God of Destruction

Chapter 4200: Dying

Chapter 4207 Death

It’s too late to regret, and everything has already begun. I can’t help eating the **** insect mother emperor to regret it. At this time, if he wants to stop it, it’s even more impossible. He will only plunge himself into crisis. Once his whereabouts are found, the consequences will be disastrous. Now Xing Tian’s worm-sea tactics will be used by his own enemies. Countless enemies will come to chase him. In those years, he offended too many people, had too many enemies, and endless years. After that, the God-Eater Mother Queen didn't know how many enemies there would be, and even the Zerg would not let him go, even if he still had the name of a Zerg giant.

After thinking about it for a while, the God-Eater Mother Queen gave up the idea of ​​interfering in this battle. Whether Xing Tian is alive or dead, he should not interfere. There is no need to participate in this battle, and there is no need to participate. All this is Xing Tian. If he is not too arrogant and self-righteous, he will not have so many things to provoke the withered and prosperous people. No matter what the consequences are, he will be borne by himself, and the misfortune caused by himself shall be dealt with by himself. Yes, take it yourself!

At this moment, the Mother Queen of God Devouring Insects repelled Xing Tian in her heart, and even wanted to withdraw her power and the younger generations placed in the world of Xing Tian, ​​but soon the Mother God Devouring Insects shook her head again and sighed softly: " Forget it, this battle kicked off the beginning of the Great Tribulation of Heaven and Earth. Perhaps this is my chance, my chance to get rid of my own predicament. Since the junior Xingtian wants to use the insect sea tactics to complete this killing, he wants to sacrifice My younger generations come to destroy the Lord of Blight and Rong at the expense. Perhaps this is the opportunity to cut off the mark of Devouring God, cut off this cause and effect, and cut off this blood relationship."

Cutting off blood is not a success by just thinking about it. This requires a great deal of cruelty. If it is just an acquired creature, it is not difficult to cut off the blood. You only need to pay part of the price and have a firm will. You can clear the blood in your body, but for the ancestors of a race, it is extremely difficult to cut off the blood. This requires sweeping away all the descendants in the entire world and leaving themselves in the world. The blood is emptied, and only in this way can I have the opportunity to slash the blood imprint in the world and get rid of the influence of the world on myself.

Yes, only by clearing the blood imprint of the supreme chaotic world can they break free from the shackles of their own blood. In fact, for many giants, it is not as difficult as they think to be detached. There is a simple way to cut the blood. After all, for these giants, they are almost all the ancestors of a race, but to do so, they first have to face the backlash of racial luck. After all, destroy their own race by hand. This will cause endless resentment, terrible blood backlash, and bite. The **** insect mother emperor did not have this consideration, because it had entrusted its descendants to Xing Tian, ​​and Xing Tian's hand had come to destroy his descendants.

The idea of ​​the God-Eater Mother Queen is very good, but it is not an easy task to really do the same. Even if Xingtian does it for him, he can cut off all the lives of his descendants, but he remains in the highest chaotic world. But it is not so easy to erase, not to mention that he has been calculated by the Supreme Chaos Will, and has a god-given name.

"Haha, it's really interesting. I didn't expect that my dignified insect king would one day be calculated by the chess piece of his own choice. It is really ridiculous. No one would believe it, but this is the fact and cannot be changed. The fact that I really don’t know whether all this is the general trend of the world, or the calculation of the supreme chaotic will. If it is the latter, this world catastrophe will be a real cleansing, a cleansing of the entire supreme chaotic world. Everything will return to chaos, primitive chaos!"

In fact, there is still a terrible guess in the heart of the God-Eater Mother Queen. If it is the latter, perhaps it is not only the Supreme Chaos Will, but the power of the Chaos Sea. In this case, there is only one real way out. Climbing into the Chaos Sea, the so-called life from death, and the law of reincarnation of life and death may not necessarily be able to transcend the world and get rid of one's own restraints.

