God of Destruction

Chapter 4190: Touched

The fourth thousand one hundred and ninety-eight chapters moved

The separation of the two realms directly destroyed Xing Tian’s chance to leave and directly "forced" Xing Tian out of the void. Even if Xing Tian also mastered the Great Way of Time and Space, Xing Tian’s departure failed due to the interference of the two realms and the interference of many arrogances. , Once again returned to the world of Kurong, this result made Xing Tian's brows involuntarily locked, and a trace of madness came through his eyes.

"It seems that without paying some price, it is impossible to leave so easily. Originally, I didn't want to expose too much, but now I have to do it. Only relying on my own power, may be able to kill all these arrogances. But my origin is bound to consume a lot, and even the secrets of my own gods and demons may be exposed. The secrets of my own practice cannot be exposed in front of too many people, at least not in front of them. , There are too many enemies watching this battle. Once it is exposed, it means that my hole card will be missing, and my path of practice may be targeted by the enemy. In contrast, there is a sea of ​​devouring insects. Then there is not so much danger, even if it will be watched by the enemy of the God Devouring Mother Queen, it is better than the exposure of its own secrets!"

In just a moment, Xing Tian figured everything out and made this crazy decision. He decided to kill all enemies and wash the whole world of dryness. As long as he dared to take action against himself, that is the enemy. Just killing.

People are good to be bullied, horses are good to be rided! It’s just that one's own strength is not enough to deter all enemies, and that will happen. If one's own power of the gods was stronger before, and could directly strangle all enemies, there would be no situation like this, those hidden in The secret Tianjiao evildoer will inevitably continue to choose to hide himself because of fear.

His expression changed, and Xing Tian said in a deep voice, "You are looking for death. I originally wanted to show my kindness and leave you a way to survive, but you don’t know how to cherish it. You have to "force" me to take action against you. If you want to die, and you will spare no effort to be greedy, I will fulfill you and give you death, letting you know how terrifying the mistakes you have made!"

"Hahaha! At this time, you **** is still weak, do you think we are all fools? If you really have the power to kill all of us, you will not choose to escape, let alone a blow Without strangling all the enemies, now even if you say that the smallpox is "chaotic", we can't change our decision. Today you are dead. If you want to survive, you will surrender your head and surrender the inheritance you have. Maybe we can still be big. Show mercy and let you live!" Some Tianjiao sneered and shouted to Xing Tian with a disdainful sneer. They didn't take Xing Tian's warning to heart. In their eyes, Xing Tian had lost their support.

Of course, not all Tianjiao evildoers are so crazy and so ignorant. Some Human Race Tianjiao still feel the crisis with the help of human luck. After all, as a member of Human Race, Xing Tian is a member of Human Race. No matter how weak Xing Tian and Human Race’s affection and cause and effect are, he Without changing his identity, it will naturally affect the Tianjiao of the Human Race, and let the Qiyun of the Human Race warn those Tianjiao!

"Damn, I don't know why, there is an inexplicable vigilance in my heart, as if there is some danger going to happen, and now I am facing only this madman, this madman, can it be said that he did not lie, everything is true of!"

"Yeah, I also have such an inexplicable feeling all of a sudden. Perhaps the lunatic in front of us really has an unimaginable power that can threaten everyone's lives. Since he is a member of the human race, we should probably not take our own "life". Taking risks should not be involved in this killing. After all, we are also humans, and we are strangling our own geniuses of the same race with foreign races. This is not a good name. It has a huge impact on our own reputation. No matter from that aspect, we Maybe everyone should stay aside, watch the changes, and wait for the end of this battle to make a decision."

"Okay, let's just do this. Everyone retreats together and does not participate in this killing. No matter whether the lunatic can succeed or not, we can protect ourselves, and even have the opportunity to preserve the inheritance that should belong to our human race, and let these alien bastards' conspiracy fail. !"

In just a short moment, the cautious Human Race Tianjiao completed the collusion, made a choice with each other, backed silently together, and withdrew from the circle of besieging Xingtian! Standing in the distance, watching quietly, waiting for the beginning and end of this killing, they didn't know what the outcome would be.

Of course, not all Human Race Tianjiao made such a choice. Some people felt very disgusted with such a retreat. They saw that it was a sign of weakness, and the opportunity was right in front of them. If they could not compete, how could the opportunity be added? Because of their luck, they dismissed this ridiculous talk, and even did not even react at all. They parted ways with the Human Race Tianjiao who chose to give way, and silently chose to siege Xingtian.

"Asshole, what do these people want to do, do they have only chance, only inheritance, not even let go of their own people, and they want to partner with other races to strangle their own kins?" When they saw the choice of the human race Tianjiao who chose to fight, someone tolerated I couldn't help but said angrily, wanting to stand up to stop all of this and stop the killing within the human race.

Before he could stand up, someone grabbed him and said in a deep voice: "Forget it, everyone has aspirations. We choose to consider the overall situation and choose to give in. This does not mean that other people will do the same. Everyone has to enter the dry world. It is to seize the inheritance of Kurong Avenue. They are not wrong in doing so. After all, chances will not take the initiative to send it to the door. We need to fight for it by ourselves. We can choose to give in, and they can naturally choose to fight. We can only control ourselves, not interfere with others. !"


Compared with this little change in Human Race Tianjiao, it did not attract everyone's attention at all, and even those human race giants who had been watching all this secretly did not care. For them, they now want to know the reason behind Xing Tian's crazy words. What is there to make him so daring to smash the siege of these Tianjiao and enchanting evildoers, although Xing Tian also blasted a powerful soul impact before, bringing death to the enemy, but it was unintentional, even if Xing Tian launched it again. The soul impact won't have much to gain, and these Tianjiao monsters who can hide to the end have terrible methods.

