God of Destruction

Chapter 4199: Blew up

Chapter 4206 Blows

Although he could not hear the voice of the Lord of Ku Rong, Xing Tian could feel the malice from the Lord of Ku Rong. The strong malice made Xing Tian more murderous in his heart. For Xing Tian, ​​he was unwilling to let such a person be so malicious to him. The enemy is alive and immortal is the final situation between the two. In this battle, they will live and die.

"Come on, take out your last details, let me see what you can do to reach the sky, let me see what you can do with me, don’t think that if you don’t speak, I don’t know the killing intent in your heart. , Today you and I will never die~!” When Xingtian’s words fell, the entire chaos world was shocked. No one has ever dared to speak so arrogantly, although the Lord of Rongrong is now caught in the punishment of heaven and is changing At the critical moment, he couldn't show his strength, but he was a giant after all, and he was not something that a junior could provoke, but all this happened.

"Crazy, really crazy, Human Race has produced such a madman, a madman who dared to provoke the giant. Even if it is a giant who is reborn, it is a giant who has not regained the power of its heyday. It is also a giant. Confrontation, let alone immortality, this is completely self-defeating and cutting one's own vitality!"

In the face of Xing Tian’s crazy words, no giant is optimistic about Xing Tian. If Xing Tian can use the punishment of heaven to severely damage the Lord of Dry Rong, can use his strength to protect himself, and retreat from this catastrophe, they still believe that with the Lord of Dry Rong Without dying, no one would think that Xing Tian had this power, so in their eyes, Xing Tian was looking for death.

"Damn, Huluo Pingyang was deceived by a dog, and now even a junior kid dared to provoke me. If this junior is not destroyed, what face do I have to return? This kid is going to'force' me to fight to death. Is this him? My own idea was arranged by the God Eater Mother Queen. I remember that I did not have such a big hatred with the God Eater Mother Queen, but why did this **** calculate me like this? Could it be that he saw through my plan? He knew I have a way of detachment!" Facing Xing Tian's provocation, the Lord of Withered Rong cursed in his heart and was thinking about the problem. All this was so strange that he had to be careful.

For a moment, the Lord of Kurong sighed inwardly, and said to himself: "Forget it, now is not the time to think about this question. The most important thing at the moment is to destroy this **** sea of ​​devouring gods and insects first, if you let it go. The sea of ​​sacred insects hits, and it won’t take long for me to fight back, and I’ll be consumed little by little. I’m still too careless, or too self-righteous. I shouldn’t give up the great help of Human Race, or else neither. This will happen today."

At this time, the Lord of Kurong felt a little regretful in his heart. He should not give up the power of the human race, should not conceal his plan for detachment, and even now the war has broken out for so long, but no human giants have come to help, no one can help him. , To block the Sea of ​​Devouring Insects, even those human giants related to them are watching with cold eyes. It can be seen how serious the human giants’ dissatisfaction with them is, and even the Lord of Withered Rong suspects that his identity has been exposed. .

"Is it really necessary to'expose" one's final secret, and to let everyone know his origin?' Faced with heavy pressure, the Lord of Dry and Rong was thinking in his heart, but once he did this, he would never again. There is no retreat, or even self-denial of the human race, which will make the whole world "shock", and one who is not careful will become a target of public criticism.

"No, I have to wait, I can't make a move in such a rush, I can't expose my own secrets under this little pressure, I still have a chance, and I can wait!" Soon the Lord of Withered Rong gave up again in his heart. Continue to endure his crazy thoughts. After all, although the punishment is strong, he has not been unable to bear it. Although the Sea of ​​Devouring Divine Insects is terrifying, he has not "forced" himself to desperation.

Xing Tian didn’t know what the Lord of Dry Rong was thinking at this time and what he was calculating. For Xing Tian, ​​he had only one thought, to kill the enemy, and do everything he could to strangle the Lord of Dry Rong, the living enemy, even if he paid a higher price. He must also kill him in this battle, and he must be punished by heaven. Otherwise, once the darkness passes, Liu will wait for his death. For the sake of his own life, Xing Tian must also do his best. , Must do everything possible to strangle each other.

