God of Destruction

Chapter 4201: Weaknesses of Human Race

Chapter 4208 Human Weaknesses

"Damn, this **** wants to escape the golden cicada, wants to use self-detonation to resolve the crisis of life and death, stop dreaming, do you think this will make me give up? Do you think human luck can make me stop? Impossible, give me Go to death, explode me, devour the gods and destroy the soul, strangulate the soul, destroy! Kill! Kill!" When he saw the self-help of the Lord of Dry and Rong, Xingtian saw a murderous masterpiece in his eyes. Although he now has the identity of a human race, but this is not It is not the reason for self-protection. If the Lord of Drying and Rong succeeds in getting out of danger, death is bound to be waiting for him, and these giants of Human Race will not protect themselves from disasters!

If the Lord of Kurong didn’t use human luck to condense the real body, and did not re-choose to be associated with the human race, the giant of the human race would not take action and would not "involve" in this battle, but now it is different. When making the decision, even if the tycoons of the human race are dissatisfied with the Lord of Dry Rong, for the sake of the luck of the human race, Xing Tian must be prevented and the life of the Lord of Dry Rong must be protected.

At this time, the Lord of Light once again fought out and said: "Dear fellow Taoists, this junior in front of him is crazy, and he has not put the righteousness of the human race in his heart at all. He clearly saw the choice of the Lord of Dry and Rong, but he is still endlessly chasing after him. , We can't help but stop him, otherwise our human race will become a big joke, and a human race tycoon will be killed by a fellow human race junior!"

Seeing the Lord of Light jumped out to make trouble again, the Virtual Lord sighed and shook his head gently, but there was no word, but his expression revealed his true thoughts, disdain! Yes, it is dismissive, it is contempt! The choice of the Lord of Light is despised by the Virtual Lord. What kind of human righteousness is really a big joke. At this time, "step in" to fight, is it really beneficial to the human race? The luck of the human race can really be preserved. Is it really that important? At least in the eyes of the virtual lord, this is not the case. In contrast, the virtual lord is more optimistic about the junior Xingtian, but now the virtual lord no longer wants to participate in this battle of the human race, and does not want to argue with the light lord. That is necessary, if the Human Race has to make such a choice, it can only be said to be the disaster of the Human Race itself, no matter how you stop it, it will not help!

Seeing the disdain flashing in the eyes of the virtual lord, the lord of light was very annoyed, just because the virtual lord did not stop it, and he only had patience and did not dare to argue lightly so as not to anger the virtual lord and make things change. , The fighting within the human race broke out again, and even caused a new round of conflicts in the human race, and the human race fell into turmoil!

The virtual lord can be patient and can ignore it, but not all clan giants will do this, nor are all clan giants agreeing with the Lord of Light. They think there is something wrong with Xingtian’s actions. This is a war, a duel of life and death. What kindness, let alone race righteousness, let Xingtian stop at this time. This is obviously to put Xingtian into a desperate situation. In the face of his own life and death, no racial righteousness will be mentioned, let alone a junior like Xingtian. It is these giants of human race, if they are allowed to choose between race righteousness and their own life and death, they will also choose the latter. This is the selfishness of human nature and the normal response of a normal creature.

"What do you mean, is it that a junior is more important than the Lord of Dry and Rong? If you know that the Lord of Dry and Rong is present, the virtual world can be virtualized, which can save more time and energy. The juniors who are connected with the God-Eater Mother Emperor are a scourge to our human race. What is the point of sacrificing him to complete the human race's great cause?" Facing doubt, the Lord of Light roared wildly, his eyes revealing endless evil. Light, as if to save the Lord of Dryness at all costs.

"Hahaha! You are going to split the human race, this is to ruin everything about the human race, a junior, he is indeed a junior, but he is not a junior to let you suppress. If you have to take action, then don't use the name of the human race. , Don’t use human luck, let alone use humans as an excuse, otherwise you are the sinner of humans. Once the sea of ​​insects comes out, the whole human race will collapse. No one can stop the madness of the sea of ​​devouring insects!" At this time, it is still The tycoons of the human race can see everything clearly, and they have mastered the Xingtian that devours the sea of ​​gods and insects. It is not something they can handle if they want to. If they are not careful, they will be backlashed.

