God of Destruction

Chapter 4193: Fallen Tree

Chapter 4201: The Fallen Tree

After looking at these companions around him, the Virtual Master shook his head slightly and said, "No, I have already considered it. This is my way. If you have gains, you will lose. I want to be detached and I want to protect myself. This world Without such a good thing, we can’t lose the human race at all, so it is really imperative for the virtual world to change from the virtual world to the real thing. As for myself, I have been prepared for sacrifice a long time ago. I can sacrifice for the dead, and I can do the same. Everyone. Don’t persuade me anymore, I am my decision and my avenue!"

silence! For a moment, the high-level human race fell into silence. None of them thought of this result. Originally, it was only to calculate the civilization of other races based on the world of Withering Rong. Even if there is an accident, they can sacrifice the world of Withering Rong and re-awaken the remnants of the Lord. Will, awaken it from the long river of time and space, but now the plan is not only unsuccessful, even the virtual master has new ideas and made such a crazy decision, which makes many people unacceptable.

"Virtual, do you have to do this? Is there no room for relaxation? You should understand that once you do this, you will never have the chance to look back. You also know that the sacrifice of the Lord of Blight and Prosperity back then is that the external attack is only an introduction, really let It was his own decision that fell into silence, and he failed. Even if he stayed behind, there are still hidden dangers. Do you have to follow in his footsteps? You should know how important a giant is to the entire human race! "

The virtual master smiled bitterly: "My path has come to an end, and I can’t see a new direction. This is the only choice. Are we innate chaotic gods and demons? Without their powerful physical bodies, even they walked to their own roads. At the end, I’m willing to give my life a fight, and there is nothing I dared to do, and you should also know that evolving a real world and preserving the soul of the entire human race cannot be done by any world lord, neither can I , A perfect world must have a complete road. If I still control the virtual world, it can never be perfected. Even if we reluctantly turn the entire virtual world into reality, there will inevitably be various hidden dangers. Leave huge trouble and danger!"

"Virtual, you have a degree of certainty that you can succeed, and you should understand that once you strip the virtual world, your own secrets will be bitten by it. At that time, if you make a little mistake, it will be a dead end. I hope you Be cautious and then cautious!"

"Is there any certainty on the road of detachment? Even if there is only a slight possibility, I will not give up. This is my way. I will advance and never retreat on this road!" When this was said, the virtual lord saw A faint trace of helplessness and loss flashed through, because in these people, the virtual master did not feel the courageous and swearing aura, not even such a state of mind, and talk about detachment, perhaps endless years have already allowed They lost their fighting spirit inside.

Although I wanted to open my mouth to persuade, I swallowed the words to my lips. The Virtual Lord knew that if he spoke at this time, it would not only have no effect, but would also increase disputes within the human race, and the situation of an accidental human race would become even more Dangerous.

"Okay, don’t put your energy on me. I have made a decision. Now what we need to wait for is the result of the world of dryness. No matter what the final situation is, I hope everyone can accept it calmly. Nothing is in control. In your own hands, no matter how many back-hands you arrange, there will always be accidents, and the human race should also make changes!" When this was said, the virtual lord could not help but sighed secretly. The change is not to say So easy is a price to pay.

In the human race tycoon dispute, Xing Tian completed the separation of his own luck and origin. Although his own strength was rapidly improved with the blessings of these two external forces, Xing Tian did not lose his mind because of this, and directly separated the two external forces. When the luck and origin of the unexpected harvest were completely stripped away, the whole world of dryness was trembling, as if some power was being touched.

Others don’t know what the situation is, but the human giants understand that Xing Tian’s move stimulated the back hand left by the Lord of Ku Rong, "forcing" Ku Rong World Origin had to take the initiative to stop all of this, or wait for Xing Tian to finish everything. , Everything will disappear, this world will be ruined, and the calculations of the human race will become a big joke.

