God of Destruction

Chapter 4189: Festival Killing Coming

The 4th 197th chapter, the killing comes

When the threat of the great avenue of power in Xingtian body did not exist, the greed hidden in the dark Tianjiao evildoer finally couldn't bear the greed in his heart. If there is one person, there will be a second, and then more Tianjiao evildoers participate in it, because their hearts are all in it. I worry that my chance will be snatched away by others, I am worried that Xing Tian will not be able to resist it and will die. Once Xing Tian dies, any situation may occur, and the inheritance will fall into the hands of others. No one wants to see This happens.

"Chaos"! In an instant, the sword and the shadow of the sword were on stage, and many Tianjiao evildoers madly jumped out of the dark to attack Xing Tian, ​​and their attacks were like waves, rushing to Xing Tian madly, but only for an instant, almost 90% of Tianjiao evildoers endure Unable to attack Xingtian, only a small number of people are still waiting. Maybe some people disdain to encircle Xingtian, maybe some have good intentions and are unwilling to kill the same race, and some are thinking about reaping the benefits.

Feeling the surrounding situation, Xing Tian couldn't help but sighed: "Oh! What a pity, I originally thought that all Tianjiao evildoers would jump into this trap. I didn't expect that there are so many people who can stand it, regardless of them. I have any thoughts in my mind. It’s impossible to use the Insect Sea to kill them. These **** are too cautious. If you want to kill them all, you will have to pay a lot of money. I may not be able to get rid of the shackles of this world, I cannot escape from this world, once I fall into this world, even if I can clean up all the gods and evil spirits, I will not escape death, and I will definitely be trapped in this world. Inheritance of Ku Rong, this is not a general avenue, but a avenue of life and death, from life to death, from death to life, the cycle is endless, human giants have laid out such calculations, if there is no deeper thinking, it is impossible, devour the gods The mother emperor sent me into this small world, and she also had her own calculations. Seizing the house could not be the only means of Ku Rong. I had to plan for the worst. I could not be careless, or else I would only suffer in the end. !"

Time waits for no one. Xing Tian doesn't have much time to think about everything. If he makes a move by himself this time, regardless of success or failure, he must break free, break free from the shackles of the world, and of course verify his own thoughts.

"Soul storm, devour the gods and destroy the soul, kill, kill, kill!" With a deep cry, Xing Tian exudes terrible soul power, a terrifying storm of destruction, this is Xing Tian's own power to guide the gods and insects sea. Give these Tianjiao evildoers a fatal blow.

Yes, Xing Tian did not want to "expose" his killer prematurely, nor did he want people to see the existence of the God-Eater Insect Sea, because in an instant, Xing Tian thought a lot, if he "exposed" and "God-Eater" now The relationship between the mother of the worm will inevitably take over the cause and effect of the mother of the worm, and it will inevitably bring more enemies to itself, and make more giants focus on him, perhaps this is another aspect of the mother of the worm Calculate, use yourself to divert the enemy's eyes and allow it to break free from the shackles of the road.

When the power of the soul storm broke out, when the god-eater's talent and magical power was guided by Xingtian, the terrible power instantly attacked the sword and shadow, directly counteracting the gods and evil evildoers. In an instant, the terrible power of the god-eater was on them. Exploded in the soul, those Tianjiao monsters were hit hard without any precautions!

No, the only ones who were hit hard were those Tianjiao who were powerful, with a strong soul, and had the treasure of guarding the soul. Those Tianjiao who were weak and did not have the treasure to guard the soul were directly strangled by the power of God-eating inspired by Xingtian and died. On the spot, there was no screaming, and the souls were directly obliterated by Xing Tian with the power of the gods, and these souls directly became the nutrients and food of the sea of ​​gods and insects controlled by Xingtian, and directly ruined all of his own.

