God of Destruction

Chapter 4202: Unspeakable

Chapter 4209 is unspeakable

"The power of ending has not ended this bastard's soul. If I can't do it anymore, I'm afraid I don't have enough time to complete it. Heaven's punishment has already begun to change. The Supreme Chaos Will is obviously going to pull sideways and help Ku Rongzhi. The Lord has survived this crisis, and this battle I have been watched by the Supreme Chaos Will. Whether it is the cause and effect of the God-Eating Mother Queen, or my own reasons, the Supreme Chaos Will can no longer ignore my existence. There is only one opportunity. I can't give up. Even if I can't obliterate the soul of the Lord of Dry and Rong, I have to hit him hard and buy enough time for myself. How can I even take this opportunity to capture the secret of the source of the highest chaotic world!" Yes At this moment, the crazy blood in Xing Tian's heart is boiling, and a more crazy idea is condensing. For others, this may be a dead end, but Xing Tian sees a ray of life from this dead end.

Strength, Xing Tian once again felt the shortcomings of his own strength, if he had enough strength, he would not have so much trouble, and this time Xing Tian also fully understood that no matter how good the external force is, it is also an external force. However, there are still shortcomings to kill a giant like Lord of Drying and Rong. At least with the help of the supreme chaotic will, he is unable to strangle the opponent, at most he can only severely inflict the opponent, and there is only one chance. The price is also staggering and requires more consumption. More god-eaters!

"This time you need to pay half of the Sea of ​​Devouring Gods and Insects. If the Mother of God Devouring Insects is aware of such a high price, I don’t know what kind of trouble it will cause, and I don’t know how it will react. You have to choose, and you must solve the current crisis in big trouble. If you can’t hesitate the Lord of Dry and Rong, just the enemy of blocking the way is immortal! It is the **** supreme chaotic will, if it is not for its help, what about the Lord? There may be a way to survive!" For an instant, Xing Tian hated the supreme chaotic will in his heart, but now Xing Tian is powerless to resist, who makes his strength insufficient!

It’s not just Xingtian who hates the Supreme Chaos Will. Many giants also hate it. After all, this breaks the rules and affects their safety. Today, the Supreme Chaos Will can help the Lord of Rong Rong, and can "fight" the heavens to punish them. The Lord of Rongrong is a ray of life, but the next moment the Supreme Chaos Will may kill these giants, regardless of the rules. At that time, all the giants will be afraid and worry about their own life and death. An unruly Supreme Chaos Will is The biggest unrest factor, don’t look at Xingtian’s exposure of the Sea of ​​God-Eating Insects that he owns this time, exposing her relationship with the Mother of God-Eating Insects, but there are not many giants who really hate Xingtian. After all, Xing Tian helped them to detect the supreme chaotic will hidden behind the Lord of Kurong, and it was still an unruly supreme chaotic will, which made them all vigilant.

Don’t look at the Lord of Light who wants to support the Lord of Kurong, but for the entire human race, as far as the giants of all races are concerned, many people are willing to stand on the side of Xingtian, willing to use Xingtian’s hand to test the supreme chaotic will, even at the expense of Kurong. The Lord is nothing. The Lord of Dry and Rong may be beneficial to the human race, but for these giants, it is the most important to test the bottom line of the supreme chaotic will, and everything else can be given up, even if it is the racial interest. It's not easy for everyone to say this, and talk about this issue on the surface. After all, everyone needs to take their own face into consideration.

"War!" Xing Tian shouted again, the Origin surging frantically again, and the gate of the world opened again. At this time, Xing Tian was really desperate, regardless of exposing more god-eaters. "Exposing" one's mastery of the God Devouring Insect Sea, and even the world of the Zerg, the endless stream of Insect Seas frantically gushing out of the world gate once again, frantically launching more terrifying and terrifying against the Lord of Dry and Rong "Suicide" charge, there is a lot of immortality with the Lord of Dry and Rong.

"What a junior, what a great method, what a great scheming, we still underestimated him before, he has a lot more God Devouring Insect Sea than we thought. The God Devouring Mother Empress seems to be really down. The blood, supporting him so regardless of the cost, it seems that the God Devouring Insect Mother is really making that terrible decision, and is really prepared for the worst of the Supreme Chaos Will!"

