Withered Rong can see everything clearly, but the Tianjiao evildoers in the game cannot see clearly. When they saw Xing Tian's momentum weakened, their eyes bloomed, greedy eyes staring unscrupulously. With Xingtian, it seemed that he was about to swallow Xingtian and kill Xingtian.

At this time, no one is clamoring anymore, they are unwilling to share the benefits with others, and they are unwilling to let others participate in this competition. There are too many people, and their chances of success are even smaller. It is just a moment, the whole situation. Weird, the Tianjiao who originally screamed crazily was silent, silently preparing everything, waiting for the time to come.

opportunity? When is the time they want? Naturally, Xing Tian's strength continued to weaken, and naturally it was Xing Tian's ability to kill with a single blow before Xing Tian no longer recovered. As long as Xing Tian had no such power, many Tianjiao would naturally jump out one by one. As long as Xing Tian still has the power to kill with one blow, and as long as Xing Tian's power avenue has the power to crush the void, no one will jump out, because no Tianjiao will make wedding dresses for others, and will charge others.

The tianjiao of the major civilizations are gathering more and more, but so many tianjiao evildoers are gathered together and no one takes the initiative to attack. Everyone is waiting and wanting others to test Xingtian. It can be said that they are trying to be patient and see who comes first. I can’t hold on and jump out. In this dry world, there will be Tianjiao evildoers, and there will always be people who are impatient. As long as one person jumps out, he can test the reality of Xingtian and know that the blow before Xingtian is. Not all strikes exist.

"Ignorance, stupid! This is the Tianjiao we have always cultivated. They don't even have the courage to sacrifice their lives. With such a mindset, can they really go to the end? They really have a chance to live in this catastrophe. Next, instead of placing hope on them, it’s better to focus on yourself. I don’t know what you think in your heart, but what I want to say is that I am so disappointed in them. If I lose my courage, I lose everything. , And lost the future!” At this point, the virtual lord sighed softly. If all this is about responsibility, he has to bear most of the responsibility, because the existence of the virtual world makes these people seem to have gained actual combat experience, but It's just that in the virtual world, when they really let them face death, these arrogants don't have the faith to move forward. In a word, they fear death, fear death, and dare not risk their own "life".

"Look, there are more and more arrogances betraying the human race. Once these people's desires and hopes are not satisfied, once they have to be held accountable, and when they have to pay the price, these people with poor mentality I can’t help but give birth to the thought of betrayal. This is the Tianjiao you have been cultivating. In contrast, I would like to see more wild “sex” Tianjiao, not such a “sex” unbearable Tianjiao, just this There are so many Tianjiao betrayed in one small test, which shows how big hidden dangers we have in the training system."

Although the Lord of Light does not want to admit it, the performance of the Human Race Tianjiao in the Kurong World is really too unbearable. Just a little bit of injustice has caused so many Tianjiao hearts to betray the human race, and it is precisely what caused all this. they themselves!

"Although many people cannot withstand this test, these people are a minority after all. Most Tianjiao have withstood the impact and did not betray the human race because of the danger. So I don't think there is a problem with our training system. It's not us, but those unfamiliar wolves. For such people, they must be killed. Just like the juniors, they cannot be let go. After all, only loyalty to the race is worth more of our efforts. This time is also considered A test of Tianjiao, no matter the result, is a good thing for us, at least it can make us see more clearly!"

Facing the explanation of the Lord of Light, the Virtual Lord and other giants shook their heads slightly. Everyone has their own ideas and persistence. It is almost impossible to change each other. , Because everyone is a giant, and they all understand that once a decision is made, no matter what happens in the middle, they will not regret it. Even if it is a wrong path, it will go to the end. This is the belief of the giant, and it will not be due to a small matter. And shake one's heart and faith. It is precisely because I understand that whether it is the opponents of the virtual masters or the neutral giants, they can't help but sigh.

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