God of Destruction

Chapter 4194: The Secret of Festival

Chapter 4202: The Secret of Dry Rong

"Asshole, what does this lunatic want to do? He is going to destroy the world of Kurong, he wants to destroy all the vitality of the whole world, and he wants to ruin our plan!" As the human giant, when the God-Eater Sea crazily destroys the world of Kurong, The Lord of Light saw Xing Tian’s true intentions at a glance. What he couldn’t get could not be made available to other people. He would rather destroy the dry world and destroy the inheritance that may exist than compromise. This crazy choice makes He cannot accept it!

"Yes, he is going to destroy the world and to "force" everyone into desperation. I don't understand what he wants to do, but one thing can be understood. He is fighting back, fighting back against us giants. He perceives our existence, knows that we have been observing everything in the world of Kuerong, and even he understands the real secrets of the world of Kuerong, so he dares to give us a fight and put us together, leaving us with nowhere to retreat. He really doesn’t have much nostalgia for Human Race. This is the result of your continued suppression. This is the **** "sex" unique to the true Tianjiao and evil evildoers. A true strong will never surrender to others, but things are not bad. To the extent that the shot was out of control, didn’t he hand over the luck he got from the world of dryness to those people? This shows that he still has a trace of concern for the human race in his heart. This is our opportunity, but this time we must change Method!" At this point, the Virtual Lord cast his gaze on the Lord of Light, waiting for his answer.

Without any hesitation, the Lord of Light directly refused and said: "Impossible, it is impossible. I cannot accept the result of being threatened by a junior. In any case, he will not get my approval. In my heart, this People should be suppressed directly, so as not to ruin the overall situation. If we used the final hole cards before, perhaps the situation would not be the way it is now, but now you want me to compromise. This is impossible. I will never ask a junior. Head down!"

The refusal of the Lord of Light did not shock the virtual Lord at all. Everything is just as he thought. The Lord of Light will always stick to his beliefs and always treat the “savages” like Xing Tian improperly, even if the opponent has The huge potential, in his view, is just a troublemaker, and it will not help the Human Race, nor can it bring any benefits to the Human Race.

"Oh! I knew you would do this. This is your belief. It is impossible for you to shake your belief. Just as I cannot accept your choice. In your heart, rules and order are paramount. Because you are the guardian of order, there is no sand in your eyes, but for a race, this is dangerous!"

After a light sigh, the virtual lord continued: "All the cause and effect of the great catastrophe of heaven and earth will end, and the cause and effect between races and civilizations will be fully exploded. Whoever can control everything, not to mention the entire human race, is everything under your own hands. Can you master it freely? Can you guarantee that the catastrophe will develop in the direction you envisioned? You can't do it, so we must change. Only by changing can we break a **** path from the dangers, regardless of who is in front of you What is his origin and background? As long as he admits that he is a human race, we should accept him instead of pushing it out of the human race family! Talented people have never taken the so-called road of rules, and rules are just for them Fetters. The real Tianjiao is to let the dragon roar for nine days, not to be locked by a chain of rules, to be unhappy, and to talk about cultivation. No matter how dangerous the catastrophe is, we are not sacrificing our younger generations to practice higher levels. Opportunity, no one can do this! Everything is done, all cause and effect ends here, stop entangled, after all, you and I are not the same person, the way is different, and you don’t want to conspire, you have your way, I have me The way!"

Having said that, the virtual lord closed his eyes slightly and stopped speaking. Judging from his expression, this time he was completely dead and no longer arguing with the lord of light. As for the ultimate success or failure, everything depends on his own good fortune and opportunity.

Destroying the Kurong World is unbearable for the Lord of Light, but in the eyes of the Virtual Lord, this is the best way to break the game and the best counterattack. The Kurong World is the root of everything. If this world does not Now, all calculations will disappear, but there are very few people who can really do it, at least there are not many in the dry world.

The army of God Devouring Insect Sea is dispatched and sweeping everything. The vitality of Kurong World is being wiped out bit by bit. The origin of the world is even more violent. After all, as long as the God Devouring Sea of ​​Insects is not cleared, it is a huge threat to Kurong World. Moment is devouring the origin of the world, pushing this world to destruction, and sending this world into death.

Looking at the origin of the violent Kurong World, Xing Tian's eyes flashed a cold murderous intent: "Patience? I see how long you can endure. Every time you obliterate a trace of the world's origin, your chances of resurrection will be reduced by one point. I see how much time you can endure, and I want to see what is amazing about your Krung Rong Avenue, where the giants who have placed so much weight are fighting so hard."

Did no one understand Xing Tian's intentions? No, at least three people in this dry world can see through Xingtian’s true intentions, but none of them acted rashly, although they all have doubts in their hearts and do not understand how Xingtian, a member of the human race, would do it. With such a crazy move, wanting to destroy the inheritance of the world of Kurong, could it be said that some of the many giants of the human race did not want to see the return of the Lord of Kurong, and deliberately arranged all this to eliminate the vitality of the Lord of Kurong. But this also doesn't make sense, even if there is no matter how great the cause and effect, no matter how heavy the hatred is, it will not overwhelm one's own selfishness with the survival of racial civilization!

It is precisely because there are too many impossibility, too many doubts, and they don’t have the time, and they don’t have that much energy to invest in Xingtian. It is better to watch the changes, let Xingtian do it, and take a look at Xingtian. What is the ultimate goal? What is the calculation of Human Race!

auzw.com The origin of the world is trembling, roaring, and among the huge information uploaded from the sea of ​​the god-eating insects, Xing Tian is carefully searching for the information he wants. For Xing Tian, I just want to know what Ku Rongzhi mainly does, what is the layout of the human race in the Ku Rong world, and how the Lord of Ku Rong returns and breaks free from the long river of time. Perhaps this is also a way of detachment.