If the supreme chaotic will is going to destroy the world, and even those innate chaos gods and demons have been calculating, do they really have a chance to break free from the shackles of the supreme chaos world? No, the God-Eater Mother Queen doesn’t think so, because the imprint of the god-given name on her body is a good proof. Even after endless years, she still has no guarantee that she can break away from all this, and she still needs help. With external forces and the help of other people, how can those true innate chaos gods and demons succeed.

It's a pity that all of this cannot be spoken or spread, otherwise it will attract the anger of the supreme chaotic will, even if it has accumulated endless years, the god-eater mother does not think that she can retreat all over, after all, under madness His supreme chaotic will can crush everything, and such things as self-sacrifice will not appear on the God Devouring Mother Queen.

After taking a deep breath, the Mother Queen of God Devouring Insects fell silent again, no longer paying attention to everything in the dry world, no longer watching this battle, for him, no matter what the outcome is, he has nothing to do with him. The relationship, what I should do is to hide, not to fight, not to show the limelight, being watched by the enemies of all parties, by the supreme chaotic will.

When the God Eater Mother Queen retracted his consciousness and stopped watching the battle, the giants hidden in the dark couldn't help but sighed and shouted angrily: "This damn, cunning God Eater Mother The emperor, he was so calm. Under this circumstance, he had withdrawn his consciousness and once again hidden in the dark. This **** was really cautious enough to even look down on the origin of the Lord of Blight. It seems that he is really good. I was frightened by the supreme chaotic will. I didn't dare to act rashly and could only use external forces to do things!"

auzw.com"Okay, what's the use of anger at this time, as long as this **** does not show up for a day, we can’t take it lightly, now it’s the Lord of Blight and Rong who is being targeted, if we let this **** find Where we are, I'm afraid that the next unlucky person will be you and me. We have to be careful about this **** and can't be negligent."

"According to what I said, we should use our strength to destroy this junior first, and break off the tentacles of the God Devouring Mother Queen, and not give him any chance to detect us. Without this junior as the tentacles, the **** wants to calculate us again. It's very difficult!" For those secret enemies, there is still some anger in my heart, wanting to kill Xingtian this'pawn'!

"No, the more so, the less we can act rashly. This may be the conspiracy of the God-Eater Mother Queen. He released this junior and used the Lord of Blight and Rong to use the knife, just to draw out our enemies and find our whereabouts. Once he is aware of our existence, how sure you feel that you can withstand the raid of the Insect Sea, if you can’t do it alone and can’t stop it, then don’t act rashly, or you will only lose your own **** "Life, because of a chess piece to lose one's own "life" is not worthy of life, it is very easy to cultivate a chess piece for the God Eater Queen, but we cannot act rashly. Faced with the advantages of the Zerg race, we There is only patience, and only wait for the God-Eater Mother Queen to escape before strangling!"

"Oh! I think so, but do we really have to be able to do it? After a long time, the **** is afraid that it will be stronger, even a step beyond us. At that time, we are afraid that we have no strength to fight against us. The situation is very unfavorable. What we have to face is not only the giants of this era, but also the giants of other eras, and even those innate chaos gods and demons. After all, we all tried to contend against them back then, and we all settled the sky. Great cause and effect!"

"So what, even if these **** come back, and these **** work together to calculate us, they also need to have that strength. After the endless years, how many people will remember us, continue to be patient, as long as the final extinction of heaven and earth arrives. It’s when we take action, when we plunder everything, when we live and die with the Supreme Chaos Will, and when we are detached, now we don’t need to fight for this little thing!"

Who are these hidden giants? What is their relationship with the God Eater Mother Queen? Why do they become enemies of the giants of one era after another? What are they calculating? No one knows, maybe someone knows it and it won't be too detailed. After all, endless years have buried endless information, and many ancient giants have been buried by time.

