God of Destruction

Chapter 4203: Section compromise

Chapter 4210 Compromise

Does the Supreme Chaos Will care about the life and death of the Lord of Dry and Rong? This is natural. If it doesn’t care, it won’t go so far to interfere with Heaven’s Punishment, to give the Lord of Kurong a chance to get rid of the deadlock. It’s just that the Supreme Chaos Will has underestimated Xingtian’s madness, even more so. Xing Tian had such a crazy deal with the God Eater Mother Emperor, mastered the entire God Eater Sea Army, mastered the God Eater family, and launched this "suicide" and "sexual" attack so frantically.

If the entire God Eater clan comes out, and they will not hesitate to launch "suicide" and "sexual" attacks, even the supreme chaotic will will have to pay a heavy price. After all, this is the life and death of a race, and if a race is destroyed by God's punishment , And it’s a god-given race. Even the Supreme Chaos Will will be backlashed. This will also allow the suppressed God-Eater Mother Queen to escape and get rid of the shackles of the avenue. At that time, an uncontrolled Enemies will appear, which is not even the result that the Supreme Chaos Will is willing to see, but it is also a result that it cannot accept, an unacceptable result.

"Let go of the hatred in your heart and stop worrying about this junior. The more you have endless killing intent, the more you will arouse the tight heartstrings in this junior's heart, and the more it will make this situation uncontrollable. Keeping your secret is already at all costs. It really makes him crazy to the limit. You are dead and no life. He has enough power to pull you to death!"

Just in time for the Lord of Dry and Rong, a voice sounded deep in his heart. This is the voice of the Supreme Chaos Will. As the master of the world, the Supreme Chaos Will does not want to see the worst happen, so The Lord of Kurong endured this humiliation, and no longer did that senseless struggle with Xingtian, and did that ridiculous act of hostility!

"I am not reconciled. My dignified giant is threatened by a junior, and I have to endure such humiliation. How can you accept it? If I accept it, it will definitely affect my mood. My practice will make me It takes more time to kill this brand!" The Lord of Dry Rong roared, responding to the Supreme Chaos Will, he was not reconciled, he still wanted to continue fighting for opportunities.

"Not reconciled, what if you are not reconciled? The current situation cannot help you decide. I can only help you. If you can't quickly end the punishment and end this transformation, wait for the crazy junior to mobilize more god-eaters. , Condense the power of the gods, even if I am unable to help you out of trouble, under the gods, your soul will inevitably be obliterated, don’t think that the name given by the gods is a restriction on the god-eaters and the god-eaters The shackles of the city are also constraints on the avenue."

Everything has two sides. Although the name given by heaven can affect the god-eater family and the god-eater mother emperor, it can also limit the supreme chaotic will. When the power of the god-devouring is fully exploded, even the supreme chaotic will cannot stop it. , Because the god-given power of devouring God is part of the rules of the supreme chaos world, and it is the embodiment of the power of rules.

"Don't do that innocent struggle. Now this madman hasn't thought of this. Maybe the God Eater Mother Queen hasn't told him all this, but when this madman thinks about it, then you will never have a chance. There is a little primordial spirit, but one's own life. Giving up actively and accepting passively are two different things. Do you choose to live or die?"

At this time, the Supreme Chaos Will is a bit irritating. Although the Lord of Dryness is very important, it is not to the extent that the Supreme Chaos Will at all costs, or even against the rules, makes the whole world "turbulent", giving those giants who want to move. opportunity. There is something to offer. If the Lord of Kurong doesn’t even understand this account, there is no need to make any effort to protect him. A giant who doesn’t know how to advance or retreat, even if it’s useful to himself, it’s not worth the risk of paying a huge price. save!

This must, the Supreme Chaos Will was born with the intention to retreat. You must know that the great catastrophe is only just beginning, and you can't give more opportunities to your enemies. Although you don't want to see the destruction of the Supreme Chaos world, I chose to fight with Kurongzhi. The Lord cooperates, but if the Lord of Dry and Rong cannot understand the situation, he is not qualified to continue to cooperate.

