God of Destruction

Chapter 4192: Festival down

Chapter 4200 laid down

"It's ridiculous to add luck. I, a person who is against the sky, can also get such a huge amount of luck? The fall of so many arrogances has not caused the world to change. It seems that the world of dryness is not easy, no wonder it can Entering the eyes of the God-Eater Mother!" Xing Tian didn’t feel the slightest joy for the qi and luck. It seemed that this was a good thing, but there was no greater danger behind this good thing. Xing Tian didn’t know. Gain, now this gain is a bit big, beyond Xing Tian's imagination.

With luck and luck, Xing Tian felt that he could mobilize the origin of the dry world with every gesture, as if as long as he was willing, he could immediately be recognized by the dry world and become the lord of this world! In the face of such temptation, Xing Tian sneered again and again, and he felt that his previous guess was correct. This is the game, the game Ku Rong set up, and he entered the game for the resurrection. It is very difficult to get out. Perhaps when one enters this world, he has already been targeted. Everything is under the control of the other party. Now he is using this method to lure himself into the game.

"Taking homes! It is ridiculous that I want to take homes. My punishment is ridiculous. Just this little temptation to let me enter the game is extremely ridiculous! Come on, since you want to make arrangements, I will give you a fire, angry Split the luck, divide the origin, and open it to me!” Just when everyone was shocked by Xingtian's madness, they didn't know that Xingtian made another crazy decision!

Regarding the changes in the world of Ku Rong, Xing Tian thought of the master of this world at the first time, and before he entered this world, the God-Eater Mother Queen had made a warning. If he hadn't noticed this situation, It’s too stupid, but Xing Tian was never a good-tempered person, let alone a person who was calculated by others and didn’t fight back. Since the Lord of Dry Rong wanted to take away himself, that is, his enemy, Xing Tian has never been against the enemy. Be merciful.

With Xingtian’s decision, the luck gained in the world of Kurong was directly stripped away, and even the trace of human luck on his body was stripped away. The origin of the world of Kurong was also stripped away by Xingtian. When all this was done, Xingtian The human luck on his body has been weakened to the extreme, and he can even leave the human race directly as long as he has a thought. This shows that Xing Tian's dissatisfaction with the human race high-level and the human race tycoon is also a warning to the outside world.

"Damn, is this junior crazy, dare to do this? Does he still have human giants like us? Is he still a human? I don't think there is any good shelter for such a selfish bastard! "Looking at what's happening in the world of dry glory, the Lord of Light is roaring angrily, venting his own dissatisfaction.

"Stripping off the luck and the origin, it seems that he really has to see everything in the world of Kurong. Our final layout has failed. It is impossible to use him as the main body of the return of the Lord of Kurong. He is also trying to do so. We vent the anger in our hearts, and there is only the last little connection between him and our human race, just a little connection on the face!" As the strong man in the line of the Lord of Dry and Rong, he sighed lightly. Such a result was something he didn't expect, and it was also something that the human giants didn't expect. They all underestimated Xing Tian and underestimated Xing Tian's wisdom.

The virtual master shook his head slightly and said: "If it's just like this, then it's nothing. This is just a contradiction within our human race. I'm afraid that this kid will be even more crazy. He will continue to be crazy unscrupulously. If he wants to use this The law of luck and origin in the world of Kurong, I'm afraid that the Lord of Kurong will not only fail in his calculations, but will also cause the killing intent in the hearts of all Tianjiao evildoers. It is impossible for the Lord of Kurong to return anymore. His last vitality will be I will be cut off because of this! I don’t care about this inheritance, nor the effect of the Avenue of Life and Death on the virtual world. What I care about is the feelings of a real Tianjiao evildoer on us. We can’t give up because of our selfishness. Such a Tianjiao with endless potential, then we will be the joke of the entire Supreme Chaos World, and the human race will be completely divided!"

The last sentence of the Virtual Lord is very heavy and heavy, and he did not take into account the feelings of others. This is his inner mantra. Although the virtual world is the back hand of the human race, but in Xingtian's body, the virtual Lord saw New directions, new opportunities, one who can ignore the inheritance of a giant, and the temptation of a world. It can be seen how firm Xing Tian's will is, and he can really go to the end, embark on the road to the pinnacle, and hit the realm of transcendence. , Will is the most critical, and Xing Tian has this qualification.

"Virtual, do you know what you are talking about? For this junior, are you worth doing this? Do you understand how much impact these words have on the entire human race?" Facing the sudden eruption of the virtual master, the Bright The Lord stared at him solemnly and said in a deep voice, there was a trace of anger and unwillingness in his expression.

The Virtual Lord smiled indifferently: "I know, it is because I know, so I have to do this. I don't know the civilization of other races, but I still know about the human race. We can’t work together. This is because we have differences, our ideas are different, you have your own persistence, and I also have your own persistence, so I hope to take this opportunity to have a good talk and completely resolve the biggest contradiction within our human race. If you can’t do it, it’s better to separate directly. This may be good for everyone. At least we don’t have to argue and waste our time!"

In the catastrophe, time is the most precious. Since the virtual master has said this, it means that he can no longer endure it. The disputes within the human race have made him unable to accept it, whether it is for the survival of ethnic civilization or for Their own detachment, all of this must be resolved quickly, and now is an opportunity!

auzw.com"Okay, what do you want to do? You think we are overbearing, taking everything in our own hands, not giving the younger generation the opportunity to be independent, thinking that we are too selfish, but we do Everything is done for the survival of the race.” At this time, the Lord of Light was already a little excited. He really didn't understand why the Virtual Lord would break with him for a small junior.