"Split the human race, you said that I am splitting the human race. It is extremely ridiculous. I am thinking of the human race. A junior is not as scary as you think. Do you think that after this battle, the God-Eater Mother will fully support him? The transformation of the Lord of Dry Rong has failed, and it is not worthy of the God Eater Mother Queen to pay more attention to him. He has become an abandoned son!"

Just when the words of the Lord of Light fell, there was a change in the battlefield. Xingtian did not achieve his wish, and there was no soul of the soul that could kill the Light of Drying, because Lord of Drying finally Using the most precious treasure of one's life, the mirror of reincarnation condensed with the road of reincarnation of life and death, with the light of reincarnation, blocked Xing Tian's mortal blow!

"What a great road of reincarnation, the road of reincarnation formed by condensing the road of innate life and the road of death, you are not a human race at all, you are a congenital chaos **** and demon, a **** who has swallowed the origin of other innate chaos gods and demons, now in the human body Delusion and detachment, let me die, the door of the world will open for me, and the sea of ​​devouring insects will come, and the insects will come to the world, killing the Quartet!" With Xingtian's deep cry, the door of the world opened again, and another The sea of ​​gods and insects appeared. When the gate of the world was opened this time, all the giants were vaguely aware of the abnormality, the connection between Xingtian and the sea of ​​gods and insects, and even the connection with the world behind the gate of the world. It's just that they haven't thought that the world is Xingtian's world.

"Damn it, this junior has opened the door to the world again. It seems that his transaction with the God Eater Mother Queen is amazing, and he has mastered the dormant world of God Eater. It seems that God Eater Mother Queen has to let go. Strike, it will give up its own blood, otherwise it is impossible to hand over the world of Zerg to a junior so easily, and it is still a junior of Human Race!"

As a Zerg tycoon, he vaguely understood the purpose of the God Devouring the Mother Queen in an instant. This is to get rid of the shackles of the bloodline, to cut off all ties with the Zerg, and to cut off all causes and effects. Such crazy actions make the Zerg giants. The fear, the fear for it, because they all understand an uncontrolled world of the Zerg, and it is the terrible horror of the Zerg who has a god-given name like the God Eater out of control. Any race will be destroyed once it is hit by it. For!


"Crazy, really crazy, Mother God Devourer is going to fight to the death. At this time, we can't act rashly and can't cause trouble to the Zerg. Since the Human Race doesn't want to see that junior, let them bear the Sea of ​​Devouring Worm. I hope that they can withstand the impact of the sea of ​​devouring insects and survive the impact of the sea of ​​insects!"

In just a moment, the Zerg giants also withdrew under this drastic change. They were not willing to take risks for an offspring, an ant who mastered the power of destroying the world, and taking the race to survive and risk it was not worth it, nor did it. necessary.

"Haha! Lord of Light, this is the junior you are not worth mentioning, see it, the world gate opens again, and another army of god-eaters appears, do you think you can strike him with one blow? , If you can do it, I won’t stop you. If you can’t do it, is it up to you and the people behind you to bear his anger and the backlash of the worm sea? A junior who has mastered the world of Zerg It’s not worth mentioning in your eyes. I don’t know what else is worthy of your attention! You can’t put the entire human race into desperation and danger because of your selfishness and your own thoughts.”

Under the temptation of interests, and under the threat of life and death, the contradictions between the giants of the human race were instantly magnified. As the virtual master said, everyone has their own ideas and their own. Decided, under different choices, naturally there will be different opinions, and different ways will not seek each other, so there will be disputes, irreconcilable disputes.

Faced with such a heavy accusation, the Lord of Light's eyes became extremely dignified, and he hated Xing Tian, ​​the young junior, even more, but he could not do anything to Xing Tian, ​​because he could not bear the terrible consequences, you must know Today's Xing Tian has become extremely cautious. He has been in a sea of ​​insects. Even if a giant wants to make a sneak attack, it is impossible to achieve a one-shot kill, not to mention Xing Tian is still vaguely inducing the power of Tianpu , Arranged a terrifying backhand in the secret, if someone sneaks at this time, I am afraid that they will be drawn into the heavenly punishment in the next moment, and will bear the power of the heavenly punishment together with the Lord of Dry and Rong.