"Interestingly, everything is as I guessed it. You have been calculating all the Tianjiao evildoers. The so-called inheritance is just a lie. What you want most is rebirth. You need a Tianjiao who can bear your remnant soul. Body, let you return from the long river of time and space, but unfortunately you should never calculate my Xingtian, this time let me break your last hope!" When thinking of this, Xingtian’s eyes revealed A trace of madness.

What will Xingtian do? In fact, it is very simple. Since many Tianjiao evildoers have been attracted to the world of Kurong, for the so-called inheritance, Xingtian gave them this opportunity to expose the final calculations left by the Lord of Kurong to everyone and let them Understand why this dry world exists, and let them know what inheritance is.

"This is the inheritance you have always longed for. It is extremely ridiculous. A mere amount of luck and a trace of the world's origin will cause you to "chaos". Since you want me to fulfill you, you can fight for yourself!" As soon as he fell, Xing Tian stripped himself out of the world origin and his luck to throw away, the human race's luck Xing Tian threw to those human race Tianjiao who were guarding him, after all, these people have good intentions and are inseparable from the human race. If they absorb this human luck, it will be of great benefit to themselves, and it can also make them more valued by the human giants, and it is also a bonus to them. As for the origin of the world, Xing Tian did not hesitate directly Throw it to the side of the alien.

In an instant, a stream of light flew out of the dark, and each stream of light swept away at the trace of the world origin thrown by Xing Tian with unmatched power. They could have made them think that the origin of the world was the key to inheritance, only to get the world of dry glory. Only with the recognition of the Kuro Rong inheritance, and now the key is in front of their own eyes, how could they let it go.

At this moment, these arrogant evildoers have forgotten the Xing Tian in front of them, staring at only the origin of the world. In order to compete for the origin of the world, they all displayed their greatest power and madly attacked all the surrounding creatures. For them, these are their own enemies, and they are all objects that need to be destroyed.

auzw.com Looking at everything in front of him, Xing Tian sneered disdainfully: "Hehe! This is the human heart. It is so crazy for the sake of a small inheritance. Forgetting his own way, the way of others is not his own after all. Yes, only one's own way is the best. I don't even understand this point. It's really a group of ignorant people who can't get out of their own way, and they will inevitably fall into the catastrophe!"

In just a moment, the situation in the field changed transiently. Xing Tian, ​​who was once again targeted by many Tianjiao, became an invisible person. No one cared. Many Tianjiao were madly chasing the origin of the dry world, thinking about it. To seize the Ku Rong heritage. As for the terrifying God-Eating Insect Sea Army around him, no one paid attention, as if this Insect Sea Army was illusory.

If at this time, Xing Tian made a sneak attack, these Tianjiao evildoers who were stunned by their interests would at least die, and even the entire army would be wiped out. However, Xing Tian did not do so at this time, as if he had forgotten their existence, and was watching this with disdain. A life and death killing made the whole situation extremely strange and terrifying.

wide awake! Nowadays, there are not many sober people in the world of Kurong. If there are, it is only Xing Tian alone. Those few Human Race Tianjiao who have been affected by the luck of the human race, although they are not mad, and are not affected by the atmosphere of the catastrophe, they rushed into the battlefield. However, their minds are still affected by external forces, and they can barely protect themselves. It is impossible to do more.

"What's the matter? What this junior wants to do, he obviously has such a great opportunity to slaughter the Tianjiao in the world of Kurong, but he gave up. Could it be that there is a problem with the Sea of ​​Devouring Insects that he has, and he can't fight continuously, otherwise he can't be in vain Wasting such a great opportunity!" As the giants of the human race, all of them couldn't help but "confused" in their hearts, but they were not Xingtian, and they didn't understand why Xingtian did this, and what benefits it would do for Xingtian.

"Let’s watch the changes. This is a warning to us. Don’t want to take everything in our own hands. This time, the repeated changes are enough to explain everything. All we have to do is to watch the changes and wait for the final result. There are many things. It is useless to force it, it is yours that is yours after all, and it is not your force that does not help!"