As if feeling the change of the supreme chaotic will, the Lord of Dry and Rong's expression condensed, and he sighed: "I am too persistent and too self-righteous. It's true that it's not a time of anger, and this kind of nothingness. It’s not necessary for the madman to be an enemy. My enemy has never been this junior, but the giants, the Chaos Sea, the returned innate Chaos Gods and Demons. Comparing with a junior will only waste my time and energy. No Is it just a little soul? If he wants to keep his secret, I will give him this opportunity, hoping that he can know how to advance and retreat!"

Under the reminder of the Supreme Chaos Will, Lord Kurong finally understood his situation and knew how to choose. If he entangled like this, Xing Tian did not fall, and the Supreme Chaos Will would give up himself first. Without the Supreme Chaos Will to help him, only Only the natural punishment is enough to inflict severe damage on oneself. At that time, let alone retreat, it is very difficult to survive!

"Junior, I know your intentions, and I understand what you want to do. There is no unending situation between us. The hatred between you and me only comes from the previous misunderstanding. You can't commit endless battles with me. I'm not a good thing. If you use all your external forces on me, what you can do to protect yourself in the future, don't worry, I will keep your secrets for you and satisfy you. The soul will be divided and cut for me, and the memory will be destroyed! "Without waiting for Xing Tian's answer, Lord Ku Rong cut off part of his own memory and gave Xing Tian a confession, so he went to Xing Tian to stop.

When seeing Lord Kurong’s move, Xing Tian's eyes were frozen. Such a result was unexpected. Although he had planned for the worst before, he had to accomplish his goal at all costs, but now the situation has changed. , Let Xing Tian not know how to choose, the Lord of Ku Rong has done this to such an extent, he also has the idea to resolve grievances, and has taken action. If he is still entangled firmly, it will only make the situation more out of control. After all, behind this **** there is a terrible existence of the Supreme Chaos Will, and he still has no ability to face the strangulation of the Supreme Chaos Will!

auzw.com "Okay, you and I are the end of cause and effect. In the future, you will walk through your Yangguan Road, and I will cross my single-plank bridge. You and I are well waters and not against the rivers. I hope you can keep your promises!" Time is pressing, Xing Tian didn’t have too much time to waste here. He didn’t have time to continue to entangle with the Lord of Dry and Rong. Since the other party had compromised, he didn’t have to do everything. After all, the enemy he had to face was not only the Lord of Dry and Rong, but also More giants, even innate chaos gods and demons.

For Xingtian, if he can keep a little bit of the Sea of ​​Devouring Insects, he should keep a little bit more. After all, he still needs the power of Sea of ​​Devouring Insects to protect himself, and there is no need for him to fight to the end with the Lord of Dry and Rong. His hole cards are likely to be seen through by more enemies, and his trouble will be even greater at that time. As for the Lord of Kurong and the Supreme Chaos Will, Xing Tian believes that the other party will still keep its promises, not to mention that the Lord of Kurong has divided the yuan. God, clearing out the part related to himself is enough to prove his determination, but Xing Tian can't help it with the supreme chaotic will.

"Give it to me, the Sea of ​​Devouring Insects will return!" With a deep cry, the Sea of ​​Devouring Insects that had been madly "suicide" and "sex" came to a halt, and then quickly retreated, under Xingtian's guidance. Xia quickly returned to the Gate of the World, and the Heavenly Punishment on the battlefield quickly dissipated, its power quickly reduced, and it was no longer affected by the Sea of ​​Devouring Insects.

"Damn it, what's going on? Suddenly, how did this lunatic stop? Could it be that they reached an agreement and the Lord of Dry and Rong compromised this lunatic?" Seeing the return of the Sea of ​​Devouring Insects, the giants Everyone was shocked. No one could believe that he was still alive and dead, but he ended up peacefully in a blink of an eye. This is too unacceptable, and it makes people wonder if their eyes are right. Seeing the fantasy, after all, this is amazing.

"Compromise. There is no time to compromise between them. I have not seen any communication between this lunatic and the Lord of Ku Rong. What is going on? Could it be said that the Supreme Chaos Will "intervened", because it affected Ku Rong. The Lord also has that lunatic, but with the identity of the Supreme Chaos Will, how can this be done? It is impossible to make such a concession for a younger generation?"

