God of Destruction

Chapter 4188: The irritability before the killing

The fourth thousand one hundred and ninety-sixth chapter irritability before the killing

loyalty! I want to be right. Perhaps the human race's Tianjiao reacted a bit fiercely, but it was basically because of the human race giants themselves. If they hadn't given up these Tianjiao enchanting evildoers, they wouldn't have such an excessive reaction. Under the influence of the catastrophe, the consequences will be even more out of control! People's hearts cannot withstand temptation. This is especially true for these arrogances. They are all flowers in a greenhouse, and they have not had such a sinister experience. Suddenly, many people cannot withstand such a shock. There will be acts of betrayal, betraying one's own race.

Now the Lord of Light has pushed all the responsibilities to those Tianjiao themselves, thinking that it is their own fault, but never thought that this time is the result of being too alone, and always wanting to control everything in their own hands. People are not machines. People Having one's own ideas, it is impossible to be controlled by others, and it is impossible to be controlled by others all the time. When there is oppression, there will be resistance, and when there is limitation, there will be conflict. The giants pushed them to the point where they are now, and these giants "forced" them to make crazy betrayal choices.

Not all Tianjiao evildoers can look at everything rationally. Not all Tianjiao can have a firm will and unshakable faith. Once they encounter danger and encounter irresistible external threats, their minds are naturally "sex". There will be changes, this is the human "nature", this is the human mind, and again and again to test one's own Tianjiao, this is completely self-seeking and boring.

Time is passing bit by bit, Xing Tian still maintains a calm attitude, his state of mind is still calm, silently waiting for the development of the situation, waiting for the beginning of everything, but those enemies who are hidden in the dark still show up Regardless of the enemies on the face of Yu Ming, they did not rush to take action, nor did they rush to attack Xing Tian, ​​but continued to be patient. It’s just that this kind of patience is too stressful for them. After all, the longer the time is, the more disadvantaged it is for them. If you want to seize the inheritance from Xingtian, you must complete it before everyone else does it, but it requires a lot of courage and battle. force.

"Come on, let more enemies come, the more you come, the more excited I am, the more I come, the more I yearn for this final killing!" Feeling the atmosphere and the changes around him, Xing Tian sneered in his heart Even though the Tianjiao evildoers are carefully concealing their every move, Xing Tian, ​​who has been arranged for a long time, can still sense the existence of these people through the army of God Devouring Insects. Maybe Xing Tian does not feel too many enemies, but this number But it has been strengthening.

Not everyone can see through Xingtian’s painstaking efforts. Even those giants outside can not see Xingtian’s true intentions, nor can they feel Xingtian’s secret layout. After all, they are outside the world of withered and cannot experience it personally. The changes in the world, under this circumstance, some people are naturally a little dismissive of Xing Tian's reaction.

"Stupid man, he clearly has an advantage, but he doesn't know how to use it. He clearly has the opportunity to kill, cut a **** road, escape from the enemy, but waits in place. I really don’t know how to describe his stupidity. And ignorance, in such a situation, still so ignorant, isn’t this self-defeating, how can such a mind pass on the Way of Rongrong!” When he said this, the Lord of Light sneered disdainfully, and his eyes swept lightly. The virtual master glanced.

Facing the ridiculous provocation of the Lord of Light, the Virtual Lord shook his head slightly and sighed: "Stupid? Ignorance? No, I don't think so. You must know that we are just watching, and we are still watching outside the world. The real situation in the world of Ku Rong, it is too early to make a conclusion, and with Xingtian's caution, we should not make such a low-level mistake. I think we should still wait and see that it becomes an upper stage. Everything is just beginning. , Don't talk so full!"

"Hahaha! I'm too full of words? It's so ridiculous, it's all to this point, do you think this junior is still possible to turn over? Nowadays, there are no one thousand but eight hundred, even more. , And the longer the delay, the greater the pressure he will face. If he doesn’t resist now, he will never have a chance again. I don’t think he can fight against the whole alien Tianjiao evildoer by himself, and the topic is our human race. Tianjiao doesn't participate in it, otherwise his pressure will be even greater!" In the eyes of the Lord of Light, Xing Tian is now a dead end, and there is no vitality.

The virtual master nodded gently and said: "Yes, on the surface, the current situation is indeed the case, but how can you be sure that this junior is not prepared at all? You must know that this junior can cross the sea and sneak under our noses. Entering the world of Kurong, and being recognized by the world, this method, this scheming is not simple, will make such a low-level mistake?"

No matter what the Lord of Light says, the Lord of Virtual does not think that Xing Tian is in desperation, nor that Xing Tian will kill himself. Now he is not helping anything. It is definitely not a manifestation of intellect and incompetence, but another calculation. Perhaps when the opportunity arises, everything will have earth-shattering drastic changes. It is precisely because of the thought in my heart that the virtual master did not continue to entangle with the light master, and there is no need to do so. After all, they are all giants. Have a face.

"No, I can't wait like this foolishly, or the situation will become more dangerous. If all the arrogances are gathered here, even if I can kill this bastard, is it possible to retreat? Strangulation of those lunatics? And this thing is a bit weird from beginning to end. According to common sense, the Ku Rong inheritance should not have appeared so early, even if the Human race has other calculations, it must not be thrown out so early. Secret!" After some smart people calmed down, they gradually began to understand some things, thinking that Xing Tian's actions had other purposes.

It’s a pity that although these clever Tianjiao have a retreat and don’t want to continue to participate in it, but now they are unable to retreat because they are already in the situation. If they retreat at this time, if they are not careful, they will detonate a war, because this is a battle. The overall situation of advancing without retreat, once a crisis of death is triggered because of his retreat, it is too stupid and too ridiculous.

auzw.com "Damn, these **** don't know how to constrain. Now because of the madness of these bastards, the situation is out of control, and I am also caught in a dilemma. In this game."