"The power of the Sea of ​​Devouring Insects is still not enough to destroy the Lord of Dry and Rong. The power of the road of life and death is too terrible, too weird. It is born from death. The death of many of the gods and insects is turned into his nourishment, nourishing the Lord of Dry and Rong. Yuantai, it is impossible to use the power of Devouring God to directly strangle his Yuanshen. A giant Yuanshen cannot be strangled by one or two army of God Devouring Insect Sea."

Seeing his own God Devouring Insect Sea is constantly being consumed, and seeing that the Lord of Dry Rong's aura has not weakened as quickly as he imagined, Xing Tian's heart can't help but cast a shadow, and the situation has changed so much. Make Xing Tian faintly disturbed.

"Perhaps I shouldn't be so cautious. If I want to kill such a giant, it is difficult to succeed only by relying on external forces. I should use my own strength to change the situation!" In an instant, a crazy thought came into Xing Tian's mind. This time, Xing Tian's mind was fighting frantically, thinking about whether he should continue to take action, showing more power.

"Haha! I didn't expect that I would have such a day, and I would hesitate to "expose" a little secret and a little power. As long as the enemy of the Lord of Dry and Rong can be eliminated, no matter how big the price is, it is worth it. He can live from death, he can use the source of death to recover himself, and I can use the avatar’s End Road to directly use the God-Eater Sea Army to complete the fatal blow, sacrifice the entire God-Eater Sea, and do the final Kill, solve this battle completely!"

auzw.com Time waits for no one. The power of punishment on the day has repeatedly and repeatedly failed to inflict heavy damage on the Lord of Dry and Rong. On the contrary, it has destroyed the sea of ​​devouring gods and insects that he has mastered. Xing Tian couldn’t help changing his mind. Get impatient, eager to solve this crazy battle quickly!

"Okay, you don't want the origin of death, you want to live from death, then I will fulfill you, devour the sea of ​​worms to explode, the road of death will come, the extreme of death will end all things, kill! Kill! Kill!" , Xing Tian shouted in a deep voice, and as his voice fell, the sea of ​​God Devouring Insects that had been madly entwining the Lord of Dry Rong suddenly became violent. Without waiting for the punishment to destroy them, the terrible breath of death erupted, and the entire God Devouring Insects The sea exploded. Yes, under the guidance of Xingtian, this army of God-Eating Insect Sea blew itself!

Although Xing Tian promised to the God-Eater Mother Emperor that he would not sacrifice the God-Eating Insect Sea he had, Xing Tian couldn’t take care of so much now. In Xingtian’s view, he really had no choice. To preserve one's "life", one must work hard, and must kill the Lord of Blight and Rong, so such a sacrifice is the most reasonable choice.

There was a loud noise, and countless god-eaters blew themselves up, triggering a terrible disaster. The power of death generated under the blew up instantly turned into the power of ending, launching a destructive force on the Lord of Dry and Rong. The power of the end of the Great Avenue is impacting the defense of the Lord of Dry Rong, destroying the original womb of the Lord of Dry Rong, and strangling the vitality of the Lord of Dry Rong.

In just a few breaths, the Sea of ​​Devouring Gods and Insects completely blew up, and the mark of the end appeared on the original fetus of the Lord of Kurong. The power of the end shook the Lord’s defense and damaged the origin of the Lord. He even "forced" the Lord of Kurong to the path of the dead, knowing that Xing Tian is not only an army of God-Eating Insect Seas, but there is also a larger sea of ​​Insects in his "hole" world.

"Crazy, it's crazy and terrible. The God-Evering Insect Mother Queen is really going to kill Ku Rong. I don’t know how the Lord of Ku Rong offended this lunatic, and he actually incurred such a terrible killing. At the price, the qualitative change caused by the quantitative change, evolving the Avenue of Death into the Avenue of End, it seems that we all underestimated the God-Eater Mother Queen. The original rules he mastered were much more than we thought, not to mention that the Lord of Rong is now controlled by himself. , Even if we are suddenly hit by such a blow, we will have to pay a heavy price. It seems that the Lord of Dry Rong is dead, and the God-Evering Insect Mother doesn't want to give him life at all!"

