God of Destruction

Chapter 4195: From death to life

Chapter 4203: From Death to Life

As soon as the sea of ​​devouring insects moved, those who had just tried their best and delusionated to get oily and water retreated quickly. They were worried that the situation would be out of control, but it was a pity that everything was too late. This time Xing Tian was also ruthless and tried his best. Pay, at the expense of the sea of ​​divine worms, and destroy all those who participated in the war. No matter what the identity of the opponent, Xing Tian doesn’t care at all and treats them the same. The result of doing so will naturally cause Xing Tian huge troubles. , At all costs, all Tianjiao evildoers who dared to stand in front of the Sea of ​​Devouring Insects did not even have time to make a scream, and were directly submerged by Sea of ​​Devouring Insects.

The God-Eating Insect Sea under madness not only has the terrible power of God-Eating, but also can devour all the physical material of living beings. The result of this is that the God-Eating Insect Sea will inevitably suffer a devastating blow. Those days of arrogance and evildoers killed a large area, but relative to the result of the battle, Xing Tian didn't care about this loss. If he could not deter the enemy in this battle, he could not use iron and blood to smash everything, his fate would be even worse. This is the world of cultivation. , Kindness can only be regarded as weakness.

Whether it is a human race or a foreign race, Xingtian treats him equally, and is hit by a devastating "destructive" blow. Xingtian, who is in the middle of the sea of ​​devouring insects, does not give the enemy a chance to threaten him. The dead enemy is the best. enemy. The crazy killing instantly detonated the anger in the hearts of the civilization giants of the major races. Although this is not all their arrogance, but this time the loss is also a bit too heavy, even the top civilization will have heartache, not to mention those middle and low Civilization, it can be said that only a moment, Xing Tian has already been the target of all race civilizations, and even among the human race, there are many people in the human race who are intent on killing Xing Tian.

When he shot, Xing Tian knew that this would be the result, even under tremendous pressure, Xing Tian still did not shake his heart, and was still determined to continue killing, to end this war, and to find for himself. Enough of Nightmare's origin, even directly "force" Kurong Dao, and "force" out the true meaning of Life and Death Dao. In Xingtian's heart, as long as he does everything himself, he will continue to destroy the Kurong World Origin, regardless of the human race or Kurong's. No matter how many calculations the Lord has, it is useless.

Yes, Xing Tian is using the general situation to oppress people, relying on the general trend of heaven and earth to oppress the human race and oppress other civilizations. At this time, no matter how dissatisfied the giants are, they will not act rashly. After all, Xing Tian is now under the care of God.

Death is constantly playing out, killing the enemy in front of him, Xing Tian still does not stop, huge divine thoughts spread out, covering the entire Kurong world, constantly exploring the changes in the Kurong world, waiting for him to want to see The changes appear. In Xing Tian's view, unless the Lord of Kurong really wants to die and does not return over time, otherwise he will definitely not help jumping out. Once the world of Kurong is shattered, everything about him will vanish, truly dissipating between heaven and earth.

Will Terran Giants make a move? No, Xing Tian believes that these human giants do not have the energy to do so. They have to face the suppression of the giants of all races and civilizations. You must know that a large part of the cause and effect of their previous crazy actions has been counted by the aliens on the human giants. Everything was arranged by them, thinking that they were instructed by the giants of the human race to make such a crazy move, so naturally a large part of this causal responsibility was counted on the head of the human race. No one would believe that Xingtian made all of this alone. After all, Xingtian’s strength and realm are there. Even if he is crazy, he will not dare to fight against the civilizations of the world’s major races. It is impossible to make this choice to destroy himself. .

"A quarter of the world's origin has been swallowed up. We really have to let this crazy junior go on?" At this time, some giants in the human race couldn't bear it, and these giants are all related to the Lord of Dry and Rong, they don't want to watch When the worst result appears, I don't want to see the Lord of Dry and Rong really disappear between the sky and the earth.

