God of Destruction

Chapter 4191: Festival obliteration

The fourth thousand one hundred and ninety-ninth chapter obliterated

"War!" Being provoked by Xingtian, it is impossible for those Tianjiao enchanting evildoers to stop, because they have no retreat. If this time allows them to retreat, their courage will be vented, and their hearts will inevitably remain. The indelible shadow, even if Xing Nao has the power to kill everyone, they must fight to the end. This is their true situation.

Streams of light fluttered, in order to be able to ensure that one hit kills and destroy Xingtian in one fell swoop, all the Tianjiao evildoers who participated in this battle took out all the power and all the background, because they could instinctively feel the threat, so they had to To make this crazy decision, let them do their best to strangle Xing Tian with the fastest and strongest force.

"If you want to fight, I will give you a battle, give me birth, my army!" With Xing Tian's low cry, countless army of god-eating insects appeared, and a terrible sea of ​​insects formed in a moment , Xing Tian finally revealed his assassin, and finally displayed this army of God Devouring Insect Sea in front of everyone, making them feel the terrifying and terrifying of Insect Sea.

"Damn it, this is the sea of ​​insects, it is the sea of ​​insects, how can the human race have the insect sea army that masters the zerg, can it be said that the zerg and the human race are conspiring to keep all of our talents in this world of dreadful glory? , It’s the conspiracy of the human race and the Zerg?” For a moment, the arrogances of other race forces were secretly angry, and they were all wary of the Zerg. If the human race and the Zerg joined forces, their trouble would be big, and they would all be dead. In desperation.

"No, this is impossible. How could the power of our Zerg race be in the hands of the Human Race? This must be an illusion!" Before the Tianjiao of those other forces launched an attack on the Zerg Tianjiao, many Zerg Tianjiao couldn't help shouting in shock. The result made them unacceptable, and this result made them unbelievable. They couldn't believe what they saw with their eyes.

"Yes, this is absolutely impossible. How can a human race control my zerg army and form a terrifying worm sea? This must be fake and an illusion. This **** has cultivated the avenue of illusion, and can make everything so shocking. !"

fake? No, only simple-minded **** like the Zerg will think so. The arrogances of other races don’t have such thoughts. They all distinguish between the real and the real. They all know that everything they see in front of them is real. The terrifying worm sea army, the lunatic of the human race in front of them really mastered the worm sea, and this result made them equally unbelievable.

"Maybe we think too much. This is not an ordinary Zerg. The Zerg army in front of us is a Zerg we have never seen before. Could it be that this is the hidden power of the Zerg, but if so, how could the Zerg be possible? It is obviously unreasonable to hand such a weird and mysterious power into the hands of a human race, and there must be secrets we don't know!"

"It makes sense, we must be thinking too much, the worm sea army in front of us may really have hidden secrets!"

For these Tianjiao evildoers, they don’t know the origin of the God-Eating Insect Sea Army, but it is different for the many giants who have been watching the World of Withered Rong. When Xing Tian will “expose” the God-Eating Insect Sea Army. At that moment, all the giants took a breath of air, and they all saw through the origin of the Sea of ​​Devouring Insects, and they were all shocked by Xing Tian's killer.

"Asshole, what is going on? A small human race has even got in touch with the god-eater mother emperor, even has friendship, and has mastered such a terrible god-eater sea army. Could it be that this little human race is The chess pieces introduced by the God-Eater Mother Queen are to test our pawns? If this is the case, things will be troublesome. This is no longer a matter of the inheritance of dryness, but is related to a more terrible problem. If the emperor shows up, the impact we have to endure will be even more terrifying!"

"Yes, that is the God-Eater Mother Queen, the madman who once swept the entire Supreme Chaos Sea, and the terrifying existence suppressed by the Great Dao. If it breaks free from the shackles, it will be unimaginable for this catastrophe of heaven and earth. Disaster, in any case, can't let this happen, can't let the **** of God Eater Mother Empress get out of trouble, we must find it, don't give it any chance to turn over, we must suppress it to this world. The moment the robbery is over!"

