God of Destruction

Chapter 4198: Festival crazy

Chapter 4206 Crazy

At this moment, what is the Mother Queen of God Eater? With such an astonishing change in the world of Ku Rong, everything is really under his control, and everything is really developing according to his vision? He is so happy at the moment, so happy?

No, the god-eater mother emperor's expression is solemn at this time, and her eyes reveal endless shock! Yes, at this moment, Xingtian’s madness and the changes in Kurong’s world are beyond his imagination. Originally, he was actually using Xingtian to test the reactions of other giants, but he did not expect that the Lord of Kurong would be so crazy and terrible. The layout of the game, and he didn't expect that Lord Kurong’s calculations would fall to nowhere, would be seen through by others, and led Xing Tian to make such a killing.

At this time, no one will be optimistic about the Lord of Blight and Rong, even if he can withstand the impact of external forces, can block the strangulation of the sea of ​​gods and insects, and can withstand the bombardment of Heaven's Punishment, but it is difficult for him to be super, because he A heavy price will be paid, that huge sea of ​​God Devouring Insects is enough to consume most of its origin, and even Xing Tian, ​​a lunatic, will give him a fatal blow.

Today’s God-Eating Insect Sea Army is frantically rushing towards the Lord of Dry-Rong. Although they are constantly bombarded by the Lord’s breath, death cannot stop them from advancing. With the crazy outbreak of the Sea of ​​God-Eating Insects, the entire Dry The Lord’s primordial fetus is enveloped by layers of worms. When this sea of ​​worms entangles the Lord’s fetus, the punishment above the void becomes even more terrifying, even more terrifying, in the highest In the rules of the will of the chaotic world, as long as there are creatures breaking in, it will be regarded as a help to the people who save the robbery, and the power of the punishment will be strengthened. And so many god-eaters, naturally, crazy promotion The power of the Lord's Heavenly Punishment, although the Divine Devouring Insects are constantly dying, their number has not decreased at all!

"Crazy, really crazy, the Mother God Devourer is crazy, the junior is crazy, and he doesn't care about the destruction of the God Devouring Sea of ​​Insects under his control. Perhaps in their hearts they really regard the Lord of Withered Rong as a dead enemy. They all can’t wait to kill the Lord of Dry and Rong. At this moment, all racial pretensions are left behind. If the Lord of Dry and Rong cannot find a way to break the game, there is only a dead end waiting for him. The power of God’s punishment will continue to increase, even In the first time, the Lord of Dry and Rong will die and die!"

"Yeah, it's crazy. The Lord of Dry and Rong has done a good job of calculating, but he is still far behind the Mother Queen of God Devouring Insects. Just sacrificing a sea army of God Devouring Insects can destroy a giant. A giant who has returned over time, and a giant who wants to surpass the world. This time it really makes people see the horror of lunatics. There is no complete certainty. No one will provoke these two lunatics. The juniors are equally terrible, they can't be offended!"

"Hehe! The **** **** of the Human Race are dumbfounded. They paid such a big price to calculate all of us and all the forces, but they didn't expect this general trend to change and change again, and they didn't expect the situation to change again and again. But the three places are beyond their control and are out of control. At this time, it depends on how they choose!"

"For the human giants, how they choose now is wrong. Choosing the Lord of Kurong will inevitably cause dissatisfaction among the younger generations and affect the overall situation of the human race. After all, the actions of the Lord of Kurong are completely beyond their control. Choose that junior. They will also hate those human forces related to the Lord of Dry and Rong. Now their best choice is to wait and see what happens, watching this God's punishment destroy the Lord of Dry and Rong, breaking the death situation that they have carefully laid out!"

Glorifying misfortune, this is the true feelings of the civilizations of the major races outside of the human race. For them, they are eager for this punishment to destroy everything. When destroying the Lord of Blight and Prosperity, they will also destroy all the gods and evil spirits, although this allows the major races to civilization The last few Tianjiao were also dead and souls, and compared to the loss of the human race, it was not worth the effort. Not to mention the death of the Lord of Dry and Rong, even the death of the enchanting Xingtian was enough to offset the loss of Tianjiao and the lost luck.