Just when someone complained frantically, the turning point finally appeared. Some people still couldn’t hold on, or they didn’t want to continue to hold on, and didn’t want to waste energy. They directly locked on Xingtian. There was no earth-shattering roar, and there was no such great power as Mount Tai. The pressure, there was only a sharp edge that pierced the void, and pointed directly at Xing Tian, ​​a person who had been cultivating quietly.

"Come, finally here, it seems that this war is about to break out in an all-round way, come on, let the storm become more violent, let everything return to the end, kill me, the avenue of power shatters the void, as much as possible, The sky and the earth are cracked!" With a deep roar, Xing Tian's iron fist slammed out and directly greeted the enemy's attack. This time, Xing Tian did not exert all his strength. Under the terrible impact, Xing Tian trembled involuntarily, and his heart felt the richness. Murder, terrible killing intent from all directions.

Xing Tian immediately felt threats from all directions when he first started. This is the general trend and cannot be controlled by Xing Tian. This contact is what Xing Tian hopes to see and is the result of Xing Tian's intentional guidance.

With a loud bang, Xing Tian’s power fist collided with the enemy’s attack. The power of the Dao of Power was not fully detonated, and Xing Tian retreated a small step in the powerful shock wave. Although it was only a small step, it allowed the enemies around them to see hope and opportunities, and they could not kill them with one blow. Xing Tian also lost the deterrence against these arrogant evildoers, because they all have their own treasures of protection. And they are all eager to **** Xing Tian's chance.

"Kill!" With a roar, another Tianjiao with good strength couldn't help but walk out of the dark, and directly faced Xing Tian, ​​who had already had the aura of a great devil, without reservation, without hesitation, and completely wanted to kill chickens and monkeys. Warn the enemy in the dark.

"Haha, it's interesting, and there are newcomers who jumped out. It seems that I am still very popular with these old guys. I even laid out such a huge amount of meat to clean up everything, make everything better, and make everything crazier. "When he said this, Xing Tian's eyes flashed, and a faint killing intent radiated from Xing Tian, ​​counterattacking all the enemies.

"Killing intent, it seems that this junior can't bear it, but at this time, under this situation, no matter if he has the ability to reach the sky, it is difficult to reverse the general trend, unable to fight against everyone, this flash he is dead. "For those giants who don't care about Xingtian, all of them can't help belittle Xingtian, slander Xingtian, and never take Xingtian seriously.

"Hahaha, die for me, your avenue of power has come to an end, now it's up to me to end your life, harvest everything from me, cut the void, kill!" There was a deep voice. When it sounded, another Tianjiao evildoer came out from the dark. Now in a short time, everything Xing Tian arranged has taken root. These Tianjiao evildoers finally can't hold on. The real life confrontation is about to be staged. The war is about to break out.

prevent? No, no one can stop all of this now. People with strength have ambitions and greed in their hearts, and they don’t want to give up the pursuit of power. The other kind of people are completely different. The most weird ones are naturally those who are neutral. , Regarding the changes that have taken a sudden turn, they can't help but have doubts and concerns in their hearts.

"Virtual, you can see it, this is the end of stupidity. He blindly tolerated and finally let himself fall into a desperate situation. There is a beginning. The next battle is bound to happen. This junior is bound to be stupid. The price is paid, and it is a heavy price, even his own "life". After all, his power is limited and he cannot fight against the creatures of the whole world." When he said this, the Lord of Light sighed lightly, although he He spoke very powerfully and looked down upon Xing Tian, ​​but he was still worried about the overall situation of the human race, and he still did not want to see accidents and crises.

The virtual master sighed softly: "Guangming, you are right and reasonable, but now do we have another choice? Unless you want to start the second hand, let me first explain that I don’t agree, we can’t because This little thing is going to be a big fight, and the target is still our own people, a strong member of our race. As long as you don’t step through this bottom line, I have no objection to all of this, you can use all means to your heart’s content. I hope you don’t regret it in the future!"

cause and effect! For a Tianjiao who is almost cut off from the human cause and effect, to stop it will inevitably result in blood and blood. No one is willing to accept it. Especially Xingtian is still standing behind the human race, standing more weird enemies, no one thinks that they can be completely destroyed. Retreat, can survive Xingtian's crazy blows, this is the fear in their hearts, this is the demons that Xingtian caused to them.

"Two, please keep waiting. We have waited for such a long time. There is no need to continue arguing. No matter how much arguing, it is useless. It is not us who really call the shots, but the arrogances in the dry world. What we can do All they have is waiting. This is a battle of Tianjiao, not a racial decisive battle. Whether it is the Tianjiao of the human race or the Tianjiao of other races, as long as they enter the world of withering glory, they should understand their situation and understand their needs. What is right? Life and death are only in their own hands, not ours. It is never us outsiders who determine our destiny, but the many arrogances themselves. They can’t get through or cultivate this level. It’s necessary, unless they can get out of the shadows in their hearts and get rid of the pressure and impact that Xingtian brings to them, and it takes time. What we lack is time. The return of those **** innate chaos gods and demons broke us The plan broke our calculations. What we lose is not only the external power, but also our own luck, human luck!"

Qi Luck, the human giant arranged this life-and-death duel. It was also the luck of a foreign race, and it was only through killing that they could complete the washing of the souls of these gods and evil spirits, and let them understand that when the war comes, they will What you can do is not to shrink back, but to face it bravely. Avoiding is not the solution to the problem. Only proactive solution is the best choice.

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