"What a somber-minded junior, so powerful calculations, so sinister preparations, Lord of Light, if you are not afraid of death, you can do it, as long as you don’t use the name of the human race, we will not stop you, but you have to think clearly. , Whether you can withstand the might of Heaven’s Punishment, you are not the Lord of Rongrong, and you are not protected by the supreme chaotic will. Under Heaven’s Punishment, you will die without life."

Use his own "life" to save the Lord of Dry and Rong. The Lord of Light has not been so great. Don't look at his slogans before, but it is really impossible for him to sacrifice himself to save the Lord of Dry and Rong. The reason why he stepped up was just to win over the giants of the human race related to the Lord of Drying and Rong, and that was all about his position.

Not to mention the Lord of Light, even those giants of human race closely related to the Glory Light, will not risk their lives to help out at this time, in this situation, people are not for themselves, the heavens are destroyed, no one They will be so selfless, especially those who are practicing, don’t look at what everyone says is very good, they are all fighting for the human race, but in fact, they are all for themselves, all want to use the general power of the human race to detach themselves and be able to do There are very few people at the level of the virtual master.

"Enough, don’t quarrel, I’m still saying that, this is a fight between the two of them, we don’t "intervene", whoever wants to "intervene", then use our own name, not the whole The human race has pulled into the water, and under the punishment of the heavens, it is hard to say who lives and who died. Maybe this junior is not as simple as you think. He has secrets that you don't know. As for the virtual world, I can take it on myself, so you don’t need to worry. !" The Virtual Lord spoke again, once again preventing everyone's dispute. It seems that after expressing his own thoughts, the virtual master has given up the dispute with the light master, and has no longer engaged in the tasteless dispute, wholeheartedly wants to separate his own world and make the crazy decision!

Although the virtual lord once again suppressed the disputes between the giants of the human race, he knew in his heart that all this was only temporary, and the division of the human race could not be prevented. Everyone had selfish intentions, wanted to control the general trend, and would do something beneficial to himself. In the midst of this great calamity, this will inevitably split the human race. It is precisely because of this that the virtual master will make such a decision, because this is also a selfish performance, just a virtual one. The Lord still has a face and knows to defend the righteousness of the human race.

"The virtual lord, we really have to do nothing, let the juniors fight endlessly with the Lord of Dry and Rong, let other race civilizations look at the jokes of our human race, and watch the human luck damage and ignore it. Is this something wrong? Ah, no matter what, we shouldn't look at the human luck being damaged, no matter how big the contradiction is, it can be reconciled, there is no need to divide life and death?"

silence! For a moment, the virtual lord entered a silent state again, as if he had not heard these words, and his performance also made many human giants sigh in secret, and disappointed them. They all hoped that the virtual lord could stand up To solve problems, they all want the virtual master to bear the pressure and not be affected, but they all think too much. Although the virtual master is a good person, he is not a fool, and will not sacrifice himself to protect the interests of these people.

Just at the beginning of the catastrophe, and just a calculation, the weakness of the human race is undoubtedly exposed, and the selfishness of human nature is also revealed to the full! This is true for the human race, and the same for other races. In the face of transcendence, in the face of their own life and death, everything can be abandoned. Race interests are important, and race life and death are important, but their own lives are more important, just like the Lord of Blight, under the threat of death. , Had to give up the previous plan, had to give up the idea of ​​reuniting the innate chaos **** and demon, abandon the original innate chaos **** and demon, once again reincarnated the human race, relying on the human luck to protect itself.

Unfortunately, the Lord of Ku Rong still underestimated Xingtian, underestimated Xingtian’s hegemony, underestimated Xingtian’s cruelty, and no racial righteousness could affect Xingtian’s decision. Xingtian would not give up this great opportunity because of racial interests. They leave unnecessary troubles and dangers, and they will not sacrifice themselves for the benefit of the human race!

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