Heaven’s punishment continues, a phantom of an innate chaos **** and demon, a phantom of a giant, under the control of a powerful rule, madly bombards the Lord’s Yuan fetus, only the first wave of impact, Xingtian’s hand The Sea of ​​God Devouring Insects was destroyed for a fraction of the time. If this continues, Xing Tian’s army of God Devouring Sea of ​​Insects will disappear in smoke. Faced with such a loss, Xing Tian has no heartache at all. He still looks forward calmly, watching. The womb of the Lord of Kurong.

"Damn the road of reincarnation of life and death, although the power of Heaven's Punishment is constantly increasing, the loss of the Lord of Dry and Rong is not as great as imagined. He is constantly absorbing the power of death from the sea of ​​gods and insects, and is constantly transforming into his own vitality. , To maintain your own source of consumption, if you can’t quickly break through the defenses other than the Yuan Tire, it is an illusion to completely destroy the Lord of Kurong. For the giants of the human race and other civilizations, the death of the Lord It doesn’t matter whether or not it doesn’t matter. As long as Heaven’s Punishment has severely damaged the origin of the Lord of Kurong and cut off his path, things are troublesome for me. If Lord of Kurong survives, the first one It must be me, the enemy of life and death, who is going to kill, and there will be absolutely no hesitation!"

Feeling the changes in the womb of the Lord of Ku Rong under the punishment of the sky, Xing Tian's expression became extremely dignified, and things were not as simple as he thought. The Lord of Ku Rong’s road of life and death is too powerful, directly affecting the sky. Punishment, of course, there is also the assistance of the Supreme Chaos World. After all, the Supreme Chaos World does not want to completely destroy the Lord of Blight and Rong. There is a transaction between them that outsiders do not know. In this case, even because of Limited by the rules, the Supreme Chaos Will will do everything possible to leave a ray of life for the Lord of Drying, so that the Lord of Drying will not fall under this day's punishment.

"It seems that I can no longer preserve my strength. An army of God Devouring Sea of ​​Insects is not enough to kill powerful enemies. I need to add another army of God Devouring Sea of ​​Insects, or even more, but I can't expose too much. , I can’t let people know that my world contains more God-Eating Insect Sea Army, and let people not know my secret. I must use the name of the God-Eating Insect Mother Queen to accomplish all this and push all responsibilities away. Go to the God-Eater Mother Queen and let it bear this heavy burden!"


In a short period of time, Xing Tian made a decision quickly. Time is waiting for no one. When he made a decision, Xing Tian did not hesitate, nor did he think about whether he would be evil by doing so. The dissatisfaction and murderous intentions of the Mother God Insect Empress, after all, all this is that the Mother God Insect Empress is calculating herself first. Under this evil situation, it is normal for her to counterattack a little bit.

"Kill, there is nothing to say, you can't be merciful to the enemy!" In an instant, Xing Tian's expression became extremely solemn, and endless killing intent appeared in his eyes. It was killing the Lord of Dry and Rong. Intention, the killing intent to the Supreme Chaos World!

"The great God-Eater Mother Queen, abide by the ancient vows, open the door of the world, and let the great Zerg warriors come!" As Xing Tian's voice fell, a powerful world power surged, and a powerful space power surged. As he moved, the power of the world and the power of space gradually condensed a gate of light and a gate of the world in front of Xing Tian.

When the gate of the world became a dignified entity, the mighty power of the world burst, the gate of the world opened, and the endless army of God Devouring Insect Sea rushed out frantically, quickly forming a more powerful God Devouring Insect Sea in front of Xing Tian The army, a sea army of God Devouring Insects that shocked everyone, its appearance was something that no one had expected.

"Damn it, everything is really driven by the God-Eater Mother Queen. What a **** ancient oath, this is a trap, a trap, the fool is still summoning the God-Eater Sea, but he doesn't know what he did. Every move is in the calculations of the God Devouring Mother Queen. He has become the chess piece in the God Devouring Mother Queen's hands, fighting for the God Devouring Mother Queen!" Seeing the world gate open, seeing another God Devouring When the army of Chonghai came, the Lord of Light couldn't help but screamed, venting his dissatisfaction with Xingtian!

"Ignorance, this junior is really ignorant and terrible. He even believed in the nonsense of the God Eater Mother Queen. Although I don't know what this junior has experienced, what happened in front of him is enough to show that he was calculated by the God Eater Mother Queen. , Carrying a scapegoat for the God-Eater Mother Emperor, suffered terrible cause and effect, but he didn't know it, and was still sinking into a deeper quagmire step by step!"

