God of Destruction

Chapter 4196: Festival final metamorphosis

Chapter 4204 Final Transformation

"Come on, let me see your true meaning from death to life, reincarnation of life and death, and let me see what road to heaven you have walked on, the Lord of Dry and Rong will appear, and I want you to appear!" Feeling the origin of the world Feeling the world’s changes, Xing Tian muttered to himself. At this moment, Xing Tian’s spirit is sublimating, his soul is sublimating, and a new path appears in front of him. He has an important reference to his own practice, even Let your path of practice go further.

Under the aura of death from the outside world, Xing Tian also accelerated the destruction of the world of Dry Rong, even at the expense of his army of God-Eating Insects, in order to be able to see the results he wanted in the shortest time. As for the creatures in this world, Xing Tian doesn’t care about their life and death. If someone is greedy and unwilling to leave, then they will destroy the world together and witness the rebirth of the Lord of Blight and Prosperity, and a great miracle, a powerful one. The avenue of detachment.

You must know that the Lord of Kurong is different from other innate chaos gods and demons. He truly masters the way of life and death, and even more. In Xingtian's heart, he even thinks that Lord of Kurong not only masters life, death, creation, and destruction, but also masters. The road of reincarnation, perhaps this time of transformation, he will have new changes, integrating many roads into one.

Of course, all of this is only Xing Tian's fear of guessing, whether it will happen, everything depends on the final result, the final transformation of this dry world, yes, in Xing Tian's eyes, this is not destruction, not death, but transformation, a The real transformation!

Humans can be born from death, and the world can do it naturally. There is something to do with it, to give up the existing vitality, and to condense a stronger and purer vitality with the endless breath of death, so that the world will change, and the world will change together. Xing Tian didn't know how powerful the Lord of Dry Rong would be, and he didn't dare to imagine. Perhaps this was the way to detachment. However, Xing Tian felt that the road to transcendence should not be successful so quickly. After all, there is no shortcut to any practice. The road to transcendence is even more so, and it takes time.

carry on! Although there was a little bit of worry in his heart, Xing Tian continued. He did not give up because of this worry. It was just that Xing Tian was also taking precautions carefully. People are unpredictable. There is always nothing wrong with being more prepared. For a giant that is unhealthy, be careful. It is responsible for your own safety, even if it is a giant that has already died, it should not be underestimated.

In silence, Xing Tian gradually retreated, letting himself fall away from the Sea of ​​Devouring Insects, so as to prevent the Sea of ​​Devouring Insects from having an accident, he didn't even have a chance to escape. To a Ku Rong who might be the reincarnation of the innate chaotic gods and demons The lord, Xing Tian dare not to be careless, let alone to overestimate it. Human "nature" cannot stand the test, not to mention that he does not have much cause and effect, and he overestimates the goodwill of an unknown giant. It is irresponsibility for one's own life.

Under Xingtian’s crazy attack, the world of Ku Rong gradually became ruined, and the breath of death enveloped the entire world. In death, a pure and powerful vitality madly strengthened, and in this vitality a powerful The breath, the aura that existed in ancient times, was the breath of the Lord of Dry and Rong. Everything is just as Xing weather thought, the Lord of Dry and Rong is really changing from death to life, and this transformation is based on the death breath of the entire world. .

When the breath of the Lord of Dry and Rong exudes, three-quarters of the world at this moment has dissipated, and death is rapidly increasing. At this time, the whole world is shattered, even if it is covered by the breath of death, it is difficult to cover The breath of the people who live in Dry Rong, and this breath is naturally transmitted through the world into the highest chaos world, so that the giants of all parties who intuitively pay attention to this world can feel this breath, and feel the return of the Lord of Dry Rong .

"Damn, we are being teased. The madman is not destroying the world at all, but helping the Lord of Dry and Rong return. From life to death, from death to life, the cycle of life and death, the Lord of Dry and Rong understands the way of life and death. We are all Deceived!"