"It's true. Such a huge sea of ​​God Devouring Insects is definitely not a little trust. I'm afraid the Mother God Devouring Insect Queen really has to hand over the entire army of God Devouring Insects to this junior. She really has to plan for the worst. This is the craziest and most terrifying way to get rid of the name given to it that day, and get rid of the influence of the Supreme Chaos Will on oneself!"

"The strong man broke his wrist. I didn't expect that under the Great Tribulation of Heaven and Earth, the God Devouring Insect Mother Queen would also make such a decision. For his own safety, he would not hesitate to pay such a price. Even such blood can be cut off. This decision, this heart. Not everyone can have it. Once it really has to rely on this junior to complete everything, the original cause and effect will be transferred to that junior. Good means, good scheming!"

"Haha! This is the exchange of benefits. Do you think that crazy junior would not know the calculations of the God-Eater Mother Queen? No, he knows it all, just to survive, he has no choice, and the army of the God-Eater Sea is in hand , He has the capital to fight against any forces, and he even dares to smash the Lord of Withered and Rong head-on. If there is no army of God Devouring Sea of ​​Insects, his life will not be preserved!"

"It's reasonable. This is the exchange of benefits. No one owes others. As for the final result, it depends on their abilities. If this junior is really good, he can naturally get rid of everything and ignore the cause and effect, and vice versa. In order to fight against the disaster, the Mother-Emperor of Devouring Insects, if you want to have the strength to protect yourself, you must pay a price, nothing can be gained."

auzw.com If you pay, you will gain. Fair trade. This is the essence of the world. All practitioners understand. Just understand and understand. Not everyone can do it, not everyone. Qualified to make a deal with the God Devourer Mother, without sufficient ability, will naturally not be recognized by the God Devourer Mother Queen. Only when she is truly approved by the God Devourer Mother Queen will there be this opportunity.

Yes, it is a chance, and it cannot be completely regarded as a transaction. After all, Xing Tian’s power is weak, and he can obtain such a huge power from the God-Eater Mother Emperor. Even if it is a transaction, it cannot be completely calculated like this, but should be said to be a chance. , An opportunity to grow oneself, in the entire supreme chaotic world, I don’t know how many people have such a desire, but who of them can do it, no one, only Xing Tian got it, this is the important "sex" of the opportunity , It’s not that anyone who wants to be willing to protect the Mother of God Insect from calamity can have this qualification and be recognized by the Mother of God Insect.

When Xing Tian opened the door to the world once again, and once again attracted more army of God-Eating Insect Sea, the giants of the human race changed their expressions one by one. They could all feel Xing Tian's crazy determination and Xing Tian. The determination to fight to the death shocked them incomparably. They must know that Xing Tian is a member of the human race, and every move will affect the human race. Naturally, the giants of the human race are more aware of Xingtian's madness than the giants of other races.

"Lord of Light, you can see it. This is the junior you have repeatedly ignored. Do you still think he is not qualified? Do you still think that the Lord of Blight and Rong can really retreat and ignore everything, even with the supreme chaotic will to help , It’s impossible for him to retreat with his whole body. Now this junior is completely crazy. He wants to pull the Lord of Kurong off the horse at all costs, give him a serious injury, and buy enough time for himself. As long as the Lord of Kurong is hit hard, he may have Time reverses everything, even the real lore of the Lord of Blight, even the Supreme Chaos Will cannot stop it!"

Facing the interrogation of his companion, the Lord of Light smiled indifferently, and said disapprovingly: "I saw it, but this is just the beginning. Who knows if he can stick to it, he has to know how to open the door to the world again and again. , For a junior, the source of consumption is huge. Whether he can bear it is still a problem. Since he used the sea of ​​devouring insects as an attack method, his own attack has disappeared directly, showing his own How stressful is, under this situation, do you still think this junior can really win the final victory? I don't think so!"