"Haha! Guangming, you value power too much, and your desire to control is too strong. Not everything must be developed in the direction we set. We need to be powerful people who can have impact and detachment, not a group of greenhouses. Flower, as long as the other party still admits that he is a member of the human race, this is enough for us. We don’t need to ask for more. The true Tianjiao evildoers are temperamental and will not be controlled by others. The important thing is, do you think our plan can really be implemented smoothly, that it can really allow us to transcend the calamity of the highest chaotic world, and that it can really preserve the survival of the race?"

Without waiting for the Lord of Light to answer, the Virtual Lord continued: "No, we can't do it, even if we all have the power of the Great Dao, but we still can't do it. Just like those innate chaos gods and demons, they are born with natural health. , Are the real children of the Supreme Chaos World, but how do they end up? Don’t believe our so-called plan too much, we must plan for the worst. In my opinion, this kid is qualified to be detached, otherwise it is impossible to be eaten. The god-worm mother emperor watched."

What is the worst plan? The virtual lord did not say it, but for the human giants present, they all understood that the road to detachment is a path of no return. If you fail to succeed, you will be benevolent. There is no way back. Once their so-called plan fails, the human race will naturally lose. After all the shelter, it will be directly exposed in front of all enemies, no matter how hard it is to survive.

The Lord of Light sighed and said: "I still don't understand why you care about this junior so much. Although he has amazing will and courage in his body, his behavior is too crazy, and the catastrophe will inevitably attract endless The trouble of the human race is not a good thing for the entire human race, and the more joyously he jumps in the catastrophe, the faster he will die. Now he has exposed his relationship with the God-Eater Mother Queen, not to mention what the Zerg will do Look, how do you do it, just those enemies of the God-Eater Mother Emperor will not give him room for survival and development. I can't see a little hope in him, and no vitality!"

"Guangming, this is your true view. I have to say that your vision is too narrow. In this endless years of planning, your mind has been unknowingly affected. What you see is only the superficial situation, and This is not the case. What is terrible about madness? Who is not mad in the calamity? No matter how many enemies there are, as long as you have enough strength, what you see in your eyes is that the enemies of the God-Eating Mother Queen will take action. It seems that they are completely different. They will never take action, because it is not worth it. Those giants who have been sleeping for endless years will not "expose" themselves because of a junior like Xing Tian!" When he said this, the virtual master said gently. He paused, sighed lightly, and continued: "Of course, this is not absolute. No matter how much benefit Xing Tian has gained from the God-Eating Insect Empress, the giants will be tentative. But no giant will "expose" himself for the sake of a small ant. Every giant has its own enemy!"

"The virtual lord, the lord of light, in fact, you don’t have to quarrel in such a hurry. Since everyone has said everything, then the life and death of this junior will not determine everything. If this junior can break all the shackles, We will admit that he has the qualifications to transcend the supreme chaotic world and accept him. If he can't do it, he will be dead, and there is no need for us to get into a dispute for a dead person!" As a good old man in the middle, he still stood up at this time to stop the dispute between the virtual master and the light master, lest things get out of hand.

The Lord of Light did not hesitate and said directly: "Okay, it's settled. I would like to see what other means this junior can leave alive. I thought that if you stripped the origin and the luck, you can get out. He also Too underestimate Ku Rong's calculations!"

With the consent of the Lord of Light, the Virtual Lord couldn’t help but shook his head, and sighed softly, “This is not the result I want. The dispute of ideas cannot be changed by external forces. Even if we approve of Xingtian, what is essential? The problem has not been resolved! I am dissatisfied with fellow daoists, but in fact I have prepared for the worst. If possible, the entire virtual world will be completely separated from me!"

"Hey! Virtual Lord, you are crazy. Separating your own world, you don’t want to die. If you lose the virtual world, your origin will be severely damaged, and you will even fall into a deep sleep. You should understand that How terrible are the consequences of sleeping in the catastrophe, it will take your life away unknowingly!" The first one to jump up was the Lord of Light. Although there is a conceptual dispute with the Virtual Lord, it is the Lord of Light. I don't want to see this happen.

"Haha, thank you for your concern! Since I have made this decision, I naturally have the ability to protect myself. A little loss of origin is nothing, and with the continuous evolution of the virtual world, as the great avenues not only merge, but my origin I was also affected. If it weren’t for the pure power of this junior, it wouldn’t wake me up. The Dao is pure. After all, other people’s paths belong to others. Even if they are integrated into their own world, they will definitely affect themselves. It has an impact. If I still want the possibility of detachment, I must let go of all of this. Only by letting go, can I truly see myself!"

lay down! It’s easier said than done. It seems that the virtual master is just a sentence, but it has a great impact on everyone. The virtual master is a human giant, and the virtual world is his own original world. It is tantamount to cutting one's own avenue. Such crazy behavior is unacceptable. Although detachment is very important, there is no need to make such a break, and there is no need to play things so big and use all of their lives to gamble.

"Master of Virtuality, I advise you to think twice. This is not a trivial matter, nor is it just a matter of you alone. The virtual world is really a matter of the entire human race. We can't be careless, let alone just because of impulse. To make a decision, this matter must be considered for a long time. You don’t want to see us have paid an endless price, and there will be an accident in this world that has been perfected in endless years! After all, this is one of our Terran cards, and there can be no mistakes!"

This is indeed a big event, earth-shattering event, if it were not for the virtual master himself, no one would think that way, because it is too crazy, it is something that everyone can't think of, stripping their own world, who is such a crazy thing He didn't want to see it, especially when he appeared on his companions, and he was still a human giant.

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