It may be easier to break free from the shackles of the long river of time, and to break free from the shackles of heaven and earth. It’s just that Xingtian’s own guess is all this, and it takes time to verify whether things are true, and Xingtian does not have so much time to verify now. , Only from the information contained in the Kurong World to find the answer you want.

"Haha! It's really interesting. I didn't expect the Lord of Ku Rong to come up with such an ingenious way of detachment, the way of life and death on the Road of Ku Rong, from life to death, from death to life, the cycle of life and death never ends, life and death cycle Life and death, good fortune and destruction, interesting, this is really a good idea, it’s a pity that it takes too much time. It takes endless years and a real test of life and death to realize the path of life and death. His death is unexpected I'm looking for death by myself."

In that huge information, Xing Tian finally found the result he wanted, but this result made Xing Tian a little bit of an accident. He was born from death. This is not a general test, but to face death and destruction. If he cannot A smooth return will truly be wiped out in the long river of time. There will no longer be a trace of imprint in the world, no matter the body or soul, even everything about him will be wiped out, and there will be no such creatures. .

Although he found the information he wanted, the destruction of the world of Kurong has not stopped and continues. As the devouring continues, Xing Tian has received more information. After all, this is from the inner world of the Lord of Kurong. It can be said that everything in the world contains the imprint of the Lord of Dry and Rong. On these imprints scattered in the origin of the world, Xing Tian saw an even more astonishing message. This is the supreme secret of the human giant and the supreme secret of the human. world!

Just as Xing Tian guessed in his mind, Human Race has been preparing to transform the virtual world from virtual to reality into a truly perfect world, so as to accommodate the entire Human Race creatures and shelter when the catastrophe comes. All human beings, it’s a pity that this requires a price. It is not something that the virtual master can do to make a world virtual. Many human giants participate in it, and the Lord of Dry and Rong is one of them. The Lord can survive this catastrophe and come back again. Not only can he live from death, but his world can also complete the transformation from death to life, condensing a powerful world core. If you integrate it into The virtual world will accelerate the realization of the world!

"Unexpectedly, the human race is still so crazy. My unintentional act broke their calculations. It is a pity that I can't stop now. Even if I know that the return of the Lord of Dry and Rong is the best for the entire human race, everyone has selfishness, and I No exception, I will not sacrifice myself to perfect others, even if it is a giant of the human race, I will not abandon the current temptation "confusion"! It's just that the fallen tree that I can't let go of, it really does. Isn't there any threat at all? Will you really quietly watch the world of Dry Rong go to destruction?"

Ruthless? No, this is not because Xing Tian is ruthless, but the world is like this. Xing Tian is unwilling to enter the game and is not willing to be calculated by the human race. It is normal for Xing Tian to be unwilling to be calculated by the human race. , I can only blame the human giants for being too arrogant, not treating themselves as the same thing, and giving myself this opportunity. It's just that this opportunity also has a big crisis. The dead tree in front of him is that Xing Tian instinctively has a kind of vigilance against the invisible giant tree.

The origin of the world is being worn more and more by Xing Tian, ​​and the origin of the world has become extremely violent. If it weren’t for the many arrogant evildoers, I’m afraid that now Xing Tian has been suppressed by the origin of the world, and the power of a world is pressing on him. , Even if Xingtian’s **** and devil’s real body were strong, he would not dare to bear the crush of a world alone.

"No, look, that madman is still directing the group of bugs to destroy the world, and let him continue. It won’t take long for the whole world of decay to disappear, and we will all be caught in a storm of destruction. The destruction of one world is enough To bury all of us, in my opinion, this lunatic just wants to use this power to destroy us and avenge our previous calculations against him!"

Suddenly, a loud roar sounded in Tianjiao. Someone directly pointed out that Xing Tian wanted to destroy the world. This person was not someone else, not the Tianjiao of other races, but the core Tianjiao of Human Race. He didn't want to see Xing was completely destroying the world of Ku Rong, cutting off his chances, so he made such a decision to directly betray Xing Tian, ​​in exchange for sufficient preparation time for himself, so that he can have more benefits in this catastrophe.

"Hehe, it seems that the human race really has a dispute. He reports his own people. He really doesn't want to see someone pressing on his head. That's good. We have the opportunity to break each other. Right now, the lunatic is still important. He won't die in one day. It is a big joke for us to fully grasp the world of Kurong. If we want to pass on, we can only kill this lunatic first."

People with ulterior motives once again directed the artillery fire to Xing Tian, ​​wanting Xing Tian to bear the anger in the hearts of everyone, and want to put out Xing Tian, ​​who was once recognized by the origin of the world, if Xing Tian does not die, they will feel uneasy, because they are afraid of this. It is a bureau, a calculation under Xing Tianbu, in order to kill them all at once, and no longer have troubles.

"This is human nature, this is human heart! No matter how much you pay, once you face more terrible things, everything will be out of control. Everyone thinks that I am just an ant relying on external forces, since you So complacent, I will give you this opportunity to devour the power of God, devour God and destroy soul, kill! Kill! Kill!" When Xingtian's last killing character fell, endless resentment and endless killing intent were aroused in the void. The endless world and karmic fires, when all these forces poured into the world of dry glory, they all felt shocked. This force exceeded their imagination and made them all feel dead. This is their first time. With death so close, even those Tianjiao evildoers who have practiced the Avenue of Death can clearly feel the power from death and the true meaning of death. If they are given a little time, they can comprehend more Avenue of Death. They can make their practice even further, but they don't have the time and energy, and they are completely overwhelmed by the sea of ​​devouring gods and insects commanded by Xing Tian.

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