"Block? How to block, what do we use to block? Do you think those alien giants are decorations, they will allow us to interfere in this battle, it is impossible, they will not give us such an opportunity, if we forcibly block, it will only attract An ultimate battle will even directly provoke a violent race war. None of us can bear the consequences. We can’t return to the world of Kurong and let the race war come early. That way we will lose more, and I don’t want to see it. The Lord’s complete destruction, but everything is not up to us. This world is not "controlled" by us. We are not the lord of the supreme chaotic world. All we can influence is the human race, and only the power that we control. Wait, this is a game Test, no matter what the result is, we have no choice~!"

This time, the Virtual Lord didn’t say anything, but just looked at the people indifferently. Now the Virtual Lord has already prepared for the worst, and there is no idea of ​​arguing about the difference in beliefs. The way is to come out by yourself. Yes, as long as I do everything well, the rest depends on God’s will, I have done what I have to do, and I have said what I have to say. Now I see the choices of the giants of the human race. I only need to manage the virtual world. Realization, preparation for dividing the world is enough.

Is it important that race wars break out early? It is also important to say that it is important, and it is not important to say that it is not important. The Human Race is not prepared. The same is true for other races. The Human Race cannot fight against the many racial civilizations of the entire Supreme Chaos World, but those civilizations are not one mind, and it is impossible to attack the Human Race together. , After all, at this moment, there will inevitably be racial civilization to be buried with the human race. This is the result that many civilizations are unwilling to accept, especially those small and medium civilizations. They will never participate. For the death of some Tianjiao monsters, they will pull The entire race civilization jumped into the fire pit of destruction, and no civilization would accept it.

It was just a dispute between a few giants. After seeing that most of the human giants remained silent, even the Lord of Light and the Virtual Lord, who had the most disputes, did not speak, and remained silent. Soon this farce of the human race ended. , Although the giants related to the Lord of Dry Rong were a bit dissatisfied, before the overall situation of the human race, they had nothing but silence.


Xing Tian would not react in the unexpected world. Now Xing Tian only cares about the changes in the world of Dry Rong, only the avenue contained in the world of Dry Rong, and the remnant soul of the Lord of Dry Rong! Perhaps it is not the remnant soul, but the real reshaping of the original source. Why Xing Tian thinks this way, because the other party has mastered the avenue of life and death, from life to death, from death to life, the cycle of life and death is endless. Now the Lord of Withered Rong has completely died from birth, and now if everything is as you think, this is the transformation from death to life! ~

"Perhaps even the giants of the human race don’t know the true thoughts of the Lord of Dry and Rong. They don’t know that the sacrifice of the Lord of Dry and Rong was not as great as they thought, but for their own crazy way of cultivation. This is a crazy detachment. Dao, if he really managed to go from death to life, perhaps this time of great catastrophe will be a time for him to detach, just like those innate chaotic gods and demons who have returned from time and space, they seem to be taking revenge, but in fact it is not In this way, they are not children, and they cannot be "lost" by hatred and "sex". They will not do things that are not good."

When thinking of this, Xing Tian couldn't help but sighed, secretly regretting that he hadn't received this astonishing news from the innate chaos gods and demons he had come into contact with before in the realm battlefield world. If this is really a kind of Beyond the avenue, this will play a vital role in understanding the supreme chaotic world and the chaotic sea.

As the death aura of the world of Kurong gets heavier and heavier, the resistance of the world's origin also becomes crazier and more terrifying, as if as long as the more death, the stronger the resistance, there is a close connection between the two, and the more so, The more Xing Tian believed that his guess was true, the Lord of Ku Rong really had to find a way of detachment, and even Xing Tian suspected that Lord of Ku Rong might be the reincarnation of the innate chaos gods and demons, and he was an innate chaos **** who practiced the path of life and death. magic.

"Hehe, no matter whether I think right or wrong, now I have no choice. As long as I continue to find the key to the problem, I will find the answer I need. Whether right or wrong, it doesn’t matter to me. I need only It’s just the perception of the Great Way of Life and Death. You only need the endless source to enhance your own background and restore the huge source of consumption.” In an instant, Xing Tian once again stabilized his will, not being shaken by external forces, whether right or wrong, As long as you persevere, there will be gains. As long as you understand this, it is enough, the other is not important.

