God of Destruction

Chapter 4197: Day penalty

Chapter 4205 Heaven Punishment

"Causality, the division of the two realms, Ku Rong completed the division of the two realms with the power of cause and effect. The cause and effect are not broken, and the punishment is not present! I finally understand why he traps those juniors. He is borrowing the causality and luck of these juniors. To conceal the secrets of heaven, it is exactly this that the will of the supreme chaos world will not come, it is a dry glory, good calculation, good means!"

As a tycoon, you have a very good vision. As long as you think carefully, it is easy to see through the calculations of the Lord of Dry and Rong. It is easy to see through, but it is difficult to destroy it. It is impossible to break through the current situation. It is impossible to rely on external force. The trapped Tianjiao, but for these juniors, no giant would think that they have such strength and can break through the game of the Lord of Withered Rong!

"Yes, good scheming, everything is under his control from beginning to end. At this time, even if we make a shot, we can't break the game. We can only watch him complete the transformation. Unless we dare to fight against the supreme chaotic will, but someone Do you dare to do this? No, no one will be so crazy. Take it at this time!"

Silence, for an instant, the giants fell into silence again. At this time, before the threat of the Lord of Dry and Rong is determined, no one would do this. Resist the supreme chaotic will and fight against the entire supreme chaotic world. Demise, self-sacrificing things will not appear in these giants, at least not now.

Just when everyone was desperate, thinking that everything was irreversible, a voice suddenly sounded: "No, things have not reached the point of despair, we still have a chance, we can't make a move, but someone can break the game, don’t Forget, there is still a lunatic in the division of the two realms, as long as we tell him everything through other Tianjiao, maybe everything will be different."

"Yes, it is indeed possible. In order to survive, this lunatic will definitely do everything possible. You must know that once the Lord of Blight succeeds, the first thing to liquidate is his enemy who destroys the world, liquidate all cause and effect, and end all grievances!"

Time waits for no one. As soon as these words fall, without waiting for everyone to make a calculation, the giants immediately acted. The giants of the human race are more restrained. Although the calculation of the Lord of the Rong is very powerful, he is still a member of the human race at this moment. , There is still the identity of the human race, but the giants of other races will not be so calm. As long as there are giants with their own Tianjiao, those giants have shot to pass the crazy news, and make the last effort to prevent everything from happening. .

People are not for themselves, and the earth will die! When they knew that they still had a chance to get out alive, the tianjiao all yelled frantically, telling Xing Tian the secrets they knew from their ancestors, and desperately fighting for their last chance.

In an instant, Xing Tian's expression became gloomy. Although he had already guessed in his heart, Xing Tian was still very angry after he really knew all this. If he didn't destroy the world by himself and gave the Lord of Dry and Rong a chance to be reborn, even No matter how powerful his calculations are, he will eventually fail. Because the Lord's plan was wrong, and the human race is not as crazy and vicious as he thought. Now this **** **** is going to put himself to death. Under this situation, Xingtian naturally wanted to fight back.

"Since you are unrighteous, you should not blame me for being cruel. It is not that I have to kill you and die, but that you don't give me a way to survive. It's okay if you want to be super, but you shouldn't hit my idea, you shouldn't break mine. Vitality, although the separation of the two realms is strong, it is not unbreakable. If I don’t know your secret, it will take time to figure out the root cause of the problem. Now everything is different. Borrow my strength and anger. Fortune, forge cause and effect with me, this is your biggest flaw, the world of "holes" blooms in its origin, blesses my body, the avenue of power smashes the void, opens the avenue to cut the cause and effect, and destroy me! Kill! Kill!"

With the roar of Xing Tian, ​​the opening of the road, with the help of the Dao of Power, bursts with endless power. The power separating the two realms is directly broken, and the power of cause and effect that originally entangled Xing Tian's body is completely shattered. No matter how sophisticated the Lord’s calculations are, everything will be turned into nothingness under the opening of the road. In the face of absolute power, no amount of calculations can withstand a single blow.