In an instant, all the tycoons of foreign civilizations were roaring and angry at this result. In their eyes, all of this was a conspiracy of the human race. They not only wanted to help the Lord of Dry and Rong to resurrect, but also to calculate each other. Civilized Tianjiao, it is precisely because of the death of these Tianjiao, with the luck of all civilizations, that the Lord of Rongrong can complete this final transformation.

It’s a pity that these giants didn’t know at all. At this time, the giants of the Human Race were dumbfounded and shocked by everything in front of them. They never thought that they had always believed that they were brave and fearless, gave up their lives, did not fear death, and were willing to sacrifice themselves for the Human Race. The Lord of Kurong actually played a terrible calculation that no one could imagine, and completed his own transformation with the help of external forces!

"What a blighted Lord, such a powerful calculation. All of us were teased by him. We originally thought that he was really sacrificing himself for the human race, but we did not expect that it would be like this in the end. The human race is just him completing himself. The platform of transformation, the price we paid this time is in his calculations. It seems that he has never believed in us, and he did not tell us his own secrets at all. It is ridiculous. We are fighting, but in the end it is like this the result of."

"Yeah, this time the trouble is big. We will not only lose our hearts and minds, but will also make the arrogances feel chilly, but also make civilizations believe that we are calculating the luck of all civilizations, but we don’t know all of this, even That madman is also in his calculations. When the world is destroyed, he will completely complete his own transformation from death to life!"

"Born from death, how can this kind of manual technique make me so familiar, but I can't remember where I have seen it?"

"Haha! You are naturally familiar. Those innate chaotic gods and demons did exactly this. They all laid out various calculations. With the arrival of the great catastrophe of heaven and earth, one by one was born from death, from the long river of time and space. It’s the same with the Lord of Kurong, but unlike the Innate Chaos Gods and Demons, he practices the path of life and death, and the extreme of death is life. He truly achieved the reincarnation of life and death. We all underestimated him and wanted It is probably impossible to complete the transformation of the virtual world with the help of the original power of the Lord of Dry and Rong. He will not do this, and he will not consume his own origin to help the human race."


"No, this is impossible. The Lord of Dry Rong is not such a person, he cannot ignore the death of the entire human race!" At this time, the giants of the human race related to the Lord of Dry Rong objected, thinking that these people have prejudice against the Lord of Dry Rong. .

"Prejudice? Impossible? Nothing is impossible. You can carefully feel the breath of the Lord of Dry and Rong. How many human breaths are still in his breath. The body has not yet condensed, but his soul is not much. The breath of the Silk Human race is even weaker than that of the lunatic who helped him transform. Isn’t this enough to explain his attitude towards the Human Race? Don’t give too much hope, or it’s irresponsibility to the entire Human Race, we can’t Gamble the life and death of the entire human race!"

At this moment, the silent virtual master smiled calmly and said: "Stop arguing, it doesn't matter whether we are prepared for the worst, haven't we already prepared for the worst? Is there any help from the Lord's life and death? The virtual world can complete the transformation from virtual reality, but this time I am sacrificing, I need to cut off my connection with the virtual world, and this is already in my decision, you don’t need to worry about it anymore. , I will bear everything!"

When the words of the virtual lord fell, many human giants sighed and bowed their heads. Now they can no longer find a reason to stop the virtual lord, and they all understand that once the virtual lord is like this Do, how terrifying the impact I have to bear, maybe the next one to fall is the virtual master, and the human race will lose another giant.

"Actually, things have not yet reached this point. We can't withdraw and deny the Lord of Drying Rong because of this shocking change. No matter what, we should give him a chance. After completing his own transformation, the Lord of Drying Rong will be stronger. He The price to be paid is actually not great, not to mention that we are still not sure whether the giants of the alien race will stop it. Nothing has been determined yet. We still have a chance, the human race has a chance, and the virtual world has a chance!"

opportunity? In this case, only the few giants related to the Lord of Drying would think so, and other human giants no longer hold hope. If they believe that the Lord of Drying will still be on the side of the human race, they will be willing to sacrifice their own origin to complete the human virtual reality. The transformation of the world will be more difficult than detaching yourself from the supreme chaotic world, and more difficult than believing that crazy junior is willing to sacrifice for the human race!