Time is passing bit by bit, and the evil spirits of the Tianjiao remaining in the world of withered glory are also declining. In the face of Xingtian’s crazy army of God-Eating Insects, no matter how strong those Tianjiao evildoers have, Even though Xingtian also suffered a huge loss, Xingtian didn’t care about the damage to God’s Insect Sea. Forces that did not belong to him were external forces, and external forces were unsustainable. It would be no big deal to lose them. What's more, doing this by myself is also in line with the heart of the god-eater mother emperor, and is also weakening the other's vigilance, buying more time for myself, so that I have enough time and energy to complete my road.

"Damn the human race, they are crazy, this is to destroy the world, to destroy the world of blight and glory, should the human race really be willing to pay the price of a giant in order to weaken the power of our descendants? This is too crazy, what exactly the human race wants to do? Seeing that one-third of the origin of Kurong World was quickly swallowed by Xingtian’s God-Eating Insect Sea, those alien giants were a little uncomfortable, and all became nervous, eager to know what the Human Race had calculated. As for the loss of those Tianjiao evildoers, it is not worth mentioning in the eyes of these giants, and the consumption of racial luck is not worth mentioning. The dead Tianjiao evildoers are not worthy of attention.

"I don’t know, this thing was very weird from the beginning, and even now that no one can see through the calculations of the human race, now we can only watch the changes and wait for the final result, regardless of the final result, the price we paid. It's just a bit of racial luck. The death of some arrogances has not shaken the foundation of the race at all. Wait, let us see what the Human Race has to calculate, and see if they really have to abandon the Lord of Dry and Rong!"

When all the alien giants made their choices, the entire Supreme Chaos World was quiet, and the entire Supreme Chaos World fell into silence. There was hardly any racial civilization in a big fight. They were all waiting, waiting for the final outcome of the human world’s dry and prosperous world. Use this to determine the changes of the human race, determine the plan of the human race, and then make changes for the "sex".

With a loud noise of "Boom!", the entire Kurong world trembled. Xingtian's destruction and devouring of the Kurong world finally reached one-half, destroying half of the Kurong world, and the origin of the world instantly changed, with the breath of death. Overwhelmed by the vitality, the world began to accelerate toward destruction, and the world has undergone amazing changes. The endless void around the world of Glory was affected by it, and the endless breath of death gathered in the world of Glory, and the whole world of Glory seemed to be the end.

"Hahaha! Sure enough, it's such a drunken master, so insidious calculations. Everything before is just for the present. You didn't believe in the human race at all, and you didn't believe in the giants of the human race. You had expected this day, maybe without me. The emergence of, without the act of eating the gods and insects mother emperor, this dry world will also appear on its own. You are not asking for rebirth, but just bait. Your ultimate goal is to go from death to life and complete death and life. Transformation and complete the cycle of life and death!” At this moment, Xing Tian confirmed the calculations of the Lord of Ku Rong, and also felt the changes from the origin of the world of Ku Rong, and felt the appearance of a trace of ancient aura, which can reveal the aura of ancient times in this world. Nature is the Lord of Dry and Rong.

Reincarnation of life and death, what a avenue of life and death, what a avenue of reincarnation, time and again changes bring not only the enhancement of the foundation, but also the perception of the supreme chaotic world. Perhaps it is not this era that really understands the supreme chaos world. Many ethnic civilizations, but those innate chaos gods and demons, they are the masters of the world!

Understand and understand, but Xing Tian does not want to stop all of this, even Xing Tian prefers to see all of this happen, so that he can observe the evolution of the Lord of Dry and Rong from close range, and understand the other side’s way of detachment and understand the supreme chaotic world. Understanding the sea of ​​chaos, even understanding the transformation of the innate chaos gods and demon, once the opponent evolves the innate chaos gods and demon's real body again, evolves the innate avenue, it must have a vital role in one's own practice. It will even make one's own innate chaos **** and demon real body go further, make one's own physical body stronger, and make one's own avenue of power have new changes!

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