After thinking about it carefully, the Lord of Light also makes sense. Xing Tian is only a weak junior in any case. His own strength is limited. Opening the door to the world is very stressful for him, not to mention the world of the Devourer Zerg. Zhimen, the pressure is even greater. Over time, he will surely fall first, not the Lord of Blight and Rong. The most important thing is that with the reminder of the Lord of Light, everyone will reconsider what they saw before. After arriving, I felt that Xing Tian was so anxious and crazy to mobilize the God-Eating Insect Sea Army to encircle and kill the Lord of Withered Rong, it was also a huge consumption of his own origin, and he had to do it!

This is a battle of life and death, and it is also a battle of equal strength. Although Xing Tian has the initiative, his own strength and realm are there, and not all tycoons are optimistic about him. After all, the final battle is determined by strength. Yes, if Xing Tian can hold on and summon an endless army of God-Eating Insect Sea, he will naturally have the last laugh. Otherwise, he will be overturned by the Lord of Ku Rong. Whoever allows the Lord of Ku Rong to have the supreme chaotic will exist, and behind Xing Tian It's just the Mother Queen of God Devouring Insects, and it is also a bug emperor who has taken care of it. In this case, Xing Tian is naturally at a disadvantage!

Regarding the ideas of the many giants, the Lord of Dry and Rong who was in the game did not think so. He deeply understood how dangerous his situation was and how sinister and cunning Xing Tian was. In the eyes of many people, he felt the pressure Xing Tian was under. It's huge, but the Lord of Kurong understands that all this is just a fake, a fake created by Xingtian deliberately. If you give the junior Xingtian enough time, he must be dead for ten years. Don't look at his supreme chaotic will to help him. But he couldn't stand the constant shock of the sea of ​​devouring gods and insects, let alone such crazy "suicide" and "sex" shocks.

At this moment, Lord Ku Rong also understands Xing Tian’s thoughts, understands Xing Tian’s crazy intentions, and he also wants to change the current situation, but he is powerless. For Lord Ku Rong, now he only seeks self-protection, just to not be in this battle. It’s just that it’s very difficult, even impossible, because I’m facing a crazy bastard, a lunatic who controls the world of the Zerg, and a cruel lunatic. I knew I would encounter such a madman. Madman, the Lord of Dry Rong will never make the previous move, and will not forge this endless hatred with Xing Tian, ​​but it is too late now.

"Damn junior, he made it clear that he wanted to attack my soul, even if he couldn't kill me, he must seriously injure my soul, erase my memory in this battle, and prevent his secrets from violence. "Exposing" In the eyes of more people, I was so careless. I made a momentary miscalculation and plunged myself into such a crisis. Even with the help of the supreme chaotic will, I could not change the general situation. God’s will is not in me, but in In this junior, who could have thought that the God-Eater Mother Queen would hand over the entire God-Eater clan to this junior, who would have thought that the original world condensed by a Human Race’s junior was the Zerg world, and it was the world that carried the God-Eater Clan At this time, even if I stand up to clarify everything, no one will believe it, and will only think that I am lying!" When thinking of this, Lord of Kurong could not help but sighed secretly, facing Xingtian and Devouring God Insect The mother emperor's calculation was admired.

In the entire supreme chaotic world, no one would believe that the God Eater Mother Empress would give up her God Eater Zerg clan and hand it over to a Human Race junior, and no one would believe that Xing Tian’s Human Race junior would have his origin The world is changed to the world of the Zerg race, carrying the sea of ​​devouring gods and insects. You must know that to do so is to kill oneself. The original world is different from others. Once it is condensed, there is no possibility of change. No matter how crazy people are, it will not. Do this on this issue!

It is precisely because it is impossible for both parties to do this, so the Lord of Blight and Rong is embarrassed and hates him. He understands how difficult he is, and understands that if he speaks at this time, he will not only receive no help, but on the contrary, he will be ridiculed and considered to be. In deliberately calculating everyone, pulling other people into the game, cheating other giants, it is hard to say, this is the true portrayal of the Lord of Dry and Rong.

"Damn lunatic, can't let him go on anymore. Human giants are unreliable. As for civilized giants of other races, let alone the civilized giants of other races, they will not participate in this civil war of human race. It is impossible to reverse the situation. Now all I can rely on is the Supreme Chaos Will. Only it can help me out of the predicament. I just don’t know if it is willing to pay such a price for me, a failed person?"

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