Silence! With the divine consciousness of the God-Eater Mother Queen dissipating, soon more giants stopped watching this battle. In the end, only the giants of this era are left. Only they really care about the life and death of the Lord of Blight. I want to know whether the Lord of Kurong can withstand the strangulation of the Sea of ​​Devouring Insects, and whether he can retreat with his whole body. After all, this is of vital importance to the major civilizations behind them. As for the Innate Chaos Gods and Demons, there is no news, as if for them, they don't care about the life and death of the Lord of Drying, as if the Lord of Drying has nothing to do with them, and it is not worth their waste of energy to watch this battle!

When only a few giants were left to pay attention, the Lord of Kurong also changed. Faced with such a crazy impact, no matter how big his heart was, he could not remain so silent. If this continues, I am afraid that he will not wait for himself to erupt. You will be taken away by Xingtian’s crazy worm-sea tactics. You know, if Xingtian has been so madly mobilizing more god-eating worm-sea, even if it’s just a wave, it will be destroyed by heaven’s punishment. Bo's power of devouring the gods will also severely damage his own soul. Once the soul is seriously damaged, there is really no chance of turning over, and there is no possibility of recovery.

"I can’t wait any longer and let this lunatic go on. I will be depleted little by little, and the Supreme Chaos Will can’t be counted on. Now, even though its help allows me to withstand the punishment of God again and again, Now the biggest threat is no longer the punishment of heaven, but the sea of ​​devouring gods and insects. The threat of this endless stream of devouring seas of gods and insects is too great." At this time, the Lord of Dry and Rong was already extremely anxious. Under the impact, he couldn't bear it.

Directly "expose" one's true origin, and "expose" one's innate chaotic nature? Directly condense the mark of the congenital avenue of reincarnation of life and death, and complete the condensing of one's congenital chaotic gods and demons? No, the Lord of Kurong sighed slightly and gave up this decision again. Once he did this, his essence would be completely exposed in front of everyone, and ordinary people would not see anything, but For those giants, they can clearly feel their own innate essence, and even when they are "exposed", the innate chaotic gods and demons who have been hidden in the dark will be ready to move and can't help but jump out to make trouble!

"It seems that we really have to give up this transformation, the cohesion of the cycle of life and death, and abandon the original fetus that has finally condensed, return to the human body again, condense the luck of the human race, and condense the human nature, but this time it is only difficult to get The recognition of the giants of all races. After all, my calculations made them vigilant before, and the protection of the supreme chaotic will also caused their anxiety. No racial civilization would like to see such a situation happen!" Facing great danger , Faced with a situation that might fall into destruction at any time, Lord of Rongrong had to make this unwilling decision.

Between life and death, no matter how great the price is paid, he will choose his life. The Lord of Dry and Rong is no exception. Time waits for no one. When facing the endless stream of insects, he himself does not know that he can persist. How long, after all, the damage caused by the combination of Heaven's Punishment and the Sea of ​​Insects is incalculable, even with the protection of the supreme Chaos Will, it is impossible to retreat.

"Damn ants, I remember you this time, don't let me see you again, or it will be your death date, it is impossible to put me to death, the original fetus is destroyed, give me a burst!" With a light sigh from the Lord, his originally scarred fetus finally exploded, and the origin of life and death was directly shattered, forming a terrible storm, directly destroying the power of ending induced by Xingtian, meaning the reincarnation of life and death. Directly destroy Xingtian’s insect sea killing intent!

At the moment when the Yuan fetus was destroyed, the Lord of Ku Rong shouted in a deep voice: "The origin is condensed, the cycle of life and death, the return of humanity, gather for me!" In this deep shout, the endless stream of humane luck poured into the Ku Rong. In the soul of the Lord, this is the aura that originally belonged to the Lord of Blight and Rong. At this moment, he wants to use the aura of the human race to condense his true body and condense his original true body. Only after condensing the real body with human aura, he will lose most of the benefits he has gained from this time of life and death. After all, only the real body of the innate chaos **** and demon is the best to carry his own road of life and death, and the real body of human aura Although the body is strong, but it has a close connection with the human race, which is very unfavorable to the Lord of Dry and Rong!

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