"Damn, this is the magical power of the soul. We are fooled. This **** is deliberately "bewildering" and "confusing" us, calculating us. The Great Dao of Power is only his external cover, and what he really cultivates is the Great Dao of Soul!" Fortunately, the Tianjiao evildoer who had escaped a catastrophe was yelling frantically, and one by one retreated in fear, for fear that Xing Tian would once again explode this terrible soul supernatural power in the next moment.

"Okay, very good, I know that someone who can be recognized by the world of dry glory can't be as simple as that. The avenue of power smashes the void, who would have thought that this is just a cover up, just to kill many arrogances, such a cruel heart, good Terrible calculations, this **** wants to kill everyone in one go, but unfortunately he overestimated his own strength and underestimated the strength of our waiters. If he doesn't strangle him, he will definitely become our confidant in the future!" Tianjiao, who was waiting for the time to come, finally walked out secretly at this moment, and finally faced Xing Tian directly. In his opinion, Xing Tian’s two outbreaks had consumed most of his origin, and he would no longer threaten himself if he had no defense. Under the circumstances, when he was suddenly hit by this soul, he might not be able to resist it, but after he was prepared, Xing Tian's soul attack could not threaten his life.

"Ha! Ha! Ha! Well said, today is this bastard's death date, no one can save him, this **** for his own selfishness, as well as the arrogance of the human race will not let go, these cold villains are We can't let him escape from our eyes. If he does not die, he will definitely become our enemy in the future!" Another Tianjiao evildoer stood up.

We must know that Xing Tian’s soul impact this time, this power of the gods killed 90% of Tianjiao, only a few people escaped from Xingtian’s hands, and now these people have lost the fight against Xingtian. Li, and they are not qualified to participate in this inheritance battle. It can be said that they have been kicked out. Unless there is another chance, Xing Tian will die with others. This is difficult to happen. Even if it does, there will be more Big trouble appeared, no one was willing to take his own "life" risk again, so the Tianjiao evildoer who jumped out in the first wave was kicked out by Xing Tian.

For the Tianjiao in the Kurong World, they can’t see the reality of Xing Tian, ​​and don’t understand how powerful Xing Tian’s soul impact is, and how powerful this divine power strike is, but it’s different for those giants who watch this battle. They can Understand how terrifying the outbreak of Xingtian this time is, how terrifying, how incredible it is!

"Impossible, this is absolutely impossible. Such power shouldn't appear in a younger generation. No matter how powerful a person's soul is, it cannot explode such terrible magical powers. There must be something we don't know. There must be a big secret in this junior, maybe he is the human race's back hand to calculate us!" For those alien giants, the big hat of conspiracy was immediately put on the human giants, let Xingtian It is the opponent's killer.


"Yes, this must be a conspiracy of the human race. I said how they could be so generous and let us make a big move, tear the void and open the space channel without any reaction at all, because they have long been deployed in the world of dryness. Trap, waiting for us to jump in. This time we will never succeed in the conspiracy that cannot be made by the people. We must teach them a lesson. Let the people know that we are not easy to provoke and not so easy to calculate!"

Are these useful at this time? Everything has already happened, and at this time, looking for Terran giants to oppose, will inevitably attract Terran backlash, and even start the race decisive battle ahead of time. This is a result that any giants are unwilling to see, and it is also an unacceptable result. They are desperately fighting for a group of Tianjiao who have been hit hard, or even died. This is impossible. The giants will not take their own "life" on impulse and gamble with the survival of racial civilization.

"What about a conspiracy, can we stop it now? We can't do it, who made us too greedy, who made us underestimate the viciousness of the human race, and took the initiative to jump into this trap. I thought something was wrong before. , Terran giants cannot be so generous, it is impossible for us to destroy the resurrection of Ku Rong, it is impossible to give us the opportunity to seize the inheritance of Ku Rong, now everything is finally understood, they are taking the opportunity to annihilate our generation of arrogance, to Cut the luck of our race!"

"Insidious! Cunning! Vicious! This human race is a top civilization, but there is no big measure. In order to win luck, even these three kinds of tricks are used. If this hatred is not reported, we will not give up!"