Having said that, under such a general trend, who can do it, who can ignore life and death, no matter the life and death of ethnic civilization, no one can do it, so many giants are focusing on this, why? Is it really just to stop the human plan, prevent the resurrection of the Lord of the human race, and prevent the evolution of the human virtual world?

No, that’s not the case. Endless years of confrontation, regardless of Human Race, Zerg, and other races have already "find out" the situation of their opponents. Now doing this is just a test, for Human Race, even those A temptation of the dead giants, it is obvious that all this is beyond their imagination, and everything becomes impossible to control.

In just a few short breaths, the Tianjiao evildoer died and died. In the face of profit, any racial friendship is fake. As long as the roots of the dry world fall into the hands of others, it will attract siege. The reality is so cruel.

As the fight continued, Xing Tian's eyes became more solemn. If you can't find yourself in the world of Kurong, it is difficult to find the changes in this world. With the fall of one arrogant one after another, the vitality of the world of Kurong is stimulated. There is something to rush out from the depths, but its power is not enough to really get rid of the shackles.

Yes, it is bondage! In the world of Kurong, Xing Tian felt the power of restraint, and this power was not aimed at the enemy, but the mysterious place hidden in the depths of the earth. If it weren’t for Xing Tian’s incomparably powerful mind and feeling, he had also mastered the Three Thousand Dao, right? May feel this change, only this time Xing Tian felt threatened, death threat!

Soon, Xing Tian saw the result he wanted to know. A withered giant tree broke out of the earth. On the withered giant tree, Xing Tian felt endless death and destruction, as if it were born It represents death and destruction. When this withered giant tree appears, all the gods and demons who are fighting in a frenzy become more terrifying. The endless power of death and destruction is blessed on them, and they are frantically launched against the enemy again and again. An attack.

"Interestingly, the withered giant tree with destruction and death, this is the back hand of the Lord of Withered and Rising, or it is his original treasure, there must be withered, there is glory, and now because of the death of many Tianjiao evil evildoers has led to withered defeat The tree, where is the giant tree that represents good fortune and vitality?" Xing Tian frowned, thinking to himself, and at the same time Xing Tian’s mind speeded up the sweeping of the whole world of dry and glorious, but still did not feel his thoughts. The giant tree I'm looking for.

Is it because I think too much, there is no giant tree in the sky that represents good fortune and vitality in the world of withering and prosperous, there is only this ruined tree that represents destruction and death? But why didn't I feel the breath of the Lord of Dry and Rong in this giant tree? What is going on here? Is the Lord of Dry and Rong not as evil as I thought?

After the withered tree appeared, Xing Tian was also a bit at a loss. Everything was too weird. Perhaps the only people who really knew the reason were the giants of the human race. Only they knew how the Lord of Withered Rong wanted to return. Outsiders wanted to understand that. impossible.

"Forget it, I don't want so much. No matter how many calculations the Lord of Rongrong has, I will act according to my plan, Devouring the Sea of ​​Divine Insects and destroy everything!" Following Xing Tian's order, Devasting Sea of ​​Divine Insects The army moved again, frantically destroying the world of Kurong, and under that terrifying power of the gods, all lives would be terminated.

Xingtian’s madness did not cause many Tianjiao evildoers to stop them. They were still attracted by the origin of the world. They were not in the mood to pay attention to the lunatic Xingtian, nor did they care about the devastation of the Sea of ​​Divine Insects to the world of Dry Rong. In the heart of Kurong World, everything has nothing to do with them, even if the world is completely shattered, it has nothing to do with them. What they really care about is the Kurong inheritance. As long as the inheritance is in everything, it is easy to say! For them, Ku Rong inheritance is everything. As long as Xing Tian does not participate in the fight, no Tianjiao evildoer is willing to have a life and death duel with Xing Tian, ​​so everyone directly ignored Xing Tian's behavior.

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