In the discussion of the human giants, the world of Kurong finally came to an end, and the breath of death finally completed its impact on the world. The last trace of the world was consumed, and the origin of the Lord of Kurong, who had been hidden in the core of the world, was completely released. , A terrifying and terrifying aura permeated, the whole world was shrinking, all the aura of death was swallowed by the origin of the Lord of Blight and Prosperity in the core of the world, born from death, the ultimate death is life, a huge egg Appeared in front of everyone.

Pregnancy, this is the vitality bred by death, the transformation from death to life, and now the Lord of Dry and Rong has finally reached the most critical moment. As long as you hold on for a while, persist until all the breath of death is transformed into the source of life, and the Lord of Dry and Rong will return. The highest chaotic world, and at this moment the so-called dry world disappeared. Xing Tian and his army of God-Eating Insect Sea were also driven into the highest chaotic world, but Xing Tian couldn’t get out of it according to his own thoughts, and the entire void was destroyed. A powerful force was locked, so Xing Tian could not use the power of time and space to get out, and this force was exuded by the dome evolved by the Lord of Dry and Rong.

"Damn, I knew it would be like this. How could an'enemy' who is deceiving even the human race deceive his'enemies' leave? It seems that this battle will inevitably happen, and the worst will happen. , This is the warning of the God Devouring Mother Empress, but unfortunately it is too late to understand, maybe this is the real test of the God Devouring Mother Queen to me, and it is my catastrophe!" When thinking of this, Xing Tian couldn't help but He shook his head, and endless anger appeared on his face.

At this moment, not only Xing Tian is set in the void, but also the human Tianjiao who Xing Tian let go before, and even some alien Tianjiao who escaped Xingtian’s slaughter. They are also in crisis, and they are all affected by this sudden change. Shock.

"The two worlds are divided. It seems that the worst has happened. The Lord of Kurong really has never believed us. Even such a method has been arranged. There is no human race in his heart. He wants to liquidate the enemy who destroys the world of Kurong. , To be a killer to one's own'beneficiary'! There is no kindness at all, it seems that we really have misunderstood him!"

"What's the use of saying these now? Once the two worlds are separated, even if all of us take action, we won't be able to blast off the defense of the power of the world for a while. No matter how strong we are, we can't compare with the highest chaotic world. What a powerful method. What a vicious scheme!"

"Causality, he wants to account for all cause and effect, from birth to death, from death to birth, birth and death, reincarnation, perhaps this is his way of detachment, in front of detachment, nothing is worth mentioning, a little cause and effect can be counted. What, wait, let's see if he can achieve his wish and can really complete the path of detachment from death!"

"Dear fellow daoists, don’t you think this is a bit weird in front of you? No matter who is going to be born from death and returning from the long river of time and space, he must face the test of the supreme chaotic world, but so far, the punishment of heaven has not appeared. The main Ku Rongzhi is more terrifying than we thought, and even he is connected to the Supreme Chaos World!"

When these words fell, everyone was startled, and then they all frowned! Yes, this is a bit abnormal, let alone a return against the sky, even if it is self-transformation, there will be a catastrophe, but now there is no change in the void. This is really abnormal. Can it be said that the Lord of the Blight and the Supreme Chaos really Is the world involved?

Neither the heavenly calamity nor the heavenly punishment appeared, and the Lord of Kurong also activated the division of the two worlds, mobilizing the power of the Supreme Chaos World. If the Lord of Kurong had nothing to do with the Supreme Chaos World, there would be no one. Believe, the more you think about it, the more solemn the expressions of the people will become, and the more dissatisfied with the Lord of Blight and Rong, and even some hatred.

But what about dissatisfaction and hatred, can everyone prevent this from happening? Can it prevent the return of the Lord of Dry and Rong, or even destroy his plan? No, no one can do it, at least not now, unless someone can destroy the powerful supernatural power that divides the two realms first, and let the transformation of the Lord of Dry and Rong be exposed in the supreme chaotic world.

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