With a crackling sound, the imprisoned power formed by the division of the two realms was torn apart. The origin of the Supreme Chaos World and the luck and cause and effect of the heavenly arrogant evildoers like Xing Tian were cut away. The division of the two realms was shattered, letting Ku Rongzhi The Lord's primordial fetus was directly exposed under the Supreme Chaos World, and the rebirth of the Lord of Dry and Rong was completely radiated between heaven and earth.

With a loud noise of "Boom!", the heavens and the earth changed their "color". When the breath of the Lord of Dry and Rong diffused, the will of the Supreme Chaos World could no longer ignore this change, the great power came, and the punishment was concentrated, it The Lord of Dry and Rong has to be judged. If the will of the Supreme Chaos World ignores all this and the rebirth of the Lord of Dry and Rong at this time, it will completely lose justice, lose the will of God, and lose the origin of dominating the world, and then everything will be out of its control. , The entire Supreme Chaos World will be "chaotic".

"No, **** ant, you dare to destroy my rebirth, you deserve a million death!" When Xingtian broke the power of the division of the two realms, the soul of the Lord of Rongrong finally woke up from its deep sleep, its yuan The fetus was trembling frantically, devouring the origin of the outside world frantically, and wanted to gather more origin before the punishment of heaven, so that oneself could fight against the punishment of heaven, so that he could seize the first line of life from this terrible desperation. , So that you can survive this catastrophe. Only in anger, it lost its mind and involuntarily yelled at Xing Tian frantically and cursed Xing Tian.

Faced with the curse of the Lord of Dry and Rong, Xing Tian sneered disdainfully and said: "This is the end you deserve. If it weren't for your venomous heart, you don't leave a way out for yourself, don't give others a way to survive, how could you end up like this? Since you dare to have a murderous intent on me, you must be prepared to be beheaded by me. No one can calculate my punishment without paying the price. If you want to overcome the catastrophe, dream of your spring and autumn, let me die. , Devouring gods and insects, devouring gods and destroying souls, kill me!"


Following Xing Tian’s command, those originally imprisoned God Devouring Insect Sea immediately charged frantically, frantically launching a devastating impact on the Lord's Yuan Fei, the power of God Devouring the Lord's Yuan madly The fetus, destroying everything about the Lord of Dry and Rong, whether it is the huge vitality that reincarnated from death or other powers, has been madly plundered by the Sea of ​​Devouring Insects.

At this time, under such circumstances, Xing Tian won’t have the slightest bit of softness. The enemy has done so absolutely against things. How can he be soft-hearted and let this **** **** make a way of life. The best enemy is the dead enemy. , Only when the enemy is dead, can I feel relieved and at ease.

"Hahaha! I knew that in the face of his own "life" and the interests of his race, this lunatic chose his own "life", and no racial interests were worth mentioning!" When I saw Xing Tian launched frantically When attacking, tearing apart the defenses of the two realms, and frantically launching a devastating blow to the original fetus of the Lord of Dry and Rong, the faces of those foreign giants all "showed" joyful smiles. For them, this result is what they want to see the most and the best.

"Hahaha! The calculations of those **** of the human race have finally come to nothing. They paid such a big price, but they did not expect that they had made the most undesirable mistake. They should not believe in the evil spirits they cultivated, and should not think that they would do it for Racial interests sacrifice themselves, no one is willing to make wedding dresses for others, no one is willing to sacrifice themselves for others, this is what they deserve!"

"Well said, this is what the human race deserves, and this is what the Lord of Dry and Rong deserves. If you dare to use such insidious and vicious methods to calculate others, you have to pay such a price, and see how this **** responds! At this time, even the will of the Supreme Chaos World will not be able to save him. This **** is dead, or the order of the entire world will be shattered, and our chance of detachment will come. I would rather see the will of the Supreme Chaos world let him go a dog Life!"

What is the reaction of the human giant now, silence! Many human giants are in silence. They don’t know what choice they should make at this time. They are dissatisfied with many people in Xingtian, but they are even more terribly vigilant towards the reborn Lord of Dry and Rong. Everything they did was beyond their imagination, and also exceeded the previous promise of the Lord of Dry and Rong. Under this situation, how can everyone not doubt the true intentions of the Lord of Dry and Rong.