"Yeah, it's crazy, it's terrifying, this lunatic is terrifying to the extreme. He even planned to slaughter giants like Lord of the Blight and Rong at the beginning of the Great Tribulation. He has to provoke the supreme chaotic will. It seems that he has the power and supremacy. The chaotic will confrontation, or else he would not provoke the bottom line of the supreme chaotic will so madly, he would make such a crazy move when he knew that the Lord of Dry and Rong was connected to the supreme chaotic world, instead of dying, he would fight Not the face of the Lord of Dry and Rong, but the face of the Supreme Chaos World. He is provoking the rules of the entire Supreme Chaos World!

"It's said that the Mother Queen of the God Eater was suppressed and sealed by the Supreme Chaos World, but now it seems that this is all false. If the Mother Queen of the God Eater really has to be suppressed, how could he dare to be so crazy and dare to confront the Supreme Chaos Will. The **** insect mother emperor doesn’t give up. This time the Lord of Rongrong is dead. The human sea tactic is an unsolvable killing. In the endless years, no one knows how many **** insect seas it has cultivated, and does not know the accumulation What a terrible worm sea army, now unless there are external forces to help, unless the Supreme Chaos World will take action, otherwise the Lord of Withered Rong is dead and no life, and will truly be trapped in this battle!"

At this time, no giants were aware of Xing Tian’s impropriety. No one thought that all this was not being led by the God Eater Mother Emperor, but Xing Tian. After all, to those giants, Xing Tian was just a small ant, a wave of hands. Exterminate ants, such ants have no ability to shake the general situation of the sky and the earth, and have no ability to threaten the life of the Lord of Blight.

"Look, yes, the gate of the world has opened again, and the **** of the God Devourer Mother Queen is continuing to dispatch troops. If no one will help the Lord of Drying destroy the door of the world, even if the Lord of Drying has a strong background, it will be A dead end, will be consumed by the Sea of ​​Devouring Insects alive. Under this natural punishment, no matter how the punishment of the Supreme Chaos World is directed against Sea of ​​Devouring Insects, it will not be able to change the overall situation unless it can ignore it. The restriction of the rules directly smashed the door of the world!"

When seeing the Lord of Drying in desperation, when seeing new changes in the situation, many giants are mourning for the Lord of Drying. Today, the God-Eater Mother Queen can kill the Lord of Drying with a sea of ​​people tactics, next time You can also use the same method to fight other people, and no one can compare with the Zerg or fight against the Zerg King in terms of crowd tactics.

At this time, the major races are not only afraid of the God-Eating Queen, they are also wary of the giants of the Zerg. What the God-Eating Queen can do, other insect-emperors can do, even if there is no God-Eating Queen. The power of, but there are still six or seven points of strength, and the Zerg has never lacked cannon fodder. If the racial decisive battle begins, the Zerg will be the first to win, and if it can’t be held, the entire Zerg must be destroyed in the first time. , Do not give the Zerg giants the opportunity to play to their Zerhai advantage.

In just a big battle, Xing Tian changed the supreme chaotic world, and also changed the thoughts of the civilizations of the major races. The Zerg became the vigilant object of all civilizations. Such a change made the Zerg giant happy and worried. I am happy about the power of the Zerg and the horror of its tactics. What is worried is that the Zerg is now wary of all civilizations. Once a war breaks out, it is very likely that it will be strangled by the civilizations of other races, putting the civilization in a huge crisis.

Nowadays, many giants are no longer worried about the human race. Although all this is due to the human race, it is also guided by the human race, but now with the eye-catching army of the god-eater, the limelight of this battle has been directly transferred from the human race to the zerg. As for the Mother Queen of Devouring Insects, no one knows its whereabouts, and no one dares to provoke it with integrity.

At this time, the God Devouring Insect Mother Empress was also a bit unbearable. Although Xing Tian was protecting himself, he consumed the Insect Sea army so madly that made it a little worried. This great catastrophe is just the beginning. This battle It was just a small temptation, but Xing Tian made such a move, but it was earth-shattering, making the whole world crazy! This is not the result that the God Devouring Mother Queen wants to see, but it just can't stop all this now, can't change all this!

"Is my decision really right at the time? Is it really a good thing to choose such a crazy person, such an unscrupulous bastard? The situation he provoked is a bit too big, and the entire Supreme Chaos world has changed because of him, with such a large causal karma , He really can go to the end, is he really able to fulfill my wish?" When thinking about this, the God Eater Mother Empress couldn't help but sighed, feeling a little regretful and uneasy in her heart!

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