Many giants can’t believe what they see with their eyes, but the facts are true. Xing Tian really has to stop. The endless stream of God-Eating Insect Sea Army is quickly retreating into the gate of the world, the sky above the void. The punishment is also fading bit by bit as the sea of ​​devouring insects dissipates, and its power is rapidly decreasing, and everything is developing in a good direction!

"Unbelievable, what kind of power does this lunatic have that can make the Supreme Chaos Will have to compromise, and the Lord of Blight and Rong has to compromise. It seems that our understanding of him is still limited, and he has not touched his core power at all. I don’t know if this crazy junior is good or bad for our human race!"

Facing such a result, the giants of the human race frowned. Even the Lord of Light and the Lord of Virtual also had a headache, and they were all shocked by what was in front of them, not to mention it. The giants of other races, this result is something that none of them thought of. Blocking the way is an endless vengeance, but the Lord of Dry and Rong compromised. This is really weird. Why did the Lord of Rong and Rong do this, Supreme Chaos Will For what? At this moment, many giants have an idea to seize Xingtian, knock Xingtian's mind, and seize these secrets.

Xing Tian is naturally aware of the thoughts in the hearts of those giants outside. After all, the strong malice is flooding to him. If Xing Tian's will is not firm enough, he will be affected by the terrible malice at this moment. Fortunately, Xing Tian can use the power of his clone of the King of End to swallow these malice and turn it into his own nutrients.

"This group of **** bastards, I know that once compromise is made, it will inevitably lead to greater troubles. The reality is so cruel. Compromising with the Lord of Blight and Prosperity, and compromise with the Supreme Chaos Will, will inevitably provoke new ones. Trouble, fortunately, there is the threat of the God-Eater Mother Queen. These **** dare not act rashly for a while. I have enough time to get rid of all this."

Time waits for no one. Xing Tian understands that there is not much time left for him, and he also understands that he must not wait until the end of the punishment of the Lord of Kurong, otherwise there will be some giants who cannot bear to take action, and the Lord of Kurong is unreliable and supreme. The Chaos Will is unreliable, and the giants of the human race are equally unreliable, and they can only rely on themselves.

"It seems that it is time to leave. With the experience of this battle, there will be no barriers to my next practice. As long as I have enough time to digest the results of this battle, my path of opening and strength will be new. The power of the rules under Heaven’s Punishment is of great help to me. Unfortunately, the power of the rules of Heaven’s Punishment that I have seen is not complete. It is caused by the Supreme Chaos Will, if it weren’t deliberately How could there be such a result when interfering with the punishment of heaven?" Xing Tian was complaining, unwilling, venting the distress in his heart, and dissatisfied with the supreme chaotic will.

Xing Tian didn’t think about it carefully. If it weren’t for the Supreme Chaos Will to interfere with Heaven’s Punishment, he would have time to understand the rules of Heaven’s Punishment and have time to fight against the Lord of Dry and Rong. There is no chance to get in touch with the rules of Tianpu, and there is no time to feel the changes in the Dao, but Xingtian has not thought of this now.

"Give it to me, the power of the god-eater, the avenue of power shatters the void and opens up the world!" With Xing Tian's deep cry, the power of the sea of ​​god-eaters is blessed by himself, and the true body of the chaotic god-devil of Xingtian's deity burst out with all its strength. The origin of the Great Avenue raged frantically, directly tore open the void, and opened a passage to the void with the help of the power of the world and the sea of ​​insects.

Yes, Xing Tian is going to escape. He has to use the power of the void channel to get rid of the tracking of those enemies hidden in the dark. Xing Tian believes that the Supreme Chaos Will will not stop him at this time and will not interfere with his departure. As for other enemies, Xing Tian will not I don't care, no one can track his breath under the penalty of heaven, and it is even less possible for someone to calculate his whereabouts under the penalty of heaven. This is Xingtian's chance to get rid of the enemy, and this is Xingtian's continuous preparation.

When Xingtian made this move, all the enemies who were secretly listening were shocked. They all understood that Xingtian was going to escape, and they couldn't help shouting angrily: "Damn, this **** is going to run away and get rid of our void lock!" "

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