Heaven’s punishment has come, without a slight delay. If the Supreme Chaos World will dare to do this, it will be in the hearts of all the Supreme Chaos World giants, even the human giants hope that this will happen, because it means they are also detached. Opportunity means that the order of the entire Supreme Chaos World is shattered, and this result is beyond the will of the Supreme Chaos World.

With the loud noise, the endless world-killing thunder and punishment surged madly, and the void was soon enveloped by a black thunder and lightning. In the thunderous sea, a statue The phantoms of the Innate Chaos Gods and Demons are condensing, and it exceeds the number of three thousand in an instant, and they are growing rapidly. It can be said that the innate Chaos Gods and Demons born in all epochs of the entire Supreme Chaos World have been condensed. When these many After the chaos gods and demons condensed, another giant was condensing.

Judgment, this is the final judgment of the Supreme Chaos World, and also the strongest judgment of the Supreme Chaos World. Only when the world is impacted by creatures, will this terrible power be condensed, and now the Lord of Blight and Prosperity has stepped into this. One step, although everything has just begun to change, it's just the condensing of Yuan Ti, but he has reached this step after all.

Amidst the unwilling roar, the punishment came, and an innate chaotic **** and demon rushed towards the original birthplace of the Lord of Dry and Rong on the original road, launching a terrible attack. The same is true for the many giant ghosts, even as a god-eater When the phantom of the mother emperor appeared, the God Devouring Insect Sea commanded by Xing Tian immediately received the blessing of the source, each of the God Devouring Insects became stronger and more terrifying, and the power of God Devouring was crazy strengthened, terrifying God Devouring Chonghai condensed a powerful and unmatched Dao **** pattern, directly pressing on the Lord of Dry and Rong!

"Damn, the madman God Devourer Mother Queen knew my plan for a long time. He is cutting my life. I knew this **** would not let me go!" Facing the crazy attack of God Devouring Sea of ​​Worms , The primordial spirit of the Lord of Rongrong is screaming frantically, but no matter how unwilling he is, no matter how angry, he can’t stop all of this from happening, can’t stop the power of God Devouring Insect Sea from erupting, and can’t stop God Devouring Power from attacking himself The strangulation of the soul can only passively accept all this.

"Okay, very good, I know that the god-eater, the mother-emperor, can’t just choose a human junior as his messenger, carry his own avenue, and command the god-eater’s sea. All of this is just for completion. For the strangulation of the Lord of Dry Rong, it seems that the craziest thing is not the Lord of Dry Rong, but the **** of the God-Eater Mother Queen. He is the most terrible enemy. He is the ultimate winner of all this. He calculated everything. After calculating everyone, he is the ultimate black hand!"

A magnate who has a grudge against the God-Eating Mother Emperor is mumbling, with a hint of vigilance and uneasiness in her eyes. This time the outbreak of Xing Tian, ​​the coming of God’s punishment, the crazy outbreak of the sea army of God-Eating Insects, Let him have more vigilance in his heart, and make him even more jealous of the God-Eater Mother Queen. For such an enemy who can calculate everything, how can he not let him be chilled!

"Before the final battle of the Great Tribulation of Heaven and Earth, the God-Eater Mother Queen must be found, and this **** must be found, and he cannot be given more preparation time, otherwise the next time I will fall, it will be me. The Lord’s fiasco is the best lesson and the best warning. I can’t follow in the footsteps of the Lord of Blight!"

Some thoughts are not just one person or two giants, but almost all giants have such thoughts in their minds. Everyone is worried that they will follow the footsteps of the Lord of Blight and Rong. Although the punishment has only just come, everyone Understand that this time the Lord of Dry and Rong is defeated. If there is no accident, no one is willing to stand up and sacrifice themselves to save the Lord of Dry and Rong. All this will be a foregone conclusion. The Lord of Dry and Rong will truly die and disappear completely between heaven and earth. .

What kind of enemy is the most terrible? It’s like the God Devouring Mother Empress, who didn’t even show her face, just used her own calculations and sacrificed a little bit of profit, so that a junior of the human race could control an army of God Devouring Insect Sea, and he could perfectly strangle the Lord of Drying. Respect the powerful enemy, even if you don’t bear any danger, all the dangers are borne by the junior human race. How can such a method and such a scheming not make all the giants fear and uneasy, how can they make them not fear!

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