It's a pity that these alien giants didn't know that the many giants of the human race were dumbfounded at this moment, and were shocked by Xing Tian's earth-shattering blow. They never thought that Xing Tian would have such a method, and it would be able to come back in adversity. Even the virtual master who had always thought that Xing Tian had prepared something else couldn't believe what he saw before him.

"Asshole, how could this **** have this strong power? This shouldn't appear on a junior. Who is he?" The Lord of Light roared with anger. At this time, his heart was very disturbed, because it was just Across the void and the world, he could feel the terrible impact from Xing Tian's body. This was not a force impact, but a spiritual impact.

"Who is he, I don't know. There is a hint of virtual world in his soul. He has the origin of human race. He is undoubtedly human race, but I think he may be our old friend?" A human race giant He sighed and said, his face could not help but reveal a faint loss and worry, even a hint of anxiety!

"Old friend? You mean he was the strong man of our human race back then, and the strong man who perished in the great catastrophes? How could this be possible, they are all gone, and there is no possibility of returning!" The Lord cried out again, and at this moment, there was also a hint of shock, a hint of panic, and a hint of anxiety on his face.

"Haha! Nothing is impossible. Even Ku Rong has the possibility of resurrection. You think other giants will be unprepared and will really die out. Those innate gods and demons can return from the long river of time. I don't believe other people will do it. No!"

Why is it so? Because every time there is a catastrophe, every human giant that has fallen, they are not really willing to sacrifice their "life" for the human race, but are calculated and pushed to death by others. Once they return, they naturally look for People get revenge, and the Lord of Light is so afraid that he is naturally worried about the return of his calculated companion.

"Oh, don’t panic now, everyone, things may not be as dangerous as you think, not as bad as you think. Ku Rong can be resurrected. This is an arrangement of our parties, and Ku Rong’s path is different. It is the path of life and death. Other giants Even if it is possible to resurrect, it is absolutely impossible to have such strength. There must be secrets that we don’t know. What's more, we are not on the scene. It is simply not enough to rely on the power of magical powers to feel the changes in the dry world. Knowing the strength of this junior, you can’t know what his assassin is. Now let’s wait and see how he reacts and what he can do. After all, we’re afraid that we’ve become civilizations of other races. His eyes are thorny, his flesh is thorny!"

When these words fell, the many giants of the Human Race couldn't help but sighed. They all understood that this was a fact. Now that the entire Human Race is being watched by other aliens, at this time they dare to make a little bit of rash action, which may cause a A disaster triggered a racial decisive battle, and the human race was not ready for everything. They did not want to have a racial decisive battle at this time and under such circumstances. Once the crisis broke out, the consequences would be beyond them.

Faced with the Tianjiao who jumped out of the dark, Xing Tian laughed and said: "Hahaha! You would overestimate your own strength if you want to kill me. Yes, I did consume a huge amount of origin, but it is not you ants. Those who can besiege, I know that there are still many enemies in the dark, but unfortunately you have no chance to come and kill me, time and space move, let me go!"

As Xing Tian’s laughter fell, the power of time and space radiated from Xing Tian. Without waiting for those Tianjiao evildoers to take action, Xing Tian’s body was fading, and he was about to disappear in front of these self-righteous Tianjiaos. At this time, those arrogant The Tianjiao evildoer couldn't bear it anymore, and shouted one by one, "Leave me here, the two worlds are divided!"

In order to prevent Xing Tian from leaving, to be able to keep Xing Tian behind, those arrogants all took out their own background and used the power of imprisoning the void. Whether it was a secret treasure, a magical power, or a treasure, they all shot and wanted to fight. Xingtian unlocked the mighty power of time and space, and wanted to imprison Xingtian in this void. In their view, as long as Xingtian's departure can be prevented, as long as Xingtian's time and space movement can be disrupted, Xingtian can be left behind, his "life" and inheritance can be preserved!

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