Now that all the arrogant evildoers of the whole dry world have gathered here? Are you all involved in this battle? No, not all Tianjiao evildoers have participated in this battle. Not only the people of the human race choose to retreat, but also a small part of the core Tianjiao evildoers hidden by the major ethnic civilizations choose to continue to hide. They think this is still not the time. Although Xing Tian has the original aura of the world of Ku Rong, this does not necessarily mean that Xing Tian has received the inheritance of Ku Rong. As long as the inheritance does not appear, they will not act rashly or attack rashly, exposing their existence, they Entering this small world is not to strangle the enemy's Tianjiao evildoers, but to ensure that the Kurong inheritance will not fall into the hands of the enemy forces. If you can't get it, then destroy this inheritance and let the Kurong inheritance completely Dissipated between heaven and earth.

"Are you all here? Who else is going to fight me for life and death, stand up, I will give you this opportunity!" After lightly scanning the enchanting Tianjiao evildoers, Xing Tian snorted disdainfully and then made a deep voice. Drink, he didn't pay attention to the evil spirits of Tianjiao that prevented him from leaving, nor did he pay attention to the power of dividing the two worlds.

Seeing such domineering performance of Xing Tian, ​​those Tianjiao monsters who chose to give in could not help but sigh softly: "Crazy, it is too crazy. What kind of background is this guy, dare to be so arrogant and do not let everyone go. In his eyes, daring to continue to provoke, can it be said that he really has the confidence to smash a **** road under the siege of so many enemies, to smash a way to the sky of his own, is really invincible? Dare to ignore all enemies?"

If they were to change their positions and let them stand in Xingtian's position, these Tianjiao monsters would not have such courage, let alone such confidence. Even if they had the strength to fight against these Tianjiao monsters, they would not be so arrogant. Domineeringly, directly provoked everyone, and shook everyone head-on, leaving no room for himself to retreat.

"Not crazy, no devil! Perhaps this fanatic is like this. Now he has no fear in his heart, he has already done a decisive battle. For him, all enemies have turned into ants. Now his belief is extremely firm. It will not be affected by any external force to confront such a lunatic. Even if it is a siege, many people will inevitably fall in this killing. Without paying a heavy price, it is impossible to take this lunatic. And how many people dare to really fight this lunatic life and death?"

"Faith, a belief in invincibility, to be able to develop such a belief in invincibility, it seems that this lunatic has experienced countless battles, and has never missed, but it is difficult to say whether he can succeed today, after all, what is left is real. The enchanting evildoers all have extraordinary combat power, and if there is a slight mistake, it is death and destruction!"

"Let’s watch the changes. We can only watch the changes now and take the risk of participating in the war. Even if we want to help this lunatic, we may not get his approval. Under this invincible belief, all he has left is himself. , All the creatures standing in front of him are enemies. To the enemy, he will strangle at all costs. We can’t impulsively destroy our own "life" and destroy the general trend of the human race. We are waiting for the end of the battle. The best choice, and it must be all the arrogances that appear now. We need to be careful to protect this lunatic and let him fight the enemy to the death without interruption by external forces!"

"Okay, let's do this. For the sake of the overall situation of the human race, we give up all struggles and protect the law for this lunatic. We hope that he can really cut a blood path and strangle all enemies. As long as he can do it, even if Kurong passed on to him is worth it! "

Although some people in the human race are greedy and betray, there are still loyal generations. For the overall situation of the human race, they are willing to give everything and give up the opportunity in front of them. This is not something ordinary people can do. The ability to make such a determination shows that they are Loyalty, even if there is no gain in this trip to the world of blight, it will be recognized by the giants of the human race, and will be vigorously cultivated by the human race in the future, and become the core existence of the human race, because their performance is worth the huge price paid by the human race To cultivate, it can be said that their performance exceeded many people's expectations.

When making a choice, those Human Race Tianjiao began to disperse vaguely, separating the space where Xingtian was located from the rest, preventing anyone from approaching in the dark, and preventing anyone from disturbing Xingtian’s battle, and their move immediately attracted The attention of those Tianjiao evildoers hidden in the dark caused the core Tianjiao to frown involuntarily. This is a result they don’t want to see. If these Human Race’s arrogances block it, it’s almost impossible to assassinate Xingtian and seize the inheritance. Even they would completely lose the opportunity to interfere in this battle of life and death. How can such a change be? Don't make them angry.

"Damn human race, what are they trying to do, do they really have full confidence that that lunatic can win and defeat all enemies in front of them? What kind of power is it that gives them such confidence!" Core Tianjiao couldn't help swearing in his heart at this time, and he was thinking about the problem at hand!

In contrast, the hidden core Tianjiao of the Human Race could not help but frown, annoyed by the reaction of these people in front of them, but they could not stop all of this, even if they stood up to persuade the other party to give up, there would be nothing As a result, because these people made this choice because of their loyalty to the human race, it is impossible for such loyal people to give up their beliefs. If you have to do this, you can only kill them and break their defenses.

At this moment, Xing Tian has any thoughts. Did he not see all this? No, Xing Tian sees and remembers the reaction of these Human Race Tianjiao. Originally, Xing Tian didn't have much favor with the Human Race Tianjiao, but now seeing this happen, Xing Tian's heart can't help but be moved. The action of the other party was moved. If you are replaced by yourself, can you make such a choice, can you make the same decision under the temptation of inheritance?

No, Xing Tian didn't think he could do it. After all, his interests moved people's hearts. Xing Tian knew exactly how great the inheritance of a giant was to "confuse" him, but the human talents in front of him did it. Such results moved Xing Tian! But moved to moved, but it is impossible for Xing Tian to give up his decision, Xing Tian will not stop because of them!

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