"Hey! It's easy to say, do you think it is possible to suppress that lunatic? Since this lunatic dares to use the junior human to test our reality, he must have been fully prepared for it, and we have been in endless years I don’t know how much preparation it has done! At this time, if we make a move, I’m afraid we will be caught in the arms of the God-Eater Mother Queen, and we will be calculated by this lunatic. I think we should wait and see the changes. Since the opponent has already made moves, we Just be careful, there is no need to jump out to fight against it in the first place. We are not the target of the God-Eater Mother Queen. If it comes to hatred, there are giants who hate it more than we do in the entire Supreme Chaos World. "

"It makes sense. It's just the beginning of the catastrophe. The Mother God Devourer will definitely not be so unwise. Give us such a chance. The ants of this human race must be the bait released by that bastard, to lead us into the game!"

"Is it possible that the **** of the God Eater Mother Queen will join forces with the human race. If this is the case, then we are afraid that our situation is very dangerous. We have to prepare in advance for this, in case the crisis strikes and we are caught off guard. After all, the God Eater Mother Emperor knows too much, the information that the giants of the human race desperately desire?"


"No, this is impossible. Human giants will not be stupid enough to cooperate with the God-Eating Mother Queen. As long as they know the origins of the God-Eating Mother Queen, they can’t do so. Although endless years have passed, the God-Eating Mother Queen However, the information of the human race will not be completely erased. The Terran giants have not yet had the courage to fight the Dao and the Supreme Chaos World. The God-Eating Insect Sea mastered by this Terran ant is obviously a gift from the God-Eating Mother Queen, regardless of the God-Eating What conspiracy and tricks the Mother Worm Emperor has, we just need to ignore it, we don't care, no matter how powerful his calculations are, there is nothing we can do!"

When Xingtian mastered this army of the God-Eating Insect Sea, the ancient giants and old guys hiding in the dark became vigilant one by one. They all knew the prestige of the God-Eating Insect Mother Queen very well and they didn’t dare to have it. The slightest carelessness is communicating with each other in order to make the most correct choice without being calculated by the other party.

Of course, at this time, many giants of the human race were also shocked by Xingtian's crazy method. Those Tianjiao enchantings could not see the origin of the god-eater, but they knew clearly that such a terrifying and terrifying army was controlled by the younger generation of Xingtian. In the hands, some people are more disturbed, because this force can influence the victory or defeat of a war, even the human race has to pay attention to it!

"God Devouring Insect Sea! It seems that this junior had a chance to get in touch with that one. With such a terrifying army of Insect Seas in hand, the previous soul shock is only because of his use of God Devouring Insects. It’s a pity that those stupid **** didn’t see through this, and they had to "force" Xing Tian to the point where he could not retreat, exposing his assassin, and the sea of ​​devouring insects came out. The battle is basically over, no one can shake this junior!" When he said this, the virtual master couldn't help but sighed slightly, and a faint loss flashed in his eyes. There must be a cause and an effect. The cycle of cause and effect, Xing Tian To obtain such a terrifying worm sea army from the God-Eater Mother Queen, naturally paid a huge price, and also bears a huge cause and effect. You must know that in the Supreme Chaos World, the God-Eater Mother Queen has no If there are fewer enemies, those enemies can't help the God-Eater Mother Queen. Couldn't they still kill such a tiny ant like Xing Tian? Once such a situation comes out, Xing Tian must die forever!

It is a pity that the virtual lord is a pity for Xing Tian and a pity for Humans. After all, Xing Tian is a talented arrogant with infinite potential. Even if Xing Tian’s recognition of Humans is not great, he will not change the fact that he was born in Humans, and it will definitely enhance human luck. !

The Lord of Light said disapprovingly: "Huh! Things are not that easy. Although the Sea of ​​Devouring Insects is terrifying, do you think it can really deter all Tianjiao evildoers? Don’t forget, until now, the core Tianjiao of the major races is still Without showing up, just relying on such external forces, do you think this junior can really sweep the whole world of dryness?"