"Haha! You say it lightly, a junior, who was targeted by the God-Eating Mother Queen, do you think he has the power to resist and the power to fight the God-Eating Mother Queen? If he can see through the calculations of the God-Eating Mother Queen , To be able to break free from the calculations of the God-Eater Mother Queen, that was terrible, and that was worrying. Although he is in a bad situation, he is not dead, at least there is a ray of life, and this ray of life is the people. The reason of the giant is precisely the one that everyone can see through the current game, the game set by the God-Eater Mother!"

"Now this junior wants to use more of the God-Eating Insect Sea Army to pile up the Lord of Withered Rongs. What do you think we should do now? Is a junior who is related to the God-Eating Insect Mother Emperor worthy of our trust? I don’t. I know what everyone thinks, but I can’t believe him. After all, we have seen everything in front of us, and we have seen the terrible calculations of the God-Eater Mother Queen. If this junior is brought into the human race, we can still rest assured to fight against the disaster of heaven and earth. , Can you rest assured to complete the preparations of the human race?" Suddenly a voice sounded among the tycoons of the human race, and this voice did not come from the Lord of Light, a tycoon who has always looked down on Xingtian, but a human tycoon who has always been neutral. The upheaval this time made many people fearful!

At this time, the Virtual Lord sighed and said: "It’s too early to talk about this, and everything is not over yet, and we don’t know what the final outcome will be. It’s better to let it go for a while and wait until everything is over. It is possible to do bad things with good intentions and damage the great cause of the people, so that no one wants to see the result!"

Not only was the human giant once again shocked by everything in front of him, the other giants were the same, and they all believed that everything was "fucked" by the God Devouring Mother Emperor, or else just relying on a junior like Xing Tian, How could it be possible to open the door of the world in such a short period of time, and receive the army of Devouring Divine Insect Sea once again to come to this world.

If before, many giants were somewhat wary and caring about Xingtian, but now no one pays attention to Xingtian anymore. In their eyes, Xingtian is just a puppet, one who is influenced or even controlled by the God-Eater Mother Puppet, there is no need to waste more energy on him. After all, Xingtian has done enough this time and has completed the mission assigned to him by the God-Eater Mother. Once this battle is over, the God-Eater Mother will inevitably Take everything back.

Compared to the sighs and shocks of other giants, when the God Eater Mother Queen saw what Xing Tian had done, not only was there no anger in her eyes, but joy, even though Xing Tian was shirking responsibility and pushing all the responsibilities onto herself. , But it’s not worth mentioning to the God-Eating Insect Mother, no matter how much causation and pressure are on him, after all, he is an enemy, and there is cause and effect, and they will all end in this catastrophe. More cause and effect will not affect you. For Xingtian, everything is different. If this responsibility is shirk, Xingtian will be safer, have more vitality, and even eliminate the attention of other giants. A **** that can save itself is better than a pawn. A piece that only knows how to do it is better. The living Xing Tian has a greater effect on the God Devouring Insect Mother, so the God Devouring Insect Mother is not angry but happy.

I have to say that Xingtian's win this time not only eliminated the killing intent and attention of many giants, but also received greater recognition from the god-eater, but everything is different for the Lord of Dry and Rong. , When Xing Tian once again summoned more army of God Devouring Insect Sea, his intent to kill Xing Tian was even more serious. It was Xing Tian who "forced" himself into this terrible crisis.

"Damn junior, you can deceive others, but you can't deceive me. Although this world gate reveals the aura of the Zerg race, but in this aura is not the original aura of the God Devouring Mother Queen, but rather With the breath of your junior, it is impossible for you to lie to me, don’t let me find a chance to fight back, or you will be dead!” The Lord of Rong Rong was muttering to himself viciously, not that he didn’t want to say loudly. He can't do everything, he doesn't have so much power to waste. If he wastes his power under this evil situation, even a little bit, it is possible that he will fall into a place where he cannot be recovered. It is necessary to preserve one's own strength as much as possible. If you accumulate a little more source, you will have more vitality. If you waste a little source and a little energy, you will probably ruin your own "life" directly, even if you know that everything is Xingtian in your heart. Conspiracy, he can't speak either!

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