The virtual lord’s face turned right, and he sighed: “External force? Yes, this is indeed an external force, but this external force is under his control. Unless the God Devouring Mother Empress takes action, otherwise no one can affect this insect sea. Great army, how terrifying is the talent of God Devourer, you should know in your heart, let alone the army of God Devourer who formed into the sea of ​​insects, let alone these juniors, even some strong people have no choice but to face such a situation. , This is the general trend! Let go, stop holding that ridiculous hope, if you don't want your own line of Tianjiao to fall into the world of dryness, then let go and don't participate in this battle."

"Let it go! You let me let it go! How could this be possible, we paid such a big price, we have set up such a big situation, is it just because this junior has this army of God-Eating Insects and the sea to give up, I will not Accepted, although the Divine Devouring Insect Sea is strong, its number is limited, and its weaknesses are naturally clear if it cannot be supplemented!" Without thinking about it, facing the suggestion of the virtual master, Guangming The lord directly refused, still having confidence in his own arrangement in his heart.

"Haha! I have said everything that should be said, whether you are willing to accept it or not, this is your own choice, but I hope you can calm down and don't make big mistakes because of impulse, no matter how you say it, this junior is The arrogant of my human race, we can’t chill his heart. If Ku Rong inheritance chooses him, we should not stop, let alone kill each other! In terms of unity, we can’t be inferior to the juniors, even they are all Knowing to protect the law of Xingtian!" The virtual lord said these words very seriously, and this is also his aspiration. He also hopes to use this matter to resolve disputes within the human race so that everyone can work together to face the crisis and face the world. Jie, instead of fighting each other like a plate of scattered sand.

It’s a pity that the kindness of the virtual lord is still in vain, even if his words are good, but the radical human giants like the lord of light are not willing to compromise, more precisely, they don’t want to change, in their hearts Xing Tian is like this. Man is a scourge, and the human race cannot gather strength and deal with foreign enemies with all its strength. Important inheritance should not fall into his hands.

Ignore! Facing the kindness of the virtual lord, the group of human giants in the light lord directly ignored them, as if they had not heard these words, and had no reaction at all. They ignored them gorgeously, and their actions made the virtual lord sigh. Endlessly, the Great Tribulation of Heaven and Earth has already begun, and a crisis has emerged, but the human race still cannot reach a consensus. This is a very dangerous thing.

"Forget it, since they want to do this with all their heart, then let him do it. When the Jietianjiao falls into the world of Blight and Rong, their thoughts may change. Now it is useless to say more. It all depends on Xing Tian's own performance. I hope this army of God Devouring Insect Sea will not let me down. I hope it can destroy all enemies!"

Just as the virtual master sighed secretly in the heart of the virtual master, Xing Tian moved, and the God Devouring Insect Sea Army launched a full-scale attack. Under the guidance of the Insect King, the entire Insect Sea Storm issued a terrible killing intent. In an instant, the God Devouring Insect instinctively activated, terrifying The power of devouring God surging wildly, the next moment, this power directly launched a fatal blow to those Tianjiao who were about to move.

Under this terrible impact, no matter how amazing the back hand of those Tianjiao, how powerful the treasure guard, but their strength is limited, they can't really exert their power, just in an instant, the so-called Yiyi disappeared. , Was directly destroyed, and the terrifying power of the devouring **** poured directly into the depths of their souls, directly obliterating their souls.

There was no earth-shattering explosion, and there was no endless collision of laws, just a moment, the war was over, all the creatures who jumped out to live and die with Xing Tian were all fallen in a blow from the sea of ​​devouring insects. Below, the soul was strangled directly by the terrifying power of the devouring god, and it was obliterated directly from the soul!

Everything is so natural and easy, as if Xing Tian didn’t move a bit of strength. Just a look and a command ended this terrible war and directly destroyed so many Tianjiao evildoers, and in these Tianjiao When the evildoer fell, the infinite luck fell on Xing Tian. The huge luck added to Xing Tian brought greater motivation, allowing Xing to deeply feel the changes in his luck and his own A trace of the situation!

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